Obama brings back Don't ask, Don't tell

Perhaps political harassment needs to be added to the list. That way democrats will be forced to put a sock in it.

And far right reactionaries and those nutty conspiracy theorists as well.

I've got an idea. Why don't we all just shut up. We are being muzzled daily by the people we elect.

No worry, we are not being muzzled as a people by those we elect.

All the stupid attacks on Bush, Kerry, McCain, Romney, and Obama reveal that political speech is quite healthy in America.

I mean, I got to watch Glenn Beck act the unstable mental nutso at the NRA: what is more free than that happy horse shit? But, yeah, he has the right.
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Nobody's 1st amendment rights to freely exercise their speech or religion is being infringed upon.

To put it in perspective. You a married heterosexual male in the military who has a gay co-worker. The co-worker asks you out. You are repulsed and disgusted and tell him in no uncertain terms that you are not interested in him and that you are not gay and never have been gay (shout out to Larry Craig). He persists. Asks you out every day. Tells you about how great it is to be gay.

Apply it to religion. Religious harassment/Sexual harassment. Not much difference.

Sexual harassment is different than religious harassment.

Both create a hostile work environment and make the harassed uncomfortable. How is constantly being bombarded with religious dogma that much different than being asked out repeatedly by someone you've turned down?

I have never been or around a religious harassment situation. I have known several sexual harassment situations. Also as simple as telling how nice they look can be considered sexual harassment, a joke, a look, can all be considered sexual harassment. There are also many ways to make someone uncomfortable with sexual innuendos.
You know..............on my very first ship in the Navy (USS CONCORD (AFS-5)), which I served on from 1983 until 1986, we had only 1 chaplain, and he had to hold services for not only Catholics, but Protestant and Lutheran.

He held 3 different services per Sunday, and each one was different.

Wouldn't it have been easier on him if he had a religion that he preferred (say............Catholic), and then pressured everyone on the boat to become Catholic, even though their belief system was different?

Then.................he could have reduced his services to 1 per Sunday, and had a much easier time.............however.....................he would have been stomping all over the religious freedom that the Navy allows.

Check out how many different religions the Navy recognizes sometime. I was a Personnelman for 20 years, and there's over 150 different codes that are put on a pg. 2 (Record of Emergency Data) to signify what religion someone is.

The job of a chaplain is to minister to the spiritual needs of those in the command, not to be converting others to their own belief system.

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