obama Delayed Rescue Attempt And Americans Died Because Of It


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
I'm sure the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media will make almost as big a deal of this as they did of -- I dunno, somebody's opinion on evolution

Report: Obama Stalled Rescue Of U.S. Hostages In Syria After British Intel Gave Him Their Location, Led To Their Deaths

If George W. Bush sat on info which led to the brutal deaths of three Americans, Dems would be calling for impeachment.

Via Daily Beast:

The U.S. government obtained intelligence on the possible location of American captives held by ISIS in Syria last year, but Obama administration officials waited nearly a month to launch a rescue mission because of concerns that the intelligence wasn’t conclusive and some of it had come from a foreign service, U.S. and British officials told The Daily Beast.

British officials, as well as private security contractors, said they were frustrated by Washington’s hesitance to give the go-ahead for a rescue attempt, which eventually was carried out on July 4, 2014, by which time the hostages had been moved. The following month, ISIS began beheading its American and British prisoners in a series of grisly Internet videos.

Toward the end of May, the British government had identified two or three locations in and around the Syrian city of Raqqa, the de facto capital of the so-called Islamic State, where the militants had moved hostages during the previous weeks and months. But the British were not absolutely sure in which location the Westerners were held. The captives included American journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff, as well aid worker Kayla Mueller. The information—based on debriefings of European captives who had been released, satellite and drone surveillance, and electronic eavesdropping—was not definitive in May.

Then, in early June, London had a “positive identification and that information was shared with Washington,” said a British source. The delay of nearly a month before the rescue bid was mounted remains a source of bewilderment for British officials.

But a U.S. official said that inside the White House, Obama’s senior national-security advisers were not willing to base a raid on intelligence developed by a foreign service. “The issue was that they didn’t trust it, and they wanted to develop and mature the intelligence, because it wasn’t our own,” said the U.S. official, who asked to remain anonymous when discussing sensitive hostage-rescue efforts.

“They got the information. They just didn’t trust it. And they did sit on it, there’s no doubt about that,” the official said.

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and if he would have sent someone in and the intel was bad and some of our guys were killed or captured.....i bet you would be here saying what a fucking asshole he is for doing it with questionable intel....go ahead deny it....
If George W. Bush sat on info which led to the brutal deaths of three Americans, Dems would be calling for impeachment.

That is correct the far left would be in an uproar, but then again the far left has no problem with Obama's illegal wars. They were anti-war up to 2009..

Says a poster who supports over a dozen hearings on Benghazi. Previous and recent presidents have had their own Benghazi's, where there warnings ignored which resulted in hundreds of American deaths and no House hearings or pointing fingers followed..
If George W. Bush sat on info which led to the brutal deaths of three Americans, Dems would be calling for impeachment.

That is correct the far left would be in an uproar, but then again the far left has no problem with Obama's illegal wars. They were anti-war up to 2009..

Says a poster who supports over a dozen hearings on Benghazi. Previous and recent presidents have had their own Benghazi's, where there warnings ignored which resulted in hundreds of American deaths and no House hearings or pointing fingers followed..

Oh look another one that supports the illegal wars of Obama..

Another drone not connected to reality..
Obumble's just not very good at this, is he?

Then again, what do we expect from a rookie junior Senator from Illinois who was artificially elevated to rock-star status and then acquired a job beyond his competency level?
Remember that Obama dallied for weeks over approving the Bin Laden raid. And, when push came to shove and a decision had to be made after most of his national security people urged approval for the raid and told him that everything for it was ready to go, he took another 16 hours to decide!

And, remember that he delayed for months in deciding what to do with our strategy in Afghanistan.
If George W. Bush sat on info which led to the brutal deaths of three Americans, Dems would be calling for impeachment.

That is correct the far left would be in an uproar, but then again the far left has no problem with Obama's illegal wars. They were anti-war up to 2009..

Says a poster who supports over a dozen hearings on Benghazi. Previous and recent presidents have had their own Benghazi's, where there warnings ignored which resulted in hundreds of American deaths and no House hearings or pointing fingers followed..
Did they lie to cover it up?
and if he would have sent someone in and the intel was bad and some of our guys were killed or captured.....i bet you would be here saying what a fucking asshole he is for doing it with questionable intel....go ahead deny it....

^^View attachment 36804^^
whats the matter edge?.....you realized that if you answered my question honestly you would be agreeing to what i said, did'nt you?.....
I'm sure the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media will make almost as big a deal of this as they did of -- I dunno, somebody's opinion on evolution

Report: Obama Stalled Rescue Of U.S. Hostages In Syria After British Intel Gave Him Their Location, Led To Their Deaths

If George W. Bush sat on info which led to the brutal deaths of three Americans, Dems would be calling for impeachment.

Via Daily Beast:

The U.S. government obtained intelligence on the possible location of American captives held by ISIS in Syria last year, but Obama administration officials waited nearly a month to launch a rescue mission because of concerns that the intelligence wasn’t conclusive and some of it had come from a foreign service, U.S. and British officials told The Daily Beast.

British officials, as well as private security contractors, said they were frustrated by Washington’s hesitance to give the go-ahead for a rescue attempt, which eventually was carried out on July 4, 2014, by which time the hostages had been moved. The following month, ISIS began beheading its American and British prisoners in a series of grisly Internet videos.

Toward the end of May, the British government had identified two or three locations in and around the Syrian city of Raqqa, the de facto capital of the so-called Islamic State, where the militants had moved hostages during the previous weeks and months. But the British were not absolutely sure in which location the Westerners were held. The captives included American journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff, as well aid worker Kayla Mueller. The information—based on debriefings of European captives who had been released, satellite and drone surveillance, and electronic eavesdropping—was not definitive in May.

Then, in early June, London had a “positive identification and that information was shared with Washington,” said a British source. The delay of nearly a month before the rescue bid was mounted remains a source of bewilderment for British officials.

But a U.S. official said that inside the White House, Obama’s senior national-security advisers were not willing to base a raid on intelligence developed by a foreign service. “The issue was that they didn’t trust it, and they wanted to develop and mature the intelligence, because it wasn’t our own,” said the U.S. official, who asked to remain anonymous when discussing sensitive hostage-rescue efforts.

“They got the information. They just didn’t trust it. And they did sit on it, there’s no doubt about that,” the official said.

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Obama isn't a serious person.......
whats the matter edge?.....you realized that if you answered my question honestly you would be agreeing to what i said, did'nt you?.....

I am ALWAYS honest, unlike EVERY dimocrap scumbag on earth.

And no, dimocrap. You would just find a way to quibble with any answer I gave.

You are a spambot for the scum of the earth dimocrap party. Nothing more.
I'm sure the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media will make almost as big a deal of this as they did of -- I dunno, somebody's opinion on evolution

Report: Obama Stalled Rescue Of U.S. Hostages In Syria After British Intel Gave Him Their Location, Led To Their Deaths

If George W. Bush sat on info which led to the brutal deaths of three Americans, Dems would be calling for impeachment.

Via Daily Beast:

The U.S. government obtained intelligence on the possible location of American captives held by ISIS in Syria last year, but Obama administration officials waited nearly a month to launch a rescue mission because of concerns that the intelligence wasn’t conclusive and some of it had come from a foreign service, U.S. and British officials told The Daily Beast.

British officials, as well as private security contractors, said they were frustrated by Washington’s hesitance to give the go-ahead for a rescue attempt, which eventually was carried out on July 4, 2014, by which time the hostages had been moved. The following month, ISIS began beheading its American and British prisoners in a series of grisly Internet videos.

Toward the end of May, the British government had identified two or three locations in and around the Syrian city of Raqqa, the de facto capital of the so-called Islamic State, where the militants had moved hostages during the previous weeks and months. But the British were not absolutely sure in which location the Westerners were held. The captives included American journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff, as well aid worker Kayla Mueller. The information—based on debriefings of European captives who had been released, satellite and drone surveillance, and electronic eavesdropping—was not definitive in May.

Then, in early June, London had a “positive identification and that information was shared with Washington,” said a British source. The delay of nearly a month before the rescue bid was mounted remains a source of bewilderment for British officials.

But a U.S. official said that inside the White House, Obama’s senior national-security advisers were not willing to base a raid on intelligence developed by a foreign service. “The issue was that they didn’t trust it, and they wanted to develop and mature the intelligence, because it wasn’t our own,” said the U.S. official, who asked to remain anonymous when discussing sensitive hostage-rescue efforts.

“They got the information. They just didn’t trust it. And they did sit on it, there’s no doubt about that,” the official said.

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If they were so certain about their information, why didn't the British go in and do the rescue themselves? They are just as much at fault in this, if there is fault to be assigned.
whats the matter edge?.....you realized that if you answered my question honestly you would be agreeing to what i said, did'nt you?.....

I am ALWAYS honest, unlike EVERY dimocrap scumbag on earth.

And no, dimocrap. You would just find a way to quibble with any answer I gave.

You are a sp
ambot for the scum of the earth dimocrap party. Nothing more.
LMAO Someone who writes and thinks like this is calling somebody else a juvenile: you can't make this stuff up. 'dimocrap' 'scumbag' 'spambot' And the shrill whine 'I am ALWAYS honest unlike EVERY dimocrap scumbag on earth' A total lack of logic. BTW, when you are referring to the Earth, it is always capitalized. Not being a juvenile, you should know that. LOL
I'm sure the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media will make almost as big a deal of this as they did of -- I dunno, somebody's opinion on evolution

Report: Obama Stalled Rescue Of U.S. Hostages In Syria After British Intel Gave Him Their Location, Led To Their Deaths

If George W. Bush sat on info which led to the brutal deaths of three Americans, Dems would be calling for impeachment.

Via Daily Beast:

The U.S. government obtained intelligence on the possible location of American captives held by ISIS in Syria last year, but Obama administration officials waited nearly a month to launch a rescue mission because of concerns that the intelligence wasn’t conclusive and some of it had come from a foreign service, U.S. and British officials told The Daily Beast.

British officials, as well as private security contractors, said they were frustrated by Washington’s hesitance to give the go-ahead for a rescue attempt, which eventually was carried out on July 4, 2014, by which time the hostages had been moved. The following month, ISIS began beheading its American and British prisoners in a series of grisly Internet videos.

Toward the end of May, the British government had identified two or three locations in and around the Syrian city of Raqqa, the de facto capital of the so-called Islamic State, where the militants had moved hostages during the previous weeks and months. But the British were not absolutely sure in which location the Westerners were held. The captives included American journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff, as well aid worker Kayla Mueller. The information—based on debriefings of European captives who had been released, satellite and drone surveillance, and electronic eavesdropping—was not definitive in May.

Then, in early June, London had a “positive identification and that information was shared with Washington,” said a British source. The delay of nearly a month before the rescue bid was mounted remains a source of bewilderment for British officials.

But a U.S. official said that inside the White House, Obama’s senior national-security advisers were not willing to base a raid on intelligence developed by a foreign service. “The issue was that they didn’t trust it, and they wanted to develop and mature the intelligence, because it wasn’t our own,” said the U.S. official, who asked to remain anonymous when discussing sensitive hostage-rescue efforts.

“They got the information. They just didn’t trust it. And they did sit on it, there’s no doubt about that,” the official said.

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If they were so certain about their information, why didn't the British go in and do the rescue themselves? They are just as much at fault in this, if there is fault to be assigned.
So the British should risk their people to save Americans because Obama is to stupid or cowardly to do it himself?
I'm sure the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media will make almost as big a deal of this as they did of -- I dunno, somebody's opinion on evolution

Report: Obama Stalled Rescue Of U.S. Hostages In Syria After British Intel Gave Him Their Location, Led To Their Deaths

If George W. Bush sat on info which led to the brutal deaths of three Americans, Dems would be calling for impeachment.

Via Daily Beast:

The U.S. government obtained intelligence on the possible location of American captives held by ISIS in Syria last year, but Obama administration officials waited nearly a month to launch a rescue mission because of concerns that the intelligence wasn’t conclusive and some of it had come from a foreign service, U.S. and British officials told The Daily Beast.

British officials, as well as private security contractors, said they were frustrated by Washington’s hesitance to give the go-ahead for a rescue attempt, which eventually was carried out on July 4, 2014, by which time the hostages had been moved. The following month, ISIS began beheading its American and British prisoners in a series of grisly Internet videos.

Toward the end of May, the British government had identified two or three locations in and around the Syrian city of Raqqa, the de facto capital of the so-called Islamic State, where the militants had moved hostages during the previous weeks and months. But the British were not absolutely sure in which location the Westerners were held. The captives included American journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff, as well aid worker Kayla Mueller. The information—based on debriefings of European captives who had been released, satellite and drone surveillance, and electronic eavesdropping—was not definitive in May.

Then, in early June, London had a “positive identification and that information was shared with Washington,” said a British source. The delay of nearly a month before the rescue bid was mounted remains a source of bewilderment for British officials.

But a U.S. official said that inside the White House, Obama’s senior national-security advisers were not willing to base a raid on intelligence developed by a foreign service. “The issue was that they didn’t trust it, and they wanted to develop and mature the intelligence, because it wasn’t our own,” said the U.S. official, who asked to remain anonymous when discussing sensitive hostage-rescue efforts.

“They got the information. They just didn’t trust it. And they did sit on it, there’s no doubt about that,” the official said.

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News for ya, you get taken and we aren't responsible for getting you dumb ass back. Now you know.
obumble delayed the order in the rescue of Captain Phillips. He never gave the order. The Commander just took the opportunity under some archaic law of the sea.

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