Obama: All this darned media is putting “pressure” on our democracy

There is good regulation, and there is bad regulation.

this happens to be good regulation for us.

you all said obama did not regulate enough before he signed off on the new offshore oil wells didn't you? Or am I mistaken on that....?

This regulation is good and it protects us....corporations are not gods you know? and I realize they are not the Devil either....but they are NOT GODS.....unlike what it appears you all think.....
What the hell does that have to do with anything here? Was that a tourette's moment?

Well, I guess I misjudged you. If you can not see what that has to do with this thread, then you are by no means the intelligent, reasoning human being I thought you were.

look who is back to judge and frown.

Glad to see I made such an impact on your life.

Funny, I dont recall your name, but you recall mine. Cool.
The maelstrom of wailing and gnashing of teeth would have broken the sound barrier.
I remember them shitting themselves when Bush and Cheney referred to that reporter as an "asshole".
Knowledge is power. Information is power. The secreting or hoarding of knowledge or information may be an act of tyranny camouflaged as humility.

--Robin Morgan

Funny how the smartest president of all time now calls information a "distraction". Could it be he actually believes the only information we should be allowed to access be government approved?

The smartest President of all time was the peanut farmer, Jimmy Carter, and we all remember what happened to him after his first and ONLY term. :lol: Obama is running a close second on the IQ scale, maybe we should not elect these people to high office, they are sooooooooooooooooooooooooo smart that they are epic failures as Presidents. LOLOLOLOL
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I only hope that Obama was, once again, talking out his ass.... he has a tendency to say some pretty dumb things when the teleprompter isn't leading him. Of course, more than a few of us have concluded that he really isn't as smart as he's been touted.
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Could you imagine the left-wing nutters' reaction had Bush said this?

The truth is, Bush never would have said anything like that. Ever.
To the contrary, he actually complimented the fact that the shoe thrower had the right to throw his shoe.
A smart man doesn't watch "cradle to grave" systems worldwide collapsing and vow to implement it himself.

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