Obama Tells Falsehoods About Israel


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Commander n chief lol, my apologies to the Jewish people and world...

Obama Tells Falsehoods About Israel, Retracts, Then Repeats Falsehoods
The top propaganda tactics the administration is using to demonize the Jewish State.
October 26, 2015
Morton A. Klein and Daniel Mandel


After weeks of murderous Palestinian stabbing attacks upon innocent Israelis, how has the Obama Administration responded?

Although Israel has been killing or apprehending knife-wielding terrorists, while Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority (PA) has been inciting and glorifying their acts of murder, the Administration presents both sides as morally equivalent, while insinuating or even asserting Israeli responsibility.

Obama officials have been doing this in five ways:

1. Condemning violence and incitement on both sides: Specifically condemning attacks on innocent Israelis, Secretary of State John Kerry nonetheless also called upon “all sides to take affirmative steps to restore calm” and called for “leadership that condemns the tit-for-tat.” And State Department spokesman John Kirby explicitly stated, “we recognize that incitement can go both ways here.”

2. Refusing to identify or condemn PA incitement to violence: Despite disseminating falsehoods about Palestinian terrorists being innocents murdered in cold blood by Israel and Muslim supremacist calls by Abbas for Muslims to block imaginary Israeli take-over and “desecration” of Muslim shrines with “their filthy feet,” Administration officials don’t allude to this, much less condemn it. Quite the contrary: State Department spokesman Mark Toner implied Israel isn’t upholding the status quo on Temple Mount, while Mr. Kirby explicitly endorsed this false Palestinian claim, saying, “certainly, the status quo has not been observed, which has led to a lot of the violence.”

3. Refusing to identify which side is using terrorism: Secretary Kerry has spoken of “a revolving cycle,” while Mr. Toner has referred to the “recent wave of violence,” not Palestinian terrorism, and refused to “assign blame” for the attacks. So did Mr. Kirby (“this isn’t about affixing ... blame on either side”).

4. Accusing Israel of using excessive force in dealing with the knife-wielding terrorists: Mr. Kirby baldy stated that “we’ve certainly seen some reports of what many would consider excessive use of force.”

5. Rationalizing the Arab violence as partly the product of Jews moving into or living in the West Bank: Secretary Kerry spoke of a “massive increase in [Jewish] settlements over the course of the last years,” which is neither a warrant for murder nor even true: construction within Jewish communities in the West Bank has dropped during Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s six-year tenure to its lowest point since the Rabin government.

When the Obama Administration nullifies and voids the meaning and worth of its original condemnation of attacks on Israelis with defamatory charges and moral equivalence, it exposes its hostility and bias against Israel.

It is also inflammatory –– if Kerry can assign blame for Arab terrorism on Jews building houses in the West Bank, why can’t Arabs?


The Administration seems to be seeking the damaging effects of these subsequently triangulated statements. The clarifications are just sufficiently retractive to mollify critics, while nonetheless preserving the original, damaging impact.

In this instance, President Obama seems to think they retracted too much.

Accordingly, on October 16, he himself doubled down on the original misrepresentations uttered by his officials on October 13 and 14, but retracted on October 14 and 15, saying, “We must try to get all people in Israel, and the West Bank” to oppose “random violence.” President Obama also urged both Messrs. Netanyahu and Abbas to tamp down rhetoric, and again called into question Israel’s maintenance of Jerusalem’s status quo.

As for Abbas’ incitement –– still not a word from him, nor from UN Ambassador Samantha Power, who has also doubled down on some of the earlier false charges in the UN Security Council.

The Obama Administration is telling falsehoods about Israel, retracting them and then restating them. When someone persists with falsehoods, even after admitting them to be untrue, he intends them to stick.

Obama Tells Falsehoods About Israel, Retracts, Then Repeats Falsehoods
The only falsehood is to assign blame equally to the oppressed native population and the occupying oppressor. It would be like blaming the partisans and resistance and the Nazis equally for violence in Nazi occupied Europe. Occupied populations are expected to attack the occupier.
The only falsehood is to assign blame equally to the oppressed native population and the occupying oppressor. It would be like blaming the partisans and resistance and the Nazis equally for violence in Nazi occupied Europe. Occupied populations are expected to attack the occupier.

Yes, "occupied populations are expected to attack the occupier." So why do the Palestinian squatters attack & kill Israeli's?
The only falsehood is to assign blame equally to the oppressed native population and the occupying oppressor. It would be like blaming the partisans and resistance and the Nazis equally for violence in Nazi occupied Europe. Occupied populations are expected to attack the occupier.

The arabs/muslims joined Hitler’s Third Reich to exterminate the Jews.
Hitler’s vision of ethnic cleansing of non-Aryans becomes [vii] . The West and the Jews is the common enemy. Muslim Brotherhood acquires Hitler’s methods of genocide to rid the Arab world of its non-Muslims.

Amin Al Husseini: Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood
Amin Al Husseini, the Father of Arafat’s Fatah, and the Muslim Brotherhood’s Hamas

Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Part of the problem as I see it comes in misusing terms. There are no 'innocent Israelis. Every Israeli is either future military, current military, or former military. Only exceptions being some of the ultra-orthodox types who refuse service but most do. Consequently, when an American hears 'Israeli civilian' they naturally assume a civilain like themselves. But that's not right. A tourist might be an innocent civilian, but citizens are essentially all military. And to their enemy, that's exactly how they're thinking about it. So if you don't understand that, you're gonna be viewing it through a screwed up lens.

Another thing is while Israel is the defacto Jewish state according to the UN since 1948, and numerous wars and attempts to make that otherwise have failed, the fact remains that the people who lived there thinking of it as their homeland were displaced and made 2nd class citizens. They have a legitimate bitchfest about this exactly like South Africa under Apartheid and the USA tossing the native Indians off their own land. If you deny this, again, you're responding through a cracked and distorted lens.

Only when youa ccept the truth and reality of a situation can you hope to begin to understand and help fix things. If you're seeing everything through some filter though you'll never be anywhere close to helping because you're way the hell over there, when the problem's way the hell over here.
Commander n chief lol, my apologies to the Jewish people and world...

Obama Tells Falsehoods About Israel, Retracts, Then Repeats Falsehoods
The top propaganda tactics the administration is using to demonize the Jewish State.
October 26, 2015
Morton A. Klein and Daniel Mandel


After weeks of murderous Palestinian stabbing attacks upon innocent Israelis, how has the Obama Administration responded?

Although Israel has been killing or apprehending knife-wielding terrorists, while Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority (PA) has been inciting and glorifying their acts of murder, the Administration presents both sides as morally equivalent, while insinuating or even asserting Israeli responsibility.

Obama officials have been doing this in five ways:

1. Condemning violence and incitement on both sides: Specifically condemning attacks on innocent Israelis, Secretary of State John Kerry nonetheless also called upon “all sides to take affirmative steps to restore calm” and called for “leadership that condemns the tit-for-tat.” And State Department spokesman John Kirby explicitly stated, “we recognize that incitement can go both ways here.”

2. Refusing to identify or condemn PA incitement to violence: Despite disseminating falsehoods about Palestinian terrorists being innocents murdered in cold blood by Israel and Muslim supremacist calls by Abbas for Muslims to block imaginary Israeli take-over and “desecration” of Muslim shrines with “their filthy feet,” Administration officials don’t allude to this, much less condemn it. Quite the contrary: State Department spokesman Mark Toner implied Israel isn’t upholding the status quo on Temple Mount, while Mr. Kirby explicitly endorsed this false Palestinian claim, saying, “certainly, the status quo has not been observed, which has led to a lot of the violence.”

3. Refusing to identify which side is using terrorism: Secretary Kerry has spoken of “a revolving cycle,” while Mr. Toner has referred to the “recent wave of violence,” not Palestinian terrorism, and refused to “assign blame” for the attacks. So did Mr. Kirby (“this isn’t about affixing ... blame on either side”).

4. Accusing Israel of using excessive force in dealing with the knife-wielding terrorists: Mr. Kirby baldy stated that “we’ve certainly seen some reports of what many would consider excessive use of force.”

5. Rationalizing the Arab violence as partly the product of Jews moving into or living in the West Bank: Secretary Kerry spoke of a “massive increase in [Jewish] settlements over the course of the last years,” which is neither a warrant for murder nor even true: construction within Jewish communities in the West Bank has dropped during Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s six-year tenure to its lowest point since the Rabin government.

When the Obama Administration nullifies and voids the meaning and worth of its original condemnation of attacks on Israelis with defamatory charges and moral equivalence, it exposes its hostility and bias against Israel.

It is also inflammatory –– if Kerry can assign blame for Arab terrorism on Jews building houses in the West Bank, why can’t Arabs?


The Administration seems to be seeking the damaging effects of these subsequently triangulated statements. The clarifications are just sufficiently retractive to mollify critics, while nonetheless preserving the original, damaging impact.

In this instance, President Obama seems to think they retracted too much.

Accordingly, on October 16, he himself doubled down on the original misrepresentations uttered by his officials on October 13 and 14, but retracted on October 14 and 15, saying, “We must try to get all people in Israel, and the West Bank” to oppose “random violence.” President Obama also urged both Messrs. Netanyahu and Abbas to tamp down rhetoric, and again called into question Israel’s maintenance of Jerusalem’s status quo.

As for Abbas’ incitement –– still not a word from him, nor from UN Ambassador Samantha Power, who has also doubled down on some of the earlier false charges in the UN Security Council.

The Obama Administration is telling falsehoods about Israel, retracting them and then restating them. When someone persists with falsehoods, even after admitting them to be untrue, he intends them to stick.

Obama Tells Falsehoods About Israel, Retracts, Then Repeats Falsehoods
You really are a total scumbag, aren't you?

First off, Israel should be demonized. What they have been doing to the Palestinian's for the last 70 years is disgusting! And you're a disgusting prick for trying to defend this garbage.

Second, the IDF and inhuman settlers shoot innocent Palestinian's in the street, then plant knives near their body and go into the big lie they keep telling how they were attacked and had to defend themselves. It's all bullshit. The Israeli's are the cause of the knife attacks.

Third, don't talk about Abbas when you have Netanfuckyou telling citizens they need to arm themselves and carry out vigilante justice.

And fourth, since they are shooting anyone who even looks Arab, stop fucking saying they are the only democracy in the ME. Israel is a fascist fucking country, in need of a serious beat down.
Part of the problem as I see it comes in misusing terms. There are no 'innocent Israelis. Every Israeli is either future military, current military, or former military. Only exceptions being some of the ultra-orthodox types who refuse service but most do. Consequently, when an American hears 'Israeli civilian' they naturally assume a civilain like themselves. But that's not right. A tourist might be an innocent civilian, but citizens are essentially all military. And to their enemy, that's exactly how they're thinking about it. So if you don't understand that, you're gonna be viewing it through a screwed up lens.

Another thing is while Israel is the defacto Jewish state according to the UN since 1948, and numerous wars and attempts to make that otherwise have failed, the fact remains that the people who lived there thinking of it as their homeland were displaced and made 2nd class citizens. They have a legitimate bitchfest about this exactly like South Africa under Apartheid and the USA tossing the native Indians off their own land. If you deny this, again, you're responding through a cracked and distorted lens.

Only when youa ccept the truth and reality of a situation can you hope to begin to understand and help fix things. If you're seeing everything through some filter though you'll never be anywhere close to helping because you're way the hell over there, when the problem's way the hell over here.
When people want to kill you(all Jews) even before the state of Israel you have to be militaristic to defend yourself. Since I was a kid all I heard was drive the Jews into the sea, well that's never going to happen, God bless the Jews. I also send money direct to the IDF.
Commander n chief lol, my apologies to the Jewish people and world...

Obama Tells Falsehoods About Israel, Retracts, Then Repeats Falsehoods
The top propaganda tactics the administration is using to demonize the Jewish State.
October 26, 2015
Morton A. Klein and Daniel Mandel


After weeks of murderous Palestinian stabbing attacks upon innocent Israelis, how has the Obama Administration responded?

Although Israel has been killing or apprehending knife-wielding terrorists, while Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority (PA) has been inciting and glorifying their acts of murder, the Administration presents both sides as morally equivalent, while insinuating or even asserting Israeli responsibility.

Obama officials have been doing this in five ways:

1. Condemning violence and incitement on both sides: Specifically condemning attacks on innocent Israelis, Secretary of State John Kerry nonetheless also called upon “all sides to take affirmative steps to restore calm” and called for “leadership that condemns the tit-for-tat.” And State Department spokesman John Kirby explicitly stated, “we recognize that incitement can go both ways here.”

2. Refusing to identify or condemn PA incitement to violence: Despite disseminating falsehoods about Palestinian terrorists being innocents murdered in cold blood by Israel and Muslim supremacist calls by Abbas for Muslims to block imaginary Israeli take-over and “desecration” of Muslim shrines with “their filthy feet,” Administration officials don’t allude to this, much less condemn it. Quite the contrary: State Department spokesman Mark Toner implied Israel isn’t upholding the status quo on Temple Mount, while Mr. Kirby explicitly endorsed this false Palestinian claim, saying, “certainly, the status quo has not been observed, which has led to a lot of the violence.”

3. Refusing to identify which side is using terrorism: Secretary Kerry has spoken of “a revolving cycle,” while Mr. Toner has referred to the “recent wave of violence,” not Palestinian terrorism, and refused to “assign blame” for the attacks. So did Mr. Kirby (“this isn’t about affixing ... blame on either side”).

4. Accusing Israel of using excessive force in dealing with the knife-wielding terrorists: Mr. Kirby baldy stated that “we’ve certainly seen some reports of what many would consider excessive use of force.”

5. Rationalizing the Arab violence as partly the product of Jews moving into or living in the West Bank: Secretary Kerry spoke of a “massive increase in [Jewish] settlements over the course of the last years,” which is neither a warrant for murder nor even true: construction within Jewish communities in the West Bank has dropped during Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s six-year tenure to its lowest point since the Rabin government.

When the Obama Administration nullifies and voids the meaning and worth of its original condemnation of attacks on Israelis with defamatory charges and moral equivalence, it exposes its hostility and bias against Israel.

It is also inflammatory –– if Kerry can assign blame for Arab terrorism on Jews building houses in the West Bank, why can’t Arabs?


The Administration seems to be seeking the damaging effects of these subsequently triangulated statements. The clarifications are just sufficiently retractive to mollify critics, while nonetheless preserving the original, damaging impact.

In this instance, President Obama seems to think they retracted too much.

Accordingly, on October 16, he himself doubled down on the original misrepresentations uttered by his officials on October 13 and 14, but retracted on October 14 and 15, saying, “We must try to get all people in Israel, and the West Bank” to oppose “random violence.” President Obama also urged both Messrs. Netanyahu and Abbas to tamp down rhetoric, and again called into question Israel’s maintenance of Jerusalem’s status quo.

As for Abbas’ incitement –– still not a word from him, nor from UN Ambassador Samantha Power, who has also doubled down on some of the earlier false charges in the UN Security Council.

The Obama Administration is telling falsehoods about Israel, retracting them and then restating them. When someone persists with falsehoods, even after admitting them to be untrue, he intends them to stick.

Obama Tells Falsehoods About Israel, Retracts, Then Repeats Falsehoods
Obama Tells Falsehoods About Israel, Retracts, Then Repeats Falsehoods?

Nowhere can these things be found in that article. Why didn't they list things side by side as proof of what they claim?
Part of the problem as I see it comes in misusing terms. There are no 'innocent Israelis. Every Israeli is either future military, current military, or former military. Only exceptions being some of the ultra-orthodox types who refuse service but most do. Consequently, when an American hears 'Israeli civilian' they naturally assume a civilain like themselves. But that's not right. A tourist might be an innocent civilian, but citizens are essentially all military. And to their enemy, that's exactly how they're thinking about it. So if you don't understand that, you're gonna be viewing it through a screwed up lens.

Another thing is while Israel is the defacto Jewish state according to the UN since 1948, and numerous wars and attempts to make that otherwise have failed, the fact remains that the people who lived there thinking of it as their homeland were displaced and made 2nd class citizens. They have a legitimate bitchfest about this exactly like South Africa under Apartheid and the USA tossing the native Indians off their own land. If you deny this, again, you're responding through a cracked and distorted lens.

Only when youa ccept the truth and reality of a situation can you hope to begin to understand and help fix things. If you're seeing everything through some filter though you'll never be anywhere close to helping because you're way the hell over there, when the problem's way the hell over here.
When people want to kill you(all Jews) even before the state of Israel you have to be militaristic to defend yourself. Since I was a kid all I heard was drive the Jews into the sea, well that's never going to happen, God bless the Jews. I also send money direct to the IDF.

Outside instigators, like the Palestinian whatever-he-is are doing a fine job or ensuring they keep fighting. But onyl when people decide that if they want peace maybe they have to relocate wil there ever be peace. So long as everyone holds their ground, peace will never come.
Part of the problem as I see it comes in misusing terms. There are no 'innocent Israelis. Every Israeli is either future military, current military, or former military. Only exceptions being some of the ultra-orthodox types who refuse service but most do. Consequently, when an American hears 'Israeli civilian' they naturally assume a civilain like themselves. But that's not right. A tourist might be an innocent civilian, but citizens are essentially all military. And to their enemy, that's exactly how they're thinking about it. So if you don't understand that, you're gonna be viewing it through a screwed up lens.

Another thing is while Israel is the defacto Jewish state according to the UN since 1948, and numerous wars and attempts to make that otherwise have failed, the fact remains that the people who lived there thinking of it as their homeland were displaced and made 2nd class citizens. They have a legitimate bitchfest about this exactly like South Africa under Apartheid and the USA tossing the native Indians off their own land. If you deny this, again, you're responding through a cracked and distorted lens.

Only when youa ccept the truth and reality of a situation can you hope to begin to understand and help fix things. If you're seeing everything through some filter though you'll never be anywhere close to helping because you're way the hell over there, when the problem's way the hell over here.
When people want to kill you(all Jews) even before the state of Israel you have to be militaristic to defend yourself. Since I was a kid all I heard was drive the Jews into the sea, well that's never going to happen, God bless the Jews. I also send money direct to the IDF.

Self-defense: The Rabbis ruled: "If someone is coming to kill you, rise early and kill him first" (Babylonian Talmud Sanhedrin 72a and parallels).
Part of the problem as I see it comes in misusing terms. There are no 'innocent Israelis. Every Israeli is either future military, current military, or former military. Only exceptions being some of the ultra-orthodox types who refuse service but most do. Consequently, when an American hears 'Israeli civilian' they naturally assume a civilain like themselves. But that's not right. A tourist might be an innocent civilian, but citizens are essentially all military. And to their enemy, that's exactly how they're thinking about it. So if you don't understand that, you're gonna be viewing it through a screwed up lens.

Another thing is while Israel is the defacto Jewish state according to the UN since 1948, and numerous wars and attempts to make that otherwise have failed, the fact remains that the people who lived there thinking of it as their homeland were displaced and made 2nd class citizens. They have a legitimate bitchfest about this exactly like South Africa under Apartheid and the USA tossing the native Indians off their own land. If you deny this, again, you're responding through a cracked and distorted lens.

Only when youa ccept the truth and reality of a situation can you hope to begin to understand and help fix things. If you're seeing everything through some filter though you'll never be anywhere close to helping because you're way the hell over there, when the problem's way the hell over here.
When people want to kill you(all Jews) even before the state of Israel you have to be militaristic to defend yourself. Since I was a kid all I heard was drive the Jews into the sea, well that's never going to happen, God bless the Jews. I also send money direct to the IDF.

Self-defense: The Rabbis ruled: "If someone is coming to kill you, rise early and kill him first" (Babylonian Talmud Sanhedrin 72a and parallels).

Funny how we're listening to Man instead of God. That's its' own thread though. :)
Commander n chief lol, my apologies to the Jewish people and world...

Obama Tells Falsehoods About Israel, Retracts, Then Repeats Falsehoods
The top propaganda tactics the administration is using to demonize the Jewish State.
October 26, 2015
Morton A. Klein and Daniel Mandel


After weeks of murderous Palestinian stabbing attacks upon innocent Israelis, how has the Obama Administration responded?

Although Israel has been killing or apprehending knife-wielding terrorists, while Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority (PA) has been inciting and glorifying their acts of murder, the Administration presents both sides as morally equivalent, while insinuating or even asserting Israeli responsibility.

Obama officials have been doing this in five ways:

1. Condemning violence and incitement on both sides: Specifically condemning attacks on innocent Israelis, Secretary of State John Kerry nonetheless also called upon “all sides to take affirmative steps to restore calm” and called for “leadership that condemns the tit-for-tat.” And State Department spokesman John Kirby explicitly stated, “we recognize that incitement can go both ways here.”

2. Refusing to identify or condemn PA incitement to violence: Despite disseminating falsehoods about Palestinian terrorists being innocents murdered in cold blood by Israel and Muslim supremacist calls by Abbas for Muslims to block imaginary Israeli take-over and “desecration” of Muslim shrines with “their filthy feet,” Administration officials don’t allude to this, much less condemn it. Quite the contrary: State Department spokesman Mark Toner implied Israel isn’t upholding the status quo on Temple Mount, while Mr. Kirby explicitly endorsed this false Palestinian claim, saying, “certainly, the status quo has not been observed, which has led to a lot of the violence.”

3. Refusing to identify which side is using terrorism: Secretary Kerry has spoken of “a revolving cycle,” while Mr. Toner has referred to the “recent wave of violence,” not Palestinian terrorism, and refused to “assign blame” for the attacks. So did Mr. Kirby (“this isn’t about affixing ... blame on either side”).

4. Accusing Israel of using excessive force in dealing with the knife-wielding terrorists: Mr. Kirby baldy stated that “we’ve certainly seen some reports of what many would consider excessive use of force.”

5. Rationalizing the Arab violence as partly the product of Jews moving into or living in the West Bank: Secretary Kerry spoke of a “massive increase in [Jewish] settlements over the course of the last years,” which is neither a warrant for murder nor even true: construction within Jewish communities in the West Bank has dropped during Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s six-year tenure to its lowest point since the Rabin government.

When the Obama Administration nullifies and voids the meaning and worth of its original condemnation of attacks on Israelis with defamatory charges and moral equivalence, it exposes its hostility and bias against Israel.

It is also inflammatory –– if Kerry can assign blame for Arab terrorism on Jews building houses in the West Bank, why can’t Arabs?


The Administration seems to be seeking the damaging effects of these subsequently triangulated statements. The clarifications are just sufficiently retractive to mollify critics, while nonetheless preserving the original, damaging impact.

In this instance, President Obama seems to think they retracted too much.

Accordingly, on October 16, he himself doubled down on the original misrepresentations uttered by his officials on October 13 and 14, but retracted on October 14 and 15, saying, “We must try to get all people in Israel, and the West Bank” to oppose “random violence.” President Obama also urged both Messrs. Netanyahu and Abbas to tamp down rhetoric, and again called into question Israel’s maintenance of Jerusalem’s status quo.

As for Abbas’ incitement –– still not a word from him, nor from UN Ambassador Samantha Power, who has also doubled down on some of the earlier false charges in the UN Security Council.

The Obama Administration is telling falsehoods about Israel, retracting them and then restating them. When someone persists with falsehoods, even after admitting them to be untrue, he intends them to stick.

Obama Tells Falsehoods About Israel, Retracts, Then Repeats Falsehoods
Obama Tells Falsehoods About Israel, Retracts, Then Repeats Falsehoods?

Nowhere can these things be found in that article. Why didn't they list things side by side as proof of what they claim?
Why don't you ask THEY, up top there names are there...
Why don't you ask THEY, up top there names are there...
I just can't find evidence of what the authors assert. If it were there and truthful I would be surprised. I knew people close to John Kerry and in no way is he anti-Israeli

Obama? I know his Democratic aides and friends who are Jews say he is a strong supporter of Israel. So... Until somebody can show proof otherwise...
Part of the problem as I see it comes in misusing terms. There are no 'innocent Israelis. Every Israeli is either future military, current military, or former military. Only exceptions being some of the ultra-orthodox types who refuse service but most do. Consequently, when an American hears 'Israeli civilian' they naturally assume a civilain like themselves. But that's not right. A tourist might be an innocent civilian, but citizens are essentially all military. And to their enemy, that's exactly how they're thinking about it. So if you don't understand that, you're gonna be viewing it through a screwed up lens.
Part of civil duty, similarly to your responsibility for XYZ by pay taxes and voting, is there any difference I'm not aware of?
Theoretically nobody is innocent however, using the term innocent means in according to the so called crime.
Commander n chief lol, my apologies to the Jewish people and world...

Obama Tells Falsehoods About Israel, Retracts, Then Repeats Falsehoods
The top propaganda tactics the administration is using to demonize the Jewish State.
October 26, 2015
Morton A. Klein and Daniel Mandel


After weeks of murderous Palestinian stabbing attacks upon innocent Israelis, how has the Obama Administration responded?

Although Israel has been killing or apprehending knife-wielding terrorists, while Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority (PA) has been inciting and glorifying their acts of murder, the Administration presents both sides as morally equivalent, while insinuating or even asserting Israeli responsibility.

Obama officials have been doing this in five ways:

1. Condemning violence and incitement on both sides: Specifically condemning attacks on innocent Israelis, Secretary of State John Kerry nonetheless also called upon “all sides to take affirmative steps to restore calm” and called for “leadership that condemns the tit-for-tat.” And State Department spokesman John Kirby explicitly stated, “we recognize that incitement can go both ways here.”

2. Refusing to identify or condemn PA incitement to violence: Despite disseminating falsehoods about Palestinian terrorists being innocents murdered in cold blood by Israel and Muslim supremacist calls by Abbas for Muslims to block imaginary Israeli take-over and “desecration” of Muslim shrines with “their filthy feet,” Administration officials don’t allude to this, much less condemn it. Quite the contrary: State Department spokesman Mark Toner implied Israel isn’t upholding the status quo on Temple Mount, while Mr. Kirby explicitly endorsed this false Palestinian claim, saying, “certainly, the status quo has not been observed, which has led to a lot of the violence.”

3. Refusing to identify which side is using terrorism: Secretary Kerry has spoken of “a revolving cycle,” while Mr. Toner has referred to the “recent wave of violence,” not Palestinian terrorism, and refused to “assign blame” for the attacks. So did Mr. Kirby (“this isn’t about affixing ... blame on either side”).

4. Accusing Israel of using excessive force in dealing with the knife-wielding terrorists: Mr. Kirby baldy stated that “we’ve certainly seen some reports of what many would consider excessive use of force.”

5. Rationalizing the Arab violence as partly the product of Jews moving into or living in the West Bank: Secretary Kerry spoke of a “massive increase in [Jewish] settlements over the course of the last years,” which is neither a warrant for murder nor even true: construction within Jewish communities in the West Bank has dropped during Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s six-year tenure to its lowest point since the Rabin government.

When the Obama Administration nullifies and voids the meaning and worth of its original condemnation of attacks on Israelis with defamatory charges and moral equivalence, it exposes its hostility and bias against Israel.

It is also inflammatory –– if Kerry can assign blame for Arab terrorism on Jews building houses in the West Bank, why can’t Arabs?


The Administration seems to be seeking the damaging effects of these subsequently triangulated statements. The clarifications are just sufficiently retractive to mollify critics, while nonetheless preserving the original, damaging impact.

In this instance, President Obama seems to think they retracted too much.

Accordingly, on October 16, he himself doubled down on the original misrepresentations uttered by his officials on October 13 and 14, but retracted on October 14 and 15, saying, “We must try to get all people in Israel, and the West Bank” to oppose “random violence.” President Obama also urged both Messrs. Netanyahu and Abbas to tamp down rhetoric, and again called into question Israel’s maintenance of Jerusalem’s status quo.

As for Abbas’ incitement –– still not a word from him, nor from UN Ambassador Samantha Power, who has also doubled down on some of the earlier false charges in the UN Security Council.

The Obama Administration is telling falsehoods about Israel, retracting them and then restating them. When someone persists with falsehoods, even after admitting them to be untrue, he intends them to stick.

Obama Tells Falsehoods About Israel, Retracts, Then Repeats Falsehoods
You really are a total scumbag, aren't you?

First off, Israel should be demonized. What they have been doing to the Palestinian's for the last 70 years is disgusting! And you're a disgusting prick for trying to defend this garbage.

Second, the IDF and inhuman settlers shoot innocent Palestinian's in the street, then plant knives near their body and go into the big lie they keep telling how they were attacked and had to defend themselves. It's all bullshit. The Israeli's are the cause of the knife attacks.

Third, don't talk about Abbas when you have Netanfuckyou telling citizens they need to arm themselves and carry out vigilante justice.

And fourth, since they are shooting anyone who even looks Arab, stop fucking saying they are the only democracy in the ME. Israel is a fascist fucking country, in need of a serious beat down.

you took him to school.:clap:
Commander n chief lol, my apologies to the Jewish people and world...

Obama Tells Falsehoods About Israel, Retracts, Then Repeats Falsehoods
The top propaganda tactics the administration is using to demonize the Jewish State.
October 26, 2015
Morton A. Klein and Daniel Mandel


After weeks of murderous Palestinian stabbing attacks upon innocent Israelis, how has the Obama Administration responded?

Although Israel has been killing or apprehending knife-wielding terrorists, while Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority (PA) has been inciting and glorifying their acts of murder, the Administration presents both sides as morally equivalent, while insinuating or even asserting Israeli responsibility.

Obama officials have been doing this in five ways:

1. Condemning violence and incitement on both sides: Specifically condemning attacks on innocent Israelis, Secretary of State John Kerry nonetheless also called upon “all sides to take affirmative steps to restore calm” and called for “leadership that condemns the tit-for-tat.” And State Department spokesman John Kirby explicitly stated, “we recognize that incitement can go both ways here.”

2. Refusing to identify or condemn PA incitement to violence: Despite disseminating falsehoods about Palestinian terrorists being innocents murdered in cold blood by Israel and Muslim supremacist calls by Abbas for Muslims to block imaginary Israeli take-over and “desecration” of Muslim shrines with “their filthy feet,” Administration officials don’t allude to this, much less condemn it. Quite the contrary: State Department spokesman Mark Toner implied Israel isn’t upholding the status quo on Temple Mount, while Mr. Kirby explicitly endorsed this false Palestinian claim, saying, “certainly, the status quo has not been observed, which has led to a lot of the violence.”

3. Refusing to identify which side is using terrorism: Secretary Kerry has spoken of “a revolving cycle,” while Mr. Toner has referred to the “recent wave of violence,” not Palestinian terrorism, and refused to “assign blame” for the attacks. So did Mr. Kirby (“this isn’t about affixing ... blame on either side”).

4. Accusing Israel of using excessive force in dealing with the knife-wielding terrorists: Mr. Kirby baldy stated that “we’ve certainly seen some reports of what many would consider excessive use of force.”

5. Rationalizing the Arab violence as partly the product of Jews moving into or living in the West Bank: Secretary Kerry spoke of a “massive increase in [Jewish] settlements over the course of the last years,” which is neither a warrant for murder nor even true: construction within Jewish communities in the West Bank has dropped during Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s six-year tenure to its lowest point since the Rabin government.

When the Obama Administration nullifies and voids the meaning and worth of its original condemnation of attacks on Israelis with defamatory charges and moral equivalence, it exposes its hostility and bias against Israel.

It is also inflammatory –– if Kerry can assign blame for Arab terrorism on Jews building houses in the West Bank, why can’t Arabs?


The Administration seems to be seeking the damaging effects of these subsequently triangulated statements. The clarifications are just sufficiently retractive to mollify critics, while nonetheless preserving the original, damaging impact.

In this instance, President Obama seems to think they retracted too much.

Accordingly, on October 16, he himself doubled down on the original misrepresentations uttered by his officials on October 13 and 14, but retracted on October 14 and 15, saying, “We must try to get all people in Israel, and the West Bank” to oppose “random violence.” President Obama also urged both Messrs. Netanyahu and Abbas to tamp down rhetoric, and again called into question Israel’s maintenance of Jerusalem’s status quo.

As for Abbas’ incitement –– still not a word from him, nor from UN Ambassador Samantha Power, who has also doubled down on some of the earlier false charges in the UN Security Council.

The Obama Administration is telling falsehoods about Israel, retracting them and then restating them. When someone persists with falsehoods, even after admitting them to be untrue, he intends them to stick.

Obama Tells Falsehoods About Israel, Retracts, Then Repeats Falsehoods
You really are a total scumbag, aren't you?

First off, Israel should be demonized. What they have been doing to the Palestinian's for the last 70 years is disgusting! And you're a disgusting prick for trying to defend this garbage.

Second, the IDF and inhuman settlers shoot innocent Palestinian's in the street, then plant knives near their body and go into the big lie they keep telling how they were attacked and had to defend themselves. It's all bullshit. The Israeli's are the cause of the knife attacks.

Third, don't talk about Abbas when you have Netanfuckyou telling citizens they need to arm themselves and carry out vigilante justice.

And fourth, since they are shooting anyone who even looks Arab, stop fucking saying they are the only democracy in the ME. Israel is a fascist fucking country, in need of a serious beat down.

you took him to school.:clap:

Said the 9/11 inside job, that carries a lot of weight...:rofl:

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