Obama blames Bush for ending Iraq~

The far left kooks are insane.. They want to force their agenda on everyone in this nation and not be responsible for the catastrophic damage they've done.. TOO LATE.. November is right around the corner.. :)
Republican President sends troops in to Iran

"IT'S OBAMAS FAULT if anything happens, goes wrong, etc etc...

2020 the far left still blames Bush for everything!

He made a mess of things, for sure. You know that when someone is dangerous they don't necessarily need any length of time to destroy something, they can do it swiftly with just a few strokes of a pen: $1,300,000,000,000 in tax cuts and two unnecessary 10-year wars, just like that. Fucked.
For those who say “but Bush negotiated the agreement under which Obama ended up completely pulling out of Iraq,” there is no question that everyone involved in those Bush negotiations expected that the next president would forge a new agreement with the Iraqi government when the time came, and that it would involve leaving some residual forces there. But it was clear that Obama had no interest in doing so; he barely participated in the talks and pulled out when the going got the least bit rough.

Can you read it?

Can you? Did Bush sign the agreement he negotiated?

Yes or no?

Notice how the far left constantly changes the words they use.

Here it is again:

For those who say “but Bush negotiated the agreement under which Obama ended up completely pulling out of Iraq,” there is no question that everyone involved in those Bush negotiations expected that the next president would forge a new agreement with the Iraqi government when the time came, and that it would involve leaving some residual forces there. But it was clear that Obama had no interest in doing so; he barely participated in the talks and pulled out when the going got the least bit rough.

Not my problem if the far left can not understand what is posted.

Hey Zippy, you posted - "Bush agreed to a scale down and the amount of military forces to stay in Iraq."

I say he sign an the agreement that removed combat troops from the cities by July 1 2009 and all troops from the country by the end of 2011.

U.S.?Iraq Status of Forces Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You got a link that says he didn't sign or are you going give your typical non-answer.
I just can't believe that Obama feels it's politically stronger to blame Bush for ending Iraq. Obama sure loved the jump in the polls when parades were going on claiming Obama ended the war. Obama seemed very happy to take credit for ending the war no one wanted all over the news networks for weeks.

Now, all of a sudden he claims he was forced to leave and wanted to stay???? What happened to the Obama who ran on "the first thing I'll do is get us out of Iraq"?

Where are all the war protesters??

Where are all the liberals/progressives claiming the US and Obama are evil?

Guess we'll have to wait for a Republican to win in 2016 for that....

Don't hold your breath. Hillary is steering hard right to accommodate you morons:

Hillary Clinton: 'Failure' to Help Syrian Rebels Led to the Rise of ISIS
The former secretary of state, and probable candidate for president, outlines her foreign-policy doctrine. She says this about President Obama's: "Great nations need organizing principles, and 'Don't do stupid stuff' is not an organizing principle."

AUG 10 2014

Hillary Clinton: 'Failure' to Help Syrian Rebels Led to the Rise of ISIS - The Atlantic

Hillary's a racist! She only opposes Obama's policies because he's black. Dems are racist. We always said so and here's proof.
Republican President sends troops in to Iran

"IT'S OBAMAS FAULT if anything happens, goes wrong, etc etc...

2020 the far left still blames Bush for everything!

He made a mess of things, for sure. You know that when someone is dangerous they don't necessarily need any length of time to destroy something, they can do it swiftly with just a few strokes of a pen: $1,300,000,000,000 in tax cuts and two unnecessary 10-year wars, just like that. Fucked.

Oh my! The far left Obama drones and their propaganda bombs are being dropped all over the place missing their targets by light years.

So you going to condemn Obama for his illegal wars or not?
Can you? Did Bush sign the agreement he negotiated?

Yes or no?

Notice how the far left constantly changes the words they use.

Here it is again:

For those who say “but Bush negotiated the agreement under which Obama ended up completely pulling out of Iraq,” there is no question that everyone involved in those Bush negotiations expected that the next president would forge a new agreement with the Iraqi government when the time came, and that it would involve leaving some residual forces there. But it was clear that Obama had no interest in doing so; he barely participated in the talks and pulled out when the going got the least bit rough.

Not my problem if the far left can not understand what is posted.

Hey Zippy, you posted - "Bush agreed to a scale down and the amount of military forces to stay in Iraq."

I say he sign an the agreement that removed combat troops from the cities by July 1 2009 and all troops from the country by the end of 2011.

U.S.?Iraq Status of Forces Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You got a link that says he didn't sign or are you going give your typical non-answer.

Once again the far left posts a link that does not support their own assertions.

Do you understand what is that link? or did you edit there to make your point?


So why did the U.S. leave Iraq at the end of 2011? Part of it is that many within the Obama administration simply didn’t believe that U.S. forces would make much of a difference to Iraq’s political future. Ben Rhodes, President Obama’s deputy national security adviser, told Dexter Filkins of The New Yorker that “there is a risk of overstating the difference that American troops could make in the internal politics of Iraq,” and that a U.S. military presence “did not allow us to dictate sectarian alliances.”

Iraq, Sunnis, and Shiites: The U.S. should never have withdrawn its troops in 2011.

And that is a far left source.

Obama did not want the troops there more for appeasing the far left like you.

Obama did not negotiate or care to do so. However do not take not word for it, listen to what your messiah said.

So you going to condemn Obama for his illegal wars?
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First Obama took credit for ending the war. Now it's Bush's fault. Does Obama ever take responsibility for something that went wrong or ever credit someone else when something went right?
I'm not surprised at all by this. This is typical. Will always be typical. Heaven forbid anyone make a mistake on this admin. LoSiNg
Obama claims he didn't end Iraq, or even want to... lol.

Q Mr. President, do you have any second thoughts about pulling all ground troops out of Iraq? And does it give you pause as the U.S. -- is it doing the same thing in Afghanistan?

THE PRESIDENT: What I just find interesting is the degree to which this issue keeps on coming up, as if this was my decision. Under the previous administration, we had turned over the country to a sovereign, democratically elected Iraqi government.

Obama admits it was Bush that ended the war and claims he really wanted to stay there.

Obama's 2012 Debate Boast: I Didn't Want to Leave Any Troops in Iraq | The Weekly Standard

Odd = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKSb2ukQxvY

Will Obama win lie of the year again? Will the media even go with this? I mean, I like Rand Paul and if he farts the Media is there to destroy him... Obama took credit for ending a war 3 years later than he told people he would only to now claim he never ended it, it was all Bush!
Anyone who believes or expects the truth from this idiot is brain dead. Of course the libtards on this board will prove they are brain dead, again.
Wow, look how fast the libs turn on a dime here.

Lets see....Bush had five years to win a war that he said "The people will treat us as liberators"

Bush= FAIL

Looks like President Obama will finally do what Bush couldn't


History shows that Bush had five years to a war that he downplayed the difficulty. Declaring victory after a month and that the liberated Iraqis would treat US soldiers as liberators.

Bush got himself into a situation he could not handle and left it for Obama to eventually win


Bush agreed to remove troops in 2008, so Obama should have ignored agreements BUSH signed? No dice. Bush's War, then AND now, but Obama has to clean up Bush's mess.
he Bush Administration later sought an agreement with the Iraqi government, and in 2008 George W. Bush signed the U.S.&#8211;Iraq Status of Forces Agreement. It included a deadline of 31 December 2011, before which "all the United States Forces shall withdraw from all Iraqi territory".[12][13][14]

Withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For those in a coma from 2007-until today.
Just proved how predictable libtards are. Wrong. Obamashitforbrains pulled out, period.
Notice how the far left constantly changes the words they use.

Here it is again:

For those who say “but Bush negotiated the agreement under which Obama ended up completely pulling out of Iraq,” there is no question that everyone involved in those Bush negotiations expected that the next president would forge a new agreement with the Iraqi government when the time came, and that it would involve leaving some residual forces there. But it was clear that Obama had no interest in doing so; he barely participated in the talks and pulled out when the going got the least bit rough.

Not my problem if the far left can not understand what is posted.

Hey Zippy, you posted - "Bush agreed to a scale down and the amount of military forces to stay in Iraq."

I say he sign an the agreement that removed combat troops from the cities by July 1 2009 and all troops from the country by the end of 2011.

U.S.?Iraq Status of Forces Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You got a link that says he didn't sign or are you going give your typical non-answer.

Once again the far left posts a link that does not support their own assertions.

Do you understand what is that link? or did you edit there to make your point?


So why did the U.S. leave Iraq at the end of 2011? Part of it is that many within the Obama administration simply didn’t believe that U.S. forces would make much of a difference to Iraq’s political future. Ben Rhodes, President Obama’s deputy national security adviser, told Dexter Filkins of The New Yorker that “there is a risk of overstating the difference that American troops could make in the internal politics of Iraq,” and that a U.S. military presence “did not allow us to dictate sectarian alliances.”

Iraq, Sunnis, and Shiites: The U.S. should never have withdrawn its troops in 2011.

And that is a far left source.

Obama did not want the troops there more for appeasing the far left like you.

Obama did not negotiate or care to do so. However do not take not word for it, listen to what your messiah said.

So you going to condemn Obama for his illegal wars?

So you didn't even click on the link before you started lying. From my link "(SOFA) between Iraq and the United States, signed by President George W. Bush in 2008. It established that U.S. combat forces would withdraw from Iraqi cities by June 30, 2009, and all U.S. forces will be completely out of Iraq by December 31, 2011"

If you going to ignore the truth of that matter, there is no reason to discuss any of the military actions President Obama has taken.
Bush agreed to remove troops in 2008, so Obama should have ignored agreements BUSH signed? No dice. Bush's War, then AND now, but Obama has to clean up Bush's mess.
he Bush Administration later sought an agreement with the Iraqi government, and in 2008 George W. Bush signed the U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement. It included a deadline of 31 December 2011, before which "all the United States Forces shall withdraw from all Iraqi territory".[12][13][14]

Withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For those in a coma from 2007-until today.
Just proved how predictable libtards are. Wrong. Obamashitforbrains pulled out, period.

Allergic to known reality?
Anyone remember how many forums were started praising Obama for ending Bush's war? Now they are blaming Bush for another one of Obama's failures. Bush signed a removal of troop agreement, but it still left a few thousand there to make sure Obama's blunder wouldn't happen. It's not Bush's fault that Obama cannot lead. So liberals need to get their head out of Obama's ass and admit he failed. For once. Sheesh
Hey Zippy, you posted - "Bush agreed to a scale down and the amount of military forces to stay in Iraq."

I say he sign an the agreement that removed combat troops from the cities by July 1 2009 and all troops from the country by the end of 2011.

U.S.?Iraq Status of Forces Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You got a link that says he didn't sign or are you going give your typical non-answer.

Once again the far left posts a link that does not support their own assertions.

Do you understand what is that link? or did you edit there to make your point?


So why did the U.S. leave Iraq at the end of 2011? Part of it is that many within the Obama administration simply didn’t believe that U.S. forces would make much of a difference to Iraq’s political future. Ben Rhodes, President Obama’s deputy national security adviser, told Dexter Filkins of The New Yorker that “there is a risk of overstating the difference that American troops could make in the internal politics of Iraq,” and that a U.S. military presence “did not allow us to dictate sectarian alliances.”

Iraq, Sunnis, and Shiites: The U.S. should never have withdrawn its troops in 2011.

And that is a far left source.

Obama did not want the troops there more for appeasing the far left like you.

Obama did not negotiate or care to do so. However do not take not word for it, listen to what your messiah said.

So you going to condemn Obama for his illegal wars?

So you didn't even click on the link before you started lying. From my link "(SOFA) between Iraq and the United States, signed by President George W. Bush in 2008. It established that U.S. combat forces would withdraw from Iraqi cities by June 30, 2009, and all U.S. forces will be completely out of Iraq by December 31, 2011"

If you going to ignore the truth of that matter, there is no reason to discuss any of the military actions President Obama has taken.

I'm not sure Kosh understands the definition of truth.
Susan rice briefed Obabble on how many children died on that Kurdish mountain yesterday. He was so upset he missed his putt.
Anyone remember how many forums were started praising Obama for ending Bush's war? Now they are blaming Bush for another one of Obama's failures. Bush signed a removal of troop agreement, but it still left a few thousand there to make sure Obama's blunder wouldn't happen. It's not Bush's fault that Obama cannot lead. So liberals need to get their head out of Obama's ass and admit he failed. For once. Sheesh

Got a link for that agreement President Bush signed where a few thousand were left behind?
Hey Zippy, you posted - "Bush agreed to a scale down and the amount of military forces to stay in Iraq."

I say he sign an the agreement that removed combat troops from the cities by July 1 2009 and all troops from the country by the end of 2011.

U.S.?Iraq Status of Forces Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You got a link that says he didn't sign or are you going give your typical non-answer.

Once again the far left posts a link that does not support their own assertions.

Do you understand what is that link? or did you edit there to make your point?


So why did the U.S. leave Iraq at the end of 2011? Part of it is that many within the Obama administration simply didn’t believe that U.S. forces would make much of a difference to Iraq’s political future. Ben Rhodes, President Obama’s deputy national security adviser, told Dexter Filkins of The New Yorker that “there is a risk of overstating the difference that American troops could make in the internal politics of Iraq,” and that a U.S. military presence “did not allow us to dictate sectarian alliances.”

Iraq, Sunnis, and Shiites: The U.S. should never have withdrawn its troops in 2011.

And that is a far left source.

Obama did not want the troops there more for appeasing the far left like you.

Obama did not negotiate or care to do so. However do not take not word for it, listen to what your messiah said.

So you going to condemn Obama for his illegal wars?

So you didn't even click on the link before you started lying. From my link "(SOFA) between Iraq and the United States, signed by President George W. Bush in 2008. It established that U.S. combat forces would withdraw from Iraqi cities by June 30, 2009, and all U.S. forces will be completely out of Iraq by December 31, 2011"

If you going to ignore the truth of that matter, there is no reason to discuss any of the military actions President Obama has taken.

Once again the far left can show that they will deny anything, even if it comes from their own sources.

Obama did not want the troops there, it is in own words!

The far left denies what their messiah says over the far left propaganda.

Not sure how defeat such strong propaganda in the far left as they will deny all that they have to in order to protect Obama, even if they have to ignore his words.

That is why it is just so much easier to call them what they are far left Obama drones.
Obama opposed the Iraq war from the start fine he campaigned on ending the Iraq war also fine when all American troops were out of Iraq he took credit for ending the war again fine now that Iraq has gone to hell it's back to Bush no this one belongs to Obama.

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