Obama Bundler, Nominated For Ambassador To Norway, Bungles Questions On Norway


Gold Member
Jan 11, 2011
Obama Campaign Bundler Bungles Questions About Norway at His Confirmation Hearing

In return for bundling money for Obama, Obama has given this dupe an Ambassadorship to Norway. The only problem is that he knows absolutely nothing about Norway. While nearly all presidents have done such things in the past this one is a particularly funny example. Watch the video below to see the hilarity that ensued on his Confirmation hearing. Also note the sarcasm in John McCain's voice after he closed his line of questioning. I guess we can all be sure that Obama nominated this guy because of his shining qualifications, right?

Obama Bundler, Nominated For Ambassador To Norway, Bungles Questions On Norway
Wow: Obama's Nominee for Ambassador to Norway Knows Nothing About Norway - Video
Obama's ambassador pick for Norway bobbles Senate history test, but still likely to nab job | Fox News
McCain Skewers Obama Donor Nominated As Ambassador To Norway
Norway ambassador nominee George Tsunis trips in confirmation hearing.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=272_ZX7m1YA]Obama Donor Picked for Ambassador to Norway Fumbles Basic Questions About Norway - YouTube[/ame]
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For those of you not up to speed about Norway's crazy immigration policy see below.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKBo5a-wzos]Culture Crisis: Norway Tackles Muslim Immigration - CBN.com - YouTube[/ame]

As a side note, Sweden and Norway are two prime examples of how liberal multiculturalism is killing two prosperous countries via reverse colonization of cultures that don't exactly believe in multiculturalism.

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