Scott Walker's achilles heal (-:

Most sane Americans probably agree that we are not getting our money's worth out of bloated educational budgets.

I taught school 25 years, and was appalled at the waste.
I don't think there is waste, per se, in education. There is too much constraint on the teachers. I know many teachers and they all seem to say the same thing. Stop getting in their way with things like common core, NCLB testing, and all this nonsense, and let them get on with doing what they are so very good at doing.
I don't think there is waste, per se, in education. There is too much constraint on the teachers. I know many teachers and they all seem to say the same thing. Stop getting in their way with things like common core, NCLB testing, and all this nonsense, and let them get on with doing what they are so very good at doing.

Does the declining numbers of our students ability as compared with the rest of the world seem to fit that?

I'm all for cutting aid to the 'higher ed' diploma factories.

dimocraps have taken what used to be the proudest division of our government, (NASA) that once put Men on the Moon, sent probes to Mars and a Satellite into the far reaches of the Galaxy and turned it inot nothing more than propaganda arm for the scum of the earth dimocrap party...... Now all it does is collect phony evidence for Global Warming. We have to BORROW RUSSIAN ROCKETS to get our Astronauts down from the Space Station.

Goddamed disgrace what dimocrap scum do to everything they touch..... ESPECIALLY Education

All they produce is a bunch of numbskulls incapable of doing anything.

If they started producing people who could actually DO something like they do in Japan, Canada, Israel and most of Europe....... Yeah, I'd be for helping to prop them up.

But when we have millions of kids with BBA's, BA's in Black Studies and THE most useless degree of them all, Ed, then there's no point even bothering.

When the number of Law Degrees being handed out (nearly 500,000) absolutely DWARFS the number of Engineering Degrees (70,000), ladies and gentlemen -- Houston, we have a problem.

In fact, to anyone with an IQ (which excludes dimocraps) it is entirely obvious that dimocraps have done enough to screw our educational system. All you gotta do is look at our averages as opposed to other Countries'. It's disgraceful.

And some want dimocrap scum to become MORE involved? It's already a disgusting mess.

NCEE Statistic of the Month Engineering and Science Degree Attainment by Country


I don't think there is waste, per se, in education. There is too much constraint on the teachers. I know many teachers and they all seem to say the same thing. Stop getting in their way with things like common core, NCLB testing, and all this nonsense, and let them get on with doing what they are so very good at doing.

I'm going to tell you like it is....

I worked with the greatest cross-section of society you can possible imagine......

Journalists, Lawyers, Teachers, Engineers, Migrant Workers, Cops, Parolees, Mechanics, The Rich and The Poor..... You name it. I worked with them trying to explain a relatively simple concept.

And I will tell you, I shit you not........

THE DUMBEST FUCKS I had to work with (collectively) without compare, without being even close, without argument --


I'm not just saying that to be argumentative.... I serious as dogs copulating..... Teachers are (collectively) the dumbest fucks I have ever been around.

Even College Professors.

I know why. I really do. But it isn't important -- I'm just telling you -- Educators are the stupidest people you will ever work with.

Avoid them at all costs
I don't think there is waste, per se, in education. There is too much constraint on the teachers. I know many teachers and they all seem to say the same thing. Stop getting in their way with things like common core, NCLB testing, and all this nonsense, and let them get on with doing what they are so very good at doing.

I'm going to tell you like it is....

I worked with the greatest cross-section of society you can possible imagine......

Journalists, Lawyers, Teachers, Engineers, Migrant Workers, Cops, Parolees, Mechanics, The Rich and The Poor..... You name it. I worked with them trying to explain a relatively simple concept.

And I will tell you, I shit you not........

THE DUMBEST FUCKS I had to work with (collectively) without compare, without being even close, without argument --


I'm not just saying that to be argumentative.... I serious as dogs copulating..... Teachers are (collectively) the dumbest fucks I have ever been around.

Even College Professors.

I know why. I really do. But it isn't important -- I'm just telling you -- Educators are the stupidest people you will ever work with.

Avoid them at all costs
Its just great to have you back. Wanted to say.
I don't think there is waste, per se, in education. There is too much constraint on the teachers. I know many teachers and they all seem to say the same thing. Stop getting in their way with things like common core, NCLB testing, and all this nonsense, and let them get on with doing what they are so very good at doing.
You don't think there is waste?

Have you ever seen hundreds of unissued textbooks trashed because a newer, more PC version came out?

Have you ever set in a time management seminar with all the teachers in the county, as you waited for the speaker who was an hour late?

How about sitting with a whole county's worth of teachers in December, while Harry Wong gets thousands to deliver his
"The First Day of School" seminar he cancelled when it was scheduled for before school began.

I could go on and on and on.

I went to a HS with one principal and one assistant for 2,000.

The last HS I went to had one principal, 5 Assistant Principals(one for each differently colored wing of the school, was that CUTE or what)
and each Assistant Principal had a Discipline Coordinator.

There were five guidance counsellors.

Day care for the kids of the kids.

It is endless.
And now the rest of the story....

Senator Shilling, "If there's less funding, we won't be able to keep up salaries for administrators"

Boo-hoo then cut the bloated fat lazy non-teaching administrative overhead.

Gov. Walker said the cut would be giving the UW system what its asked for over the last several years.
Wait, Gov. Walker are you saying the university asked for these cuts?

"The Chancellor, the president, alumni, supporters and others have said, 'get us out of the direct thumb of state government, give us the ability to go with procurement and purchasing decisions that are not strictly aligned with state government and its bureaucracy and there's no end to how much we can save and benefit," Walker said.

Okay so it sounds like the University has asked for this, libs why didn't you give us the whole story here, were you intentionally trying to be dishonest?
I don't think there is waste, per se, in education. There is too much constraint on the teachers. I know many teachers and they all seem to say the same thing. Stop getting in their way with things like common core, NCLB testing, and all this nonsense, and let them get on with doing what they are so very good at doing.

I'm going to tell you like it is....

I worked with the greatest cross-section of society you can possible imagine......

Journalists, Lawyers, Teachers, Engineers, Migrant Workers, Cops, Parolees, Mechanics, The Rich and The Poor..... You name it. I worked with them trying to explain a relatively simple concept.

And I will tell you, I shit you not........

THE DUMBEST FUCKS I had to work with (collectively) without compare, without being even close, without argument --


I'm not just saying that to be argumentative.... I serious as dogs copulating..... Teachers are (collectively) the dumbest fucks I have ever been around.

Even College Professors.

I know why. I really do. But it isn't important -- I'm just telling you -- Educators are the stupidest people you will ever work with.

Avoid them at all costs
I agree.

Some of the stupidest, laziest people I ever met were teachers.

But, of 20, 2 were usually really, really good, and made a difference.

I taught 25 years, for one reason.

I started the day my oldest started first grade, and I retired as soon as my youngest graduated from high school.

I did the best I could, and worked hard, but I did it to watch and protect my kids first and foremost.
I don't think there is waste, per se, in education. There is too much constraint on the teachers. I know many teachers and they all seem to say the same thing. Stop getting in their way with things like common core, NCLB testing, and all this nonsense, and let them get on with doing what they are so very good at doing.

I'm going to tell you like it is....

I worked with the greatest cross-section of society you can possible imagine......

Journalists, Lawyers, Teachers, Engineers, Migrant Workers, Cops, Parolees, Mechanics, The Rich and The Poor..... You name it. I worked with them trying to explain a relatively simple concept.

And I will tell you, I shit you not........

THE DUMBEST FUCKS I had to work with (collectively) without compare, without being even close, without argument --


I'm not just saying that to be argumentative.... I serious as dogs copulating..... Teachers are (collectively) the dumbest fucks I have ever been around.

Even College Professors.

I know why. I really do. But it isn't important -- I'm just telling you -- Educators are the stupidest people you will ever work with.

Avoid them at all costs
You can't even write legibly and you insert over emotive, knee jerk reactionary tendencies....I doubt you have intellectual capacities...
I don't think there is waste, per se, in education. There is too much constraint on the teachers. I know many teachers and they all seem to say the same thing. Stop getting in their way with things like common core, NCLB testing, and all this nonsense, and let them get on with doing what they are so very good at doing.

I'm going to tell you like it is....

I worked with the greatest cross-section of society you can possible imagine......

Journalists, Lawyers, Teachers, Engineers, Migrant Workers, Cops, Parolees, Mechanics, The Rich and The Poor..... You name it. I worked with them trying to explain a relatively simple concept.

And I will tell you, I shit you not........

THE DUMBEST FUCKS I had to work with (collectively) without compare, without being even close, without argument --


I'm not just saying that to be argumentative.... I serious as dogs copulating..... Teachers are (collectively) the dumbest fucks I have ever been around.

Even College Professors.

I know why. I really do. But it isn't important -- I'm just telling you -- Educators are the stupidest people you will ever work with.

Avoid them at all costs
I agree.

Some of the stupidest, laziest people I ever met were teachers.

But, of 20, 2 were usually really, really good, and made a difference.

I taught 25 years, for one reason.

I started the day my oldest started first grade, and I retired as soon as my youngest graduated from high school.

I did the best I could, and worked hard, but I did it to watch and protect my kids first and foremost.
According to the dictates of the poster above, you are stupid and ignorant......'nuff said....
Besides, look at all the left wing, socialist, pond scum teachers he can fire for not doing their job properly!.... They need a teachers TEST every year to prove they are capable!
Even testing doesn't help much.

Here, they have to give waivers just to get warm bodies into the schools.

For a family of four, with one income earner, it is just a slight cut above a welfare existence in many areas.

I scored 98th percentile on the test used back then, the NTE, and after all that college and student teaching, the first thing I realized about teaching, the very first day, was that I did not know jack shit about teaching.
I don't think there is waste, per se, in education. There is too much constraint on the teachers. I know many teachers and they all seem to say the same thing. Stop getting in their way with things like common core, NCLB testing, and all this nonsense, and let them get on with doing what they are so very good at doing.

I'm going to tell you like it is....

I worked with the greatest cross-section of society you can possible imagine......

Journalists, Lawyers, Teachers, Engineers, Migrant Workers, Cops, Parolees, Mechanics, The Rich and The Poor..... You name it. I worked with them trying to explain a relatively simple concept.

And I will tell you, I shit you not........

THE DUMBEST FUCKS I had to work with (collectively) without compare, without being even close, without argument --


I'm not just saying that to be argumentative.... I serious as dogs copulating..... Teachers are (collectively) the dumbest fucks I have ever been around.

Even College Professors.

I know why. I really do. But it isn't important -- I'm just telling you -- Educators are the stupidest people you will ever work with.

Avoid them at all costs
I agree.

Some of the stupidest, laziest people I ever met were teachers.

But, of 20, 2 were usually really, really good, and made a difference.

I taught 25 years, for one reason.

I started the day my oldest started first grade, and I retired as soon as my youngest graduated from high school.

I did the best I could, and worked hard, but I did it to watch and protect my kids first and foremost.
According to the dictates of the poster above, you are stupid and ignorant......'nuff said....

I do understand the emotion.

There are lot and lots of totally lazy and incompetent teachers.
Get rid of one useless agency or fire one drone and (only) a republican gets accused of higher ed funding cuts. That's the way the double standard works.
I don't think there is waste, per se, in education. There is too much constraint on the teachers. I know many teachers and they all seem to say the same thing. Stop getting in their way with things like common core, NCLB testing, and all this nonsense, and let them get on with doing what they are so very good at doing.

I'm going to tell you like it is....

I worked with the greatest cross-section of society you can possible imagine......

Journalists, Lawyers, Teachers, Engineers, Migrant Workers, Cops, Parolees, Mechanics, The Rich and The Poor..... You name it. I worked with them trying to explain a relatively simple concept.

And I will tell you, I shit you not........

THE DUMBEST FUCKS I had to work with (collectively) without compare, without being even close, without argument --


I'm not just saying that to be argumentative.... I serious as dogs copulating..... Teachers are (collectively) the dumbest fucks I have ever been around.

Even College Professors.

I know why. I really do. But it isn't important -- I'm just telling you -- Educators are the stupidest people you will ever work with.

Avoid them at all costs
I agree.

Some of the stupidest, laziest people I ever met were teachers.

But, of 20, 2 were usually really, really good, and made a difference.

I taught 25 years, for one reason.

I started the day my oldest started first grade, and I retired as soon as my youngest graduated from high school.

I did the best I could, and worked hard, but I did it to watch and protect my kids first and foremost.
According to the dictates of the poster above, you are stupid and ignorant......'nuff said....

I do understand the emotion.

There are lot and lots of totally lazy and incompetent teachers.
There are lots of those in every trade...

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