Obama Might Leave The Country Under Trump

Donald has not denied that he won't move to Russia when he is the biggest loser in the election.

Donald may be moving to Russia- and we do all live in hope that will be the new home of Apprentice.
He won't be the only one. Most of his administration along with Bill and Hillary (and their campaign teams) will probably flee the country to avoid prosecution.
Barry Hussein never seemed comfortable under a Constitution in his adopted Country anyway. Will he ever come clean about his birth certificate? Probably not.

Wouldn't all liberals be happier in Cuba?

Nobody has a gun except people in the government.
Religion is contained and not part of their society.
Free government healthcare.
Everybody is equal.....equally poor. Not many rich people except those in government.
No. They want everybody ELSE to be poor and at the mercy of big government. THEY want to be the ones in charge.

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