Obama Playing Politics With Bush Tax-cut Again


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Obama threatened Congress not to attach the Keystone pipeline deal to the tax-cut extension yesterday.

Wait a minute.....hasn't Obama and the rest of the Democrats been telling the Republicans to drop the cuts in every private negotiation since the debt-ceiling crisis?

Obama threatens veto if pipeline decision is added to payroll tax cut
By Ben Geman - 12/07/11 03:52 PM ET

The battle between the White House and Republicans over the Keystone XL pipeline escalated Wednesday with a veto threat delivered personally by President Obama.

Obama warned that he would veto an extension of the payroll-tax cut, his top legislative priority, if House Republicans link it to a measure that would force the administration to greenlight the pipeline project.

“Any effort to try to tie Keystone to the payroll-tax cut, I will reject,” Obama told reporters Wednesday after meeting at the White House with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Obama threatens veto if pipeline decision is added to payroll tax cut - The Hill's E2-Wire

So let me get this right; Obama doesn't like the tax-cuts and he doesn't like the Keystone Pipeline deal ether. So why does he think he can get away with this threat? Does he actually think we haven't been paying attention, or is he simply playing to the mindless nimrods that still want to vote for him even after he's turned out to be the disaster that I and others have predicted?

BTW, Obama said he's not leaving Washington on another Hawaiian vacation till this extension is pushed through for yet again another year. Why not make it permanent like Bush asked them to do for years?

FYI, the Dems insisted that the cuts not be made permanent. Remember that? That is the only why they could get it passed in the first place, and now they're using it like a club over the GOP simply because they think we have short memories.

I suggest that Congress not vote on it till next Summer. Maybe the prick will be forced to do some work then. Personally, I think everyone needs to find out what will happen if the cuts expire like the Democrats want. The deal here is the Dems are trying to find a way of blaming it all on the Republicans.
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End the Bush tax cuts, period. Add another tax bracket for those above one million. Cut our military budget to the point that we are spending only as much as the next 7 countries combined, instead of as much as the next 14 countries combined.

Make the amount paid by the individual for SS apply to all income, no upper limit. Solves the SS problem for good. Go for full universal health care, paid for by an addition on all Income Taxes. That takes care of Medicare and Mediaid.
End the Bush tax cuts, period. Add another tax bracket for those above one million. Cut our military budget to the point that we are spending only as much as the next 7 countries combined, instead of as much as the next 14 countries combined.

Make the amount paid by the individual for SS apply to all income, no upper limit. Solves the SS problem for good. Go for full universal health care, paid for by an addition on all Income Taxes. That takes care of Medicare and Mediaid.

Give you're entire paycheck to the government in other words.

I'm glad you didn't neg-rep me for once.

That's a first. :eusa_clap:
Of course a libs solution. cut OUR DEFENSE.

Defense is a misnomer. Because the type of military we have now was never advocated by the founders or the Constitution.

What we have is a military that projects American power. We have a military that allows our private enterprise to exploit the natural resources of other countries. There's nothing defensive about that.

"National Interests" are not defense. Hardening the borders against invasion and the prevention of insurrection is defense. And for that we have over 2000 nukes, a huge navy, 2 oceans and several large mountain ranges that assure this country will never be invaded.
'Conservative' solution, cut education, SS, and all social programs.

When our military spends as much as the next 14 largest militarys in the world, one has to ask how much is enough? And for what purpose? Who is the enemy? What resources do they have? All questions that are going to be repeated not only by Ron Paul, but also by many liberals, independents, and, yes, conservatives.

Obama threatened Congress not to attach the Keystone pipeline deal to the tax-cut extension yesterday.

Wait a minute.....hasn't Obama and the rest of the Democrats been telling the Republicans to drop the cuts in every private negotiation since the debt-ceiling crisis?

Obama threatens veto if pipeline decision is added to payroll tax cut
By Ben Geman - 12/07/11 03:52 PM ET

The battle between the White House and Republicans over the Keystone XL pipeline escalated Wednesday with a veto threat delivered personally by President Obama.

Obama warned that he would veto an extension of the payroll-tax cut, his top legislative priority, if House Republicans link it to a measure that would force the administration to greenlight the pipeline project.

“Any effort to try to tie Keystone to the payroll-tax cut, I will reject,” Obama told reporters Wednesday after meeting at the White House with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Obama threatens veto if pipeline decision is added to payroll tax cut - The Hill's E2-Wire

So let me get this right; Obama doesn't like the tax-cuts and he doesn't like the Keystone Pipeline deal ether. So why does he think he can get away with this threat? Does he actually think we haven't been paying attention, or is he simply playing to the mindless nimrods that still want to vote for him even after he's turned out to be the disaster that I and others have predicted?

BTW, Obama said he's not leaving Washington on another Hawaiian vacation till this extension is pushed through for yet again another year. Why not make it permanent like Bush asked them to do for years?

FYI, the Dems insisted that the cuts not be made permanent. Remember that? That is the only why they could get it passed in the first place, and now they're using it like a club over the GOP simply because they think we have short memories.

I suggest that Congress not vote on it till next Summer. Maybe the prick will be forced to do some work then. Personally, I think everyone needs to find out what will happen if the cuts expire like the Democrats want. The deal here is the Dems are trying to find a way of blaming it all on the Republicans.

He's looking for congress to stop tying unrelated nonsense into legislation. In other words, he wants a clean bill.

By the way..he's the president. He can do that.
End the Bush tax cuts, period. Add another tax bracket for those above one million. Cut our military budget to the point that we are spending only as much as the next 7 countries combined, instead of as much as the next 14 countries combined.

Make the amount paid by the individual for SS apply to all income, no upper limit. Solves the SS problem for good. Go for full universal health care, paid for by an addition on all Income Taxes. That takes care of Medicare and Mediaid.

Cut the military? Good god man. Are you a moron? We have our men and women involved in ten fucking conflicts globally and you want to CUT the military?

If anything, we should reinstate the draft and teach idiots like you how to fight/operate a rifle.
'Conservative' solution, cut education, SS, and all social programs.

When our military spends as much as the next 14 largest militarys in the world, one has to ask how much is enough? And for what purpose? Who is the enemy? What resources do they have? All questions that are going to be repeated not only by Ron Paul, but also by many liberals, independents, and, yes, conservatives.

Part of the reason we spend so much and they so little is because of our habit of providing defense for everyone. Maybe that should change. However the reason we do is partly because of our global interests, meaning we're trading partners with just about everyone. Armed aggression tends to put a damper on free trade.
End the Bush tax cuts, period. Add another tax bracket for those above one million. Cut our military budget to the point that we are spending only as much as the next 7 countries combined, instead of as much as the next 14 countries combined.

Make the amount paid by the individual for SS apply to all income, no upper limit. Solves the SS problem for good. Go for full universal health care, paid for by an addition on all Income Taxes. That takes care of Medicare and Mediaid.

Cut the military? Good god man. Are you a moron? We have our men and women involved in ten fucking conflicts globally and you want to CUT the military?

If anything, we should reinstate the draft and teach idiots like you how to fight/operate a rifle.

No way. They might shoot one of us in the ass.
End the Bush tax cuts, period. Add another tax bracket for those above one million. Cut our military budget to the point that we are spending only as much as the next 7 countries combined, instead of as much as the next 14 countries combined.

Make the amount paid by the individual for SS apply to all income, no upper limit. Solves the SS problem for good. Go for full universal health care, paid for by an addition on all Income Taxes. That takes care of Medicare and Mediaid.

Cut the military? Good god man. Are you a moron? We have our men and women involved in ten fucking conflicts globally and you want to CUT the military?

If anything, we should reinstate the draft and teach idiots like you how to fight/operate a rifle.

No way. They might shoot one of us in the ass.

Yeah I know. Hell, the Commander-In-Chump probably wouldn't know which end of the tube the round comes out of if handed a rifle.

Now, give him a golf club - he'll show us how to use that- LOL!

Obama threatened Congress not to attach the Keystone pipeline deal to the tax-cut extension yesterday.

Wait a minute.....hasn't Obama and the rest of the Democrats been telling the Republicans to drop the cuts in every private negotiation since the debt-ceiling crisis?

Obama threatens veto if pipeline decision is added to payroll tax cut
By Ben Geman - 12/07/11 03:52 PM ET

The battle between the White House and Republicans over the Keystone XL pipeline escalated Wednesday with a veto threat delivered personally by President Obama.

Obama warned that he would veto an extension of the payroll-tax cut, his top legislative priority, if House Republicans link it to a measure that would force the administration to greenlight the pipeline project.

“Any effort to try to tie Keystone to the payroll-tax cut, I will reject,” Obama told reporters Wednesday after meeting at the White House with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Obama threatens veto if pipeline decision is added to payroll tax cut - The Hill's E2-Wire

So let me get this right; Obama doesn't like the tax-cuts and he doesn't like the Keystone Pipeline deal ether. So why does he think he can get away with this threat? Does he actually think we haven't been paying attention, or is he simply playing to the mindless nimrods that still want to vote for him even after he's turned out to be the disaster that I and others have predicted?

BTW, Obama said he's not leaving Washington on another Hawaiian vacation till this extension is pushed through for yet again another year. Why not make it permanent like Bush asked them to do for years?

FYI, the Dems insisted that the cuts not be made permanent. Remember that? That is the only why they could get it passed in the first place, and now they're using it like a club over the GOP simply because they think we have short memories.

I suggest that Congress not vote on it till next Summer. Maybe the prick will be forced to do some work then. Personally, I think everyone needs to find out what will happen if the cuts expire like the Democrats want. The deal here is the Dems are trying to find a way of blaming it all on the Republicans.

He's looking for congress to stop tying unrelated nonsense into legislation. In other words, he wants a clean bill.

By the way..he's the president. He can do that.

He's also a former Senator..

So if he wants in one hand and shits in the other which gets filled first?
Cut the military? Good god man. Are you a moron? We have our men and women involved in ten fucking conflicts globally and you want to CUT the military?

If anything, we should reinstate the draft and teach idiots like you how to fight/operate a rifle.

No way. They might shoot one of us in the ass.

Yeah I know. Hell, the Commander-In-Chump probably wouldn't know which end of the tube the round comes out of if handed a rifle.

Now, give him a golf club - he'll show us how to use that- LOL!

The only reason he took up golfing is because he feels it will make him one of the fellas.

He looks like a grown man that never learned to golf as a kid.

Obama threatened Congress not to attach the Keystone pipeline deal to the tax-cut extension yesterday.

Wait a minute.....hasn't Obama and the rest of the Democrats been telling the Republicans to drop the cuts in every private negotiation since the debt-ceiling crisis?

So let me get this right; Obama doesn't like the tax-cuts and he doesn't like the Keystone Pipeline deal ether. So why does he think he can get away with this threat? Does he actually think we haven't been paying attention, or is he simply playing to the mindless nimrods that still want to vote for him even after he's turned out to be the disaster that I and others have predicted?

BTW, Obama said he's not leaving Washington on another Hawaiian vacation till this extension is pushed through for yet again another year. Why not make it permanent like Bush asked them to do for years?

FYI, the Dems insisted that the cuts not be made permanent. Remember that? That is the only why they could get it passed in the first place, and now they're using it like a club over the GOP simply because they think we have short memories.

I suggest that Congress not vote on it till next Summer. Maybe the prick will be forced to do some work then. Personally, I think everyone needs to find out what will happen if the cuts expire like the Democrats want. The deal here is the Dems are trying to find a way of blaming it all on the Republicans.

He's looking for congress to stop tying unrelated nonsense into legislation. In other words, he wants a clean bill.

By the way..he's the president. He can do that.

He's also a former Senator..

So if he wants in one hand and shits in the other which gets filled first?

He's now the President. Get it?

He's telling them to send a clean bill. If they don't it will probably see a veto. That's why he's in the position.

Don't like it? Don't vote for him next time around.
He's looking for congress to stop tying unrelated nonsense into legislation. In other words, he wants a clean bill.

By the way..he's the president. He can do that.

He's also a former Senator..

So if he wants in one hand and shits in the other which gets filled first?

He's now the President. Get it?

He's telling them to send a clean bill. If they don't it will probably see a veto. That's why he's in the position.

Don't like it? Don't vote for him next time around.

I didn't vote for him the first time.

Btw, we would benefit from both but Obama wants to play politics. He'd rather continue to buy oil from folks that hate us than buy it from our friendly neighbors to the North.

Obama threatened Congress not to attach the Keystone pipeline deal to the tax-cut extension yesterday.

Wait a minute.....hasn't Obama and the rest of the Democrats been telling the Republicans to drop the cuts in every private negotiation since the debt-ceiling crisis?

Obama threatens veto if pipeline decision is added to payroll tax cut
By Ben Geman - 12/07/11 03:52 PM ET

The battle between the White House and Republicans over the Keystone XL pipeline escalated Wednesday with a veto threat delivered personally by President Obama.

Obama warned that he would veto an extension of the payroll-tax cut, his top legislative priority, if House Republicans link it to a measure that would force the administration to greenlight the pipeline project.

“Any effort to try to tie Keystone to the payroll-tax cut, I will reject,” Obama told reporters Wednesday after meeting at the White House with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Obama threatens veto if pipeline decision is added to payroll tax cut - The Hill's E2-Wire

Of course he will veto any tax cut that's linked to the Keystone Pipeline, he doesn't want to be forced to make any kind of executive decision that would cost him votes. He needs all the supporters he can, at this point, and splitting the vote of those that would support him is not an option (it's 100% political).

I heard the speech he delivered with the Canadian Prime Minister, and his excuse is that it's simply going to take time (well over a year mind you) to be sure all the safety measures are in place that no possibility of an envirnomental threat would exist before making a decision. Excuse me? Is this Keystone pipeline some kind of NEW technology that it requires over a YEAR to finally formulate a decision? Perhaps he should have taken the same amount of time before pushing his GREEN initive with companies like Solyndra, or trying to find a way to force the sale of the Chevy Volt onto a market that's not ready to go out and empty the lots over that kind of price tag technology. Why else is the Federal Government willing to take on a hit of further Government Debt just to subsidize a product consumers aren't confident is even safe?
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Obama threatened Congress not to attach the Keystone pipeline deal to the tax-cut extension yesterday.

Wait a minute.....hasn't Obama and the rest of the Democrats been telling the Republicans to drop the cuts in every private negotiation since the debt-ceiling crisis?

Obama threatens veto if pipeline decision is added to payroll tax cut
By Ben Geman - 12/07/11 03:52 PM ET

The battle between the White House and Republicans over the Keystone XL pipeline escalated Wednesday with a veto threat delivered personally by President Obama.

Obama warned that he would veto an extension of the payroll-tax cut, his top legislative priority, if House Republicans link it to a measure that would force the administration to greenlight the pipeline project.

“Any effort to try to tie Keystone to the payroll-tax cut, I will reject,” Obama told reporters Wednesday after meeting at the White House with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Obama threatens veto if pipeline decision is added to payroll tax cut - The Hill's E2-Wire

Of course he will veto any tax cut that's linked to the Keystone Pipeline, he doesn't want to be forced to make any kind of executive decision that would cost him votes. He needs all the supporters he can, at this point, and splitting the vote of those that would support him is not an option (it's 100% political).

I heard the speech he delivered with the Canadian Prime Minister, and his excuse is that it's simply going to take time (well over a year mind you) to be sure all the safety measures are in place that no possibility of an envirnomental threat would exist before making a decision. Excuse me? Is this Keystone pipeline some kind of NEW technology that it requires over a YEAR to finally formulate a decision? Perhaps he should have taken the same amount of time before pushing his GREEN initive with companies like Solyndra, or trying to find a way to force the sale of the Chevy Volt onto a market that's not ready to go out and empty the lots over that kind of price tag technology. Why else is the Federal Government willing to take on a hit of further Government Debt just to subsidize a product consumers aren't confident is even safe?

Part of the problem with these treehugger types is any time we do anything they insist on finding out what the environmental impact will be.

Expensive and time consuming.
End the Bush tax cuts, period. Add another tax bracket for those above one million. Cut our military budget to the point that we are spending only as much as the next 7 countries combined, instead of as much as the next 14 countries combined.

Make the amount paid by the individual for SS apply to all income, no upper limit. Solves the SS problem for good. Go for full universal health care, paid for by an addition on all Income Taxes. That takes care of Medicare and Mediaid.

We already are looking at a 25% to 23% reduction in the Federal Budget. Compare that to a Health Care increase from 13% to 24 %, a social security increase from 22% to 23%, and welfare from 12% to 11%. That equates to the Federal Budget setting aside 23% towards the military with 58% towards entitlement spending. Looks like we are not taking spending cuts seriously, by cutting from the easier slice of the pie. If we are going to see some serious debt reduction, it's going to have to come out of the 58%.

We also need to see those who want to benefit from government entitlements, also begin by contributing income taxes to them (which is directed towards those who don't pay any Federal taxes). If you want to eliminate the poor and make them productive member of society, then only provide welfare to those who are physically unable to get a job on their own and cut welfare completely for everyone else. This would force them to formulate better decisions that directly effects them, like public school over the streets for example. This would also bring justification as to why responsible taxpayers are supporting individuals who choose, for themselves, NOT to take opportunities that are freely provided to them. If they want to choose the streets over free public education, let their own families support them NOT responsible taxpayers.
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End the Bush tax cuts, period. Add another tax bracket for those above one million. Cut our military budget to the point that we are spending only as much as the next 7 countries combined, instead of as much as the next 14 countries combined.

Make the amount paid by the individual for SS apply to all income, no upper limit. Solves the SS problem for good. Go for full universal health care, paid for by an addition on all Income Taxes. That takes care of Medicare and Mediaid.

Give you're entire paycheck to the government in other words.

I'm glad you didn't neg-rep me for once.

That's a first. :eusa_clap:

You mean he acts like a pussy.

That isnt shocking.

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