Obamacare a Hacker's Wet Dream


Romantic Cynic
Sep 28, 2013
McAfee on Obamacare: 'This is a hacker's wet dream' [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller

"any hacker can put a website up, make it look extremely competitive, and because of the nature of the system — and this is health care, after all — they can ask you the most intimate questions, and you’re freely going to answer them,” he continued. “What’s my Social Security number? My birth date? What are my health issues?”

Government figures for the few people that are signing up include Medicaid enrollees.

AND GET THIS, especially those in Congress who received a Presidential exemption, the sequester has crashed into Obamacare and subsidies are not going to be paid.

People who are checking this out on line, assuming they're actually working with the official Obamacare site, are finding their premiums are double and deductibles are triple.

All this and more, and the mainstream media is just now catching on, instead of having been the ones to break this news months ago.

Now the good news: It's going to take 6 months to a year just to get the Obamacare site fixed, which will still be fresh on the minds of voters if not still ongoing next November. Hear that Democrat office seekers?! The Day of the Trainwreckoning is at hand.

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John Mcafee...is about to receive mountains of bad press. The left media will tear him to shreds over any mud they can find.
Just wait and see.
John Mcafee...is about to receive mountains of bad press. The left media will tear him to shreds over any mud they can find.
Just wait and see.

What's your point even if they try? On top of that the media may be turning as we speak. They can't let this go unremarked since if Obamacare does go sideways and they didn't chronicle it, they'll loose whatever cred they have left.
Somebody needs to attack that shit, rip it off, sell the information and shut it down. People who sign up for that crap deserve it.
Republicans forced Democrats to accept full responsibility for the success or failure of Dem-O-Care in the last budget debate..

American trust in the Democratic Party now hangs in the balance...:lmao:
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This is a cluster f....k and definitely set up to make the POTUS look bad. You mean to tell me that the system for US citizens to sign up for healthcare was not checked and double checked before going into production? Something here stinks. Anyone that has ever worked in high level IT knows this.
This is a cluster f....k and definitely set up to make the POTUS look bad. You mean to tell me that the system for US citizens to sign up for healthcare was not checked and double checked before going into production? Something here stinks. Anyone that has ever worked in high level IT knows this.

The Obama/Democrat team have wasted over a billion dollars getting to this pathetic failure point, yet, their true believers still have political faith...:lol:
This is a cluster f....k and definitely set up to make the POTUS look bad.

OMG, it's his signature piece of legislation, Obamacare! This gets the government into every facet of our personal lives so much more completely than the income tax. S'why the IRS is running it.

You mean to tell me that the system for US citizens to sign up for healthcare was not checked and double checked before going into production?

As Pelosi put it, "we have to pass the bill to find out what's in it". That will have to go down as the most arrogant, cynical statement ever made by a US politician. They don't care if it works or not, from Obama on down, they just want the control it gives them and their bureaucratic useful idiots.

Something here stinks. Anyone that has ever worked in high level IT knows this.

Well, amen to that.
This is a cluster f....k and definitely set up to make the POTUS look bad. You mean to tell me that the system for US citizens to sign up for healthcare was not checked and double checked before going into production? Something here stinks. Anyone that has ever worked in high level IT knows this.

BTW, have you noticed how the discussion has been steered away from the security/identity theft problems on the Obamacare site? C'mon, somebody needs to fall on his sword for the Democrat team!

The current state of the Obamacare debacle is more embarrassing than we could ever have imagined.

Obama in his arrogant negligence has made the GOP case for not trusting the government.

With each passing day we see more ways people will be suffering.

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