obama has broken his own law.


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
When he gave aid to the Libyan rebels which were al-Qaeda terrorist. obama has violated his own law NDAA sec 1021 and 1022
§1021: (a) Congress affirms that the authority of the President to use all necessary and appropriate force pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force . . . includes the authority for the Armed Forces of the United States to detain covered persons . . . pending disposition under the law of war.
(b) . . A covered person under this section is any person as follows:
c) . . The disposition of a person under the law of war . . may include the following:
(1) Detention under the law of war without trial until the end of the hostilities authorized by the Authorization for Use of Military Force. . .
(d) . . . Nothing in this section is intended to limit or expand the authority of the President or the scope of the Authorization for Use of Military Force.
(e) . . . Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect existing law or authorities relating to the detention of United States citizens, lawful resident aliens of the United States, or any other persons who are captured or arrested in the United States.

§ 1022: (b) (1) . . . The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States.
(2) . . . The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to a lawful resident alien of the United States on the basis of conduct taking place within the United States, except to the extent permitted by the Constitution of the United States.
Listen to the bastard lie through his ass
He's not for it , but signed it, and has his lawyers fighting the injunction so it can go into effect.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOM85tx8OJE]Reality Check: Actions Speak Louder Than Words With President Obama and the NDAA? - YouTube[/ame]
In a recent article, Be Careful What You Wish For, I outlined the administration’s “secret” financing of al Qaeda in Syria. What is the penalty for aiding terrorists if you are a US citizen under the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)? This legislation was signed at the end of 2011 with little attention from the media. Although a concerted effort to raise awareness about the consequences of this destruction of the Bill of Rights was made, patriotic stalwarts like Allen West and Mitt Romney both supported this legislation.

So where does that leave Americans? Is there one sheriff willing to stand up for Liberty and the Constitution and arrest Obama and the members of Congress for this violation of the law? Will Sheriff Joe Arpaio arrest John McCain in Arizona for his role in supporting terrorism? Will Eric Holder’s two tiered justice system even consider enforcing the law on the “elite” or “his people”?
Funding al Qaeda Violates the NDAA – Arrest Obama | NCRenegade
While declining to be interviewed, Hillary did assert carefully, “Um. We of course are always on the side of those fighting for democracy against violations of their rights. That is our, um, only interest in Syria. If the protesters happen to be Al Qaida we will need to consider exceptions to the NDAA statute. We are quite sure there is no inconsistency here. But we will need to get with our lawyers.”

Obama Charged With NDAA Violation | GlossyNews.com
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hrerl8EwqH0]Reality Check: One on One with President Obama, Why Is The U.S. Supporting Al Qaeda In Syria? - YouTube[/ame]

Al-Qaida turns tide for rebels in battle for eastern Syria | World news | The Guardian

As they stood outside the commandeered government building in the town of Mohassen, it was hard to distinguish Abu Khuder's men from any other brigade in the Syrian civil war, in their combat fatigues, T-shirts and beards.

But these were not average members of the Free Syrian Army. Abu Khuder and his men fight for al-Qaida. They call themselves the ghuraba'a, or "strangers", after a famous jihadi poem celebrating Osama bin Laden's time with his followers in the Afghan mountains, and they are one of a number of jihadi organisations establishing a foothold in the east of the country now that the conflict in Syria has stretched well into its second bloody year.
Good bye obama :clap2:

NEW YORK -- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Friday announced $45 million in additional aid for Syrian opposition activists, the latest U.S. push for influence in a civil war that’s raged beyond the international community’s control.

Clinton announced the new aid package before meeting with visiting Syrian dissidents on the margins of this week’s U.N. General Assembly, where world leaders sounded bleaker than ever about the prospects for a negotiated political resolution to the 18-month uprising against Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Read more here: Clinton offers $45 million to Syrian rebels, who want more support - KansasCity.com
Good bye obama :clap2:

NEW YORK -- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Friday announced $45 million in additional aid for Syrian opposition activists, the latest U.S. push for influence in a civil war that’s raged beyond the international community’s control.

Clinton announced the new aid package before meeting with visiting Syrian dissidents on the margins of this week’s U.N. General Assembly, where world leaders sounded bleaker than ever about the prospects for a negotiated political resolution to the 18-month uprising against Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Read more here: Clinton offers $45 million to Syrian rebels, who want more support - KansasCity.com

part of the NDAA that obama violated
“A person who was a part of or substantially supported al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces that are engaged in hostilities against the United States or its coalition partners, including any person who has committed a belligerent act or has directly supported such hostilities in aid of such enemy forces.”
Good bye obama :clap2:

NEW YORK -- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Friday announced $45 million in additional aid for Syrian opposition activists, the latest U.S. push for influence in a civil war that’s raged beyond the international community’s control.

Clinton announced the new aid package before meeting with visiting Syrian dissidents on the margins of this week’s U.N. General Assembly, where world leaders sounded bleaker than ever about the prospects for a negotiated political resolution to the 18-month uprising against Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Read more here: Clinton offers $45 million to Syrian rebels, who want more support - KansasCity.com

“The irony of our fear of supplying Islamist groups is that the others who are arming the opposition – the Saudis, the Qataris, the Turks – are doing just that, providing weapons and ammunition to Islamists,” Holliday said. “Our lack of giving support is actually leading to the Islamicization of the opposition.”

Read more here: Clinton offers $45 million to Syrian rebels, who want more support - KansasCity.com
Lybia's Muammar Gaddafi was planning to do what Asad is doing in Syria - declare war on his own people.

What Obama did was to prevent the massacre of Lybian civilians - men, women and children.

Whatever the long term political outcome, saving innocent lives is always the right thing to do.
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Lybia's Muammar Gaddafi was planning to do what Asad is doing in Syria - declare war on his own people.

What Obama did was to prevent the massacre of Lybian civilians - men, women and children.

Whatever the long term political outcome, it was the right thing to do.

What obama did was give aid to Al Qaeda same as in Syria
The Obama administration is very selective as to which laws they obey or not. I'm sure one of 900+ new rules he signed by executive order was something along the lines of giving himself permission to break any law without fear of consequence. It's like he exempted himself from our constitution and all other duly passed laws. Many of his radical supporters are acting as if al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood and others are no longer enemies and they refuse to state that they are terrorists. He is not stupid and I can only assume he wants to help advance the agenda of these radicals.

How many of Obama's average supporters even know who al Qaeda is? We know some of them aren't even aware that we got bin laden and might not know who he is. They are so preoccupied with how they will benefit from more "entitlements" and how much they'll get after Obama redistributes wealth after confiscating it from the rich that they aren't going to waste their time with something as complicated as our national security or foreign policy.

Obama dismisses some laws simply because they get in the way of his agenda. Our constitution is merely a road block to get around and the actions of Obama and his czars behind closed doors aren't scrutinized by many in the media.

It always amazes me when a liberal will quickly dismiss anything negative about Obama and they can't defend him, but are taught to simply shoot the messenger and ridicule anyone who can't let go of credible information that something is terribly wrong.

I think a lot of the benighted Obama voters will wake up someday and realize what they've done. That won't happen until the day comes when it's clear that they aren't going to be better off because of Obama. Of course, it will be too late then.

Those who do understand what Obama is doing and still approve are likely radicals who cheer on the destruction of America.

The evil and the ignorant are equally dangerous to our country right now. The evil will ride to victory on the backs of the useful idiots. Let's hope the people who still love this country, as is and without being fundamentally transformed, still outnumber the dumb flock of sheep following the pied piper.
Official: Assad to win, victory to be Tehran's too
Advisor to Iran's supreme leader Velayati says Syria's Assad's victor will mark win over US, allies, represent triumph for Tehran.

DUBAI - Syrian President Bashar Assad will defeat an uprising against him, scoring a victory over the United States and its allies in a move that will also represent a triumph for Iran, an advisor to Iran's supreme leader was quoted as saying on Saturday.

Tehran has backed Assad's efforts to suppress a rebellion that has drawn in regional players, with the Islamic state accusing Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey of arming rebels fighting to topple the Syrian leader.

Shi'ite-ruled Iran has tried to counter a perceived drive by Western and US-aligned Sunni Muslim nations to roll back its own power in the Middle East and fears that success for the Sunni-led uprising in Syria could have grave implications for itself.

Where is the OP's proof that Al Qaeda was a major player in the removal of Muammar Gaddafi in Lybia or behind the civil war in Syria against Bashar al-Assad.

How does "bigrebnc1775" explain the fact that like Al Qaeda, Iran is led by fundamentalist Islamic extremists - an yet Iran is supporting al-Assad, not the Syrian opposition?

It should be noted that while Syria is also overwhelmingly Sunni Islam, al-Assad is Shi’a/Shi’ites - just like the Iranians.
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Where is the OP's proof that Al Qaeda was a major player in the removal of Muammar Gaddafi in Lybia or behind the civil war in Syria against Bashar al-Assad.

How does "bigrebnc1775" explain the fact that like Al Qaeda, Iran is led by fundamentalist Islamic rxtremists - an yet Iran is supporting al-Assad, not the Syraian opposition?

What the fuck? do you just post baseless nonsense without reading the post?


Libyan rebel commander admits his fighters have al-Qaeda links - Telegraph
Connections Between Al Qaeda And Libyan Rebels Run Deep
major player

Do you have a brain?

Shortly after the fall of Gaddafi Al Qaeda started flying it's flag over government buildings.
The Obama administration is very selective as to which laws they obey or not. I'm sure one of 900+ new rules he signed by executive order was something along the lines of giving himself permission to break any law without fear of consequence. It's like he exempted himself from our constitution and all other duly passed laws. Many of his radical supporters are acting as if al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood and others are no longer enemies and they refuse to state that they are terrorists. He is not stupid and I can only assume he wants to help advance the agenda of these radicals.

How many of Obama's average supporters even know who al Qaeda is? We know some of them aren't even aware that we got bin laden and might not know who he is. They are so preoccupied with how they will benefit from more "entitlements" and how much they'll get after Obama redistributes wealth after confiscating it from the rich that they aren't going to waste their time with something as complicated as our national security or foreign policy.

Obama dismisses some laws simply because they get in the way of his agenda. Our constitution is merely a road block to get around and the actions of Obama and his czars behind closed doors aren't scrutinized by many in the media.

It always amazes me when a liberal will quickly dismiss anything negative about Obama and they can't defend him, but are taught to simply shoot the messenger and ridicule anyone who can't let go of credible information that something is terribly wrong.

I think a lot of the benighted Obama voters will wake up someday and realize what they've done. That won't happen until the day comes when it's clear that they aren't going to be better off because of Obama. Of course, it will be too late then.

Those who do understand what Obama is doing and still approve are likely radicals who cheer on the destruction of America.

The evil and the ignorant are equally dangerous to our country right now. The evil will ride to victory on the backs of the useful idiots. Let's hope the people who still love this country, as is and without being fundamentally transformed, still outnumber the dumb flock of sheep following the pied piper.

Where is the OP's proof that Al Qaeda was a major player in the removal of Muammar Gaddafi in Lybia or behind the civil war in Syria against Bashar al-Assad.

How does "bigrebnc1775" explain the fact that like Al Qaeda, Iran is led by fundamentalist Islamic rxtremists - an yet Iran is supporting al-Assad, not the Syraian opposition?

What the fuck? do you just post baseless nonsense without reading the post?


Libyan rebel commander admits his fighters have al-Qaeda links - Telegraph
Connections Between Al Qaeda And Libyan Rebels Run Deep
major player

Do you have a brain?

Shortly after the fall of Gaddafi Al Qaeda started flying it's flag over government buildings.
When he gave aid to the Libyan rebels which were al-Qaeda terrorist ....
1. It was "bigrebnc1775," not I, who dismissed the Lybian rebels as al-Qaeda terrorists in the first sentence in post 1.

2. Connections Between Al Qaeda And Libyan Rebels Run Deep
"Bigrebnc1775" provides this as source, but if he were to scroll down to the bottom of the page, he would find others challenging the author's assumptions just as I'm challenging "Bigrebnc1775's" assumptions.

» The Plan: says:
Monday, March 28, 2011

[...] now find ourselves supporting “al-Qaeda” forces in Libya: http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/connections-between-al-qaeda-and-libyan-rebels-run-deep/ This is the same al- Quaeda that was used as an excuse for wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. This is [...]
3. The whole "Connections Between Al Qaeda And Libyan Rebels Run Deep" story is based on a survey of just "25 men" who were recruited in east Lybia.

4. My question still stands - what conclusive proof can "bigrebnc1775" provide that the rebels in Lybia and Syria are nothing more than al -Qaeda terrorists?
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Where is the OP's proof that Al Qaeda was a major player in the removal of Muammar Gaddafi in Lybia or behind the civil war in Syria against Bashar al-Assad.

How does "bigrebnc1775" explain the fact that like Al Qaeda, Iran is led by fundamentalist Islamic rxtremists - an yet Iran is supporting al-Assad, not the Syraian opposition?

What the fuck? do you just post baseless nonsense without reading the post?


Libyan rebel commander admits his fighters have al-Qaeda links - Telegraph
Connections Between Al Qaeda And Libyan Rebels Run Deep

Do you have a brain?

Shortly after the fall of Gaddafi Al Qaeda started flying it's flag over government buildings.
When he gave aid to the Libyan rebels which were al-Qaeda terrorist ....
1. It was "bigrebnc1775," not I, who dismissed the Lybian rebels as al-Qaeda terrorists in the first sentence in post 1.

2. Connections Between Al Qaeda And Libyan Rebels Run Deep
"Bigrebnc1775" provides this as source, but if he were to scroll down to the bottom of the page, he would find others challenging the author's assumptions the same as I'm challenging "Bigrebnc1775's" assumptions.

3. My question still stands - what conclusive proof can "bigrebnc1775" provide that the rebels in Lybia and Syria are nothing more than al -Qaeda terrorists

What proof is their showing the rebels in Libya and Syria are al -Qaeda, is that what you are asking?
If that's the case open your fucking eyes the proof is their. The proof has been posted.
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In an interview with the Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore, Mr al-Hasidi admitted that he had recruited “around 25″ men from the Derna area in eastern Libya to fight against coalition troops in Iraq. Some of them, he said, are “today are on the front lines in Adjabiya”.

..... Gaddafi had earlier not only provided intelligence on the terrorists’ operations to the US, but has also publicly spoken out against them.

Branding the group members as ‘bad Muslims’, Gaddafi said: “The security forces found a mosque in al-Zawiya. In a mosque! Weapons, alcohol, and their corpses – all mixed up together.”

"Bigrebnc1775" can huff and puff, swear and throw temper tantrums all he likes - the "so-called" proof that the OP has posted is based on an informal survey of “around 25″ men and "intelligence" reports on terrorists provided to the US by Colonel Gaddafi, a terrorist himself!

American went down this road in 2002/2003 with Iraq's Saddam's supposed linked with Al Qaeda being used to justify the invasion - the nation might have saved inself 1000's of American casualties and $ billions if these kinds of assumptions had been more vigorously challenged.
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