Obama killing American soldiers


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
The most astounding numbers you'll ever see, and the main stream media refuses to report it (yet they tore apart Bush for considerably LESS than 1/2 of these numbers):

In 8 years under George W. Bush, 625 American military men & women died in Afghanistan. In only 3 years under Barack Hussein Obama, 1,474 American military men and women have died in Afghanistan. That's right, 70% (for those not good at math) of those that have died in Afghanistan, have done so UNDER Barack Obama - and that was only in 3 years.

Additionally, in 8 years under George W. Bush there were 2,638 Americans were injured in Afghanistan. In only 3 years under Obama, an astounding 14,817 have been injured. 84% of ALL injuries since the war in Afghanistan began have occurred under Barack Obama.

He's not only killing our freedoms and our economy, he's literally killing our military men and women. Thank God America is sending him home for good in November!

GOP hits president on foreign policy
This explains a good part of the reason that our casualties have gone up as well as the Afghans our guys are supposed to be training turning the weapons we give them on our men.

Under the Obama Administration, the rules of engagement in the Afghan War are extreme political correctness, and this has brought well-earned criticism of the military's prosecution of the Afghan War from a very decorated source, Major General Robert Scales. Imagine if you're a Marine in Afghanistan, charged with fighting terrorists, yet you can't shoot at Taliban terrorists unless you see them actually holding weapons in their hands! If the Taliban terrorists only temporarily put their arms down, Marines are forbidden from shooting at them! Imagine that you also can't treat the captured terrorists "roughly"-as in using "harsh" language against them that may hurt their little, wittle, terrorist feelings-and that you must release your terrorist foe after 96 hours if you don't hand them over to the Afghan police. Think this is a bad dream, a cruel joke or simply a liberal's wildest fantasy come true? Think again, for this is actual war policy going on in Afghanistan right now under Obama.

Under Obama, Rules of Engagement in Afghan War Are Extreme Political Correctness Which Slow Down US Troops - Yahoo! Voices - voices.yahoo.com
The most astounding numbers you'll ever see, and the main stream media refuses to report it (yet they tore apart Bush for considerably LESS than 1/2 of these numbers):

In 8 years under George W. Bush, 625 American military men & women died in Afghanistan. In only 3 years under Barack Hussein Obama, 1,474 American military men and women have died in Afghanistan. That's right, 70% (for those not good at math) of those that have died in Afghanistan, have done so UNDER Barack Obama - and that was only in 3 years.

Additionally, in 8 years under George W. Bush there were 2,638 Americans were injured in Afghanistan. In only 3 years under Obama, an astounding 14,817 have been injured. 84% of ALL injuries since the war in Afghanistan began have occurred under Barack Obama.

He's not only killing our freedoms and our economy, he's literally killing our military men and women. Thank God America is sending him home for good in November!

GOP hits president on foreign policy

Who the fuck started this fucking wars and who the fuck ended the fucking war in Iraq and is ending the fucking war in Afghanistan? And bringing our troops home alive instead of in body bags?:mad:

Sending him home will not end the mess Bush started. Romney will just start where Bush left off. Romney will start another war with Iran as soon as he can take him pen out and sign the orders.

Rottweiler, do you hear your self talking? This is a most aisine post ever seen on this site.

''Mitt Romney pledged this week (that) if elected president, he will drive down unemployment to 6% or lower before the end of his first term. Well, it's easy enough to do; all he has to do is re-hire the people he already fired.'' —Jay Leno
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The most astounding numbers you'll ever see, and the main stream media refuses to report it (yet they tore apart Bush for considerably LESS than 1/2 of these numbers):

In 8 years under George W. Bush, 625 American military men & women died in Afghanistan. In only 3 years under Barack Hussein Obama, 1,474 American military men and women have died in Afghanistan. That's right, 70% (for those not good at math) of those that have died in Afghanistan, have done so UNDER Barack Obama - and that was only in 3 years.

Additionally, in 8 years under George W. Bush there were 2,638 Americans were injured in Afghanistan. In only 3 years under Obama, an astounding 14,817 have been injured. 84% of ALL injuries since the war in Afghanistan began have occurred under Barack Obama.

He's not only killing our freedoms and our economy, he's literally killing our military men and women. Thank God America is sending him home for good in November!

GOP hits president on foreign policy

Who the fuck started this fucking wars and who the fuck ended the fucking war in Iraq and is ending the fucking war in Afghanistan? And bringing our troops home alive instead of in body bags?:mad:

Sending him home will not end the mess Bush started. Romney will just start where Bush left off. Romney will start another war with Iran as soon as he can take him pen out and sign the orders.

In case you missed the point of the OP. Obama policies are CAUSING our men to be sent home in body bags. In addition, the Obama timeline guarantees that our men's job's are much more difficult because they can't count on local help. The locals say, "America has a watch, but the Taliban has the time."
The most astounding numbers you'll ever see, and the main stream media refuses to report it (yet they tore apart Bush for considerably LESS than 1/2 of these numbers):

In 8 years under George W. Bush, 625 American military men & women died in Afghanistan. In only 3 years under Barack Hussein Obama, 1,474 American military men and women have died in Afghanistan. That's right, 70% (for those not good at math) of those that have died in Afghanistan, have done so UNDER Barack Obama - and that was only in 3 years.

Additionally, in 8 years under George W. Bush there were 2,638 Americans were injured in Afghanistan. In only 3 years under Obama, an astounding 14,817 have been injured. 84% of ALL injuries since the war in Afghanistan began have occurred under Barack Obama.

He's not only killing our freedoms and our economy, he's literally killing our military men and women. Thank God America is sending him home for good in November!

GOP hits president on foreign policy

Who the fuck started this fucking wars and who the fuck ended the fucking war in Iraq and is ending the fucking war in Afghanistan? And bringing our troops home alive instead of in body bags?:mad:

Sending him home will not end the mess Bush started. Romney will just start where Bush left off. Romney will start another war with Iran as soon as he can take him pen out and sign the orders.

You're a fucking idiot who can't even create a coherent sentence.

Who started the wars? Al Qaeda, when they crashed planes into America on 09/11/01.

Who allowed them to finance, recruit, train, and plan 9/11? Bill Clinton

Who is "ending" the war in Afghanistan? Well, considering twice as many people in half as many years have died under Obama than GWB, it's safe to say it's NOT Obama who is "ending" this thing. From the success rate of the enemy, I'd say it will be Al Qaeda who will end this thing if Obama stays in office.

What a fucking tool you are - not only too stupid to create complete sentences, but you're actually more worried about Obama and your political party than you are about American men and women DYING. Shows what an insensitive, ideological, partisan hack you are....
LilOlLady: I don't care how many people have to die, just as long as Obama gets re-elected. That's all that matters. Go Obama - fuck American's! And fuck our military!
The most astounding numbers you'll ever see, and the main stream media refuses to report it (yet they tore apart Bush for considerably LESS than 1/2 of these numbers):

In 8 years under George W. Bush, 625 American military men & women died in Afghanistan. In only 3 years under Barack Hussein Obama, 1,474 American military men and women have died in Afghanistan. That's right, 70% (for those not good at math) of those that have died in Afghanistan, have done so UNDER Barack Obama - and that was only in 3 years.

Additionally, in 8 years under George W. Bush there were 2,638 Americans were injured in Afghanistan. In only 3 years under Obama, an astounding 14,817 have been injured. 84% of ALL injuries since the war in Afghanistan began have occurred under Barack Obama.

He's not only killing our freedoms and our economy, he's literally killing our military men and women. Thank God America is sending him home for good in November!

GOP hits president on foreign policy

Who the fuck started this fucking wars and who the fuck ended the fucking war in Iraq and is ending the fucking war in Afghanistan? And bringing our troops home alive instead of in body bags?:mad:

Sending him home will not end the mess Bush started. Romney will just start where Bush left off. Romney will start another war with Iran as soon as he can take him pen out and sign the orders.

Rottweiler, do you hear your self talking? This is a most aisine post ever seen on this site.

''Mitt Romney pledged this week (that) if elected president, he will drive down unemployment to 6% or lower before the end of his first term. Well, it's easy enough to do; all he has to do is re-hire the people he already fired.'' —Jay Leno

No, he'd have to go a really long way to beat any of your posts, you psycho.

So you're saying you want to keep Obama because he killed more people than Bush?

Or you're saying we should keep Obama because he kills people better than Bush?
The most astounding numbers you'll ever see, and the main stream media refuses to report it (yet they tore apart Bush for considerably LESS than 1/2 of these numbers):

In 8 years under George W. Bush, 625 American military men & women died in Afghanistan. In only 3 years under Barack Hussein Obama, 1,474 American military men and women have died in Afghanistan. That's right, 70% (for those not good at math) of those that have died in Afghanistan, have done so UNDER Barack Obama - and that was only in 3 years.

Additionally, in 8 years under George W. Bush there were 2,638 Americans were injured in Afghanistan. In only 3 years under Obama, an astounding 14,817 have been injured. 84% of ALL injuries since the war in Afghanistan began have occurred under Barack Obama.

He's not only killing our freedoms and our economy, he's literally killing our military men and women. Thank God America is sending him home for good in November!

GOP hits president on foreign policy
what a bunch of crock....

there were over 4400 us military killed in Iraq, and less killed in Afghanistan because President bush brought the war to Iraq and basically left afghanistan and his proclamation to get bin Laden, "Dead or Alive" and there were officially over 33,000 americans wounded in Iraq......

Let's al least try to get the numbers correct before you all continue to have your whine fest....

afghanistan was left by the wayside and the deaths occurred in Iraq
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The most astounding numbers you'll ever see, and the main stream media refuses to report it (yet they tore apart Bush for considerably LESS than 1/2 of these numbers):

In 8 years under George W. Bush, 625 American military men & women died in Afghanistan. In only 3 years under Barack Hussein Obama, 1,474 American military men and women have died in Afghanistan. That's right, 70% (for those not good at math) of those that have died in Afghanistan, have done so UNDER Barack Obama - and that was only in 3 years.

Additionally, in 8 years under George W. Bush there were 2,638 Americans were injured in Afghanistan. In only 3 years under Obama, an astounding 14,817 have been injured. 84% of ALL injuries since the war in Afghanistan began have occurred under Barack Obama.

He's not only killing our freedoms and our economy, he's literally killing our military men and women. Thank God America is sending him home for good in November!

GOP hits president on foreign policy

Obama is 'literally killing our military men and women'?

Congratulations! You've been awarded the "I've-Gone-Off-The-Deep-End" Award.

My guess is ultimately you'll be a multiple winner in time. Certainly, you'll be nominated several times in the future...even if you regrettably lose to another person with equally questionable sanity.
Bush ordered troops into Afghanistan....so...the blame belongs elsewhere.

And Obama now has Bush's job and FULL control over the military. He could do a 1,000 things to curb the deaths under him. He could even pull them all out today and send them home (not the right move at all - but he could do it).

So the blame is exactly where it belongs - on Barack Hussein Obama.
LilOlLady: I don't care how many people have to die, just as long as Obama gets re-elected. That's all that matters. Go Obama - fuck American's! And fuck our military!

exactly......Obama prefers death for our soldiers instead of a civil war erupting [read: FAIL] before he's elected again.....:mad:
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Because it's wrong to point out that dem regimes always result in more dead Americans.

Anti-American pieces of shit will wail over this thread. They may even pull out their head and throw ashes around, while ululating.
Expect to be reported, as well. They don't like freedom of speech when it shines a light on them.
scumbag thread

Truth hurts, uh stupid? :lol:

How sad that you'd rather see young people die so Obama can stay in office. Don't stand up and demand answers. Don't stand up and demand actions. No, just sit there supporting Obama while trying to deflect the facts and cover for him.

Fucking idiot....
I want to hear Care & Licked'er ululate together. I'll bet they're doing it right now...
The most astounding numbers you'll ever see, and the main stream media refuses to report it (yet they tore apart Bush for considerably LESS than 1/2 of these numbers):

In 8 years under George W. Bush, 625 American military men & women died in Afghanistan. In only 3 years under Barack Hussein Obama, 1,474 American military men and women have died in Afghanistan. That's right, 70% (for those not good at math) of those that have died in Afghanistan, have done so UNDER Barack Obama - and that was only in 3 years.

Additionally, in 8 years under George W. Bush there were 2,638 Americans were injured in Afghanistan. In only 3 years under Obama, an astounding 14,817 have been injured. 84% of ALL injuries since the war in Afghanistan began have occurred under Barack Obama.

He's not only killing our freedoms and our economy, he's literally killing our military men and women. Thank God America is sending him home for good in November!

GOP hits president on foreign policy
what a bunch of crock....

there were over 4400 us military killed in Iraq, and less killed in Afghanistan because President bush brought the war to Iraq and basically left afghanistan and his proclamation to get bin Laden, "Dead or Alive" and there were officially over 33,000 americans wounded in Iraq......

Let's al least try to get the numbers correct before you all continue to have your whine fest....

afghanistan was left by the wayside and the deaths occurred in Iraq

The numbers are correct... We're not talking about Iraq, we're talking about Afghanistan. If you can't keep up with the conversation, don't weigh in. If you want to talk about Iraq, then start a new thread for that, stupid.

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