Obama cannot legally give illegals a Social Security number


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Of course the guy can't cite any law supporting Obama's actions because no such law exists that allows a president to unilaterally change or create law. He skipped around the question and says they plan to appeal. The judge was correct when he ruled against Obama because prosecutorial discretion only allows a decision whether or not to prosecute a person. Obama decided to ignore immigration laws altogether, but his decision to reward illegals with work permits and Social Security numbers is something he has no right to do. So, he wants to appeal in hopes that a liberal judge will not hold him to the constitution. There is no defending this. Obama does not have that kind of power and all the appeals in the world won't change that. Only a liberal judge who has no respect for our constitution would even consider allowing Obama to ignore our laws.

Even if Obama wants to ignore all immigration laws, how does he have the right to force tax payers to foot the bill for his plan? Immigrants are supposed to pay their own way. Obama wants to create another new law by saying we foot the bill from now on.

Obama claims that those eligible for his amnesty are productive and just want to work. If that were true, why would he need such an exorbitant amount for his amnesty program? Wouldn't the usual fees paid by immigrants be enough? Self-sufficient people don't need to be subsidized. That tells you right there that this is merely an attempt to bring more welfare recipients here so they can become lifelong dependent Democrat voters.

DHS Secretary Fails to Cite Any Law Authorizing Obama to Give Social Security Numbers to Illegal Aliens


Ya wanna bet that he tries, and gets away with it?


Unfortunately, you might be correct. The left believes the end justifies the means, so they don't sweat over a few broken laws or any amount of dishonesty as long as they get their desired outcome.
Obama doesn't assign social security numbers. You fail
Obama doesn't assign social security numbers. You fail

The Administration runs the Social Security Dept, so yes he does.
No, Bribaby, he doesn't. You're retarded.

Are you claiming that the Social Security Dept is not an office of the Administration?

It is, but it takes an act of congress to make changes to the program and that has not happened. When the Social Security program began, it was for citizens only and that hasn't changed. Obama thinks he can unilaterally change laws to suit his agenda. He can't.

Obama swore to uphold the constitution and all of our laws. He isn't doing that. While having prosecutorial discretion allows officials to choose which cases to prosecute or not, they cannot change the laws. Obama is stretching prosecutorial discretion to the point of breaking by ignoring all our immigration laws by not deporting illegal aliens. To add insult to injury, he is also dictating that illegal aliens be treated as citizens prior to them going through the process to apply for citizenship. There are no allowances for that in the law and Obama admitted that he was intending to change the law, which is unconstitutional. They are appealing a decision by a judge because Obama thinks he should get away with tyranny.

Upholding laws and rewriting them are two completely different things and Obama seems to think he can wave his hand and magically change anything he wants. He is acting like a dictator and there is no way anyone can defend his actions.
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The immigration Group of Eight includes Democratic Sens. Chuck Schumer of New York, Dick Durbin of Illinois, Robert Menendez of New Jersey and Michael Bennet of Colorado, as well as Republicans Marco Rubio of Florida, John McCain of Arizona, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Jeff Flake of Arizona.

The lawmakers asked their colleagues to pass a bill by summer, CQ Weekly reported.

If senators do act, the House is expected to take up legislation — though it might write its own bill, House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy told CNN on March 10, 2013.

That would leave lawmakers working out their differences in a conference committee.

"It's better if the House works the way it's designed, where the House passes a bill ... and the Senate passes a bill, then it goes to conference," McCarthy said.

The recent bipartisan embrace of such a path, including by former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, indicates "reform prospects look good,” said America's Voice, a group that advocates for a "road to full citizenship” for 11 million immigrants.

its a bipartisan act ... Congress first, Obama signs Congressional legislation ..

a PATH to citizenship.
The immigration Group of Eight includes Democratic Sens. Chuck Schumer of New York, Dick Durbin of Illinois, Robert Menendez of New Jersey and Michael Bennet of Colorado, as well as Republicans Marco Rubio of Florida, John McCain of Arizona, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Jeff Flake of Arizona.

The lawmakers asked their colleagues to pass a bill by summer, CQ Weekly reported.

If senators do act, the House is expected to take up legislation — though it might write its own bill, House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy told CNN on March 10, 2013.

That would leave lawmakers working out their differences in a conference committee.

"It's better if the House works the way it's designed, where the House passes a bill ... and the Senate passes a bill, then it goes to conference," McCarthy said.

The recent bipartisan embrace of such a path, including by former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, indicates "reform prospects look good,” said America's Voice, a group that advocates for a "road to full citizenship” for 11 million immigrants.

its a bipartisan act ... Congress first, Obama signs Congressional legislation ..

a PATH to citizenship.

Problem is that Obama isn't waiting for congress to act. He already admitted he is effectively changing laws by giving illegal aliens Social Security numbers. Currently, there are no laws supporting Obama's actions.
Obama doesn't assign social security numbers. You fail

The Administration runs the Social Security Dept, so yes he does.
No, Bribaby, he doesn't. You're retarded.

Are you claiming that the Social Security Dept is not an office of the Administration?
No, I'm claiming that Obama doesn't assign social security numbers.
You're wrong, as always.
The immigration Group of Eight includes Democratic Sens. Chuck Schumer of New York, Dick Durbin of Illinois, Robert Menendez of New Jersey and Michael Bennet of Colorado, as well as Republicans Marco Rubio of Florida, John McCain of Arizona, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Jeff Flake of Arizona.

The lawmakers asked their colleagues to pass a bill by summer, CQ Weekly reported.

If senators do act, the House is expected to take up legislation — though it might write its own bill, House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy told CNN on March 10, 2013.

That would leave lawmakers working out their differences in a conference committee.

"It's better if the House works the way it's designed, where the House passes a bill ... and the Senate passes a bill, then it goes to conference," McCarthy said.

The recent bipartisan embrace of such a path, including by former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, indicates "reform prospects look good,” said America's Voice, a group that advocates for a "road to full citizenship” for 11 million immigrants.

its a bipartisan act ... Congress first, Obama signs Congressional legislation ..

a PATH to citizenship.

Amnesty will never pass, and that's all this bill is.
Illegal immigrants who are granted amnesty and are assigned Social Security numbers under President Obama’s executive action will be eligible to collect tax refunds even if they’d never before paid taxes or filed a return.

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen revealed this outrage to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Wednesday, which seems to contradict a statement he’d made

Free money for illegals Obama amnesty offers tax refunds to aliens who NEVER filed in the first place - BizPac Review
Of course the guy can't cite any law supporting Obama's actions because no such law exists that allows a president to unilaterally change or create law. He skipped around the question and says they plan to appeal. The judge was correct when he ruled against Obama because prosecutorial discretion only allows a decision whether or not to prosecute a person. Obama decided to ignore immigration laws altogether, but his decision to reward illegals with work permits and Social Security numbers is something he has no right to do. So, he wants to appeal in hopes that a liberal judge will not hold him to the constitution. There is no defending this. Obama does not have that kind of power and all the appeals in the world won't change that. Only a liberal judge who has no respect for our constitution would even consider allowing Obama to ignore our laws.

Even if Obama wants to ignore all immigration laws, how does he have the right to force tax payers to foot the bill for his plan? Immigrants are supposed to pay their own way. Obama wants to create another new law by saying we foot the bill from now on.

Obama claims that those eligible for his amnesty are productive and just want to work. If that were true, why would he need such an exorbitant amount for his amnesty program? Wouldn't the usual fees paid by immigrants be enough? Self-sufficient people don't need to be subsidized. That tells you right there that this is merely an attempt to bring more welfare recipients here so they can become lifelong dependent Democrat voters.

DHS Secretary Fails to Cite Any Law Authorizing Obama to Give Social Security Numbers to Illegal Aliens


Well said Clem...

But the Ideological Left is purposed to undermine the viability of the United States. So 'The Law' is irrelevant to these clowns.
Illegal immigrants who are granted amnesty and are assigned Social Security numbers under President Obama’s executive action will be eligible to collect tax refunds even if they’d never before paid taxes or filed a return.

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen revealed this outrage to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Wednesday, which seems to contradict a statement he’d made

Free money for illegals Obama amnesty offers tax refunds to aliens who NEVER filed in the first place - BizPac Review

The Tax refunds to illegals, while repugnant to American principle, is NOTHING when compared to their being registered TO VOTE!
Illegal immigrants who are granted amnesty and are assigned Social Security numbers under President Obama’s executive action will be eligible to collect tax refunds even if they’d never before paid taxes or filed a return.

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen revealed this outrage to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Wednesday, which seems to contradict a statement he’d made

Free money for illegals Obama amnesty offers tax refunds to aliens who NEVER filed in the first place - BizPac Review

The Tax refunds to illegals, while repugnant to American principle, is NOTHING when compared to their being registered TO VOTE!

Hell - dead people have been voting Democratic for years now - and so have illegals.


Obama doesn't assign social security numbers. You fail

The Administration runs the Social Security Dept, so yes he does.
No, Bribaby, he doesn't. You're retarded.

Are you claiming that the Social Security Dept is not an office of the Administration?
No, I'm claiming that Obama doesn't assign social security numbers.
You're wrong, as always.
I'm wrong. Right. So, you claim that the potus personally assigns ss numbers. You're an idiot

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