Obama Apologizes Again, This Time To Communists

Bulldog is on the ignore list.

Monty Python did it for me....

In their defense... the Left is coming to understand that they're 18 months from being completely out of power in the United States.

Most of them are still in Denial... some are mired in anger... the above is clearly in the 'bargaining' stage.

But a few are coming through depression and trending toward acceptance.
Bulldog is on the ignore list.

Monty Python did it for me....

In their defense... the Left is coming to understand that they're 18 months from being completely out of power in the United States.

Most of them are still in Denial... some are mired in anger... the above is clearly in the 'bargaining' stage.

But a few are coming through depression and trending toward acceptance.
I think they honestly feel Hillary is gonna save the day.
Bulldog is on the ignore list.

Monty Python did it for me....

In their defense... the Left is coming to understand that they're 18 months from being completely out of power in the United States.

Most of them are still in Denial... some are mired in anger... the above is clearly in the 'bargaining' stage.

But a few are coming through depression and trending toward acceptance.
I think they honestly feel Hillary is gonna save the day.

Instead of trying so desperately to change the subject, how about you just post a link to where "Obama apologized to Communists".

(Just kidding. You're invested in this lie and lack the integrity to admit you pulled it out of your butt.)

Normalizing relations with Cuba will open a huge new market and benefit both Cuba & the United States. We've seen how well we do nation building, let's let others decide on how they will live and be governed - we can't catch Socialism if a Cuban sneezes.

We trade with China and we team with Russia on the International Space Station - it's time we include Cuba as a trading partner.


Didja see that?


'Let's let people choose to live in a communist nation'.


Then it literally asserted that socialism is NOT contagious.


You can NOT make this crap up.

But, but ... it's true! Typewriters don't float want a bet wanna bet huh huh HUH!!!!!!!!

My neighbor told me that her uncles second cousin once sat next to a Cuban on a seaplane and we know how crowded those things are and this here Cuban had on a Red Shirt and smoked cigars and told her he worked for FIDEL himself so how much more of a COMMIE could this CUBAN be anyway he sneezed on her - oh, DID i forgot her uncles second cusin was a she and not a he oh sorry, anyway SHE DIDN'T TURN INTO a COMMIE so there.
Castro absolves Obama of fault for U.S.' 'imperialist aggression'
Published April 11, 2015
  • raul%20castro%20summit%20panama.jpg

    Cuban President Raul Castro adjusts his glasses during his meeting with US President Barack Obama at the Summit of the Americas in Panama City, Panama, Saturday, April 11, 2015. The leaders of the United States and Cuba held their first formal meeting in more than half a century on Saturday, clearing the way for a normalization of relations that had seemed unthinkable to both Cubans and Americans for generations. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Obama, once again...apologized to a dictator, this time the Castros, for America not fullfilling it's own ideals.....forget the fact that Cuba is no angel either.

PANAMA CITY – Cuban President Raul Castro recounted the history of U.S. "imperialist aggression" in Latin America in an address here Saturday at the 7th Summit of the Americas, although he absolved U.S. head of state Barack Obama of responsibility for those past actions.

Castro, whose country was invited to the gathering for the first time this year, received an ovation when he began his speech by saying the "time had come for him to speak here" on Communist-ruled Cuba's behalf.

He referred to the United States' "wars, conquests and interventions" in the region, saying through an interpreter that the country has been a "hegemonic force that plundered territories throughout the Americas."

Castro, in a meandering, nearly hour-long speech to the Summit of the Americas, ran through an exhaustive history of perceived Cuban grievances against the U.S. dating back more than a century — a vivid display of how raw passions remain over American attempts to undermine Cuba’s government.

Then, in an abrupt about face, he apologized for letting his emotions get the best of him. He said many U.S. presidents were at fault for that troubled history — but that Obama isn’t one of them.

“I have told President Obama that I get very emotional talking about the revolution,” Castro said through a translator, noting that Obama wasn’t even born when the U.S. began sanctioning the island nation. “I apologize to him because President Obama had no responsibility for this.”

In a remarkable vote of confidence from a Cuban leader, Castro added: “In my opinion, President Obama is an honest man.” Cuba s Castro I Apologize to President Obama TheBlaze.com

Tough day for you at the Sunny Dales Sanitorium, snookums?

You know that if you lie, the nurses with the big tits and the low cut uniforms will NOT, I repeat, will NOT serve you your meal!

Now, to the OP:

NO, Obama has apologized for nothing.

Please learn to either lie really good, or just don't do it at all.

Obama doesn't use the words "I Apologize".

Instead he simply claims America set a higher standard than anyone else and we often fail to reach those standards.

This is what he said in Panama hours ago in from of our enemies.

If this isn't an apology.... I don't know what one is.

Weaseling now?

Weaseling and welching, I hear, are part of the same family tree...
So, ääähm, mudwhistle - where is the EXACT quote where our President apologized to communists, again?

Don't worry, we can wait.

It's the same as every other time. I saw him say it this morning during the news...... but for some silly Willy nilly reason....nobody wants to do an article on it. Eventually, it will surface after you dickheads claim it never happened.
So, ääähm, mudwhistle - where is the EXACT quote where our President apologized to communists, again?

Don't worry, we can wait.

It's the same as every other time. I saw him say it this morning during the news...... but for some silly Willy nilly reason....nobody wants to do an article on it. Eventually, it will surface after you dickheads claim it never happened.

About every country in the world laughs at the US or shakes it's head in disbelief that we still have sanctions and no diplomatic ties to Cuba. Can anyone name a country that thinks our really old policy towards Cuba is just fine?
We have relations with China, Vietnam and a few totalitarian governments around the world.
There have been a few hundred OP's about Obama embarrasses the US to the world and the same people who cry and moan about that are the same ones who want the sanctions and Cold War approach to Cuba to continue. Now that's embarrassing.
I guess only hardcore rightwingers have the right to embarrass the US. :biggrin:
Castro absolves Obama of fault for U.S.' 'imperialist aggression'
Published April 11, 2015
  • raul%20castro%20summit%20panama.jpg

    Cuban President Raul Castro adjusts his glasses during his meeting with US President Barack Obama at the Summit of the Americas in Panama City, Panama, Saturday, April 11, 2015. The leaders of the United States and Cuba held their first formal meeting in more than half a century on Saturday, clearing the way for a normalization of relations that had seemed unthinkable to both Cubans and Americans for generations. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Obama, once again...apologized to a dictator, this time the Castros, for America not fullfilling it's own ideals.....forget the fact that Cuba is no angel either.

PANAMA CITY – Cuban President Raul Castro recounted the history of U.S. "imperialist aggression" in Latin America in an address here Saturday at the 7th Summit of the Americas, although he absolved U.S. head of state Barack Obama of responsibility for those past actions.

Castro, whose country was invited to the gathering for the first time this year, received an ovation when he began his speech by saying the "time had come for him to speak here" on Communist-ruled Cuba's behalf.

He referred to the United States' "wars, conquests and interventions" in the region, saying through an interpreter that the country has been a "hegemonic force that plundered territories throughout the Americas."

Castro, in a meandering, nearly hour-long speech to the Summit of the Americas, ran through an exhaustive history of perceived Cuban grievances against the U.S. dating back more than a century — a vivid display of how raw passions remain over American attempts to undermine Cuba’s government.

Then, in an abrupt about face, he apologized for letting his emotions get the best of him. He said many U.S. presidents were at fault for that troubled history — but that Obama isn’t one of them.

“I have told President Obama that I get very emotional talking about the revolution,” Castro said through a translator, noting that Obama wasn’t even born when the U.S. began sanctioning the island nation. “I apologize to him because President Obama had no responsibility for this.”

In a remarkable vote of confidence from a Cuban leader, Castro added: “In my opinion, President Obama is an honest man.” Cuba s Castro I Apologize to President Obama TheBlaze.com

Oh no, not another apology! Does this mean he won't be invited to speak at Liberty University?
Did you learn this kind of twist and distortion from Fox or all on your own?

Your thread title:

Obama Apologizes Again, This Time To Communists

The article title:
Castro absolves Obama of fault for U.S.' 'imperialist aggression'
"“He referred to the United States' "wars, conquests and interventions" in the region, saying through an interpreter that the country has been a "hegemonic force that plundered territories throughout the Americas."

I have told President Obama that I get very emotional talking about the revolution,” Castro said through a translator, noting that Obama wasn’t even born when the U.S. began sanctioning the island nation. “I apologize to him because President Obama had no responsibility for this.”
Thread fail on a massive, merciless and humiliating scale.
Thread fail on a massive, merciless and humiliating scale.
Are you gonna keep crying about the title, numbnuts?

Just calling out a bald-faced liar. You rely heavily on your ignorant righties to NOT read anything but your title, don't you?
mudwhistle has Fox News disorder. Its incurable. Sad really, to be that fundamentally dumb. Tragic.
Did you learn this kind of twist and distortion from Fox or all on your own?

Your thread title:

Obama Apologizes Again, This Time To Communists

The article title:
Castro absolves Obama of fault for U.S.' 'imperialist aggression'
"“He referred to the United States' "wars, conquests and interventions" in the region, saying through an interpreter that the country has been a "hegemonic force that plundered territories throughout the Americas."

I have told President Obama that I get very emotional talking about the revolution,” Castro said through a translator, noting that Obama wasn’t even born when the U.S. began sanctioning the island nation. “I apologize to him because President Obama had no responsibility for this.”
Thread fail on a massive, merciless and humiliating scale.
Thread fail on a massive, merciless and humiliating scale.
Are you gonna keep crying about the title, numbnuts?

Just calling out a bald-faced liar. You rely heavily on your ignorant righties to NOT read anything but your title, don't you?
Fuck you too biatch.
Did you learn this kind of twist and distortion from Fox or all on your own?

Your thread title:

Obama Apologizes Again, This Time To Communists

The article title:
Castro absolves Obama of fault for U.S.' 'imperialist aggression'
"“He referred to the United States' "wars, conquests and interventions" in the region, saying through an interpreter that the country has been a "hegemonic force that plundered territories throughout the Americas."

I have told President Obama that I get very emotional talking about the revolution,” Castro said through a translator, noting that Obama wasn’t even born when the U.S. began sanctioning the island nation. “I apologize to him because President Obama had no responsibility for this.”
Thread fail on a massive, merciless and humiliating scale.
Thread fail on a massive, merciless and humiliating scale.
Are you gonna keep crying about the title, numbnuts?

Just calling out a bald-faced liar. You rely heavily on your ignorant righties to NOT read anything but your title, don't you?
Fuck you too biatch.
Looks like everyone is laughing at you.. At your expense!!
Looks like everyone is laughing at you.. At your expense!!

Uh no, Batshit - that most certainly isn't how it looks.

That traitorous fuckwad Obama was trashing the USA to our enemies - AGAIN.

Look, you're an Iranian chanting "Death to America" so Obama's treason makes your smile, but to normals, the fucker has again crossed the line.

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