Obama courtmartials Navy nurse who refused to torture gimto detainees

Obama was responsible for the dude on the left being out of step when the marched the flag out at the basketball game the other night. CINC and all.
Obozo is CIC and he has to take responsibility for this.

NAVY Nurse Who Refused To Force Feed Guantanamo Inmates Is Facing Court Martial True Activist

aug 31 2014
Detainees at Guantanamo Bay have been protesting their imprisonment and cruel treatment with ongoing hunger strikes for the past several months, and have been attacked and force fed by guards as a result. These actions were condemned by more that 250 doctors from the UK, the US, Ireland, Germany, Australia, Italy and the Netherlands.

One nurse that was responsible for force feeding the prisoners, recently made news by refusing to do so. For a length of time this nurse obeyed the orders that he was given, but eventually began to regret his actions, and became a conscientious objector. A spokesperson for the NAVY would not release the name of the nurse, nor the details of their case. They only revealed that the nurse was sent home early and that he is currently “pending court martial”.


You saw the benchmark made right here, folks.

Anything that happens inside the government is the President's doing.

"Obama courtmartials"

Remember that.
No, I am sure it is very uncomfortable but necessary. My grandfather, after he had a mild stroke, for a few months had to be fed with a feeding tube down his throat because he lost the ability to swallow for a while afterwards, but then he got that ability back and was released from the hospital and went on to live 6 more healthy years and died at over 90 years old. If he could handle the pain and discomfort at 85 years old, in order to have LIFE afterwards, I'm certain these dudes trying to kill themselves can deal with it.

What's your solution QW? To let them die through starvation?

There is a significant difference between your grandfather and shoving a tube down someone's throat against their will.

I support the right of every individual to be fully in control of their own life. If they want to starve rather than spend the rest of their lives in prison, that is their choice, who am I, you, or the government to tell them they are wrong?
Obama courtmartials Navy nurse who refused to torture gimto detainees

This is a lie, which is consistent with the fact that you're a liar.

“No decision has been made on whether the U.S. Navy will court-martial a nurse who refused to force-feed hunger strikers at Guantánamo during the summer, the nurse’s commander says.”

Read more here: Case of Navy nurse who refused to force-feed could put Guant namo hunger strike on trial - Guant namo - MiamiHerald.com

In addition to being a liar you're also ignorant, as the president has no authority whatsoever to determine who is or is not subject to a court-marital:

“As the lieutenant’s commander, it would be up to Pennington to decide what, if any, disciplinary action to pursue. Typically that starts with what is called a 15-6 investigation: a description of what happened and a recommendation of whether to order a court-martial.”

Read more here: Case of Navy nurse who refused to force-feed could put Guant namo hunger strike on trial - Guant namo - MiamiHerald.com

Absolutely, positively incorrect. A court martial can be convened by ANY command authority, the POTUS is in command of EVERY member of the armed services and therefor absolutely, positively can convene a court martial against any member of said military.

U.S. Code § 822 - Art. 22

10 U.S. Code 822 - Art. 22. Who may convene general courts-martial LII Legal Information Institute

Doowd! Seriously....

Um what? It is clear, the POTUS can convene a court martial for ANY military member he wishes. That is not the same thing as saying he DID so in this instance.

Do you seriously believe that the leader of our nation needs to go behind all military issues with his mop and bucket?

Knock it off, what you are proposing is completely absurd, Obama simply does not have time to do this.

Oh look, a drug dealer selling right in front of the police station - what will Obozo do about that?????

Are you illiterate? I mean you must be. I CLEARLY and unequivocally stated in post #4 of this thread that I would guess that this guy's commanding officer would be the one who proferred charges, NOT the POTUS

Obama courtmartials Navy nurse who refused to torture gimto detainees US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

In post #24 C_Clayton_Jones made the comment that the POTUS could NOT court martial the nurse.

Obama courtmartials Navy nurse who refused to torture gimto detainees Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

In Post #35 I merely pointed out that YES the POTUS can convene a court martial against any military member. AT NO point did I suggest he did so on this case.
No, I am sure it is very uncomfortable but necessary. My grandfather, after he had a mild stroke, for a few months had to be fed with a feeding tube down his throat because he lost the ability to swallow for a while afterwards, but then he got that ability back and was released from the hospital and went on to live 6 more healthy years and died at over 90 years old. If he could handle the pain and discomfort at 85 years old, in order to have LIFE afterwards, I'm certain these dudes trying to kill themselves can deal with it.

What's your solution QW? To let them die through starvation?

There is a significant difference between your grandfather and shoving a tube down someone's throat against their will.

I support the right of every individual to be fully in control of their own life. If they want to starve rather than spend the rest of their lives in prison, that is their choice, who am I, you, or the government to tell them they are wrong?
you are just crazy then....imo. :)
Are you illiterate? I mean you must be. I CLEARLY and unequivocally stated in post #4 of this thread that I would guess that this guy's commanding officer would be the one who proferred charges, NOT the POTUS

Obama courtmartials Navy nurse who refused to torture gimto detainees US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

In post #24 C_Clayton_Jones made the comment that the POTUS could NOT court martial the nurse.

Obama courtmartials Navy nurse who refused to torture gimto detainees Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

In Post #35 I merely pointed out that YES the POTUS can convene a court martial against any military member. AT NO point did I suggest he did so on this case.

If I was illiterate, how would I miss this doozey of a typo?

"proferred charges,"


Obama DID NOT COURT-MARTIAL anyone! Even if he had the authority to.
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Conservatives scream when any detainees are released. Conservatives screamed when Gitmo was going to be closed and the prisoners transferred to supermax prisons. Conservatives screamed that waterboarding isn't torture. Now, they are screaming that keeping prisoners alive is torture.

Try them or let them go.
Obozo is CIC and he has to take responsibility for this.

NAVY Nurse Who Refused To Force Feed Guantanamo Inmates Is Facing Court Martial True Activist

aug 31 2014
Detainees at Guantanamo Bay have been protesting their imprisonment and cruel treatment with ongoing hunger strikes for the past several months, and have been attacked and force fed by guards as a result. These actions were condemned by more that 250 doctors from the UK, the US, Ireland, Germany, Australia, Italy and the Netherlands.

One nurse that was responsible for force feeding the prisoners, recently made news by refusing to do so. For a length of time this nurse obeyed the orders that he was given, but eventually began to regret his actions, and became a conscientious objector. A spokesperson for the NAVY would not release the name of the nurse, nor the details of their case. They only revealed that the nurse was sent home early and that he is currently “pending court martial”.

I was going to label this as a troll thread because of the title, but upon reading that Obama IS in fact commander in chief, you have an excellent point, and I clicked agree for this post. reality is though that Obozo is just a puppet who follows orders of his puppet masters
you are just crazy then....imo. :)

I am crazy because I support the individual over the collective that thinks it knows best for everyone.

Good to know.
It's killing....thou shall not kill....even if it is killing yourself....it's still killing a living and breathing, human being....simple as that....and we, our government should NOT in any way, be a part of this or assist them in committing suicide....
Slowly starving to death could be (and is) considered torture. Starving prisoners to death is prohibited by every treaty and agreement in the world. It's prohibited by the Geneva convention as inhumane treatment. None of those agreements consider someone who voluntarily starves themselves to death.

No matter what this nurse did, he was going to be in some serious trouble. In the judgment of the nurse, it was better to let them die. This was against the rules of the military and against all of the aforementioned agreements. There is no doubt whatsoever, that liberals would be just as outraged at news reports that the US military lets people in custody die.
Are you illiterate? I mean you must be. I CLEARLY and unequivocally stated in post #4 of this thread that I would guess that this guy's commanding officer would be the one who proferred charges, NOT the POTUS

Obama courtmartials Navy nurse who refused to torture gimto detainees US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

In post #24 C_Clayton_Jones made the comment that the POTUS could NOT court martial the nurse.

Obama courtmartials Navy nurse who refused to torture gimto detainees Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

In Post #35 I merely pointed out that YES the POTUS can convene a court martial against any military member. AT NO point did I suggest he did so on this case.

If I was illiterate, how would I miss this doozey of a typo?

"proferred charges,"


Obama DID NOT COURT-MARTIAL anyone! Even if he had the authority to.

And I never said he did, in fact I said the opposite, so your initial post towards me was stupid.
Personally I think we should force feed them BLTs

Seriously maybe that's why they are so pissed off all the time, they never get to eat bacon.
It's killing....thou shall not kill....even if it is killing yourself....it's still killing a living and breathing, human being....simple as that....and we, our government should NOT in any way, be a part of this or assist them in committing suicide....

So, you support torturing the terminally ill, then? How evil.
It's killing....thou shall not kill....even if it is killing yourself....it's still killing a living and breathing, human being....simple as that....and we, our government should NOT in any way, be a part of this or assist them in committing suicide....

So, you support torturing the terminally ill, then? How evil.

no, no it's not Jarlaxle so try again! :D

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