Is McCain lying or just confused?

Lying or confused?

  • Lying

    Votes: 7 58.3%
  • Confused

    Votes: 5 41.7%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Reaction score
Hating Hatters
Silence posted this on another thread, but it was ignored, of course.

Here's McCain claiming Palin sold an airplane on Ebay and made a profit.


Is McCain lying or confused and does it matter?
She sold it to a Republican operative in some kind of sweetheart deal where the state lost money....
She sold it to a Republican operative in some kind of sweetheart deal where the state lost money....
True. I'm going with McCain is just confused. He apparently doesn't know much about Palin, as this example shows.
She sold it to a Republican operative in some kind of sweetheart deal where the state lost money....

It was on Ebay but then removed and sold by a private agency for I think 2.1 million dollars. This was actually on the news last night.
can we vote for lying due to confusion?

no? okay he's just lying then cuz I don't think he's that stupid.
can we vote for lying due to confusion?

no? okay he's just lying then cuz I don't think he's that stupid.
Yeah I wish there would have been option for lying and confused. I am tell you, the guy is in the first stages of dementia or is fact finder is!
I dunno, kids. If you are too confused to know if you are lying, how can it be considered lying?
I'd say McCain was confused, which seems to happen when he tries to give details about issues from time to time.
It was on Ebay but then removed and sold by a private agency for I think 2.1 million dollars. This was actually on the news last night.

Thats what I thought .. but.. if you listen to the link posted earlier .. you hear otherwise..
He's about as confused as Obama was when he counted 57 states, I'd venture to guess.
He's about as confused as Obama was when he counted 57 states, I'd venture to guess.

47 states two left to go and one my team wont let me go to... now when you say women enjoy being raped you got real confusion issues...

Did you hear the one about the woman who is attacked on the street by a gorilla, beaten senseless, raped repeatedly and left to die? When she finally regains consciousness and tries to speak, her doctor leans over to hear her sigh contently and to feebly ask, “Where is that marvelous ape?”
he's lying. he's so excited that she is bringing energy to his campaign he is drunk with it and is flying high and is lying out his ass.
Silence posted this on another thread, but it was ignored, of course.

Here's McCain claiming Palin sold an airplane on Ebay and made a profit.


Is McCain lying or confused and does it matter?

Unless McCain is getting his information from hyper partisan wingnut blogs, he must know that the sold on ebay story is bullshit.

I'm going to assume the presumed leader of the Free World doesn't rely on rightwing blogs for news and information.

So, I vote he lied.
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