Obama quietly signs the countering disinformation and propaganda act into law


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Obama Quietly Signs The ‘Countering Disinformation And Propaganda Act’ Into Law

Late on Friday, with the US population embracing the upcoming holidays and oblivious of most news emerging from the administration, Obama quietly signed into law the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) which authorizes $611 billion for the military in 2017.

In a statement, Obama said that:

Today, I have signed into law S. 2943, the “National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017.” This Act authorizes fiscal year 2017 appropriations principally for the Department of Defense and for Department of Energy national security programs, provides vital benefits for military personnel and their families, and includes authorities to facilitate ongoing operations around the globe. It continues many critical authorizations necessary to ensure that we are able to sustain our momentum in countering the threat posed by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant and to reassure our European allies, as well as many new
Leftis libtard will think this is just stupendous what they don't realize is this comes around to their ever loving news sources, because if they can control media just like Hitler did just think how your voice won't get heard either once you realize it's all been engineered to keep the dumbasses in their Hitler Coral. Sooner or later it will come around to you the leftist rejects sooner or later.
  • When the Nazis came for the communists,
    I remained silent;
    I was not a communist.

    When they locked up the social democrats,
    I remained silent;
    I was not a social democrat.

    When they came for the trade unionists,
    I did not speak out;
    I was not a trade unionist.

    When they came for the Jews,
    I remained silent;
    I wasn't a Jew.

    When they came for me,
    there was no one left to speak out.
    • "First they came..." – The origins of this poem first have been traced to a speech given by Niemöller on January 6, 1946, to the representatives of the Confessing Church in Frankfurt. According to research by Harold Marcuse, the original groups mentioned in the speech were Communists, the incurably sick, Jews, and people in occupied countries. Since then, the contents have often been altered produce numerous variants. Niemöller himself came up with different versions, depending on the year. The most famous and well known alterations are perhaps those beginning "First they came for the Jews" of which this is one of the more commonly encountered:
      • First they came for the Jews
        and I did not speak out
        because I was not a Jew.
        Then they came for the Communists
        and I did not speak out
        because I was not a Communist.
        Then they came for the trade unionists
        and I did not speak out
        because I was not a trade unionist.
        Then they came for me
        and there was no one left
        to speak out for me.
  • Another variant extends the comparisons to incude Catholics and Protestants:
    • In Germany they first came for the Communists,
      and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.
      Then they came for the Jews,
      and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.
      Then they came for the trade unionists,
      and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.
      Then they came for the Catholics,
      and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant.
      Then they came for me
      and by that time no one was left to speak up.
  • Martin Niemöller - Wikiquote
From Senator Rob Portman's (R-OH) website:

President Signs Portman-Murphy Counter-Propaganda Bill into Law - Press Releases - Newsroom - Rob Portman

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Rob Portman (R-OH) and Chris Murphy (D-CT) today announced that their Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act – legislation designed to help American allies counter foreign government propaganda from Russia, China, and other nations – has been signed into law as part of the FY 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Conference Report. The bipartisan bill, which was introduced by Senators Portman and Murphy in March, will improve the ability of the United States to counter foreign propaganda and disinformation from our enemies by establishing an interagency center housed at the State Department to coordinate and synchronize counter-propaganda efforts throughout the U.S. government. To support these efforts, the bill also creates a grant program for NGOs, think tanks, civil society and other experts outside government who are engaged in counter-propaganda related work. This will better leverage existing expertise and empower our allies overseas to defend themselves from foreign manipulation. It will also help foster a free and vibrant press and civil society overseas, which is critical to ensuring our allies have access to truthful information and inoculating people against foreign propaganda campaigns.

“Our enemies are using foreign propaganda and disinformation against us and our allies, and so far the U.S. government has been asleep at the wheel,” Portman said. “But today, the United States has taken a critical step towards confronting the extensive, and destabilizing, foreign propaganda and disinformation operations being waged against us by our enemies overseas. With this bill now law, we are finally signaling that enough is enough; the United States will no longer sit on the sidelines. We are going to confront this threat head-on. I am confident that, with the help of this bipartisan bill, the disinformation and propaganda used against us, our allies, and our interests will fail.”

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From Senator Rob Portman's (R-OH) website:

President Signs Portman-Murphy Counter-Propaganda Bill into Law - Press Releases - Newsroom - Rob Portman

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Rob Portman (R-OH) and Chris Murphy (D-CT) today announced that their Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act – legislation designed to help American allies counter foreign government propaganda from Russia, China, and other nations – has been signed into law as part of the FY 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Conference Report. The bipartisan bill, which was introduced by Senators Portman and Murphy in March, will improve the ability of the United States to counter foreign propaganda and disinformation from our enemies by establishing an interagency center housed at the State Department to coordinate and synchronize counter-propaganda efforts throughout the U.S. government. To support these efforts, the bill also creates a grant program for NGOs, think tanks, civil society and other experts outside government who are engaged in counter-propaganda related work. This will better leverage existing expertise and empower our allies overseas to defend themselves from foreign manipulation. It will also help foster a free and vibrant press and civil society overseas, which is critical to ensuring our allies have access to truthful information and inoculating people against foreign propaganda campaigns.

“Our enemies are using foreign propaganda and disinformation against us and our allies, and so far the U.S. government has been asleep at the wheel,” Portman said. “But today, the United States has taken a critical step towards confronting the extensive, and destabilizing, foreign propaganda and disinformation operations being waged against us by our enemies overseas. With this bill now law, we are finally signaling that enough is enough; the United States will no longer sit on the sidelines. We are going to confront this threat head-on. I am confident that, with the help of this bipartisan bill, the disinformation and propaganda used against us, our allies, and our interests will fail.”


and you believe them when they say our enemies. Our enemies is our own Government.
Look at the quote within my profile the CIA..............
Do you really think they are going to blame themselves, blaming another Country makes it a simple way to pass UNCONSTITUTIONAL BS, just like when they used 911 and fed the sheep the same bs " Keep us safe" yeah right So safe we still have terrorist, so safe we still have murder..............so safe we still have bombs go off.......

Funny how history repeats it's self. ......... oh and when I say " YOU" I mean You as in a whole not you the person.
Funny you call out "leftist libtards" in the OP. Think Trump will repeal it? Don't make me laugh.

And the quote you used is an insult to the author. Because a Oresident was just elected on the promise to come after Muslims, Hispanics, Jews, African-Americans, unionists, Democrats, and communists... and not only are you conservatives remaining silent, you're cheering it on
From Senator Rob Portman's (R-OH) website:

President Signs Portman-Murphy Counter-Propaganda Bill into Law - Press Releases - Newsroom - Rob Portman

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Rob Portman (R-OH) and Chris Murphy (D-CT) today announced that their Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act – legislation designed to help American allies counter foreign government propaganda from Russia, China, and other nations – has been signed into law as part of the FY 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Conference Report. The bipartisan bill, which was introduced by Senators Portman and Murphy in March, will improve the ability of the United States to counter foreign propaganda and disinformation from our enemies by establishing an interagency center housed at the State Department to coordinate and synchronize counter-propaganda efforts throughout the U.S. government. To support these efforts, the bill also creates a grant program for NGOs, think tanks, civil society and other experts outside government who are engaged in counter-propaganda related work. This will better leverage existing expertise and empower our allies overseas to defend themselves from foreign manipulation. It will also help foster a free and vibrant press and civil society overseas, which is critical to ensuring our allies have access to truthful information and inoculating people against foreign propaganda campaigns.

“Our enemies are using foreign propaganda and disinformation against us and our allies, and so far the U.S. government has been asleep at the wheel,” Portman said. “But today, the United States has taken a critical step towards confronting the extensive, and destabilizing, foreign propaganda and disinformation operations being waged against us by our enemies overseas. With this bill now law, we are finally signaling that enough is enough; the United States will no longer sit on the sidelines. We are going to confront this threat head-on. I am confident that, with the help of this bipartisan bill, the disinformation and propaganda used against us, our allies, and our interests will fail.”

So he gave money to democrat mouthpieces.....All this NGO MONEY needs to be dried up......
Good to see Alex Jones is maintaining his level of crazy to expected standards. Much can be said about him and the crazies that believe his fake news crap, but if nothing else,they are consistent.
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  • #7
Funny you call out "leftist libtards" in the OP. Think Trump will repeal it? Don't make me laugh.

And the quote you used is an insult to the author. Because a Oresident was just elected on the promise to come after Muslims, Hispanics, Jews, African-Americans, unionists, Democrats, and communists... and not only are you conservatives remaining silent, you're cheering it on

Funny when libtards call the right rightwing nutjobs...........

Which doesn't bother me im not a demo, nor a repub............carry on.
Funny you call out "leftist libtards" in the OP. Think Trump will repeal it? Don't make me laugh.

And the quote you used is an insult to the author. Because a Oresident was just elected on the promise to come after Muslims, Hispanics, Jews, African-Americans, unionists, Democrats, and communists... and not only are you conservatives remaining silent, you're cheering it on

Funny when libtards call the right rightwing nutjobs...........

Which doesn't bother me im not a demo, nor a repub............carry on.

Nope. You're a nutjob.
Nothing obumble signs or has signed since Nov 20 is valid. It doesn't need to be repealed. He may as well have signed toilet paper.

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