Obama: Unintended Consequences


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Having been trained to respond unquestioningly to the dictates of their Leftist masters, Obama voters put in office a man who was never qualified, either by ability or by experience, to be there.
There are dangers inherent in voting thoughtlessly.
As the windbag himself asserted, "Elections have consequences.'

Let's take a look at just one aspect of the dozens of mistakes by this pretender....

1. "Everyone knows that Obama isn't enforcing immigration laws. In particular, foreigners in South American countries are quite attuned to which way the immigration wind blows. They know that the US isn't deporting illegal alien children, so their rational response is to send even more. Central American newspapers are reporting that kids sent to America will be fed and cared for.... 60,000 children will be sent up - or sent for - to sneak into the United States in 2014, and the number is expected to more than double to 130,000 in 2015. That's a quarter of a million of unattended minor illegal aliens in that two-year period alone."
Obama Offers Mini-Amnesty To 200 000 Kids By 2016 The Daily Caller

a. "....Eric Holder Jr. announced that the Obama administration would pay for 100 lawyers to help these underage illegal aliens remain in the United States."
EDITORIAL Children s surge of illegals overwhelms southwest border - Washington Times

2. '"Obama administration's own estimation, 230,000 unaccompanied alien minors are expected to cross through the Rio Grande Sector by the end of next year."...

Brewer condemned the Obama administration in a letter last week for not informing Arizona officials before dumping illegal immigrants in the state and asked the Obama administration to end the "dangerous" policy...'
Jan Brewer MS-13 Gang Members Could Be Crossing Border with Children - Breitbart

Dangerous policy???

Dangerous to whom?

3. The following is from an article penned by an Obama voter.....

"I Didn’t Vaccinate My Child—And I Regret It.... statistics made it look like it was far more likely for our daughter to be hurt by the side effects of the vaccines than to catch the various diseases against which the vaccines protected..... The current measles outbreak in the United States appears to have started at Disneyland in California. And because it’s a small world after all, there are over 100 confirmed cases of measles in 14 states and Mexico. The latest case is a student in the New York area. Thankfully, it’s not my daughter. "I Didn t Vaccinate My Child And I Regret It - The Daily Beast

"The current measles outbreak in the United States appears to have started at Disneyland in California."


It started when you voted for the Democrat.

4. "Washington, D.C.- An unabated influx of illegal aliens along the southern border of the United States is causing a health crisis in the border region. Actions by the Obama Administration to disperse illegals across America while providing an incentive for more illegals to come could lead to a nationwide health crisis that is likely to manifest itself first within our public schools....

....It has spread as far north as southern Mexico and south into Panama. Diseases such as this could be carried across our border by illegal immigrants and could create a nationwide health crisis.

Chicken pox, measles, mumps and tuberculosis are already causing problems." Project 21 member Michael Dozier, Ph.D., an expert in homeland security issues and talk radio host who has worked with humanitarian aid missions in Africa, Asia, the Balkans and the United States."

Obama's war on American children: just one more blunder that can be laid at the feet of Democrat voters.
Fear of immigrants there Korean Girl? Interesting.

And, foreigners aren't supposed to go to Disneyland, run by an American corporation? Also interesting.
Fear of immigrants there Korean Girl? Interesting.

Fear of measles and mumps, you moron.
I'm covered. My parents weren't dumb and they were socially responsible so they had me vaccinated, many decades ago. I have the scar to prove it.

What did they do in Korea?

Seems the Korean folks can't be blamed for voting for Obama.
Is that what's upsetting you?
Fear of immigrants there Korean Girl? Interesting.

Fear of measles and mumps, you moron.
I'm covered. My parents weren't dumb and they were socially responsible so they had me vaccinated, many decades ago. I have the scar to prove it.

What did they do in Korea?

Seems the Korean folks can't be blamed for voting for Obama.
Is that what's upsetting you?
Illogical conclusion
So it was Reagan's fault for the measles outbreak in 1989-1991, or was that GW Bush, or Oblama?

You'll say anything to avoid the indictment of Obama contained in the OP, huh?

You must really feel guilty about supporting him.

You're learning.
So it was Reagan's fault for the measles outbreak in 1989-1991, or was that GW Bush, or Oblama?

You'll say anything to avoid the indictment of Obama contained in the OP, huh?

You must really feel guilty about supporting him.

You're learning.
I didn't vote for Oblama, but who's fault was it then?

I didn't say you voted for him...I said you support him.
As in this thread.

You should learn to read more carefully.
The law of unintended consequences always results in the members of the Board bursting out in laughter every single time the Fuckwit, PC, posts an OP.

Keep those grins and giggles coming, dear.

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