Article i found on the web. Source: Obama on the couch: how bad is his "woman problem"?, (2008 September 10). Michael Savage. Retrieved from on September 10, 2008.
Obama on the Couch: How Bad
Is His "Woman Problem"?
Barack Obama compared Sarah Palin to a pig with lipstick. This is the beginning of the end of Obama?s campaign. But what exactly is Obama's problem with women? Why have women abandoned his campaign in droves? To find the answer we must return to Obama's childhood and examine his relationship with his mother.
In 1961, Obama?s mother, Ann Dunham, married Obama?s father, a man from Kenya. He abandoned the family. Within three years, they were divorced. In 1967, his mother married another man, this time an Indonesian. A few years later she was divorced again. Through all this time, Obama's mother went globetrotting; from Hawaii, to Indonesia, to Pakistan. Sometimes she took her young son. Sometimes she left him behind.
What appears to have happened to Obama as a result is he developed symptoms of what psychologists refer to as an Oedipal Complex. In an Oedipal Complex, a male child is fixated on his mother and competes with his father for maternal attention. In such cases, a critical point of awakening occurs where the child realizes that the mother has affections for others besides himself. In this case, Obama had to compete with multiple paternal stand-ins and was never fully able to bond with his mother. The result seems to have been a resentment towards women that he has never been able to get beyond.
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