Obama courtmartials Navy nurse who refused to torture gimto detainees


You saw the benchmark made right here, folks.

Anything that happens inside the government is the President's doing.

That's the problem with being a dictator. When something goes wrong, everybody knows who to blame.
Obozo is CIC and he has to take responsibility for this.

NAVY Nurse Who Refused To Force Feed Guantanamo Inmates Is Facing Court Martial True Activist

aug 31 2014
Detainees at Guantanamo Bay have been protesting their imprisonment and cruel treatment with ongoing hunger strikes for the past several months, and have been attacked and force fed by guards as a result. These actions were condemned by more that 250 doctors from the UK, the US, Ireland, Germany, Australia, Italy and the Netherlands.

One nurse that was responsible for force feeding the prisoners, recently made news by refusing to do so. For a length of time this nurse obeyed the orders that he was given, but eventually began to regret his actions, and became a conscientious objector. A spokesperson for the NAVY would not release the name of the nurse, nor the details of their case. They only revealed that the nurse was sent home early and that he is currently “pending court martial”.

Have we as a society gone down hill so fast that we ignore beheadings by the enemy and consider life saving force feeding to be ....freaking torture? Have low information left wingers become so influenced by propaganda that they can't even think for themselves anymore?
Have we as a society gone down hill so fast that we ignore beheadings by the enemy and consider life saving force feeding to be ....freaking torture? Have low information left wingers become so influenced by propaganda that they can't even think for themselves anymore?

Torture is torture, even if the excuse is really good.
Have we as a society gone down hill so fast that we ignore beheadings by the enemy and consider life saving force feeding to be ....freaking torture? Have low information left wingers become so influenced by propaganda that they can't even think for themselves anymore?

Torture is torture, even if the excuse is really good.

Is it torture if only used as a life saving technique though? I mean cutting off your arm could be used as torture right? but at the same time there ARE medical emergencies which would dictate removing the arm to save your life, correct? Is that torture?

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