Obama signs Jobs Bill....thanks the GOP


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Obama signs jobs bill, thanks Republicans - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency


President Obama just signed a new $18 billion jobs bill designed to spur hiring by giving tax breaks to small businesses. The bill also includes $20 billion for highway and transit programs.

"While this jobs bill is absolutely necessary, it is by no means enough," Obama said during a sunny Rose Garden bill signing ceremony. "There is a lot more we need to do to spur hiring in the private sector and bring about a full economic recovery; from helping creditworthy small businesses get the loans they need to expand, to offering incentives to make homes and businesses more energy-efficient, to investing in infrastructure so we can put Americans to work doing the work America needs done."

Obama thanked the dozen or so Republicans who supported the bill in Congress and, even as Democrats and Republicans continued sparring over health-care legislation, the president said he hopes there will be more cooperation in the future.

"I'm also gratified that over a dozen Republicans agreed that the need for this jobs bill was urgent, and that they were willing to break out of the partisan morass in Washington to help us take this forward-step for the American people," Obama said. "I hope it is a prelude to further cooperation in the days and months to come, as we continue the work of digging out of this recession and rebuilding our economy in a way that works for all Americans."
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Prediction - This will not produce ONE private sector job.

But then why would it... Obama looks as confused as a nursing infant in a titty bar when you talk about the private sector.
Prediction - This will not produce ONE private sector job.

But then why would it... Obama looks as confused as a nursing infant in a titty bar when you talk about the private sector.

Hmmmm...that could spell bad news for those Republicans who supported it come November...
What happened to the $850 B Stimulus? What the fuck is an $18 b jobs bill compared to that?

November can't come soon enough
Prediction - This will not produce ONE private sector job.

But then why would it... Obama looks as confused as a nursing infant in a titty bar when you talk about the private sector.

All tax cuts produce jobs.

Tax cuts to small businesses create the most jobs.

Republican rhetoric 101
Prediction - This will not produce ONE private sector job.

But then why would it... Obama looks as confused as a nursing infant in a titty bar when you talk about the private sector.

Hmmmm...that could spell bad news for those Republicans who supported it come November...

And the entire GOP mantra of 'tax cuts spur job creation' that's a cornerstone of their economic policy
Small businesses are not going to add to their cost structures for temporary tax breaks. What happens when the taxes go back up? More cash out the door in a sluggish economy.

The real reason to add new hires is growing demand and a confidence that future revenues (i.e., from Economic Growth) will cover the expenses and return a profit - a basic fact of micro economics the Obamunists do not grok.
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☭proletarian☭;2111109 said:
Prediction - This will not produce ONE private sector job.

But then why would it... Obama looks as confused as a nursing infant in a titty bar when you talk about the private sector.

Hmmmm...that could spell bad news for those Republicans who supported it come November...

And the entire GOP mantra of 'tax cuts spur job creation' that's a cornerstone of their economic policy

The Republicans are simply too stupid to know when they have been beaten at their own game. This is some funny shit.
$18B "jobs bill" in a $14.5 Trillion economy is like a gnat, and a gnat with a small dick for a gnat trying to fuck an elephant
Well shucks, thank you Obama for that loose change you could spare for the American businesses. how generous of you.
i love it

dems against bush tax cuts, for obama tax cuts

its breaking away from partisan politics only if you support obama

psssst, obama, this isn't junior high, yoiu may fool some of us, but not all of us

my only problem with this bill was the necessity of it, when the dems have run around claiming how successful the stimulus is....obviously its not....but i hope this bill does something positive for the economy, i just wish the dems could be honest about it and call it stimulus II

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