Obama Trying to fix his Screw Up- US Ground Troops In Syria & Iraq


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Looks like his decision to abandon Iraq to terrorist he created didn't work out so well. Obama is looking to take back Iraq with ground troops


The White House is seriously considering deploying a small squadron of Apache attack helicopters to Iraq as part of a package of new assistance programs to counter Islamic State, according to U.S. officials.

The move could ultimately require the deployment of hundreds more U.S. service members to Iraq. Among other proposals, U.S. officials said some in the military recommend openly deploying a small number of forces on the ground in Syria, embedded among moderate rebels or Kurdis

US Ground Troops In Syria Is "Illegal, Big Mistake", Russia Warns Obama Of "Unpredictable Consequences" | Zero Hedge
We need to pull out , Carter the neocon Zionist is not good. Man this is getting old, and I'm sure the military men are getting sick of it as well. Anytime you put a new Defense minister in, they like to strut their stuff and he is a war hawk.

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