Obama regime already built the assets to transfer US natural gas to Europe


Nov 14, 2012
The Trump regime´s sanctions directly target Russia´s gas exports to Europe, aiming at replacing them with American shipments. That shipments would all go to Poland and thus create an European dependence on the US and Poland.
The compaction facilities and terminals for the shipments were already built when Obama was President of the USA! So far, the Trump administration has been continuing the Obama administration´s policies seamlessly and on each level.
Now, all depends on the European politicians. Will they hurt their own countries by complying to US orders or will they show some resistance?
Currently, the Northstream 2 pipeline, another pipeline that delivers gas to Germany directly from Russia, is under construction and would have to be canceled in case our leadership backs down. This would be a major blow to Europe, including Russia.
We cannot accept US hegemony and division of Europe by an consistent US background regime that can´t excel but needs to put others down, instead. Dear Phrump and Ubumu, keep your expensive fracking gas and fuck off!

Wirtschaftskrieg gegen Europa

Germany warns US, says would not accept any new sanctions against Russia
If Poles are so stupid to buy American gas 3 times more expensive than Russian gas, let them buy it and be happy.

You, Germans, have a great opportunity not to re-elect Merkel this fall and if that happens, you may be able to decide whose gas to buy and what price to pay by yourselves.

Don't blame Trump (he's just trying to benefit his country using European "leaders" stupidity), blame your own leaders if they don't stand for you the people and prefer to stay just Washington's vassals.
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If Poles are so stupid to buy American gas 3 times more expensive than Russian gas, let them buy it and be happy.

You, Germans, have a great opportunity not to re-elect Merkel this fall and if that happens, you may be able to decide whose gas to buy and what price to pay by yourselves.

Don't blame Trump (he's just trying to benefit his country using European "leaders" stupidity), blame your own leaders if they don't stand for you the people and prefer to stay just Washington's vassals.
America is not making friends these days and not interested, either. Their leadership doesn´t realize that nobody needs America and that their long term policies have contributed to that fact. If they don´t change the D day will come and they will stand all alone with their entire industry being in the hands of China. It will be the end of America as we know it.
As for Poland, no, we cannot tolerate a trojan horse in our midst. If Northstream is not sufficient, a "September solution" might be inevitable. Listen to our politicians who affirm European unity and stress that only a united Europe will be strong enough to face the challenges of the future. But where is our unity when it comes down to the challenges of the present? It doesn´t exist. It´s a hoax.
And yes, I blame Trump. Not only does he violate his campaign statements (being friendly to everyone, talk to Un, ect, ect) but now we get exactly what we would have hammered down our throats with Hillary being POTUS. The assets were already built! Trump is a hoax! If Russia continues to believe in Phrump and try to befriend a leadership that doesn´t know friendship, it will miss many opportunities to strengthen friendship and cooperation with other countries.
The Trump regime´s sanctions directly target Russia´s gas exports to Europe, aiming at replacing them with American shipments. That shipments would all go to Poland and thus create an European dependence on the US and Poland.
The compaction facilities and terminals for the shipments were already built when Obama was President of the USA! So far, the Trump administration has been continuing the Obama administration´s policies seamlessly and on each level.
Now, all depends on the European politicians. Will they hurt their own countries by complying to US orders or will they show some resistance?
Currently, the Northstream 2 pipeline, another pipeline that delivers gas to Germany directly from Russia, is under construction and would have to be canceled in case our leadership backs down. This would be a major blow to Europe, including Russia.
We cannot accept US hegemony and division of Europe by an consistent US background regime that can´t excel but needs to put others down, instead. Dear Phrump and Ubumu, keep your expensive fracking gas and fuck off!

Wirtschaftskrieg gegen Europa

Germany warns US, says would not accept any new sanctions against Russia
Those sanctions were not Trump's. They were passed by the Congress overwhelmingly...veto proof.

It is likely the reason for the sanctions had nothing to do with Russia's involvement in the election, but to get American gas into Europe to enrich the donors of the criminal politicians of both parties.
The Trump regime´s sanctions directly target Russia´s gas exports to Europe, aiming at replacing them with American shipments. That shipments would all go to Poland and thus create an European dependence on the US and Poland.
The compaction facilities and terminals for the shipments were already built when Obama was President of the USA! So far, the Trump administration has been continuing the Obama administration´s policies seamlessly and on each level.
Now, all depends on the European politicians. Will they hurt their own countries by complying to US orders or will they show some resistance?
Currently, the Northstream 2 pipeline, another pipeline that delivers gas to Germany directly from Russia, is under construction and would have to be canceled in case our leadership backs down. This would be a major blow to Europe, including Russia.
We cannot accept US hegemony and division of Europe by an consistent US background regime that can´t excel but needs to put others down, instead. Dear Phrump and Ubumu, keep your expensive fracking gas and fuck off!

Wirtschaftskrieg gegen Europa

Germany warns US, says would not accept any new sanctions against Russia
Those sanctions were not Trump's. They were passed by the Congress overwhelmingly...veto proof.

It is likely the reason for the sanctions had nothing to do with Russia's involvement in the election, but to get American gas into Europe to enrich the donors of the criminal politicians of both parties.
I don´t buy into that puppet show. Trump is a trojan horse. The US lashes around and we can´t do anything because America does´t want to lash around but it just happens :wtf:
The Trump regime´s sanctions directly target Russia´s gas exports to Europe, aiming at replacing them with American shipments. That shipments would all go to Poland and thus create an European dependence on the US and Poland.
The compaction facilities and terminals for the shipments were already built when Obama was President of the USA! So far, the Trump administration has been continuing the Obama administration´s policies seamlessly and on each level.
Now, all depends on the European politicians. Will they hurt their own countries by complying to US orders or will they show some resistance?
Currently, the Northstream 2 pipeline, another pipeline that delivers gas to Germany directly from Russia, is under construction and would have to be canceled in case our leadership backs down. This would be a major blow to Europe, including Russia.
We cannot accept US hegemony and division of Europe by an consistent US background regime that can´t excel but needs to put others down, instead. Dear Phrump and Ubumu, keep your expensive fracking gas and fuck off!

Wirtschaftskrieg gegen Europa

Germany warns US, says would not accept any new sanctions against Russia
Those sanctions were not Trump's. They were passed by the Congress overwhelmingly...veto proof.

It is likely the reason for the sanctions had nothing to do with Russia's involvement in the election, but to get American gas into Europe to enrich the donors of the criminal politicians of both parties.
I don´t buy that puppet show. Trump is a trojan horse. The US lashes around and we can´t do anything because America does´t want to lash around but it just happens :wtf:
The Trump regime´s sanctions directly target Russia´s gas exports to Europe, aiming at replacing them with American shipments. That shipments would all go to Poland and thus create an European dependence on the US and Poland.
The compaction facilities and terminals for the shipments were already built when Obama was President of the USA! So far, the Trump administration has been continuing the Obama administration´s policies seamlessly and on each level.
Now, all depends on the European politicians. Will they hurt their own countries by complying to US orders or will they show some resistance?
Currently, the Northstream 2 pipeline, another pipeline that delivers gas to Germany directly from Russia, is under construction and would have to be canceled in case our leadership backs down. This would be a major blow to Europe, including Russia.
We cannot accept US hegemony and division of Europe by an consistent US background regime that can´t excel but needs to put others down, instead. Dear Phrump and Ubumu, keep your expensive fracking gas and fuck off!

Wirtschaftskrieg gegen Europa

Germany warns US, says would not accept any new sanctions against Russia
Those sanctions were not Trump's. They were passed by the Congress overwhelmingly...veto proof.

It is likely the reason for the sanctions had nothing to do with Russia's involvement in the election, but to get American gas into Europe to enrich the donors of the criminal politicians of both parties.
I don´t buy that puppet show. Trump is a trojan horse. The US lashes around and we can´t do anything because America does´t want to lash around but it just happens :wtf:
Trump being overpowered by his own party is the puppet show that I don´t buy into.

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