Obama Cracks Joke About Scalia's Death...

no, no quotes there....

want to try again?
Nope. I'm done now.

Not my problem you're fucking retarded.
you cant do it, because you know there was nothing offensive said. your little delicate flower sensibilities are really just cover for you being lead by the nose ring and thinking as you were told
I was very clear. It's not my problem you Democrats have problems understanding plain English.
you cannot post the words you found so offensive. does the brass ring hurt when they lead you to your next outrage or have you become desensitized to the constant pulling?
Yeah....you would know about that better than anyone. Your nipples must be sore.
i would know about your brass nose ring you let people like alex jones lead you around by from outrage to outrage? wtf does that have to do with my nipples?

care to quote the 'offensive' remark yet?
you know, i've danced around it, but i'm going to just say it.

if you listen to the president's remarks and think to yourself "that's insulting to scalia" you are either fucking retarded or batshit crazy. there's just no way a sane, rational person can listen those comments, comments clearly directed at idiots that think a chief executive's job ends a year before their successor's starts, and think that they are in any way insulting or celebrating the death of antonin scalia.

and you know what? i don't think all of you claiming to be outraged actually are. I think most of you just need to grow the fuck up and stop with all the bullshit. stop letting yourself be used as outrage machines and maybe once in a while look at what you're actually bitching about.

then again, i'm probably wrong, and you probably are as batshit crazy and fucking retarded as complaining about this comment makes you look.

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