Obama Gives Another Hypocritical Speech


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Last night Obama gave a speech about the riots in Egypt. First he tells everyone we aren't gonna meddle in anyone's business, but then he goes into this bit about how the transition of power must be peaceful, and it must be NOW.

Wait a sec.!!!! Didn't you say you wouldn't meddle in Egypt's affairs? Why does anything have to happen now Mr. President?

What right do you have to expect the President of any country to step down. Especially one that isn't a threat to our country?

Isn't this what everyone has been saying about Bush?

Is this what our allies can expect from our leadership now? The minute a few thousand protesters start milling around the streets they have to turn their power over to someone called the Muslim Brotherhood?

And Btw. What right do you have to tell anyone anything about doing the will of the people when you haven't been for the last two years?

I'm trying to figure out where you get off.

Obama has done nothing but kiss the asses of our enemies, weaken our military, reduce our Space Program to a Muslim outreach program, and tell everyone Do as I say Not as I Do.

While all of this was going on Obama was throwing a GD party the other day. Doesn't he ever take anything seriously? Is this some kind of joke to him? Personally I think he honestly thinks he's speaking for us, but in reality he has no idea what we want. This guy is so out of touch with reality it's breathtaking.

I'm not going to bore you with WHY I need to ask this question (its probably only interesting to me), but if you would indulge me with an answer (since I did not see the speech), it will benefit me greatly in my understanding and further affiliation with Barack Obama:

Were his lips moving?

Thanks in advance, and stay warm and safe!
It's Jimmy Carter all over again.

I hate to be partisan about this (I know some of you just snarfed your coffee), but why is it every time a Democrat gets in the White House they start making friends with our enemies, start giving away the advantages a Republican gave us by selling our technology to folks like China, and start giving away any strategic advantage we've had.( I guess they don't want them getting caught stealing it, so why not make a profit and sell it)

Oh, and why do they insist on pulling the rug from under our allies?

Is there any wonder people are acting up? The moment some thug tries a power-grab, sure as hell a Democrat backs down.

In the words of George McFly "I just can't handle confrontations".
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Last night Obama gave a speech about the riots in Egypt. First he tells everyone we aren't gonna meddle in anyone's business, but then he goes into this bit about how the transition of power must be peaceful, and it must be NOW.

Wait a sec.!!!! Didn't you say you wouldn't meddle in Egypt's affairs? Why does anything have to happen now Mr. President?

What right do you have to expect the President of any country to step down. Especially one that isn't a threat to our country?

Isn't this what everyone has been saying about Bush?

Is this what our allies can expect from our leadership now? The minute a few thousand protesters start milling around the streets they have to turn their power over to someone called the Muslim Brotherhood?

And Btw. What right do you have to tell anyone anything about doing the will of the people when you haven't been for the last two years?

I'm trying to figure out where you get off.

Obama has done nothing but kiss the asses of our enemies, weaken our military, reduce our Space Program to a Muslim outreach program, and tell everyone Do as I say Not as I Do.

While all of this was going on Obama was throwing a GD party the other day. Doesn't he ever take anything seriously? Is this some kind of joke to him? Personally I think he honestly thinks he's speaking for us, but in reality he has no idea what we want. This guy is so out of touch with reality it's breathtaking.


Hard as this must be for you to understand, the events unfolding in Egypt are NOT ABOUT US.

WE will not decide the outcome of that event.

Obama has very little influence over events.

The Egyptian people don't care what you or I or Obama either, thinks.
Hard as this must be for you to understand, the events unfolding in Egypt are NOT ABOUT US.

WE will not decide the outcome of that event.

Obama has very little influence over events.

The Egyptian people don't care what you or I or Obama either, thinks.

News Flash!!! Words have Power.
It's Jimmy Carter all over again.

I hate to be partisan about this (I know some of you just snarfed your coffee), but why is it every time a Democrat gets in the White House they start making friends with our enemies, start giving away the advantages a Republican gave us buy selling our technology to folks like China, and start giving away any strategic advantage we've had.( I guess they don't want them getting caught stealing it, so why not make a profit and sell it)

Oh, and why do they insist on pulling the rug from under our allies?

Is there any wonder people are acting up? The moment some thug tries a power-grab, sure as hell a Democrat backs down.

In the words of George McFly "I just can't handle confrontations".

Allow me to inject a partisan point then ...

Reagan was a Democrat?
As President of the United States he is the defacto "Leader of the Free World"

As the worlds sole Super Power we have significant influence on those countries who rely on us for security, financial support and economic stability. Mubarak is free to tell the US (Obama represents the US) to go to hell. But he will have to face the political retribution

Last night Obama gave a speech about the riots in Egypt. First he tells everyone we aren't gonna meddle in anyone's business, but then he goes into this bit about how the transition of power must be peaceful, and it must be NOW.

Wait a sec.!!!! Didn't you say you wouldn't meddle in Egypt's affairs? Why does anything have to happen now Mr. President?

What right do you have to expect the President of any country to step down. Especially one that isn't a threat to our country?

Isn't this what everyone has been saying about Bush?

Is this what our allies can expect from our leadership now? The minute a few thousand protesters start milling around the streets they have to turn their power over to someone called the Muslim Brotherhood?

And Btw. What right do you have to tell anyone anything about doing the will of the people when you haven't been for the last two years?

I'm trying to figure out where you get off.

Obama has done nothing but kiss the asses of our enemies, weaken our military, reduce our Space Program to a Muslim outreach program, and tell everyone Do as I say Not as I Do.

While all of this was going on Obama was throwing a GD party the other day. Doesn't he ever take anything seriously? Is this some kind of joke to him? Personally I think he honestly thinks he's speaking for us, but in reality he has no idea what we want. This guy is so out of touch with reality it's breathtaking.


Obama Gives Another Hypocritical Speech

Are you surprised?
It's Jimmy Carter all over again.

I hate to be partisan about this (I know some of you just snarfed your coffee), but why is it every time a Democrat gets in the White House they start making friends with our enemies, start giving away the advantages a Republican gave us buy selling our technology to folks like China, and start giving away any strategic advantage we've had.( I guess they don't want them getting caught stealing it, so why not make a profit and sell it)

Oh, and why do they insist on pulling the rug from under our allies?

Is there any wonder people are acting up? The moment some thug tries a power-grab, sure as hell a Democrat backs down.

In the words of George McFly "I just can't handle confrontations".

Allow me to inject a partisan point then ...

Reagan was a Democrat?

At one point in his life, yes he was. I bet there was a time that Santa, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy played a major role in his life too, :) ;)
Naive thread.
Egypt isn't a full independent country, it is fully integrated in US's Mid-East security-machinery as a Yes-taker.
Mudwhistle is implying, that Obama would give speeches on the leader (system) of a full independent country like for example France is.
Basically, he is saying, that Obama is interfering in the domestic politics of Egypt.
Wake the fuck up, you interfere already for decades.
It really doesn't matter what you say. No matter what President Obama says the pseudo-cons will try and paint it in the most negative light as they possibly can!

Such is life. How's it feel to be the anti-American crowd for a change?
The use of "hypocritical" in the title is redundant. Obama and Speech are sufficient.
How is it that conservatives SCREAM for us to nation-build and do other such interventionist crap...but when Obama starts doing it (actually just TALKING about doing it and hurting his prospects with his base)...you cry bloody murder???

The right is so incensed with BO that you can't see straight. Much like the Booooosh democrats with whatever disease they had.
It's 1979 All Over Again. From the always insightful Victor Davis Hanson:

...The impression, fairly or not, was that the conversion of late 1979 and 1980 was a reaction to the misplaced policies of 1977–1978 — not so much a reaction to the domestic opposition of Republicans, but more a concession that the world simply did not operate in the manner Carter had hoped. The further impression was that if Carter had not so loudly denounced his predecessors and so rashly pronounced his own new wiser policies, then he might not have had to reject his own prior doctrines so utterly and embarrassingly, and seek so clumsily to restore U.S. deterrence.

Does any of that seem familiar today?

We have already seen a complete repudiation of the 2006–2008 harsh rhetoric attacking tribunals, preventive detention, Guantanamo, renditions, the Patriot Act, the Iraq War, and Predator drones. The Bush protocols have been not only maintained but expanded, as under Obama we killed with drones five times as many people in Waziristan in two years as we did in five under Bush. There will be no trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed near Ground Zero. Now we are evolving in Carter-like fashion to a reset of the reset-button policies of 2009–2010. That means we will probably hear no more grand talk about outreach to the Iranian theocracy. The next time authoritarians shoot and suppress dissidents in the streets of Teheran, President Obama will probably not vote present on their fate. I suspect bowing to foreign monarchs and apologizing while in Turkey for horrific American sins is over as well.

Nor are we likely to hear any more mythohistory like the Cairo speech, in which Islam was praised for contributions that it simply did not make. Formerly snubbed allies — Britain, Germany, Israel, India, Colombia — will probably not be similarly snubbed in the future. I don’t think there will be any more grand concessions to Russia in the hopes that Putin will reciprocate by pressuring Iran or reaching out to Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Republics. Likewise, Obama is keeping mum about the tottering Mubarak regime and hopes that the Muslim Brotherhood does not quote back to him his Cairo speech or Al-Arabiya interview. For now we dread the emergence of ElBaradei in the role of Banisadr, assuring us that there is no threat from a new Egyptian Khomeini, and post facto blaming us for our past support of a stable strongman. What is missing from this self-described humane administration — in its clumsy and public calibration of the varying cliques vying for power in Cairo — was an early and consistent explanation of why the United States supports those who embrace constitutional government.

Yes, our third year of Obama hope and change is beginning a lot like 1979 (I’ll skip the domestic parallels), as an unjust and imperfect world rejects the utopian visions of another liberal idealist, and sees magnanimity as weakness to be exploited rather than as kindness to be reciprocated....

Obama?s 1979 - National Review Online
It's 1979 All Over Again. From the always insightful Victor Davis Hanson:

...The impression, fairly or not, was that the conversion of late 1979 and 1980 was a reaction to the misplaced policies of 1977–1978 — not so much a reaction to the domestic opposition of Republicans, but more a concession that the world simply did not operate in the manner Carter had hoped. The further impression was that if Carter had not so loudly denounced his predecessors and so rashly pronounced his own new wiser policies, then he might not have had to reject his own prior doctrines so utterly and embarrassingly, and seek so clumsily to restore U.S. deterrence.

Does any of that seem familiar today?

We have already seen a complete repudiation of the 2006–2008 harsh rhetoric attacking tribunals, preventive detention, Guantanamo, renditions, the Patriot Act, the Iraq War, and Predator drones. The Bush protocols have been not only maintained but expanded, as under Obama we killed with drones five times as many people in Waziristan in two years as we did in five under Bush. There will be no trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed near Ground Zero. Now we are evolving in Carter-like fashion to a reset of the reset-button policies of 2009–2010. That means we will probably hear no more grand talk about outreach to the Iranian theocracy. The next time authoritarians shoot and suppress dissidents in the streets of Teheran, President Obama will probably not vote present on their fate. I suspect bowing to foreign monarchs and apologizing while in Turkey for horrific American sins is over as well.

Nor are we likely to hear any more mythohistory like the Cairo speech, in which Islam was praised for contributions that it simply did not make. Formerly snubbed allies — Britain, Germany, Israel, India, Colombia — will probably not be similarly snubbed in the future. I don’t think there will be any more grand concessions to Russia in the hopes that Putin will reciprocate by pressuring Iran or reaching out to Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Republics. Likewise, Obama is keeping mum about the tottering Mubarak regime and hopes that the Muslim Brotherhood does not quote back to him his Cairo speech or Al-Arabiya interview. For now we dread the emergence of ElBaradei in the role of Banisadr, assuring us that there is no threat from a new Egyptian Khomeini, and post facto blaming us for our past support of a stable strongman. What is missing from this self-described humane administration — in its clumsy and public calibration of the varying cliques vying for power in Cairo — was an early and consistent explanation of why the United States supports those who embrace constitutional government.

Yes, our third year of Obama hope and change is beginning a lot like 1979 (I’ll skip the domestic parallels), as an unjust and imperfect world rejects the utopian visions of another liberal idealist, and sees magnanimity as weakness to be exploited rather than as kindness to be reciprocated....

Obama?s 1979 - National Review Online


And, lest folks forget:

1. While the fall of the Soviet Union was heartbreaking to the Left, but a new object of affection was just on the horizon” the totalist ideology of Islamism. In Iran, a brutal regime let loose rivers of blood in their attempt to purify humankind. Even better, the victory in Iran emboldened Islamic fanatics worldwide.

2. And a clear nexus of death cults: the Nazis were largely responsible for the creation of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, the first modern mass movement of political Islam (1928): they hoped to use the Brotherhood against the British in the Middle East. Paul Berman, “Terror and Liberalism,” p. 60,
and John Loftus, ‘The Muslim Brotherhood, The Muslim Brotherhood, Nazis and Al-Qaeda

a. Hassan al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, was a devout admirer of Adolf Hitler. FrontPage Magazine - Islamo-Fascism Denial

b. The Ayatollah Khomeini incorporated the Marxist paradigm of a world divided into oppressors and oppressed, but made it Islamic by using the terms ‘mostakbirine’ (the arrognant) and ‘mostadafine’ (the weakened).

3. .When the Iranian revolution came to power, with the help of Democratic President Jimmy Carter, the Ayatollah Khomeini killed more human beings (about twenty thousand) in two weeks than had been killed by the Shah during his entire thirty-eight years. Khomeini followed this by sending hundreds of thousands of Iranians to die in the Iran-Iraq war, as martyrdom was needed to resurrect the Islamic Empire. Paul Berman, “Terror and Liberalism,” p. 108 Again, irrigating the earth with human blood.

a. Outlined by Dr. Hans-Peter Raddatz, Orientalist, and frequent critic of Islam, this blood-lust was the explanation of Iran’s demand for a truce, when it was learned that Iraq planned to kill the waves of Iranians with Tabun and Sarin nerve gas, which would not cause blood to flow. Glazov, “United in Hate,” p. 107-108.

4. Blood cult? Oh, yes: an adherent must submit his will to the deity, and if the opportunity arises, give his life for it. Martyrdom and suicide are the expressions of submission; human blood purifies the world, the totalist radical’s desire for perfection.

a. In Sayyid Qutb’s “In the Shade of the Quran,” a thirty-volume commentary, violent jihad is the method of choice, and this is the inspiration for Muslim warriors worldwide.
Trust but Verify wasn't enough when BO was working on the new nuclear treaty. Why, suddenly, is it back in parlance?

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