Obama won BECAUSE of his race

obama won because of many things he said the right thing, charismatic, bad economy, war, and historical because yes he is black. We were reminded of that many times in 2008
obama won because of many things he said the right thing, charismatic, bad economy, war, and historical because yes he is black. We were reminded of that many times in 2008

Hasn't seem to have "grown" in the job in his first term.

4 more years of this guy???????????????
Is there any president that comes close to Obama being the least qualified when he was elected to the highest office in the land????

Hope and Change and Hope and Change and Hope and Change and... Guess the brainwashing didn't work for you either. Honestly, I cannot think of one less qualified than Obama in my lifetime.

Obviously his race played into it. It was a perfect storm for a Cult Of Personality election - a horrific preceding administration, a dynamic, YOUNG attractive black guy and a dud GOP candidate. Given the condition of our culture right now, his experience and/or credentials were absolutely irrelevant.

obama won because of many things he said the right thing, charismatic, bad economy, war, and historical because yes he is black. We were reminded of that many times in 2008

He won because MORE white people FELT they would be in their OWN mind racist!
Surprisingly EVEN though they KNEW he was totally UNqualified, not smart enough, and definitely so arrogant as educational elitist are wont to be,MORE white people voted because of skin color.. that's it!

reality check: of the 2008 election 131 million voters:

black 12.1% 15,851,000 91% for Obama 87% today
Hispanics 7.4% 9,694,000 more democrats 67%
Asian 2.5% 3,275,000 not sure
White 76.3% 99,953,000 44% Democrat Obama
Dissecting the 2008 Electorate: Most Diverse in U.S. History | Pew Hispanic Center

Is there ANY question WHICH has the biggest number? Whites!
Over 40 million WHITE voters voted for Obama!
Obviously 14 million blacks voted for Obama.
6 million Hispanics voted for Obama..
So 40 million Whites certainly didn't vote because Obama was qualified!
obama won because of many things he said the right thing, charismatic, bad economy, war, and historical because yes he is black. We were reminded of that many times in 2008

He won because MORE white people FELT they would be in their OWN mind racist!
Surprisingly EVEN though they KNEW he was totally UNqualified, not smart enough, and definitely so arrogant as educational elitist are wont to be,MORE white people voted because of skin color.. that's it!
It's always amazing to see just what incredible MIND-READERS racist CON$ervoFascists think they are!!! :cuckoo:
Any person with his qualifications - or lack there of -that was a male white person would be laughed off the stage

President Obama won because he recieved more votes from the Citizens of the US than did the other candidate. Exactly the same reason he will win in November.
obama won because of many things he said the right thing, charismatic, bad economy, war, and historical because yes he is black. We were reminded of that many times in 2008

He won because MORE white people FELT they would be in their OWN mind racist!
Surprisingly EVEN though they KNEW he was totally UNqualified, not smart enough, and definitely so arrogant as educational elitist are wont to be,MORE white people voted because of skin color.. that's it!

reality check: of the 2008 election 131 million voters:

black 12.1% 15,851,000 91% for Obama 87% today
Hispanics 7.4% 9,694,000 more democrats 67%
Asian 2.5% 3,275,000 not sure
White 76.3% 99,953,000 44% Democrat Obama
Dissecting the 2008 Electorate: Most Diverse in U.S. History | Pew Hispanic Center

Is there ANY question WHICH has the biggest number? Whites!
Over 40 million WHITE voters voted for Obama!
Obviously 14 million blacks voted for Obama.
6 million Hispanics voted for Obama..
So 40 million Whites certainly didn't vote because Obama was qualified!

Really? So in your own little alternative reality you are a mind reader and know what each of those 40 million voters were thinking?

Your arrogance and stupidity is massive.:cuckoo:

Obviously his race played into it. It was a perfect storm for a Cult Of Personality election - a horrific preceding administration, a dynamic, YOUNG attractive black guy and a dud GOP candidate. Given the condition of our culture right now, his experience and/or credentials were absolutely irrelevant.


So now you want a guy with NO personality? Just a bishop of a cult?

Obviously his race played into it. It was a perfect storm for a Cult Of Personality election - a horrific preceding administration, a dynamic, YOUNG attractive black guy and a dud GOP candidate. Given the condition of our culture right now, his experience and/or credentials were absolutely irrelevant.


So now you want a guy with NO personality? Just a bishop of a cult?

Precisely where did I say that?


Obviously his race played into it. It was a perfect storm for a Cult Of Personality election - a horrific preceding administration, a dynamic, YOUNG attractive black guy and a dud GOP candidate. Given the condition of our culture right now, his experience and/or credentials were absolutely irrelevant.


So now you want a guy with NO personality? Just a bishop of a cult?

Precisely where did I say that?


Nowhere. I said it.
The fun on this board never ends. In this thread you have the rightwing nuts saying that Obama only got elected because he's black,

and in another thread at the same time you have the rightwing nuts saying that the polls for Obama aren't as good as they look, because people who won't vote for Obama because he's black are saying they'll vote for him because they don't want to sound racist.


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