Obama presents his "Jobs for Union Workers" bill to congress today

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
This is yet another Union pay off and its disgusting. While there are "some" good ideas outlined within the bill the vast majority of it constitutes a pay off to Union leaders and simply throwing good money after bad.

This is the first time Ive ever seen Obama actually submit something in writing that he worked on himself. He seems very giddy at the beginning of the video waving around his only visible proof of leadership. Its sad that he waited nearly 3 years to display that leadership. And this is leadership, albeit misguided. He is clearly attempting to learn on the job. :clap2: :clap2:

And who are his advisor's? Why do they think its a good idea to constantly appear with union people and ceo's surrounding him? Where are the average joes that make up the vast majority of our workforce? Unions represent a small portion of the working public yet they are the only ones ever at his side. Does he really think were all this stupid?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ungJ3GY_530&feature=player_profilepage]A jobs bill for the Unions not for Americans - YouTube[/ame]
I was watching Biden during the speech, he sure looks like Jeff Durhams "Walter", and I actually saw him smile 1 time, when Obama mentioned raising taxes. Funny the things that make some people happy.
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I was watching Biden during the speech, he sure looks like Jeff Durhams "Walter", and I actually saw him smile 1 time, when Obama mentioned raising taxes. Funny the things that make some people happy.


I never noticed the resemblence but you dead on lol.
I was watching Biden during the speech, he sure looks like Jeff Durhams "Walter", and I actually saw him smile 1 time, when Obama mentioned raising taxes. Funny the things that make some people happy.

At least Obama has a Jobs initiative. All Republicans keep saying is lower taxes for the wealthy and big business and that will create jobs.
This is yet another Union pay off and its disgusting. While there are "some" good ideas outlined within the bill the vast majority of it constitutes a pay off to Union leaders and simply throwing good money after bad.

This is the first time Ive ever seen Obama actually submit something in writing that he worked on himself. He seems very giddy at the beginning of the video waving around his only visible proof of leadership. Its sad that he waited nearly 3 years to display that leadership. And this is leadership, albeit misguided. He is clearly attempting to learn on the job. :clap2: :clap2:

And who are his advisor's? Why do they think its a good idea to constantly appear with union people and ceo's surrounding him? Where are the average joes that make up the vast majority of our workforce? Unions represent a small portion of the working public yet they are the only ones ever at his side. Does he really think were all this stupid?A jobs bill for the Unions not for Americans - YouTube

Of course he thinks we're that stupid or he wouldn't keep doing this again, and again, and again. And apparently as far as his constituency goes, he is right.

Unless HE is stupid, he has to know that none of it has worked. It has diminished Ameria's prestige in the world, downgraded our stellar credit rating, escalated the national debt to frightening proportions, is creating trillion plus deficits for as far as the eye can see while consumer confidence is at an all time low and more people than ever are out of work.

But he's pushing more of the same on the theory that his adoring worshippers don't care about negative consequences and a large chunk of the rest of the public aren't paying attention or aren't bright enough to think beyond the glowing promises that never seem to work out as advertised.
I was watching Biden during the speech, he sure looks like Jeff Durhams "Walter", and I actually saw him smile 1 time, when Obama mentioned raising taxes. Funny the things that make some people happy.

how perfect....

Dumb Ass!

should have been said after every sentence. :lol:
At least Obama has a Jobs initiative. All Republicans keep saying is lower taxes for the wealthy and big business and that will create jobs.

Want to bet your membership that the GOP has not presented any jobs bills that the Senate has refused to act on? Because I'm pretty certain they have, and the Senate has held up every single one.
At least Obama has a Jobs initiative. All Republicans keep saying is lower taxes for the wealthy and big business and that will create jobs.

He had one a few years back that cost the U.S. Taxpayer $1,000,000,000,000 and was going to fix everything... and how'd that work out?

Obama's got nothing but more spending, more government, more taxes and class warfare.

That's no plan... these are the rantings of a man-child without a clue.
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