Obama announces debt deal--GOP/Tea Party members WIN big!

For those interested in the actual "Deal", the NY Times gave a pretty good breakdown....and down the line the neocon/teabagger folk may not be too happy. Check it out:

Comparing Deficit-Reduction Plans - Interactive - NYTimes.com

Once again it's a total victory for the government loving left. What a sell out to liberty Boehner and the Republicans are. Which is why I left the party in 1992 rather then vote for HW's slow death over the Democrat's quick one. Years down the line when future congresses can simply reverse it we'll cut. In the mean time we continue to borrow 40% of what our government spends.

Bohehner and the Republican congress, fuck you and the fart that blew you in. Once again you fucked your country to get re-elected. Congratulations, you're next in line after the 1995 congress for taking a stand and then selling us out.
For those interested in the actual "Deal", the NY Times gave a pretty good breakdown....and down the line the neocon/teabagger folk may not be too happy. Check it out:

Comparing Deficit-Reduction Plans - Interactive - NYTimes.com

Once again it's a total victory for the government loving left. What a sell out to liberty Boehner and the Republicans are. Which is why I left the party in 1992 rather then vote for HW's slow death over the Democrat's quick one. Years down the line when future congresses can simply reverse it we'll cut. In the mean time we continue to borrow 40% of what our government spends.

Bohehner and the Republican congress, fuck you and the fart that blew you in. Once again you fucked your country to get re-elected. Congratulations, you're next in line after the 1995 congress for taking a stand and then selling us out.

The neocon GOP thought they could create, use and then discard the teabaggers...instead, they got a royal fuck up that exposes the anti-New Deal agenda of the neocons....which has TOTALLY FUCKED UP THIS COUNTRY.

We "borrow" because we spend on illegal wars (but keep them off the books), deregulate Wall St. and the banks and then don't prosecute them when the steal, give tax breaks and cuts to millionaires and mega-corporations that don't need them.

Any future congress that tries to revisit reagonomics on steriods should be shot on sight.
New Gallup poll shows that 58% of Democrats support the compromise. Only 26% of Republicans support the compromise. Republican victory? Bullshit.
More Americans Oppose Than Favor Debt Ceiling Agreement

Democrats like this more than anyone else.

It's a victory for the RINOs who want to continue to be elected to do nothing about our issues.

Kaz, maybe 15% of Americans want your type of political philosophy.

I will write this gently: not going to happen.
New Gallup poll shows that 58% of Democrats support the compromise. Only 26% of Republicans support the compromise. Republican victory? Bullshit.
More Americans Oppose Than Favor Debt Ceiling Agreement

Democrats like this more than anyone else.

It's a victory for the RINOs who want to continue to be elected to do nothing about our issues.

Kaz, maybe 15% of Americans want your type of political philosophy.

I will write this gently: not going to happen.

The last elections just showed how wrong you are. If we can get more Republicans to stop wanting government to own our bodies and fight in other people's wars we'll start drawing more from your back yard and then you'll really be in trouble.
It's a victory for the RINOs who want to continue to be elected to do nothing about our issues.

Kaz, maybe 15% of Americans want your type of political philosophy.

I will write this gently: not going to happen.

The last elections just showed how wrong you are. If we can get more Republicans to stop wanting government to own our bodies and fight in other people's wars we'll start drawing more from your back yard and then you'll really be in trouble.

The last elections where a LOT of Independents, Progressives, Liberals and Democrats sat on their hands in protests of Obama's many (and some perceived) capitulations gave the Tea Party and GOP the House and some governorships.

And these folk ain't your Daddy's Republicans....not by a long shot. They are extreme idealogues who are hell bent of repealing FDR's New Deal and all that sprang from it since....thinking this time they'll get it right! :cuckoo:
WOW. Tea Birthers WIN BIG BIG BIG!!!!

They must have did something good. Uh, what was it they did and what did they win?
Kaz, maybe 15% of Americans want your type of political philosophy.

I will write this gently: not going to happen.

The last elections just showed how wrong you are. If we can get more Republicans to stop wanting government to own our bodies and fight in other people's wars we'll start drawing more from your back yard and then you'll really be in trouble.

The last elections where a LOT of Independents, Progressives, Liberals and Democrats sat on their hands in protests of Obama's many (and some perceived) capitulations gave the Tea Party and GOP the House and some governorships.

And these folk ain't your Daddy's Republicans....not by a long shot. They are extreme idealogues who are hell bent of repealing FDR's New Deal and all that sprang from it since....thinking this time they'll get it right! :cuckoo:
FDRs New Deal prolonged the Great Depression and led to one of the worst economic periods in US history. FDR and Hoover got it wrong with their interventionist policies, unless you think a decade long depression is a success. I suggest you look into the Depression of 1921, which ended within a year. The policies pursued in that Depression were the policies of small government, low taxes, and...guess what...not government interference.

It is progressives who think the same failed policies of the New Deal will work now and those that ended a prior depression in 1 year will not. :cuckoo:
For those interested in the actual "Deal", the NY Times gave a pretty good breakdown....and down the line the neocon/teabagger folk may not be too happy. Check it out:

Comparing Deficit-Reduction Plans - Interactive - NYTimes.com

Once again it's a total victory for the government loving left. What a sell out to liberty Boehner and the Republicans are. Which is why I left the party in 1992 rather then vote for HW's slow death over the Democrat's quick one. Years down the line when future congresses can simply reverse it we'll cut. In the mean time we continue to borrow 40% of what our government spends.

Bohehner and the Republican congress, fuck you and the fart that blew you in. Once again you fucked your country to get re-elected. Congratulations, you're next in line after the 1995 congress for taking a stand and then selling us out.

The neocon GOP thought they could create, use and then discard the teabaggers...instead, they got a royal fuck up that exposes the anti-New Deal agenda of the neocons....which has TOTALLY FUCKED UP THIS COUNTRY.

We "borrow" because we spend on illegal wars (but keep them off the books), deregulate Wall St. and the banks and then don't prosecute them when the steal, give tax breaks and cuts to millionaires and mega-corporations that don't need them.

Any future congress that tries to revisit reagonomics on steriods should be shot on sight.
Anti-New Deal? If I am not mistaken the Neocons like George Bush pushed for TARP. I wish they were Anti-New Deal. The New Deal was a complete failure, as clearly demonstrated by the length of the Great Depression.
Any future congress that tries to revisit reagonomics on steriods should be shot on sight.

Sure, shoot people who protect Americans from being plundered. You WILL be looted or we'll blow you away!!!! Before you just wanted to arrest us. I guess you're getting more desperate now that someone's actually on our side against government.
the Tea Party ... these folk ain't your Daddy's Republicans....

QFT, and thank God. My daddy's Republicans are why I left the party. They were just Democrat lites.

They are extreme idealogues who are hell bent of repealing FDR's New Deal and all that sprang from it since....thinking this time they'll get it right! :cuckoo:

Right, government went from 20% of GDP which was way too high to 25% and only an "extreme ideologue" would oppose that. You are the extreme ideologue refusing to deal with what your socialist policies are doing to destroy the West even a little. Government cannot be cut no matter how poor we all become, the precedent of an actual cut would just be too risky. People may wake up and realize the sun still comes up tomorrow without government taking credit for it. Extreme...ideologue...look in the mirror.
the Tea Party ... these folk ain't your Daddy's Republicans....

QFT, and thank God. My daddy's Republicans are why I left the party. They were just Democrat lites.

They are extreme idealogues who are hell bent of repealing FDR's New Deal and all that sprang from it since....thinking this time they'll get it right! :cuckoo:

Right, government went from 20% of GDP which was way too high to 25% and only an "extreme ideologue" would oppose that. You are the extreme ideologue refusing to deal with what your socialist policies are doing to destroy the West even a little. Government cannot be cut no matter how poor we all become, the precedent of an actual cut would just be too risky. People may wake up and realize the sun still comes up tomorrow without government taking credit for it. Extreme...ideologue...look in the mirror.


No matter how hard you beat on tackylib with the hammer of truth, reality and reason, he will slither back with more of his failed efforts at logic and his laughably childish notions of "reality."

His logic is straight line and consistently faulty. In brief, here are his logical "steps:" 1) Identify a societal problem. 2) Work on the assumption that the government alone can remedy the situation. 3) Agitate for more government rules, laws, regulations and power to address the problem. 4) Attempt to belittle anyone who opposes those notions by arguing on the "basis" of class warfare rhetoric.

Lather. Rinse. Repeat. Endlessly.
Well, in light of the events in the markets and with the debt ceiling over the past few days,

it's nice to see the title of this thread still alive and kicking.:lol:
The last elections just showed how wrong you are. If we can get more Republicans to stop wanting government to own our bodies and fight in other people's wars we'll start drawing more from your back yard and then you'll really be in trouble.

The last elections where a LOT of Independents, Progressives, Liberals and Democrats sat on their hands in protests of Obama's many (and some perceived) capitulations gave the Tea Party and GOP the House and some governorships.

And these folk ain't your Daddy's Republicans....not by a long shot. They are extreme idealogues who are hell bent of repealing FDR's New Deal and all that sprang from it since....thinking this time they'll get it right! :cuckoo:
FDRs New Deal prolonged the Great Depression and led to one of the worst economic periods in US history. FDR and Hoover got it wrong with their interventionist policies, unless you think a decade long depression is a success. I suggest you look into the Depression of 1921, which ended within a year. The policies pursued in that Depression were the policies of small government, low taxes, and...guess what...not government interference.

It is progressives who think the same failed policies of the New Deal will work now and those that ended a prior depression in 1 year will not. :cuckoo:

Your revisionism is extraordinary. No one claimed the New Deal ended the Depression, but it sure as hell made things a LOt better for many Americans and set the foundation for the life style that YOU are now accustomed to. Without the New Deal, this country was doomed to an oligarchy of banks and corporations...with NO middle class, NO say in your gov't, no say in your treatment as an employee and no say in infrastructure. Without the New Deal, various dams, roads and highways would not have been built, no SEC to keep an eye on Wall St. (imagine how much worse that could be!). Your precious deregulated corporate free market always proofs detrimental for the average working folk, which is why you had the New Deal in the First Place.

Here genius, a primer for your education:

The New Deal or Radical Change

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