Obama Is Preparing Prison-Court Complex System For You


Terral Corp CEO
Mar 4, 2009
Greetings to All:

The Obama Administration is doing everything possible to detain ‘Americans’ in Detention Camps inside the USA by carefully orchestrating a joining of military and civilian detention facilities in direct violation of the US Constitution and your Bill of Rights. Watch carefully as I point out the disinformation within this Associated Press story:

SignOnSanDiego.com Story

Detainees could be held at single site
Prison-court complex in U.S. is considered

By Lara Jakes


2:00 a.m. August 3, 2009

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is looking at creating a courtroom-within-a-prison complex in the United States to house suspected terrorists, combining military and civilian detention facilities at a single maximum-security prison.
Americans are STUPID IDIOTS for allowing anyone in the out-of-control Bush/Obama Administrations to decide who is a ‘suspected terrorist,’ as if anyone in the Administrative Branch of our three-tiered government is endowed with that right!!!! No sir. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty in A COURT OF LAW by a jury of your peers!!!! The Obama Administration has no business creating a courtroom ANYWHERE and has no business combining military and civilian detention facilities at any maximum-security prison! Congress still makes the laws ‘and’ the Obama Administration is responsible for ‘enforcing’ those laws ‘and’ the Judicial Branch is responsible for interpreting those same laws in A COURT OF LAW. Period! Obama is doing everything to become the Hilter-like Judge, Jury and Executioner in bypassing Congress for creating these new FEMA Death Camp Facilities for Americans only ‘suspected’ of being his new brand of domestic terrorist with ‘new’ authority to detain and hold U.S. Citizens in his new detention centers forever and ever ‘without’ pressing charges and ‘without’ the condemned citizens ever seeing the evidence against him. No sir. If anyone within the out-of-control Obama Administration decides to detain ANYONE, that person has the right to an attorney and to see the charges and any evidence against him with his right to a fair trial before a jury of ‘his’ peers.

Several senior U.S. officials said the administration is studying a soon-to-be-shuttered state maximum-security prison in Michigan and the military penitentiary at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., as possible locations for a heavily guarded site to hold the 229 suspected al-Qaeda, Taliban and foreign fighters now jailed at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba.
Bullony! Americans are STUPID IDIOTS for allowing the out-of-control Bush/Obama Administrations to perpetually detain ANYONE without charges being filed. These 229 people are mere ‘suspects’ and nobody inside the Administrative Branch has the authority to brand them as terrorists or anything else! All the evidence MUST be turned over to the Judiciary for due process by the prosecuting attorney ‘and’ the defense of each person suspected of breaking U.S. Law. These people MUST be charged with a crime OR released. Period! The fact that an Obama Administration Official wants to characterize ‘innocent’ people as ‘terrorists’ means NOTHING IN ANY COURT OF LAW. The fact that the USA has a ‘detention camp’ in Cuba speaks directly against the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights, as ALL MEN are indeed ‘created equal’ in the eyes of your Creator. The fact that Americans allow mere ‘suspects’ to remain in prison all these years WITHOUT seeing any charges speaks volumes about your absolute STUPIDITY and this is another reason that the USA is worthy of utter destruction (my Topic).

The officials outlined the plans – the latest effort to comply with President Barack Obama's order to close the prison camp by Jan. 22 and satisfy congressional and public fears about incarcerating terror suspects on American soil – on condition of anonymity because the options are under review.
No!!!! The Obama Administration has NO RIGHT to perpetually detain anyone merely ‘suspected’ of committing any crime. Period! We The People should demand to see the ‘charges’ against these ‘suspects,’ OR these ‘innocent’ people MUST BE RELEASED at the LOCATION OF THEIR ORIGINAL ARREST AND DETENTION. Period! If the USA arrested anyone in Iraq or Afghanistan, but now cannot support those charges, those people MUST be released in Iraq or Afghanistan the very same way they were arrested in the very beginning. If We The Sheeple allow the U.S. Govt to violate the rights of these ‘suspected terrorists,’ THEN the same corrupt U.S. Govt has the same exact right to detain ‘you’ without any charges and without producing one shred of evidence for ‘your’ perpetual detention!

White House spokesman Ben LaBolt said Friday that no decisions have been made about the proposal. The White House considers the courtroom-prison complex as the best among a series of bad options, an administration official said.
Bullony! What the ‘White House considers’ as best or worst has nothing to do with anything! Everyone in the USA must live under the same “Rule Of Law” and that includes the Kenyan-born Barack Obama and his band of Fascist Czars! The USA already has more prison space than any other country on earth and the right option is to charge these ‘suspects’ OR release them as innocent people not even charged with any crime.

The facility would operate as a hybrid prison system jointly operated by the Justice Department, the military and the Department of Homeland Security.
If We The Stupid Sheeple are stupid enough to allow a joining of the Justice Dept ‘and’ the Military ‘and’ the Dept of Homeland Insecurity (filled with morons), then you are stupid enough to become the next victims of their Hitler-like FEMA/Nazi Concentration/Detention Camps! Obama wants to characterize ‘you’ as his ‘domestic terrorist,’ so he can ship ‘you’ off to his FEMA Death Camps (link) and throw away the key . . .

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPnCz_rtIv8]FEMA Camps, Swine Flu And Martial Law[/ame]

The administration's plan, according to three government officials, calls for:

Moving all the Guantanamo Bay detainees to a single U.S. prison.
These ‘innocent’ people are prisoners of the U.S. Govt and are guilty of NOTHING! Either charge them or let them all go!

The Justice Department has identified between 60 and 80 who could be prosecuted, either in military or federal criminal courts. The Pentagon would oversee the detainees who would face trial in military tribunals. The Bureau of Prisons, an arm of the Justice Department, would manage defendants in federal courts.
No sir! Recite these familiar words with me, "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

Justice is only justice if the ‘Rule Of Law’ is applied equally to everyone! The police cannot detain anyone perpetually for merely ‘suspecting’ them of a crime! Who told the Obama Administration that those ‘detainees’ were terrorists? Since they obviously have not even been charged of any crime ‘and’ have not had their day in court, then nobody on God’s Green Earth has the right to conclude that they are ‘terrorists’ or anything else. The USA is guilty of breaking their own rules and We The Sheeple are the people to become Obama’s next brand of domestic terrorists by mere characterization by an Obama Administration Official! This is akin to allowing the out-of-control FBI decide who can and cannot buy a gun, when that right should be taken away by a judge and a jury of your peers the very same way! Bit by bit We The Sheeple are allowing the Fascists inside the U.S. Govt to take away all of your rights, because the Americans are STUPID and deserve utter destruction from the face of the earth . . .

Building a court facility within the prison site where military or criminal defendants would be tried. Doing so would create a single venue for almost all the criminal defendants, ending the need to transport them elsewhere in the United States for trial.
This is more bullony on the half shell! We already have a U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights and perfectly good courts for hearing every kind of case on God’s Green Earth! The Obama Administration has every opportunity to ‘charge’ these ‘innocent people’ with crimes OR to simply let them all go! We are NOT talking about uniformed soldiers captured on the field of battle, but freedom fighters and citizens of other countries detained for one reason or another. All of these innocent people must have their day in court OR be released at the place of their original arrest and detention. If the Obama Administration has no intention of charging these innocent people with a crime, they must be released ASAP.

Providing long-term holding cells for a small but still undetermined number of detainees who will not face trial because intelligence and counterterror officials conclude they are too dangerous to risk being freed.
No!!! The Obama Administration has only two options: 1. Charge these innocent people with a crime. 2. Let them go. The intelligence and counter-terror community has no right to play judge, jury and executioner!

Building immigration detention cells for detainees ordered released by courts but still behind bars because countries are unwilling to take them.
Bullony! The USA detained these people on foreign soil AND they must be released on the same foreign soil! Period! Every ‘innocent’ person ‘ordered released by the courts’ MUST be released! Period! These countries should have secured their borders in the very beginning . . .

Each proposal, according to experts in constitutional and national security law, faces legal and logistical problems.
No kidding! The first legal problem is that all of these ‘innocent’ people should have been released years ago!

Scott Silliman, director of Duke University's Center on Law, Ethics and National Security, called the proposal “totally unprecedented” and said he doubts the plan would work without Congress' involvement because new laws probably would be needed. Otherwise, “we gain nothing – all we do is create a Guantanamo in Kansas or wherever,” Silliman said.
The stage is being set to ‘perpetually detain’ Americans who are merely ‘suspected’ of committing crimes . . .

Legal experts said civilian trials held inside the prison could face jury-selection dilemmas in rural areas because of the limited number of potential jurors available.
Justice under the Law requires a jury of ‘their peers.’ However, none that that means anything until the Obama Administration actually charges somebody with committing a crime!

One solution, Silliman said, would be to bring jurors from elsewhere. But that step, one official said, also could compromise security by opening up the prison to outsiders.
This entire story is effort thrown after complete stupidity! Again, we already have very good laws and very good courtrooms and judges ready to see the cases against anyone charged with a crime. The Obama Administration wants to control all of the facets of the process to hide their own guilt, while ensuring that nobody gets a fair trial (Red Alert story).

It is unclear whether victims would be allowed into the courtroom to watch the trials. Victims and family members have no assumed right under current law to attend military commissions, though the Pentagon does allow them to attend hearings at Guantanamo Bay under a random selection process. That right is automatic in civilian federal courthouses.
In other words, the Obama Administration gets to decide how much of the process is ‘military,’ as if ‘liberty and justice for all’ excludes these mere ‘suspects.’ If these innocent people deserved a military trial, then they should have been charged in Iraq or Afghanistan under the auspices of the U.S. Military and the regular chain of command protocols. Removing these ‘innocent until proven guilty’ people from that military environment should guarantee them a fair trial in a U.S. Court of Law, because (again), these people are not uniformed soldiers fighting under the flag of a U.S. adversary.

“They'll have to sort it out,” said Douglas Beloof, a professor at Lewis and Clark Law School in Portland, Ore., and an expert on crime victims' rights.

Beloof said the new system “could create tension with victims who would protest.”
What victims? These innocent men are the victims of a Bush/Obama Fascist Regime in direct violation of our own laws!

The officials said that another uncertainty remains how many Guantanamo detainees would end up housed in the hybrid prison.
We The People had better press the issue and see that all of these innocent people are charged or released! Or, the next victims will by you!

As many as an estimated 170 of the detainees now at Guantanamo Bay are unlikely to be prosecuted. Some are being held indefinitely because government officials do not want to take the chance of seeing them acquitted in a trial.
Okay. So try to imagine yourself rotting away in prison for years and years and years, but you will be held indefinitely; because govt officials do not want to take the chance that you might be acquitted! This is insanity!

The rest are considered candidates for release, but the United States cannot find foreign countries willing to take them. Almost all have yet to be charged with crimes.
The fact that these innocent people are being detained without even being charged should turn your stomach! Imagine the Iranians holding innocent Americans in their detention camps forever and ever without charging them with crimes . . . Where is your outrage for these Gitmo Detainees??!!

Two senior U.S. officials said one option for the proposed hybrid prison would be to use the soon-to-be-shuttered Standish maximum-security state prison in northeast Michigan. The facility already has individual cells and ample security for detainees.
Well, since we already have the facility . . . What a joke! The Fascist State already has over 800 Halliburton-built FEMA Concentration Camp Facilities (story and story) up and ready to go for housing Americans, so let’s start filling them too!

Getting the Standish prison ready for the detainees would be costly. One official estimated it would cost more than $100 million for security and other building upgrades.
Let’s see: Hmmmmm . . . Let’s spend $100,000,000 to house innocent people charged with nothing . . .

Several Michigan lawmakers, including Senate Armed Services Chairman Carl Levin and Rep. Bart Stupak, both Democrats, have said they would be open to moving detainees to Michigan as long as there is broad local support.
This story is a fishing expedition for finding out if We The Sheeple are game for putting innocent people into detention camps, because that is exactly what Obama has in mind for you . . .

The political support is not unanimous. Michigan Rep. Pete Hoekstra, top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee who is seeking the GOP nomination for governor next year, is against the idea.

Obama administration officials said the U.S. Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth is under consideration because it is already a high-security facility that could be protected further by the surrounding military base.
Instead of figuring out how to charge these innocent people with a crime, Mr. Obama is wasting time qualifying specific high-security facilities that might serve his fascist purposes. If these people were charged with crimes, then just how many would be found guilty? We might never know . . .


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No.......you got it wrong.

CHENEY is the one that was building the prison complex. Shit.......he's been in trouble several times (even during his term), for what he's done here in Texas.
The Obama Administration is doing everything possible to detain ‘Americans’ in Detention Camps inside the USA by carefully orchestrating a joining of military and civilian detention facilities in direct violation of the US Constitution and your Bill of Rights. Watch carefully as I point out the disinformation within this Associated Press story:
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Well Bob, it's always fun to see what our mutant Jedi comes up with for a conspiracy theory.

You do realize, those conspiracy theories are then turned into GOP talking points, and then used to try to undermine Obama right?

No wonder the GOP is so fucking stupid right now.
I think anyone who opposes health care reform is a domestic terrorist, and enemy combatant, really - when you think about it...

Well Bob, it's always fun to see what our mutant Jedi comes up with for a conspiracy theory.

You do realize, those conspiracy theories are then turned into GOP talking points, and then used to try to undermine Obama right?

No wonder the GOP is so fucking stupid right now.

Yes, and in many cases I agree with you,. The GOP certainly does itself no favors with some of the alarmist bullshit that it spouts.

That said, I wouldn't want you to think that I don't believe the Democrats to be equally fucking stupid with some of the accusations they make about the GOP.
Terral, I was worried about you. I hadn't seen any posts from you in quite awhile and I thought something bad happened. But from your OP I can see you were just really busy working. Glad you're ok.
The Obama Administration is doing everything possible to detain ‘Americans’ in Detention Camps inside the USA by carefully orchestrating a joining of military and civilian detention facilities in direct violation of the US Constitution and your Bill of Rights. Watch carefully as I point out the disinformation within this Associated Press story:...
More like "Watch Carefully" as you practice your slight of hand and play fast and loose with the facts as usual.

The story says nothing about a prison court complex "for you" as you state. The facilities are for suspect terrorists. While I don't agree with what they want to do, I don't think they will pull it off either because Obama is a piss poor manager.

Anyone who reads the story you linked to can tell the real problem with Obama's plan for relocating the terror suspects: Politics.
Politicians lack the political will necessary to pull off a major re alignment of holding and trial facilities. Carl Levin said he supports holding terror suspects in his state as long as there is "broad public support" for same. All he has to do is claim there is none and another wrench will be thrown into Obamas plans.
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Well Bob, it's always fun to see what our mutant Jedi comes up with for a conspiracy theory.

You do realize, those conspiracy theories are then turned into GOP talking points, and then used to try to undermine Obama right?

No wonder the GOP is so fucking stupid right now.
yes, Terral is an undercover opperative for the GOP

I wonder what all those smart ass Americans will say when all this comes true, I wonder how long they will keep laughing then and taking the piss out of people. The same idiots were around in Europe before ww2 spouting the same crap, there's not going to be a war, no one's going to die etc.etc. yet history proved those idiots wrong did it not.
I wonder what all those smart ass Americans will say when all this comes true, I wonder how long they will keep laughing then and taking the piss out of people. The same idiots were around in Europe before ww2 spouting the same crap, there's not going to be a war, no one's going to die etc.etc. yet history proved those idiots wrong did it not.

I wonder how many dire predictions that utterly fail to come true will be posted before you all admit you are full of shit? As for me I won't die in a FEMA death camp as unlike some, I am armed and will fight back.
I wonder what all those smart ass Americans will say when all this comes true, I wonder how long they will keep laughing then and taking the piss out of people. The same idiots were around in Europe before ww2 spouting the same crap, there's not going to be a war, no one's going to die etc.etc. yet history proved those idiots wrong did it not.

I wonder how many dire predictions that utterly fail to come true will be posted before you all admit you are full of shit? As for me I won't die in a FEMA death camp as unlike some, I am armed and will fight back.
um, dont you mean "because they dont exist"?
I wonder what all those smart ass Americans will say when all this comes true, I wonder how long they will keep laughing then and taking the piss out of people. The same idiots were around in Europe before ww2 spouting the same crap, there's not going to be a war, no one's going to die etc.etc. yet history proved those idiots wrong did it not.

Yeah thats exactly what they started sprouting off in europe before ww2 began,the same crap and they paid for it by ignoring the warning signs.History is repeating itself now here in america as well.Matter of fact at a concerned citizens meeting I went to here in my city,an older woman who grew up in a concentration camp,says the signs are very much on par as what she saw in Europe before ww2,that its very scary the parallels between the two she sees happening.
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I wonder what all those smart ass Americans will say when all this comes true, I wonder how long they will keep laughing then and taking the piss out of people. The same idiots were around in Europe before ww2 spouting the same crap, there's not going to be a war, no one's going to die etc.etc. yet history proved those idiots wrong did it not.

It certainly did, and when Obama...

  • Dramatically increases the size of the military...
  • Burns down the Capitol and calls it a "new beginning"...
  • Annexes Canada and marches into Mexico...
  • Instigates a pogrom...
  • Demands that the military swear an oath to him personally rather to his office...
  • Assassinates his political rivals

...then all those "smart ass Americans" will sure have to eat humble pie.
Let's be realistic here. Even Glenn Beck has exposed this nonsense going into facilities Alex Jones is claiming internment camps with a camera and showing guys working on trains there because it is a train repair facility. Here is an example of the nonsense.

Theorists posted this picture claiming it is a concentration camp.
(copy and paste, cuz I can't link yet.

They are 100% correct. It is a concentration camp... in North Korea. The picture has been photoshopped to make it look like a DHS photo of a U.S. camp, allegedly in Wyoming. Simply put, it's bunk.
you should be able to post links now
The point that many are missing is that the legislation is already in place put there by Bufoon Bush and co. And just how long does it take to turn any facility into a detention camp, a couple of days at most. And as the perps have the legislation in place then logic dictates that they have the systems in place as well ready to be used at the tip of a pen.

Perhpas Americans just need to get away from their TV's etc. and watch what is going on around them all in the name of the bogus WOT. Perhaps Americans need to read the Patriot Act to see what just could happen if things turned nasty.
The point that many are missing is that the legislation is already in place put there by Bufoon Bush and co. And just how long does it take to turn any facility into a detention camp, a couple of days at most. And as the perps have the legislation in place then logic dictates that they have the systems in place as well ready to be used at the tip of a pen.

Perhpas Americans just need to get away from their TV's etc. and watch what is going on around them all in the name of the bogus WOT. Perhaps Americans need to read the Patriot Act to see what just could happen if things turned nasty.
why would a company build a train repair facility for the government to "convert" it to a prison?
Greetings to All:

The Obama Administration is doing everything possible to detain ‘Americans’ in Detention Camps inside the USA by carefully orchestrating a joining of military and civilian detention facilities in direct violation of the US Constitution and your Bill of Rights. Watch carefully as I point out the disinformation within this Associated Press story:

SignOnSanDiego.com Story

Detainees could be held at single site
Prison-court complex in U.S. is considered

By Lara Jakes


2:00 a.m. August 3, 2009

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is looking at creating a courtroom-within-a-prison complex in the United States to house suspected terrorists, combining military and civilian detention facilities at a single maximum-security prison.
Americans are STUPID IDIOTS for allowing anyone in the out-of-control Bush/Obama Administrations to decide who is a ‘suspected terrorist,’ as if anyone in the Administrative Branch of our three-tiered government is endowed with that right!!!! No sir. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty in A COURT OF LAW by a jury of your peers!!!! The Obama Administration has no business creating a courtroom ANYWHERE and has no business combining military and civilian detention facilities at any maximum-security prison! Congress still makes the laws ‘and’ the Obama Administration is responsible for ‘enforcing’ those laws ‘and’ the Judicial Branch is responsible for interpreting those same laws in A COURT OF LAW. Period! Obama is doing everything to become the Hilter-like Judge, Jury and Executioner in bypassing Congress for creating these new FEMA Death Camp Facilities for Americans only ‘suspected’ of being his new brand of domestic terrorist with ‘new’ authority to detain and hold U.S. Citizens in his new detention centers forever and ever ‘without’ pressing charges and ‘without’ the condemned citizens ever seeing the evidence against him. No sir. If anyone within the out-of-control Obama Administration decides to detain ANYONE, that person has the right to an attorney and to see the charges and any evidence against him with his right to a fair trial before a jury of ‘his’ peers.

Several senior U.S. officials said the administration is studying a soon-to-be-shuttered state maximum-security prison in Michigan and the military penitentiary at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., as possible locations for a heavily guarded site to hold the 229 suspected al-Qaeda, Taliban and foreign fighters now jailed at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba.
Bullony! Americans are STUPID IDIOTS for allowing the out-of-control Bush/Obama Administrations to perpetually detain ANYONE without charges being filed. These 229 people are mere ‘suspects’ and nobody inside the Administrative Branch has the authority to brand them as terrorists or anything else! All the evidence MUST be turned over to the Judiciary for due process by the prosecuting attorney ‘and’ the defense of each person suspected of breaking U.S. Law. These people MUST be charged with a crime OR released. Period! The fact that an Obama Administration Official wants to characterize ‘innocent’ people as ‘terrorists’ means NOTHING IN ANY COURT OF LAW. The fact that the USA has a ‘detention camp’ in Cuba speaks directly against the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights, as ALL MEN are indeed ‘created equal’ in the eyes of your Creator. The fact that Americans allow mere ‘suspects’ to remain in prison all these years WITHOUT seeing any charges speaks volumes about your absolute STUPIDITY and this is another reason that the USA is worthy of utter destruction (my Topic).

No!!!! The Obama Administration has NO RIGHT to perpetually detain anyone merely ‘suspected’ of committing any crime. Period! We The People should demand to see the ‘charges’ against these ‘suspects,’ OR these ‘innocent’ people MUST BE RELEASED at the LOCATION OF THEIR ORIGINAL ARREST AND DETENTION. Period! If the USA arrested anyone in Iraq or Afghanistan, but now cannot support those charges, those people MUST be released in Iraq or Afghanistan the very same way they were arrested in the very beginning. If We The Sheeple allow the U.S. Govt to violate the rights of these ‘suspected terrorists,’ THEN the same corrupt U.S. Govt has the same exact right to detain ‘you’ without any charges and without producing one shred of evidence for ‘your’ perpetual detention!

Bullony! What the ‘White House considers’ as best or worst has nothing to do with anything! Everyone in the USA must live under the same “Rule Of Law” and that includes the Kenyan-born Barack Obama and his band of Fascist Czars! The USA already has more prison space than any other country on earth and the right option is to charge these ‘suspects’ OR release them as innocent people not even charged with any crime.

If We The Stupid Sheeple are stupid enough to allow a joining of the Justice Dept ‘and’ the Military ‘and’ the Dept of Homeland Insecurity (filled with morons), then you are stupid enough to become the next victims of their Hitler-like FEMA/Nazi Concentration/Detention Camps! Obama wants to characterize ‘you’ as his ‘domestic terrorist,’ so he can ship ‘you’ off to his FEMA Death Camps (link) and throw away the key . . .

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPnCz_rtIv8"]FEMA Camps, Swine Flu And Martial Law[/ame]

These ‘innocent’ people are prisoners of the U.S. Govt and are guilty of NOTHING! Either charge them or let them all go!

No sir! Recite these familiar words with me, "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all

Justice is only justice if the ‘Rule Of Law’ is applied equally to everyone! The police cannot detain anyone perpetually for merely ‘suspecting’ them of a crime! Who told the Obama Administration that those ‘detainees’ were terrorists? Since they obviously have not even been charged of any crime ‘and’ have not had their day in court, then nobody on God’s Green Earth has the right to conclude that they are ‘terrorists’ or anything else. The USA is guilty of breaking their own rules and We The Sheeple are the people to become Obama’s next brand of domestic terrorists by mere characterization by an Obama Administration Official! This is akin to allowing the out-of-control FBI decide who can and cannot buy a gun, when that right should be taken away by a judge and a jury of your peers the very same way! Bit by bit We The Sheeple are allowing the Fascists inside the U.S. Govt to take away all of your rights, because the Americans are STUPID and deserve utter destruction from the face of the earth . . .

This is more bullony on the half shell! We already have a U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights and perfectly good courts for hearing every kind of case on God’s Green Earth! The Obama Administration has every opportunity to ‘charge’ these ‘innocent people’ with crimes OR to simply let them all go! We are NOT talking about uniformed soldiers captured on the field of battle, but freedom fighters and citizens of other countries detained for one reason or another. All of these innocent people must have their day in court OR be released at the place of their original arrest and detention. If the Obama Administration has no intention of charging these innocent people with a crime, they must be released ASAP.

No!!! The Obama Administration has only two options: 1. Charge these innocent people with a crime. 2. Let them go. The intelligence and counter-terror community has no right to play judge, jury and executioner!

Bullony! The USA detained these people on foreign soil AND they must be released on the same foreign soil! Period! Every ‘innocent’ person ‘ordered released by the courts’ MUST be released! Period! These countries should have secured their borders in the very beginning . . .

No kidding! The first legal problem is that all of these ‘innocent’ people should have been released years ago!

The stage is being set to ‘perpetually detain’ Americans who are merely ‘suspected’ of committing crimes . . .

Justice under the Law requires a jury of ‘their peers.’ However, none that that means anything until the Obama Administration actually charges somebody with committing a crime!

This entire story is effort thrown after complete stupidity! Again, we already have very good laws and very good courtrooms and judges ready to see the cases against anyone charged with a crime. The Obama Administration wants to control all of the facets of the process to hide their own guilt, while ensuring that nobody gets a fair trial (Red Alert story).

In other words, the Obama Administration gets to decide how much of the process is ‘military,’ as if ‘liberty and justice for all’ excludes these mere ‘suspects.’ If these innocent people deserved a military trial, then they should have been charged in Iraq or Afghanistan under the auspices of the U.S. Military and the regular chain of command protocols. Removing these ‘innocent until proven guilty’ people from that military environment should guarantee them a fair trial in a U.S. Court of Law, because (again), these people are not uniformed soldiers fighting under the flag of a U.S. adversary.

What victims? These innocent men are the victims of a Bush/Obama Fascist Regime in direct violation of our own laws!

We The People had better press the issue and see that all of these innocent people are charged or released! Or, the next victims will by you!

Okay. So try to imagine yourself rotting away in prison for years and years and years, but you will be held indefinitely; because govt officials do not want to take the chance that you might be acquitted! This is insanity!

The fact that these innocent people are being detained without even being charged should turn your stomach! Imagine the Iranians holding innocent Americans in their detention camps forever and ever without charging them with crimes . . . Where is your outrage for these Gitmo Detainees??!!

Well, since we already have the facility . . . What a joke! The Fascist State already has over 800 Halliburton-built FEMA Concentration Camp Facilities (story and story) up and ready to go for housing Americans, so let’s start filling them too!

Let’s see: Hmmmmm . . . Let’s spend $100,000,000 to house innocent people charged with nothing . . .

Several Michigan lawmakers, including Senate Armed Services Chairman Carl Levin and Rep. Bart Stupak, both Democrats, have said they would be open to moving detainees to Michigan as long as there is broad local support.
This story is a fishing expedition for finding out if We The Sheeple are game for putting innocent people into detention camps, because that is exactly what Obama has in mind for you . . .

The political support is not unanimous. Michigan Rep. Pete Hoekstra, top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee who is seeking the GOP nomination for governor next year, is against the idea.

Obama administration officials said the U.S. Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth is under consideration because it is already a high-security facility that could be protected further by the surrounding military base.
Instead of figuring out how to charge these innocent people with a crime, Mr. Obama is wasting time qualifying specific high-security facilities that might serve his fascist purposes. If these people were charged with crimes, then just how many would be found guilty? We might never know . . .


Yo, Troofer, whoever said that Obama would be a friend to civil liberties?

I sure didn't...

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