Obama Cracks Joke About Scalia's Death...

Where was the joke?

Maybe you can quote it for us?
The sad joke was when Obama spoke about "having to appoint judges"..and then giggled...kept giggling and even wrinkled his nose in a grin and pointed at the belly-laugher in the audience.. before he curbed himself at the last second..
Every time I hear Barry speak I feel the need to take a dump... Shit in shit out.
Where was the joke?

Maybe you can quote it for us?
The sad joke was when Obama spoke about "having to appoint judges"..and then giggled...kept giggling and even wrinkled his nose in a grin and pointed at the belly-laugher in the audience.. before he curbed himself at the last second..

What does that have to do with Scalia?

The joke was directed at McConnell and the asshole Republicans denying his right to nominate
Where was the joke?

Maybe you can quote it for us?
The sad joke was when Obama spoke about "having to appoint judges"..and then giggled...kept giggling and even wrinkled his nose in a grin and pointed at the belly-laugher in the audience.. before he curbed himself at the last second..

What does that have to do with Scalia?

The joke was directed at McConnell and the asshole Republicans denying his right to nominate
alex jones said be outraged so they are of course outraged
Where was the joke?

Maybe you can quote it for us?
The sad joke was when Obama spoke about "having to appoint judges"..and then giggled...kept giggling and even wrinkled his nose in a grin and pointed at the belly-laugher in the audience.. before he curbed himself at the last second..

What does that have to do with Scalia?

The joke was directed at McConnell and the asshole Republicans denying his right to nominate
Barry does not deserve an opportunity
Fuck, I was hoping for a real joke about Scalia, all I got was laughing about the obstructionist Senate GOPs who are telling the American people their vote doesn't matter a hill of bean to them.
Obama was cracking wise about GOP obstructionism, retards.
Shut up mdk. Trolling threads again I see..

Quit your sniveling, Mrs. Kravitz. Are you here to derail this thread into another one of your sullen whines about homos getting hitched? lol
The asshole didn't have any class in 2008 and he doesn't have any class today. Its sad even being president for 7+ years hasn't taught the dumb ass anything. I don't know maybe its a liberal thing, maybe liberals are just natural born assholes. That's probably why I hate liberals and consider them filth and scumbags.

Nothing says 'spine of steel' conservative like sniveling over an innocuous joke at The National Governor's Association.

Right because joking about a dead SCOTUS justice is classy. I love it when liberals show their true colors.

Where was the joke?

Maybe you can quote it for us?

Where did I say there was a joke? Are you having reading comprehension or drug addiction problems again?
The asshole didn't have any class in 2008 and he doesn't have any class today. Its sad even being president for 7+ years hasn't taught the dumb ass anything. I don't know maybe its a liberal thing, maybe liberals are just natural born assholes. That's probably why I hate liberals and consider them filth and scumbags.

Nothing says 'spine of steel' conservative like sniveling over an innocuous joke at The National Governor's Association.
If you want to find the definition of "hypocrite", look in in the dictionary under "Liberal Democrats".
I started a thread on this yesterday.

No comment from the left.

But they love talking about Trump acting like a jackass.....real or imaginary.

"But they love talking about Trump acting like a jackass.....real or imaginary." Mudpacker

Now let's play a name game. For 7 years straight we have had:
"But they love talking about Obama acting like a jackass.....real or imaginary" from the hard right.
And now they are crying and bitching about something imaginary,,,again.
If it's imaginary why was everyone laughing, including the president?

I guess you haven't a clue to what context is.....you only want to parse words without taking into account sounds of laughter and body-language.

If you really want me to be specific.......Obama said his average day is filled with doing simple tasks and included appointing judges, like it happens every day. Everyone in the room knew it doesn't happen every day, and thus the joke.

It would happen every day if he went around murdering the ones he doesn't like and replacing them with radical activist judges who rule from the bench.

That's the funny part of it. Obama tells a joke about replacing judges within hours after one has been laid to rest, sort of a way of pissing on his grave. Totally inappropriate. But in this new America where spitting on the opposition has become commonplace, this type of classless behavior is acceptable.
you are such a delicate little flower.

I just know when someone is being disrespectful.
quote the specific words you found disrespectful
Already did.
Stay classy Mr. President. :mad-61:

Wow. You work really hard to be offended.

I can't wait till this asshole kicks the bucket. The way he's snorting nose-candy I figure he'll be around 10 years max. Or somebody will off him like they did Malcolm X. I'll be right out in front making fun of his ass at the funeral.

Karma is a fucking bitch.

The asshole didn't have any class in 2008 and he doesn't have any class today. Its sad even being president for 7+ years hasn't taught the dumb ass anything. I don't know maybe its a liberal thing, maybe liberals are just natural born assholes. That's probably why I hate liberals and consider them filth and scumbags.

Nothing says 'spine of steel' conservative like sniveling over an innocuous joke at The National Governor's Association.
If you want to find the definition of "hypocrite", look in in the dictionary under "Liberal Democrats".

In some ways yes. That being said, what does the above have to do with your manufactured outrage?
Hey at Obama's funeral the president at that time can crack a, well Obama did make Carter a happy man before he died joke. Would that be okay with you?

A conference of the National Governor's Association isn't a funereal. Also, quit whining.
How about the Paul Wellstones funeral?
What about it?
Turning his funeral into a campaign rally? You're so classy.
I was not invited. Apparently neither were you? Is that why you are crying?
No, but the liberals that did attended acted like a bunch of children. They acted normal I guess you could say.
Stay classy Mr. President. :mad-61:

Wow. You work really hard to be offended.

I can't wait till this asshole kicks the bucket. The way he's snorting nose-candy I figure he'll be around 10 years max. Or somebody will off him like they did Malcolm X. I'll be right out in front making fun of his ass at the funeral.

Karma is a fucking bitch.


Obama will piss on your grave

But he will have to wait in line
The asshole didn't have any class in 2008 and he doesn't have any class today. Its sad even being president for 7+ years hasn't taught the dumb ass anything. I don't know maybe its a liberal thing, maybe liberals are just natural born assholes. That's probably why I hate liberals and consider them filth and scumbags.

Nothing says 'spine of steel' conservative like sniveling over an innocuous joke at The National Governor's Association.
If you want to find the definition of "hypocrite", look in in the dictionary under "Liberal Democrats".

In some ways yes. That being said, what does the above have to do with your manufactured outrage?
Manufactured applies to Hillary and her candidacy, not this. Her popularity is manufactured.

Just because you aren't offended doesn’t mean it's not offensive to somebody with real values and principles.

You are so easily offended when Trump says Megyn Kelly is bleeding from her whatever, but not when it comes to borish behavior by your Messiah. He can call millions of Americans ball sucking faggots (Teabaggers) and all you do is play dumb. He cracks jokes over a dead Supreme Court Justice. No problem. But don't you dare say that illegals are breaking the law, or Muslims pose a threat, or you'd like to punch some asshole protester in the mouth. That’s mean and Xenophobic.

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