Obama: All this darned media is putting “pressure” on our democracy

Isn't this the same guy that argued with the secret service over being able to keep using his own personal Blackberry?????? But he doesn't know how to use these kinds of devices??? Damn, he's really showing just how stupid he thinks Americans are, isn't he?

You know, if there wasn't so much negative out there for the 24/7 media...I.E. Fox News....to talk about, then he could have spent more time encouraging those graduates to go out into the world and make a way for themselves...live the dream and all that. Instead, he has to give them advice on what they need to pay attention to...and he would prefer that they not be influenced by information that can't be controlled.
That darn freedom of speech, expression, and the press. Boo freaking hoo, it's getting in Obama's way.

When liberals start whining about too much democracy what they are whining about is, they can't lie to us without someone cutting in and blurting out the truth. Oh boo freaking hoo, why can't liberals have a closed society like Stalin had.

This is why they are always admiring dictators like Castro. Dictators like Castro get to jail their detractors.

See it here: Hot Air Obama: All this darned media is putting “pressure” on our democracy

Oh boo freaking hoo, those darn Ipods, Xboxes and Ipads.


Teabagpartysamurai, read what he said. He is saying do not get all your information from Fox. If you do, your an idiot.


Get over it.

Yes, thinking is overrated, better just to have Obama tell me what's what.

"What good fortune for those in power that people do not think". - Adolf Hitler. To which, Zona, NYCarb and GT say, "So? What's so great about thinking for yourself?

People who watch fox dont think, they are told what to think. If you only get your news from fox you are an idiot.

Think for yourself and dont only rely on fox for your news. Why do you think they have such great ratings? :eusa_whistle:
Isn't this the same guy that argued with the secret service over being able to keep using his own personal Blackberry?????? But he doesn't know how to use these kinds of devices??? Damn, he's really showing just how stupid he thinks Americans are, isn't he?

You know, if there wasn't so much negative out there for the 24/7 media...I.E. Fox News....to talk about, then he could have spent more time encouraging those graduates to go out into the world and make a way for themselves...live the dream and all that. Instead, he has to give them advice on what they need to pay attention to...and he would prefer that they not be influenced by information that can't be controlled.

He is just mad cause he doesn't know how to play Call of Duty
Teabagpartysamurai, read what he said. He is saying do not get all your information from Fox. If you do, your an idiot.


Get over it.

Yes, thinking is overrated, better just to have Obama tell me what's what.

"What good fortune for those in power that people do not think". - Adolf Hitler. To which, Zona, NYCarb and GT say, "So? What's so great about thinking for yourself?

People who watch fox dont think, they are told what to think. If you only get your news from fox you are an idiot.

Think for yourself and dont only rely on fox for your news. Why do you think they have such great ratings? :eusa_whistle:

If you only get your news from talking heads on the boob tube, you're a fucking idiot.
Anyway, seems to me he has gotten a pass on virtually everything since day one save a few talkshow hosts and Fox News (which quite frankly, hasn't been all that tough on him)... this isn't good enough anymore?

I wonder how Obama would fare with the media up his ass 24/7 as they were with Bush?

I think he'd be hospitalized by now.

Are you kidding me? Fox and fox news are all about anti obama. Did you know, Hannity at one time started his show off with "the stop Obama express"...? Did you know this? Fox and friends, EVERY SINGLE DAY have nothing but anti obama propaganda they spew. fox has Beck and he is anti obama. Beck was the one who was responsible for hte 9/12 garbage and that was all about tea baggers...Fox has ........................

See the trend? The entire network is anti him. That is fine, msnbc is pro him, but msnbc never said they are fair and balanced or they report and you decide.

Fox has great ratings because rightys like to be told what to think. Those are the true idiots.
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Anyway, seems to me he has gotten a pass on virtually everything since day one save a few talkshow hosts and Fox News (which quite frankly, hasn't been all that tough on him)... this isn't good enough anymore?

I wonder how Obama would fare with the media up his ass 24/7 as they were with Bush?

I think he'd be hospitalized by now.

Are you kidding me? Fox and fox news are all about anti obama. Did you know, Hannity at one time started his show off with "the stop Obama express"...? Did you know this? Fox and friends, EVERY SINGLE DAY have nothing but anti obama propaganda they spew. fox has Beck and he is anti obama. Beck was the one who was responsible for hte 9/12 garbage and that was all about tea baggers...Fox has ........................

See the trend?

And MSNBC is all about fawning all over Obama.

You have old spittle lipped tingly leg Chris Matthews leading the Obama brigade.

If you want news, read it and form your own opinion rather than sucking on the boob tube.
Yes, thinking is overrated, better just to have Obama tell me what's what.

"What good fortune for those in power that people do not think". - Adolf Hitler. To which, Zona, NYCarb and GT say, "So? What's so great about thinking for yourself?

People who watch fox dont think, they are told what to think. If you only get your news from fox you are an idiot.

Think for yourself and dont only rely on fox for your news. Why do you think they have such great ratings? :eusa_whistle:

If you only get your news from talking heads on the boob tube, you're a fucking idiot.

I agree....now can you see why Fox has such great ratings?
Knowledge is power. Information is power. The secreting or hoarding of knowledge or information may be an act of tyranny camouflaged as humility.

--Robin Morgan

Funny how the smartest president of all time now calls information a "distraction". Could it be he actually believes the only information we should be allowed to access be government approved?

or spewed from a government run media like the one we have today!!!! God forbid any one have a opinion of their own or one that disagrees with Obama and his administration or party. If that happens call them hate mongers, tea baggers, racists, or terrorists or anti Americans. Sounds familair like what Obama his mouthpieces and friends do daily!!! Is this the change the people wanted? Can't wait for the 2010 and 2012 elections!!!!! It's going to be a blood bath!!!!
Isn't this the same guy that argued with the secret service over being able to keep using his own personal Blackberry?????? But he doesn't know how to use these kinds of devices??? Damn, he's really showing just how stupid he thinks Americans are, isn't he?

You know, if there wasn't so much negative out there for the 24/7 media...I.E. Fox News....to talk about, then he could have spent more time encouraging those graduates to go out into the world and make a way for themselves...live the dream and all that. Instead, he has to give them advice on what they need to pay attention to...and he would prefer that they not be influenced by information that can't be controlled.

He is just mad cause he doesn't know how to play Call of Duty

Maybe Michelle won't let him play video games anymore.
Anyway, seems to me he has gotten a pass on virtually everything since day one save a few talkshow hosts and Fox News (which quite frankly, hasn't been all that tough on him)... this isn't good enough anymore?

I wonder how Obama would fare with the media up his ass 24/7 as they were with Bush?

I think he'd be hospitalized by now.

Are you kidding me? Fox and fox news are all about anti obama. Did you know, Hannity at one time started his show off with "the stop Obama express"...? Did you know this? Fox and friends, EVERY SINGLE DAY have nothing but anti obama propaganda they spew. fox has Beck and he is anti obama. Beck was the one who was responsible for hte 9/12 garbage and that was all about tea baggers...Fox has ........................

See the trend? The entire network is anti him. That is fine, msnbc is pro him, but msnbc never said they are fair and balanced or they report and you decide.

Fox has great ratings because rightys like to be told what to think. Those are the true idiots.

So let me see if I understand your logic...I am allowed to think for myself. But I'm not allowed to share the same thoughts as...oh...say...Beck or Hannity. Am I on the right track? Is it possible to read from or view a neutral source of information? Is there such a thing anymore? For the record, I don't watch either of them...I do keep up with news during the day from FOX and HLN. MSNBC isn't worth my time. I can't run the risk of even seeing Rachel Maddow's face for fear of an uncontrollable bout of the heaves.

But back to my point...Because people have the same thoughts or feelings about political issues as the ONE network you despise so much doesn't make them idiots. It makes them free. Free to choose where they get their information from. You watch certain programs or read certain news sources because they provide you with the information you want and for the most part agree with. So do I. That's our freedom of choice. But, by your logic, we're both idiots for doing so.

I kinda like the slogan, "We report. You decide." It makes the statement, "Here's our take...now, it's up to you to choose where you stand with the issues." Sounds pretty fair and balanced to me. If you make up your own mind, how much more fair and balanced can you get?

It doesn't say, "Here's the truth..and if you don't believe it, then you're an idiot."
Anyway, seems to me he has gotten a pass on virtually everything since day one save a few talkshow hosts and Fox News (which quite frankly, hasn't been all that tough on him)... this isn't good enough anymore?

I wonder how Obama would fare with the media up his ass 24/7 as they were with Bush?

I think he'd be hospitalized by now.

Are you kidding me? Fox and fox news are all about anti obama. Did you know, Hannity at one time started his show off with "the stop Obama express"...? Did you know this? Fox and friends, EVERY SINGLE DAY have nothing but anti obama propaganda they spew. fox has Beck and he is anti obama. Beck was the one who was responsible for hte 9/12 garbage and that was all about tea baggers...Fox has ........................

See the trend? The entire network is anti him. That is fine, msnbc is pro him, but msnbc never said they are fair and balanced or they report and you decide.

Fox has great ratings because rightys like to be told what to think. Those are the true idiots.

So let me see if I understand your logic...I am allowed to think for myself. But I'm not allowed to share the same thoughts as...oh...say...Beck or Hannity. Am I on the right track? Is it possible to read from or view a neutral source of information? Is there such a thing anymore? For the record, I don't watch either of them...I do keep up with news during the day from FOX and HLN. MSNBC isn't worth my time. I can't run the risk of even seeing Rachel Maddow's face for fear of an uncontrollable bout of the heaves.

But back to my point...Because people have the same thoughts or feelings about political issues as the ONE network you despise so much doesn't make them idiots. It makes them free. Free to choose where they get their information from. You watch certain programs or read certain news sources because they provide you with the information you want and for the most part agree with. So do I. That's our freedom of choice. But, by your logic, we're both idiots for doing so.

I kinda like the slogan, "We report. You decide." It makes the statement, "Here's our take...now, it's up to you to choose where you stand with the issues." Sounds pretty fair and balanced to me. If you make up your own mind, how much more fair and balanced can you get?

It doesn't say, "Here's the truth..and if you don't believe it, then you're an idiot."

Your last line?

No, that kind of rhetoric is reserved for Zona
Anyway, seems to me he has gotten a pass on virtually everything since day one save a few talkshow hosts and Fox News (which quite frankly, hasn't been all that tough on him)... this isn't good enough anymore?

I wonder how Obama would fare with the media up his ass 24/7 as they were with Bush?

I think he'd be hospitalized by now.

Are you kidding me? Fox and fox news are all about anti obama. Did you know, Hannity at one time started his show off with "the stop Obama express"...? Did you know this? Fox and friends, EVERY SINGLE DAY have nothing but anti obama propaganda they spew. fox has Beck and he is anti obama. Beck was the one who was responsible for hte 9/12 garbage and that was all about tea baggers...Fox has ........................

See the trend? The entire network is anti him. That is fine, msnbc is pro him, but msnbc never said they are fair and balanced or they report and you decide.

Those are the true idiots.

Do you read what you write or do you simply rant?

"Fox has great ratings because rightys like to be told what to think."

Exactly how does that transfer into good ratings?

And at this point, I would think the little tidbit of information that has been presented to you no less than 1000 times would have sunk in by now.

You know the tidbit I am referring to.......

Fox and Friends, Hannity, Beck, Oreilly, Greta....ARE NOT NEWS PROGRAMS AND HAVE NEVER BEEN MARKETED AS SUCH.

Should we base our opinion of ABC news on the non news programming ABC offers?
Anyway, seems to me he has gotten a pass on virtually everything since day one save a few talkshow hosts and Fox News (which quite frankly, hasn't been all that tough on him)... this isn't good enough anymore?

I wonder how Obama would fare with the media up his ass 24/7 as they were with Bush?

I think he'd be hospitalized by now.

Are you kidding me? Fox and fox news are all about anti obama. Did you know, Hannity at one time started his show off with "the stop Obama express"...? Did you know this? Fox and friends, EVERY SINGLE DAY have nothing but anti obama propaganda they spew. fox has Beck and he is anti obama. Beck was the one who was responsible for hte 9/12 garbage and that was all about tea baggers...Fox has ........................

See the trend? The entire network is anti him. That is fine, msnbc is pro him, but msnbc never said they are fair and balanced or they report and you decide.

Those are the true idiots.

Do you read what you write or do you simply rant?

"Fox has great ratings because rightys like to be told what to think."

Exactly how does that transfer into good ratings?

And at this point, I would think the little tidbit of information that has been presented to you no less than 1000 times would have sunk in by now.

You know the tidbit I am referring to.......

Fox and Friends, Hannity, Beck, Oreilly, Greta....ARE NOT NEWS PROGRAMS AND HAVE NEVER BEEN MARKETED AS SUCH.

Should we base our opinion of ABC news on the non news programming ABC offers?

Don't waste your time.... these goofs regurgitate what they hear on Olberman, etc. They can't discern opinion from news. Of course, this is bound to happen when the media spouts an agenda in the form of news for so many years.
That darn freedom of speech, expression, and the press. Boo freaking hoo, it's getting in Obama's way.

When liberals start whining about too much democracy what they are whining about is, they can't lie to us without someone cutting in and blurting out the truth. Oh boo freaking hoo, why can't liberals have a closed society like Stalin had.

This is why they are always admiring dictators like Castro. Dictators like Castro get to jail their detractors.

See it here: Hot Air Obama: All this darned media is putting “pressure” on our democracy

Oh boo freaking hoo, those darn Ipods, Xboxes and Ipads.


Yes, "hotair.com", great source of information.

You really just prove his point, and of course, typical dishonest hackery, but its bozos like the OP and a lot of the other hacks on this forum that only want to hear what they already believe that just eat all this misinformation up.

What Obama said is dead on, there is so much misinformation out there that just muddy up the facts. Of course intellectually dishonest people will make false accusations and deny that they are spoonfed lies, talking points, and misinformation on a daily basis.

world full of morons we live in
This message board is proof enough that he's right.

People come running with faked stories from WND, MM, etc. and come spread them as Gospel, and of course the more misinformed people are, the more strained the Democracy(Republic?) is. It's not rocket science.

Yup, obvious opinion pieces and editorials and biased websites trying to pass it off as legitimate information.

Really is pathetic, this forum is a shining example
The Hampton University commencement speech has been reported by many media outlets. Obama did make the idiotic comments.

He is the most think-skinned whingy President in history.
And the ironic thing? claim Obama is crying, yet thread after thread of nonsensical ramblings, whining, crying and pissing and moaning about all things Obama.

Do you guys strive to look as dumb and contradictory as you possible can?

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