Obama Polling below 50% in EVERY poll; Romney above and at 50% in 10 polls

If there's one thing Karl Rove gets and supremely understands, it's the NUMBERS- POLLS.

My prediction -- Mitt Romney will be our next president | Fox News

I too believe Mitt Romney is going to win this election.

The overall numbers don't mean a thing. It's how many electoral votes you get. This may be a feel good article for the true believers, but I've yet to see one reliable poll that gives Romney more EVs than Obama.

You will. The only Poll that counts.
If there's one thing Karl Rove gets and supremely understands, it's the NUMBERS- POLLS.

My prediction -- Mitt Romney will be our next president | Fox News

I too believe Mitt Romney is going to win this election.

I'm sorry, but what are you even talking about?

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama

RCP Average: Obama: 47.8 Romney: 47.3 (Obama +0.5)

Romney has 51% in ONE poll.

Obama has 50% in two polls.

Other than that, it's all under 50.

just as one example for you, let's look at the Pew poll which has Obama up by 3-
Republican 843
Democrat 1007
Independent 761
and if you actually look at their numbers, none of them add up.

Lots of crow will be have to be eaten around here in a few days...

I heard the left are unleashing 20,000 lawyers to polls nationwide, and plan to challenge and file lawsuits against swing states that have polls that do not favor Obama, hence they will jam up the whole process for days/weeks. I think this will divide the country even more and create chaos "Which is what Obama wants if he loses anyways".

I'm an official Poll Watcher and will be at a specified Polling place as a monitor on Election Day. We have THOUSANDS of volunteers across the country doing just that! We have our own people in place. (The Romney campaign)

So you are trying to suppress votes for people you think will not vote for your candidate right? That's the American way.
Here's Real Clear Politics Electoral breakdown.. they need to go ahead and place both Va and Fla in Romneys column.. Both will go to Romney.. I think everyone agrees on that. That's 42 more in Romney column.. That gives Romney a solid 233. They also have my state, NC, as a TOSS up which is a JOKE! Our state is polling above the error% for Romney and has been for weeks. That's 15 more in the Romney column-- takes us to 248 solid. Romney is winning every poll in both Colorado and New Hampshire..that's 13 more.. we're now at 261.

Romney can win this thing several ways without Ohio.. I see Romney topping 300 in the electoral college.

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map

Romney is losing every poll except for one in NH and 2 in CO. I don't know what you're talking about.

Being you know so much, SHow us EVERY SNGLE poll and how Romney is losing every single one of them. Thanks!

Um. As I've pointed out above, you're the one who claimed that Romney is winning "every poll".

I said that Romney is only winning one NH poll (Rasmussen), and 2 CO polls (Rasmussen and ARG).

Colorado Polls

WeAskAmerica - Obama +3
DenverPost/SurveyUSA - Obama +2
Rasmussen - Romney +3
CNN/Opinion Research - Obama +2
ARG - Romney +1

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - Colorado: Romney vs. Obama

New Hampshire Polls

PPP - Obama +2
Gravis Marketing - Obama +1
New England College - Obama +6
NBC/WSJ/Marist - Obama +2
Rasmussen - Romney +2

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - New Hampshire: Romney vs. Obama
Hey! Can you nutters PLEASE try to keep your asinine prediction posts to a single thread?

You are making the task of pointing out your abject stupidity more difficult.

Thanks in advance.
If there's one thing Karl Rove gets and supremely understands, it's the NUMBERS- POLLS.

My prediction -- Mitt Romney will be our next president | Fox News

I too believe Mitt Romney is going to win this election.

Yes THE architect, Rove IS the numbers man. I hope he hasn't overestimated those who will actually get to the polls.

NEW YORK, Nov 4 (Reuters) - About 1.9 million homes and businesses remained in the dark on Sunday as the pressure mounted on power providers to restore electricity to areas hit hardest by Hurricane Sandy nearly a week ago.
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Obama Polling below 50% in EVERY poll; Romney above and at 50% in 10 polls

If there's one thing Karl Rove gets and supremely understands, it's the NUMBERS- POLLS.

I too believe Mitt Romney is going to win this election.

March 4, 2013

Whiiiiining Towards 2016??

"“Oh, for me, yes. I cried,” she admitted to Wallace. “When you pour that much of your life and energy and passion into something and you’re disappointed by the outcome, it’s very — it’s sad. It’s very hard.”

“It’s an adjustment. You know, it’s interesting; in our church, we’re used to serving and you know, you can be in a very high position, but you recognize you’re serving,” she said. “And now all of a sudden, you’re released and you’re nobody. And we’re used to that.”

“I’m mostly over it. But not completely,” she said. “And you have moments where you, you know, go back and feel the sorrow of the loss.”

Oh, for Pete’s sake."

Here's Real Clear Politics Electoral breakdown.. they need to go ahead and place both Va and Fla in Romneys column.. Both will go to Romney.. I think everyone agrees on that. That's 42 more in Romney column.. That gives Romney a solid 233. They also have my state, NC, as a TOSS up which is a JOKE! Our state is polling above the error% for Romney and has been for weeks. That's 15 more in the Romney column-- takes us to 248 solid. Romney is winning every poll in both Colorado and New Hampshire..that's 13 more.. we're now at 261.

Romney can win this thing several ways without Ohio.. I see Romney topping 300 in the electoral college.

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map

Michael Barone puts Romney at 330. That sounds about right with the way obama is losing support. When obama can't use Stevie Wonder to get more than 200 people to an event you know that's trouble. And, many of those 200 showed up because they heard the music.

He does? Well if my map works and Romney takes Ohio, that puts him at 331 for me.. that's pretty close! I agree with you. It's pathetic to draw only 200 people while Romney is drawing 1000'S! :)

Gotta love conservative math
rasmussen, Rove's favorite, has Obama a 51% up from 47% on November 5

Republican party is at 25% approval.

Hilarious thread. Especially now that the rightwingers are attacking Romney and Karl Rove as RINOs.

Can anybody find that thread where Ladygunslinger said she would never vote for Romney because he is the same as Bush? Ah, memories.
The only thing Karl Rove understands right now is that the Tea Baggers are on the verge of taking over the GOP, which will ultimately mean its extinction. He is taking more money from rich repubs to fight them. And he may lose his ars again...LOL
The only thing Karl Rove understands right now is that the Tea Baggers are on the verge of taking over the GOP, which will ultimately mean its extinction. He is taking more money from rich repubs to fight them. And he may lose his ars again...LOL

Not necessarily.

First and foremost, the TEA Party isn't really the GOP's problem. Yeah, they run a few goofy candidates because they don't do a good job of vetting them.

They've also gotten the blame for candidates that weren't theirs. The poster child for "Bad Tea Party Candidate" was supposedly Todd Akin, but Akin wasn't TEA's choice, Claire Steelman was.

The GOP's problem was that Romney was the best they could come up with in 2012. The candidate who came in third in 2008 because no one really trusted him or liked him.

There are some positive things about the TEA Party. They are right. Our current level of spending is not sustainable. The tax burden on working families is onerous.

I could see a TEA Party candidate in the mold of someone like Mike Huckabee (Not necessarily Huckabee himself) going toe to toe with Hillary and winning, especially if the economy hasn't improved by 2016.

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