Obama the Omnipotent waves his magic fairy wand...

and poof!......your cancelled plans are now UNcancelled......:lmao:

what a moron...

For one year, White House revives health plans canceled under ACA - Articles - Employee Benefit News

actually, it's politically brilliant.

He has now put the onus on Big Insurance, which had been using ObamaCare as the "Dog that Ate Everyone's Homework", to put up or shut up.

And when people realize it's the insurance companies and not the ACA that is the problem, then you might get some discussions about public options, medicare buy ins, and so on.

Describe the mechanics of how one ignores regulations based on a speech. Show me the legislation he signed that makes this possible.

I asked first.
"nevermind he does not have the authority to do this...." yeah, he does

"nevermind that businesses cannot just turn on a dime..." if there is $$$ in it for them, they will do back flips
The rule of Law only need apply when the Dems choose it is justified. It can be ignored whenever they please as it is part of their Utopia.....................

The Left will continue to back up Obama's illegal chit because that's what they do.

The President doesn't have the right to change the law without Congressional approval. That is an ABUSE of POWER..................PERIOD..................and here are his drones backing him up for it.

Goes to show how they really feel about the law and our Republic. Hell, I bet they have toilet paper with pictures of the Constitution on it.

Typical Scumbags.

costs are the main reason to go free market competition....

costs are why we need to have tort reform....

costs are why we need to have pre-tax health savings accounts...

costs are why we need to be able to have portable and cross-stateline care...

costs are why we need to get rid of all the middlemen like government, insurance companies, employers, unions, etc.

People can afford to pay for homes and cars....why on earth can't they pay for their healthcare too....?

Do you think Big Government should step in and completely control your home, your car, your food, your education, your life.....?

oh wait....you commies do think that...:eusa_shifty:

Guy, have you ever actually HAD a really expensive medical procedure?

I did about 5 years ago. Two operations- one on my stomach to correct a problem and the other on my knee after I slipped on some ice and mangled it.

My total bills that year exceeded my annual salary. My insurance picked up 80% of it, but the 20% I was left with hit me with huge debts, and oddly enough, afterwards, my company made a concerted effort to get rid of me just like they did with any other employee who got injured, sick or pregnant.

Fact is, every other industrial nation has single payer or universal health care. Germany has had it since 1888.

All the talking points about how we just need to let the insurance companies and banks be greedier,and our problems will be solved is silly.

That's how we got into this mess to start with.

Your company tried to get rid of you because you're a crappy employee, Joe, not because you filed some insurance claims. How is getting rid of you going to get their money back? Unless you have a chronic condition, it won't reduce their insurance costs one iota. I just had a $40,000 medical bill for surgery, and I also have a chronic condition, but my company recently laid off a bunch of my co-workers and kept me.

You're obviously full of shit, just like every other lib on this forum.

Even Obama supporters aren't falling for this stupid shit. It makes him look foolish and weak and does not provide any political cover which is really its only intended purpose.

That's kind of wishful thinking, isn't it?

Here's the thing, the insurance industry is already screaming bloody murder about extending these policies for another year. Obama Called their Bluff.

Obama is now asking the insurance industry to violate the law. Would you do it, Joe? Particularly after you spent three attempting to get in compliance with the law?

Sorry Joe, no way to polish this turd.

Would I violate the law to help people? Absolutely. Most decent people would.

The thing was, the Insurance Companies didn't spend three years trying to get in compliance with the law. They spent three years trying to backtrack on the promises they made while funding Tea Party candidates and Mitt Romney in hopes of getting out from under it.

Let's review what happened here. For years, lots of people talked about public options, universal health care and a lot of other things that would have cut into Big Insurance's obscene profits.

And they came hat in hand, largely because even THEY know the current system is unsustainable, and said, "Okay, we'll go along with getting rid of recisions and excluding for pre-existing conditions if you pass an individual mandate and an employer mandate that increasing the pool of people paying in."

And the minute they found out that they had to spend 80% of their revenues on treatments and couldn't disallow pre-existing conditions and had to let kids stay on Mom's plan until they were 26, they pretty much spent every waking moment trying to sandbag the law.

Now, look, there were simple solutions that Big Insurance shot down.

A Medicare Buy-In for those over 55 would have greatly reduced Big Insurance's liabilities. Then they could just insure the 1-54 crowd, which has much lower risk. But that ran the risk of people seeing that their co-workers over 55 were getting a better deal (because people on Medicare have a vastly higher satisfaction rate than those with individual plans) and would want further expansions.

A Public Option would have also solved this problem. Those the private sector didn't want to screw with beause they were too poor or too sick, problem solved. Except the thing is, a lot of the customers would be looking at "How do I get a piece of that?"

But you are really arguing that the industry that routinely denies people treatments because they are too expensive or "pre-existing conditions" are going to suddenly grow ethics about "not wanting to violate the law when they were told we could."

Really? Really?

Your company tried to get rid of you because you're a crappy employee, Joe, not because you filed some insurance claims. How is getting rid of you going to get their money back? Unless you have a chronic condition, it won't reduce their insurance costs one iota. I just had a $40,000 medical bill for surgery, and I also have a chronic condition, but my company recently laid off a bunch of my co-workers and kept me.

You're obviously full of shit, just like every other lib on this forum.

Probably because with a Chronic Condition, you could sue under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

It wasn't a matter of getting their money back, it was not wanting to spend anymore.

Incidently, they knew what they did was wrong, which is why they paid me $10,000 in "Please don't sue us money."

Which I took and got a new job within two weeks. (the one I am at now.)

Probably worked out well, four month later your boy Bush crashed the economy and they let half their employees go.

Even Obama supporters aren't falling for this stupid shit. It makes him look foolish and weak and does not provide any political cover which is really its only intended purpose.

That's kind of wishful thinking, isn't it?

Here's the thing, the insurance industry is already screaming bloody murder about extending these policies for another year. Obama Called their Bluff.

So this is some master plan to cripple the insurance industry?

But at the same time this crack team of experts can't even make a website work?

yeah, and funny, how did that rollout of Facebook as a publically traded company work out?

Speaking of computer experts.

allrighty, then, let's get real here.

The insurance industry has crippled itself with greed. It could have gone along with HillaryCare 20 years ago and not faced this mess. It could have prepared for ObamaCare four years ago and didn't.

Now their latest trick is backfiring on them.
The rule of Law only need apply when the Dems choose it is justified. It can be ignored whenever they please as it is part of their Utopia.....................

The Left will continue to back up Obama's illegal chit because that's what they do.

The President doesn't have the right to change the law without Congressional approval. That is an ABUSE of POWER..................PERIOD..................and here are his drones backing him up for it.

Goes to show how they really feel about the law and our Republic. Hell, I bet they have toilet paper with pictures of the Constitution on it.

Typical Scumbags.

yeah, guy, somehow I don't think that a lot of Americans are crying tears for the greedy insurance companies....

i see you've bought into the "government solution" hook, line, and sinker...

as for insurance companies....like government we need to get them out of the healthcare business and turn to free market competition where the consumer is in control.....this is the most advanced state....

insurance is basically a bet......it should only be used for high ticket catastrophic scenarios.....not everyday doctoring...

Okay, guy, here's the problem. Any kind of "everyday doctoring" costs a lot of money.

Health care should not only be available to those who can afford it. It should be a basic service.

I've bought into the "government solution" for the same reason I've bought into gun control.

It's what everyone else does and it works.

Screw 'everybody else'. Like your opinions, they mean chit.

Cry me a river

obama note to self: every time I open my mouth people get mad at me...what is wrong with those people?


i see you've bought into the "government solution" hook, line, and sinker...

as for insurance companies....like government we need to get them out of the healthcare business and turn to free market competition where the consumer is in control.....this is the most advanced state....

insurance is basically a bet......it should only be used for high ticket catastrophic scenarios.....not everyday doctoring...

Okay, guy, here's the problem. Any kind of "everyday doctoring" costs a lot of money.

Health care should not only be available to those who can afford it. It should be a basic service.

I've bought into the "government solution" for the same reason I've bought into gun control.

It's what everyone else does and it works.

Screw 'everybody else'. Like your opinions, they mean chit.

Cry me a river


Pretty weak argument, guy.

You argument is that single payer/universal coverage doens't work.

But it works fine in Japan, Germany*, Italy, France, the UK, Canada. (*-technically, Germany doesn't have single payer, it has something kind of like ObamaCare, a combination of private and public).

And what are you arguing for here, exactly? That we should let the poor people die of treatable diseases because they are poor and you know, "Freedom"?

costs are the main reason to go free market competition....

costs are why we need to have tort reform....

costs are why we need to have pre-tax health savings accounts...

costs are why we need to be able to have portable and cross-stateline care...

costs are why we need to get rid of all the middlemen like government, insurance companies, employers, unions, etc.

People can afford to pay for homes and cars....why on earth can't they pay for their healthcare too....?

Do you think Big Government should step in and completely control your home, your car, your food, your education, your life.....?

oh wait....you commies do think that...:eusa_shifty:

Guy, have you ever actually HAD a really expensive medical procedure?

I did about 5 years ago. Two operations- one on my stomach to correct a problem and the other on my knee after I slipped on some ice and mangled it.

Ask for your money back, it appears they gave you a lobotomy instead. :lol:

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Okay, guy, here's the problem. Any kind of "everyday doctoring" costs a lot of money.

Health care should not only be available to those who can afford it. It should be a basic service.

I've bought into the "government solution" for the same reason I've bought into gun control.

It's what everyone else does and it works.

Screw 'everybody else'. Like your opinions, they mean chit.

Cry me a river


Pretty weak argument, guy.

You argument is that single payer/universal coverage doens't work.

But it works fine in Japan, Germany*, Italy, France, the UK, Canada. (*-technically, Germany doesn't have single payer, it has something kind of like ObamaCare, a combination of private and public).

And what are you arguing for here, exactly? That we should let the poor people die of treatable diseases because they are poor and you know, "Freedom"?

Leave it the way it was.

The rule of Law only need apply when the Dems choose it is justified. It can be ignored whenever they please as it is part of their Utopia.....................

The Left will continue to back up Obama's illegal chit because that's what they do.

The President doesn't have the right to change the law without Congressional approval. That is an ABUSE of POWER..................PERIOD..................and here are his drones backing him up for it.

Goes to show how they really feel about the law and our Republic. Hell, I bet they have toilet paper with pictures of the Constitution on it.

Typical Scumbags.

yeah, guy, somehow I don't think that a lot of Americans are crying tears for the greedy insurance companies....

They didn't write the Constitution either. You either are for the Law and the Rule of Law or not. A President doesn't have the right to arbitrarily change the law. Which is the point of the matter. He was given an out to delay the whole dang thing for a year, but refused. It would have been done the CORRECT WAY through the Congress with AUTHORIZATION of a new law allowing the change.

Delay the whole thing for a year until they get their heads out of their akdfdfd's. Millions are getting dropped as a result of the law. 5 Million and counting.

Great law huh..............
The rule of Law only need apply when the Dems choose it is justified. It can be ignored whenever they please as it is part of their Utopia.....................

The Left will continue to back up Obama's illegal chit because that's what they do.

The President doesn't have the right to change the law without Congressional approval. That is an ABUSE of POWER..................PERIOD..................and here are his drones backing him up for it.

Goes to show how they really feel about the law and our Republic. Hell, I bet they have toilet paper with pictures of the Constitution on it.

Typical Scumbags.

yeah, guy, somehow I don't think that a lot of Americans are crying tears for the greedy insurance companies....

They didn't write the Constitution either. You either are for the Law and the Rule of Law or not. A President doesn't have the right to arbitrarily change the law. Which is the point of the matter. He was given an out to delay the whole dang thing for a year, but refused. It would have been done the CORRECT WAY through the Congress with AUTHORIZATION of a new law allowing the change.

Delay the whole thing for a year until they get their heads out of their akdfdfd's. Millions are getting dropped as a result of the law. 5 Million and counting.

Great law huh..............

now he has state insurance commissioners not agreeing with him
The King states that I GRANT THEE A ONE YEAR REPRIEVE.........................

What a Complete Idiot..............

That only works for the private policies his system didn't like. It likely won't make any difference in those companies that changed their business model to that of McDonalds so they didn't have to provide insurance benefits at all.

Libs are so gullible!
and poof!......your cancelled plans are now UNcancelled......:lmao:

what a moron...

For one year, White House revives health plans canceled under ACA - Articles - Employee Benefit News

actually, it's politically brilliant.

He has now put the onus on Big Insurance, which had been using ObamaCare as the "Dog that Ate Everyone's Homework", to put up or shut up.

And when people realize it's the insurance companies and not the ACA that is the problem, then you might get some discussions about public options, medicare buy ins, and so on.

And what has the fool done about the companies that changed their business model so they don't have to even provide insurance? Is he now going to go in and tell them their private business is now under government control?

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