Obama Demands raise Debt Limit

I've paid into social security for about 45 years....all those people on SS also paid into it for many years. Why in hell isn't our money there for us??? It's not a DEBT! It's our money and it should be there NO MATTER WHAT. And to hold back paychecks to our military, active or retired, is absolutely wrong! They fought so Obama had the right to be in the place he is now.....you AND Barry are just plain stoooopid!

What pisses me off is that they call welfare, foodstamps and such entitlements when in fact it's handouts, while social security IS an entitlement 'cause as you rightly pointed out we paid for it and thus we are entitled to it.

Well guess what gun nut? If the government doesn't have the money to pay you - they don't have the money to pay you. As simple as that!

Notice of how Barack Obama has decided to use fear mongering to ratchet up the pressure against the Republicans. He is threatening to withhold the Social Security checks of senior citizens if he doesn't get his way.

Do you not understand that if he doesn't have the money to pay social security obligations - he can't pay them? Are you seriously this retarded?

The truth is that checks can go out, in their full amount, without adding a penny to the federal government's total debt. They can be paid without subtracting more than a tiny fraction of a percent -- if anything -- from the funds currently being used for other government purposes -- a reduction so small that it could be considered a rounding error.

Three key facts make this true. First, Social Security has its own dedicated income stream for payment of benefits and associated administrative costs. Second, in addition to its current income, Social Security has an accumulated reserve of $2.7 trillion in its trust funds. That reserve is invested, as Congress has always required, in what has been the safest investment on Earth -- treasury bonds backed by the full faith and credit of the United States. And third, the $2.7 trillion in treasury bonds held in the trust funds is included in the $14.3 trillion total debt that has reached the statutory limit.

If the debt limit is not raised, Social Security's Board of Trustees could and should exercise its right to redeem (cash in) as many of Social Security's bonds as needed to pay benefits. Every dollar of principal (though not accrued interest) that the federal government would be required to pay to redeem the bonds would reduce the total debt subject to the $14.3 trillion limit. That would make room under the debt ceiling and allow the government to borrow an additional dollar from the public to replace every dollar of principal paid by the government.

That set of transactions would not violate the statutory debt limit, because the total amount of federal debt would remain exactly the same before and after. It would ensure that all benefits are paid in full and on time. And it would not reduce the funds available to the government for its other operations in any meaningful way. (Any accrued interest paid on redeemed bonds would be small, because it is normally paid semi-annually and was just paid to Social Security on June 30.)

What the president and the speaker do not seem to understand is that Social Security is a real pension program backed by very substantial and real assets. The law requires employers to establish trusts for the assets of their private pension plans. Similarly, the Social Security trust funds exist to protect American workers and their families, and to make sure that benefits are paid in the amounts required by statute. Social Security's trust fund reserves should be used to ensure that all benefits are paid in full and on time to workers and their families who have earned them: retired workers and their families, workers who have become disabled (including the many veterans seriously wounded in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars) and their families, as well as the children and spouses of workers who have died prematurely (including the 9/11 families).
I suppose if Obama personally apologized to Bush and the American people for being a such a hypocritical idiot and saying this..

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better."

Perhaps then.. some could reconsider his empty words...

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I've paid into social security for about 45 years....all those people on SS also paid into it for many years. Why in hell isn't our money there for us??? It's not a DEBT! It's our money and it should be there NO MATTER WHAT. And to hold back paychecks to our military, active or retired, is absolutely wrong! They fought so Obama had the right to be in the place he is now.....you AND Barry are just plain stoooopid!

You bought an insurance policy you didn't open a savings account. Learn the fucking difference.

You want government to be able to pay its debts call up your Republican COngressman and tell him to raise the fucking debt ceiling.

Actually.....i was FORCED to buy that insurance policy...(just like Obamacare!) and i've put thousands into it years, and when it's time to collect it better be there. I get a statement from SS showing me approx what i'll get when i retire. It doesn't say IF THE MONEY IS THERE THAT YOU'VE BEEN PAY FOR 45 YEARS. You're an idiot.....
I've paid into social security for about 45 years....all those people on SS also paid into it for many years. Why in hell isn't our money there for us??? It's not a DEBT! It's our money and it should be there NO MATTER WHAT. And to hold back paychecks to our military, active or retired, is absolutely wrong! They fought so Obama had the right to be in the place he is now.....you AND Barry are just plain stoooopid!

You bought an insurance policy you didn't open a savings account. Learn the fucking difference.

You want government to be able to pay its debts call up your Republican COngressman and tell him to raise the fucking debt ceiling.

Actually.....i was FORCED to buy that insurance policy...(just like Obamacare!) and i've put thousands into it years, and when it's time to collect it better be there. I get a statement from SS showing me approx what i'll get when i retire. It doesn't say IF THE MONEY IS THERE THAT YOU'VE BEEN PAY FOR 45 YEARS. You're an idiot.....


The Teabaggers will do the best to make sure you don't get paid. LIsten to the way they talk. They're already telling you it won't be there. They're getting you prepared.
Do you not understand that if he doesn't have the money to pay social security obligations - he can't pay them? Are you seriously this retarded?

He doesnt pay anything you fucking ideologue.

We do.

And we have the money to pay our debts...including SS.

But Obama prefers he take that money and buy new stuff....and BORROW money to pay our debts.

You think that is a good idea?

Actually Congress decided to spend the money. Try reading a fucking Constitution.

Congress represents US you fucking ideologue.

Now answer the question...

you think it is a good idea to borrow money to pay your debt becuase you opt to take your hard earned revenue and buy new stuff with it?
I suppose if Obama personally apologized to Bush and the American people for being a such a hypocritical idiot and saying this..

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better."

Perhaps then.. some could reconsider his empty words...

Why did Obama think raising the debt ceiling under Bush would be catastrophic... but it's okay now? - Yahoo! Answers

This Country better get it priorities straight in a hurry ,its going to get real ugly in the next 4 years, and Obama is 95% of the problem, United States is in a world of hurt ,generational welfare is suicide
You bought an insurance policy you didn't open a savings account. Learn the fucking difference.

You want government to be able to pay its debts call up your Republican COngressman and tell him to raise the fucking debt ceiling.

Actually.....i was FORCED to buy that insurance policy...(just like Obamacare!) and i've put thousands into it years, and when it's time to collect it better be there. I get a statement from SS showing me approx what i'll get when i retire. It doesn't say IF THE MONEY IS THERE THAT YOU'VE BEEN PAY FOR 45 YEARS. You're an idiot.....


The Teabaggers will do the best to make sure you don't get paid. LIsten to the way they talk. They're already telling you it won't be there. They're getting you prepared.

yeah...those evil fiscally responsible tea baggers.

Pathetic. You are your typical "its everyone elses fault that i am in the situation I am in", fucked up liberal "whats in it for me" attitude.

Get a REAL job and stop free loading you fucking leach.
I've paid into social security for about 45 years....all those people on SS also paid into it for many years. Why in hell isn't our money there for us??? It's not a DEBT! It's our money and it should be there NO MATTER WHAT. And to hold back paychecks to our military, active or retired, is absolutely wrong! They fought so Obama had the right to be in the place he is now.....you AND Barry are just plain stoooopid!

What pisses me off is that they call welfare, foodstamps and such entitlements when in fact it's handouts, while social security IS an entitlement 'cause as you rightly pointed out we paid for it and thus we are entitled to it.

Well guess what gun nut? If the government doesn't have the money to pay you - they don't have the money to pay you. As simple as that!

Guess what numbnuts, I"m not going to take social security even when I qualify for it.

I don't need it. But there are some people that has PAID into it for years that do need it and guess what? It's THEIR money NOT the governments you stupid moron!
I suppose if Obama personally apologized to Bush and the American people for being a such a hypocritical idiot and saying this..

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better."

Perhaps then.. some could reconsider his empty words...

Why did Obama think raising the debt ceiling under Bush would be catastrophic... but it's okay now? - Yahoo! Answers

Interesting in that his story and position changes time and time again. He is such a sham, Obama the flim flam man and his cadre of liberal media parasites wish his quotes would evaporate. Don't expect the read it in the daily fish wrapper or hear it on CNBC or CNN.
I suppose if Obama personally apologized to Bush and the American people for being a such a hypocritical idiot and saying this..

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better."

Perhaps then.. some could reconsider his empty words...

Why did Obama think raising the debt ceiling under Bush would be catastrophic... but it's okay now? - Yahoo! Answers

This Country better get it priorities straight in a hurry ,its going to get real ugly in the next 4 years, and Obama is 95% of the problem, United States is in a world of hurt ,generational welfare is suicide

Just accept that Obama and the Democrats are leading the country over the fiscal cliff and into a deep depression.

The best thing a citizen can do is be prepared to take care of themselves and the ones they are responsible for..
It's clear that the Republicans DO NOT WANT TO CUT SPENDING AT ALL!

They've been making political hay out of tinsy tiny tax increases and they've turned the routine duty of raising the debt limit into a total drama.

They've done everything they can to prevent any discussion of the federal budget and spending cuts!

The Obama administration has always been willing to negotiate a budget with severe spending cuts - he offered 4 trillion in cuts last year, but IT'S THE REPUBLICANS that NEVER seem to want to go there!

If the Republicans were serious about spending cuts and having a balanced budget, they would have approved the silly little 3% tax increase on the wealthiest, they would stop this debt ceiling nonsense and they would get onto the job of negotiating a BUDGET!

Anyone who believes that the Republicans really want spending cuts is a FOOL!
Obama demands quick action to raise debt limit | US National Headlines | Comcast

President Barack Obama demanded on Monday that lawmakers raise the nation's $16.4 trillion federal debt limit quickly, warning that "Social Security benefits and veterans' checks will be delayed" if they don't and cautioning Republicans not to insist on cuts to government spending in exchange.

"They will not collect a ransom in exchange for not crashing the economy," he said at the 21st and final news conference of his first term. "The full faith and credit of the United States of America is not a bargaining chip. And they better decide quickly because time is running short."

Obama the dicator "Demands" , we should demand he quits threaten the American people and quit bankrupting this Country.Spend and borrow-Spend and borrow, We now borrow 4 billion a day just to keep the lights on, Pure Insanity !

Its not a threat you fucking moron. If the government can't borrow more social security obligations cannot be met - unless you'd prefer we discharge the military and abandon national defense instead.

Are you so fucking stupid that you don't realize social security benefits and veterans checks have to come from somewhere?

Get an education.... The ONLY one who can stop payment on those is the president.
Enough comes in to cover those expenditures.

The debt ceiling being raised will only incur new bills.
Obama demands quick action to raise debt limit | US National Headlines | Comcast

President Barack Obama demanded on Monday that lawmakers raise the nation's $16.4 trillion federal debt limit quickly, warning that "Social Security benefits and veterans' checks will be delayed" if they don't and cautioning Republicans not to insist on cuts to government spending in exchange.

"They will not collect a ransom in exchange for not crashing the economy," he said at the 21st and final news conference of his first term. "The full faith and credit of the United States of America is not a bargaining chip. And they better decide quickly because time is running short."

Obama the dicator "Demands" , we should demand he quits threaten the American people and quit bankrupting this Country.Spend and borrow-Spend and borrow, We now borrow 4 billion a day just to keep the lights on, Pure Insanity !

What's a dicator?
It's clear that the Republicans DO NOT WANT TO CUT SPENDING AT ALL!

They've been making political hay out of tinsy tiny tax increases and they've turned the routine duty of raising the debt limit into a total drama.

They've done everything they can to prevent any discussion of the federal budget and spending cuts!

The Obama administration has always been willing to negotiate a budget with severe spending cuts - he offered 4 trillion in cuts last year, but IT'S THE REPUBLICANS that NEVER seem to want to go there!

If the Republicans were serious about spending cuts and having a balanced budget, they would have approved the silly little 3% tax increase on the wealthiest, they would stop this debt ceiling nonsense and they would get onto the job of negotiating a BUDGET!

Anyone who believes that the Republicans really want spending cuts is a FOOL!

I suppose if Obama personally apologized to Bush and the American people for being a such a hypocritical idiot and saying this..

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better."

Perhaps then.. some could reconsider his empty words...

Why did Obama think raising the debt ceiling under Bush would be catastrophic... but it's okay now? - Yahoo! Answers

This Country better get it priorities straight in a hurry ,its going to get real ugly in the next 4 years, and Obama is 95% of the problem, United States is in a world of hurt ,generational welfare is suicide

Just accept that Obama and the Democrats are leading the country over the fiscal cliff and into a deep depression.

The best thing a citizen can do is be prepared to take care of themselves and the ones they are responsible for..

We might as well bend over and "lean forward"...
I suppose if Obama personally apologized to Bush and the American people for being a such a hypocritical idiot and saying this..

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better."

Perhaps then.. some could reconsider his empty words...

Why did Obama think raising the debt ceiling under Bush would be catastrophic... but it's okay now? - Yahoo! Answers

This Country better get it priorities straight in a hurry ,its going to get real ugly in the next 4 years, and Obama is 95% of the problem, United States is in a world of hurt ,generational welfare is suicide

Just accept that Obama and the Democrats are leading the country over the fiscal cliff and into a deep depression.

The best thing a citizen can do is be prepared to take care of themselves and the ones they are responsible for..

Any day now..right?

Obama demands quick action to raise debt limit | US National Headlines | Comcast

President Barack Obama demanded on Monday that lawmakers raise the nation's $16.4 trillion federal debt limit quickly, warning that "Social Security benefits and veterans' checks will be delayed" if they don't and cautioning Republicans not to insist on cuts to government spending in exchange.

"They will not collect a ransom in exchange for not crashing the economy," he said at the 21st and final news conference of his first term. "The full faith and credit of the United States of America is not a bargaining chip. And they better decide quickly because time is running short."

Obama the dicator "Demands" , we should demand he quits threaten the American people and quit bankrupting this Country.Spend and borrow-Spend and borrow, We now borrow 4 billion a day just to keep the lights on, Pure Insanity !

What's a dicator?

Someone who like to perform oral sex.

Oh wait...

Thats a dick taster.

Sorry...not sure what a dictator is.
Obama demands quick action to raise debt limit | US National Headlines | Comcast

President Barack Obama demanded on Monday that lawmakers raise the nation's $16.4 trillion federal debt limit quickly, warning that "Social Security benefits and veterans' checks will be delayed" if they don't and cautioning Republicans not to insist on cuts to government spending in exchange.

"They will not collect a ransom in exchange for not crashing the economy," he said at the 21st and final news conference of his first term. "The full faith and credit of the United States of America is not a bargaining chip. And they better decide quickly because time is running short."

Obama the dicator "Demands" , we should demand he quits threaten the American people and quit bankrupting this Country.Spend and borrow-Spend and borrow, We now borrow 4 billion a day just to keep the lights on, Pure Insanity !

What's a dicator?

Whats a Sallow ?

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