Obama proves he loves America by standing up to Netanyahu

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
By standing up to the thug Netanyahu over the Iranian nuclear issue.

Our beloved Pres. Obama has demonstrated to the world that he truly loves America and is a great leader.

I only wish Obama could run for a 3rd term. ...... :cool:
This is a very sad day for the US when we have a rabid PM of another country standing behind our Presidents podium, encouraging for the US to go to war with anther country. Makes me sick congress is allowing this tradegty.
This is a very sad day for the US when we have a rabid PM of another country standing behind our Presidents podium, encouraging for the US to go to war with anther country. Makes me sick congress is allowing this tradegty.
It's a sad day that all of his lies about strong ties with Israel have been exposed and you like it.
Obama had every chance to get up there and stand up for America, but he didn't. Maybe now he can at least get some pointers on how to be a leader for once.
Pack up and move to Israel if you like him so much, move in the pressure cooker he created.
Obama had every chance to get up there and stand up for America, but he didn't. Maybe now he can at least get some pointers on how to be a leader for once.

You can move as well. War mongers can move to the middle east, go join the IDF and fight with them.
Obama had every chance to get up there and stand up for America, but he didn't. Maybe now he can at least get some pointers on how to be a leader for once.

You can move as well. War mongers can move to the middle east, go join the IDF and fight with them.
Oh shut the fuck up. It stupid assholed like yourself that voted the spinless, lying, traitorous, piece of shit in office twice. You are the problem.
Do republicans make all their decisions based on emotions?

Name calling? "Bibi is a good leader"? etc etc. Sounds more like a girls locker room about the boys on the team
Obama has shown that he is a patriotic president who puts America first.

He is sick and tired of our country and politicians allowing a tiny fascist nation of 7 million people to dictate US policy in the Middle East.

All true red blooded American citizens should be grateful for Pres. Obama's brave stance against the psychopath Netanyahu and the terrorist state of Israel. ...... :cool:
Do republicans make all their decisions based on emotions?

Name calling? "Bibi is a good leader"? etc etc. Sounds more like a girls locker room about the boys on the team
Obama makes him look like a better leader than you give him credit for. Obama is so piss-poor that Jimmy Carter looks good.

ya think that's why G-d created Obama? He feels sorry for Carter?
Obama has shown that he is a patriotic president who puts America first.

He is sick and tired of our country and politicians allowing a tiny fascist nation of 7 million people to dictate US policy in the Middle East.

All true red blooded American citizens should be grateful for Pres. Obama's brave stance against the psychopath Netanyahu and the terrorist state of Israel. ...... :cool:

What made you think he was patriotic?

The fact that he hates Jews?
Obama has shown that he is a patriotic president who puts America first.

He is sick and tired of our country and politicians allowing a tiny fascist nation of 7 million people to dictate US policy in the Middle East.

All true red blooded American citizens should be grateful for Pres. Obama's brave stance against the psychopath Netanyahu and the terrorist state of Israel. ...... :cool:

What made you think he was patriotic?

The fact that he hates Jews?

maybe because he blows the brains out of islamo Nazi pigs in Yemen.----
and sometimes in Afghanistan ----and lately in ----the caliphate shit hole

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