Obama On Oscar 'White out': Hollywood Should ‘Provide Opportunity to Everybody’


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
LINK: Obama Weighs In on Oscars Race Controversy

OBAMA: “As a whole, the industry should do what every other industry should do, which is to look for talent, and provide opportunity to everybody,” the President said. “I think the Oscar debate is really just an expression of this broader issue of are we making sure that everybody is getting a fair shot?”

Does that mean he thinks the BET Awards should be 'whitened' or eliminated, or is an 'all-black, no-whites/ no non-blacks-allowed', entertainment awards show ok?

LINK: Obama Weighs In on Oscars Race Controversy

OBAMA: “As a whole, the industry should do what every other industry should do, which is to look for talent, and provide opportunity to everybody,” the President said. “I think the Oscar debate is really just an expression of this broader issue of are we making sure that everybody is getting a fair shot?”

Does that mean he thinks the BET Awards should be 'whitened' or eliminated, or is an 'all-black, no-whites/ no non-blacks-allowed', entertainment awards show ok?


Will his next EO be to force Affirmative Action on the Oscars?
I could see it if there were performances by black actors that were being overlooked...because they're black.

But I remember that year when Russell Crowe lost out for best actor to Denzel Washington for Training Day...even Denzel was pointing out the hypocrisy, albeit in a subtle way, during his acceptance speech
We should have a dark Oscar. Given to the darkest black. Denzel will lose to Idris even if he didn't make any movie.

Does that mean he thinks the BET Awards should be 'whitened' or eliminated, or is an 'all-black, no-whites/ no non-blacks-allowed', entertainment awards show ok?

I guess there could be Whites Only Movie Award, but the Oscars supposedly aim more broadly.
they do, but it's a business like any other you make what sells .
that's why you don't see many white supremacist and bible thumping movies,

Actually you're right about White Supremacist Movies.

However, Christiab themed movies always do well when Hollywood can bring themselves to do one.

Which is not often.

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