Obama Bypasses Congress and Bans the Confederate Battle Flag

This is how lies get started. Typically by a white person.......["
ROFL. You're such a racist it's ridiculous.
So youre saying its true that Anthony Johnson was the first slave holder in the US?
No, I'm referring to the quoted racist statement you made.

As for slaves, there were slaves in the New World long before the Europeans arrived and much longer before there was a US of A.
Then you must be claiming that a white guy didnt make up the lie about Anthony Johnson? Whites lie all the time. I can make a list of things they lie or have lied about.
Lincoln was President of the United States....the Constitution, written by the Founding Fathers gave him substantial power....and you are dead wrong about what the Founders wanted. The Founders had already started discussing that slavery was wrong....even though most of them owned slaves...

In his initial draft of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson condemned the injustice of the slave trade and, by implication, slavery, but he also blamed the presence of enslaved Africans in North America on avaricious British colonial policies. Jefferson thus acknowledged that slavery violated the natural rights of the enslaved, while at the same time he absolved Americans of any responsibility for owning slaves themselves. The Continental Congress apparently rejected the tortured logic of this passage by deleting it from the final document, but this decision also signaled the Founders’ commitment to subordinating the controversial issue of slavery to the larger goal of securing the unity and independence of the United States.

Nevertheless, the Founders, with the exception of those from South Carolina and Georgia, exhibited considerable aversion to slavery during the era of the Articles of Confederation (1781–89) by prohibiting the importation of foreign slaves to individual states and lending their support to a proposal by Jefferson to ban slavery in the Northwest Territory.

The Founding Fathers and Slavery | Founding Fathers

It is Anti-American to want to fly the Confederate flag. The Confederacy lost to the United States....why would anyone want to fly the flag of the losers?

It would be tantamount to some British people wanting to fly the American flag in some of their government buildings in England.....idiotic, at best.
Yes, the powers of government are delineated by the Constitution. That's its purpose. True the Founders were split on the slavery issue even though most of them had slaves, but that's not what I was writing about. I was referring to the fact that states had a right to secede per the Constitution since that power was not given to the Federal government until after the war.


"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

{double sigh}
"The declaration stated the primary reasoning behind South Carolina's declaring of secession from the U.S., which was described as "increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding States to the Institution of Slavery""

Just because 250K ignorant poor white men were fooled by politicians doesnt mean much. Those types remained fooled to this day.

So you're saying that the entire war was over South Carolina? I don't think so. So I beg the question again, why would 250000 white people who didn't own slaves die for those who did?

The first person in the USA to own slaves was a black man who owned white slaves. OOOPS.

Google Anthony Johnson morons.
We have alfeady heard that years ago..right here oin USMB..you are late dude:

Anthony Johnson - The Father of US Slavery
This is how lies get started. Typically by a white person. I mean think about it. Anthony johnson isnt even close to being the first person to own a slave in the US. One of Obama's relatives on his mothers side John Punch was the first documented slave in the US. Of course thats "officially" documented. The practice had been going on long before that. The owner was of course a white dude named Hugh Gwyn.


John Punch (slave) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"John Punch (fl. 1630s, living 1640) was an enslaved African who lived in the Colony of Virginia during the seventeenth century.[2][3] In July 1640, the Virginia Governor's Council sentenced him to serve for the remainder of his life as punishment for running away to Maryland. In contrast, two European men who ran away with him were sentenced to longer indentures but not the permanent loss of their freedom. For this reason, historians consider John Punch the "first official slave in the English colonies,"[4] and his case as the "first legal sanctioning of lifelong slavery in the Chesapeake."[2] Historians also consider this to be one of the first legal distinctions between Europeans and Africans made in the colony,[5] and a key milestone in the development of the institution of slavery in the United States.["
Thanks for refreshing my memory. That link I provided is a USMB link dating back to 2013. You were right there with the same great counters to the Anthony Johnson tale as you are now. Great work!
"The declaration stated the primary reasoning behind South Carolina's declaring of secession from the U.S., which was described as "increasing hostility on the part of the non-slaveholding States to the Institution of Slavery""

Just because 250K ignorant poor white men were fooled by politicians doesnt mean much. Those types remained fooled to this day.

So you're saying that the entire war was over South Carolina? I don't think so. So I beg the question again, why would 250000 white people who didn't own slaves die for those who did?

The first person in the USA to own slaves was a black man who owned white slaves. OOOPS.

Google Anthony Johnson morons.
We have alfeady heard that years ago..right here oin USMB..you are late dude:

Anthony Johnson - The Father of US Slavery
This is how lies get started. Typically by a white person. I mean think about it. Anthony johnson isnt even close to being the first person to own a slave in the US. One of Obama's relatives on his mothers side John Punch was the first documented slave in the US. Of course thats "officially" documented. The practice had been going on long before that. The owner was of course a white dude named Hugh Gwyn.


John Punch (slave) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"John Punch (fl. 1630s, living 1640) was an enslaved African who lived in the Colony of Virginia during the seventeenth century.[2][3] In July 1640, the Virginia Governor's Council sentenced him to serve for the remainder of his life as punishment for running away to Maryland. In contrast, two European men who ran away with him were sentenced to longer indentures but not the permanent loss of their freedom. For this reason, historians consider John Punch the "first official slave in the English colonies,"[4] and his case as the "first legal sanctioning of lifelong slavery in the Chesapeake."[2] Historians also consider this to be one of the first legal distinctions between Europeans and Africans made in the colony,[5] and a key milestone in the development of the institution of slavery in the United States.["
Thanks for refreshing my memory. That link I provided is a USMB link dating back to 2013. You were right there with the same great counters to the Anthony Johnson tale as you are now. Great work!
Damn. I've been on this stie since 2013?!!
This is how lies get started. Typically by a white person.......["
ROFL. You're such a racist it's ridiculous.
So youre saying its true that Anthony Johnson was the first slave holder in the US?
No, I'm referring to the quoted racist statement you made.

As for slaves, there were slaves in the New World long before the Europeans arrived and much longer before there was a US of A.
Then you must be claiming that a white guy didnt make up the lie about Anthony Johnson? Whites lie all the time. I can make a list of things they lie or have lied about.
I must concur. And some of the lies become history for our children to learn. EXAMPLE: 1. Columbus discovered America.? The hell he did, there were people already here.

2. We call Native Americans Indians. WTF! When we found out Columbus made an error White people kept calling them Indians.
That is a lie…they are NOT Indians.

There are many more including lies in treaties, Lies about 40 acres and a mule and lies told with statistics.
This is how lies get started. Typically by a white person.......["
ROFL. You're such a racist it's ridiculous.
So youre saying its true that Anthony Johnson was the first slave holder in the US?
No, I'm referring to the quoted racist statement you made.

As for slaves, there were slaves in the New World long before the Europeans arrived and much longer before there was a US of A.
Then you must be claiming that a white guy didnt make up the lie about Anthony Johnson? Whites lie all the time. I can make a list of things they lie or have lied about.
I must concur. And some of the lies become history for our children to learn. EXAMPLE: 1. Columbus discovered America.? The hell he did, there were people already here.

2. We call Native Americans Indians. WTF! When we found out Columbus made an error White people kept calling them Indians.
That is a lie…they are NOT Indians.

There are many more including lies in treaties, Lies about 40 acres and a mule and lies told with statistics.
Exactly. That is why I taught my children true history and when needed to I went down to school and set many a misguided teacher straight.
Then you must be claiming that a white guy didnt make up the lie about Anthony Johnson? Whites lie all the time. I can make a list of things they lie or have lied about.
Wrong again, but I've come to expect that from you.

Thanks for reaffirming your racist statement. When you wonder why racism still exists in America, go look in a mirror; that guy is part of the problem.
Then you must be claiming that a white guy didnt make up the lie about Anthony Johnson? Whites lie all the time. I can make a list of things they lie or have lied about.
Wrong again, but I've come to expect that from you.

Thanks for reaffirming your racist statement. When you wonder why racism still exists in America, go look in a mirror; that guy is part of the problem.
Youre welcome. I never wonder why racism still exists. Like Albert Einstein said...its a white mans disease.

6 Ways Albert Einstein Fought for Civil Rights

"In 1946, Einstein gave a rare speech at Lincoln University in Pennsylvania, a historically black university, where he also accepted an honorary degree. The appearance was significant because Einstein made a habit of turning down all requests to speak at universities. During his speech, he called racism "a disease of white people.""
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"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

{double sigh}
Intelligent, educated people know the Pledge of Allegiance was written by Francis Bellamy in 1892. It was modified a couple times over the years to the form you just quoted in the mid-1950s. It appears you don't know the Civil War ended in 1865, about 27 years before the Pledge was written.
That white people lie and are the cause of racism. Didnt you tell me to stop wondering about racism and I had to set you straight and tell you I never wonder?
Whatever helps you sleep at night, kid.

Regardless of what you think or believe, intelligent people understand that race only matters to racists and, to a certain extent, medical personnel for tracking risks of certain diseases. As more and more people become mixed race, such as Tiger Woods, it will matter even less....except to racists of course. Those dipshits think "one drop of blood" makes a difference.
That white people lie and are the cause of racism. Didnt you tell me to stop wondering about racism and I had to set you straight and tell you I never wonder?
Whatever helps you sleep at night, kid.

Regardless of what you think or believe, intelligent people understand that race only matters to racists and, to a certain extent, medical personnel for tracking risks of certain diseases. As more and more people become mixed race, such as Tiger Woods, it will matter even less....except to racists of course. Those dipshits think "one drop of blood" makes a difference.
Actually it frequently keeps me up at night devising strategies to take advantage of ever mistake they make. Race may be a social construct for the most part but that doesnt keep your racist buddies from trying to stop me because i am Black.

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

{double sigh}
Intelligent, educated people know the Pledge of Allegiance was written by Francis Bellamy in 1892. It was modified a couple times over the years to the form you just quoted in the mid-1950s. It appears you don't know the Civil War ended in 1865, about 27 years before the Pledge was written.

I'm kind of aware of that, since my great grandfather fought for Tennessee, in the Civil War, and was captured twice, and escaped twice, and wounded at Franklinton.

Nevertheless, I am also aware of my status on a United States Citizen. I love my country, and those who would tear it apart are people who deserve no respect . So, now, we have defined each other.
Actually it frequently keeps me up at night devising strategies to take advantage of ever mistake they make. Race may be a social construct for the most part but that doesnt keep your racist buddies from trying to stop me because i am Black.
I believe you do. Hate is a very powerful motivator. OTOH, it's a destructive, not a constructive, motivator. In the end, you'll end up doing more harm to your cause than good.
I'm kind of aware of that, since my great grandfather fought for Tennessee, in the Civil War, and was captured twice, and escaped twice, and wounded at Franklinton.

Nevertheless, I am also aware of my status on a United States Citizen. I love my country, and those who would tear it apart are people who deserve no respect . So, now, we have defined each other.
Should I be a complete ignorant ass and post something written almost 30 years after the Civil War with a bunch of {sigh}s in it? I think not. Only a fucking political asshole would do such a thing.

I have a sworn duty to our Constitution. I, too, love my country. The difference between you and I is that I seek to maintain individual liberties where you seek to corral everyone "for their own good" and force them down a single road with the entire force of the Federal government.

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