Obama advisors seek rationed medical care

It is my responsibility to pay higher rates than I need to because you've smoked for 30 years? Really? Is that your final answer?

Insurers can still rate on tobacco use under the ACA. Smokers will pay more for a given insurance policy.

What about fat people. Shouldn't they pay more for being fat. They could control their eating habits, but they choose not to.

Why punish smokers and not everybody else???

Could it be because Democrats love to screw over the Tobacco industry????:eusa_whistle:
Yes, just like you get lower rates because I don't smoke, I exercise, I eat right, and I take my supplements and medications.

Try something lefties are frightened of.

PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.........................

Don't be silly. I just told you, I'm taking personal responsibility.

You decided to gamble with your health, gambling it will decline.

Thats gambling. Can that be viewed as being responsible. Of course. But your situation is not americas.

Face it. You want others to pay so you receive better benefits, lower costs. You advocating this direction for others is what makes you the free loader. Do it on your own, then there is no issue, forcing others to lower your costs makes you a low life.
Who in this thread has health insurance?

How do you get your health insurance?

My insurance is through work.
Never had health insurance. Paid for everything myself or got the help of private charities.
Your sister-in-law's situation illustrates that government health care is good quality care, as Greenbeard said.

The problem is that the working poor, and people with preexisting conditions, often cannot get affordable private insurance.

That is one thing that the ACA addresses. It gets more people into the insurance pool.

It gets the freeloaders, who don't buy insurance because they are in reasonably good health, who go in and "negotiate" a lower price for care on the backs of those of us who are insured, into the insurance pool with the rest of us responsible citizens.

"We lefties" aren't asking for "free shit". That doesn't even make sense, if you actually have a clue what the law says.
I love how leftists mangle the language. "Freeloaders" = "people who pay their own way".


Freeloaders: people who go into the doctor, say "I can't pay that, I don't bother to buy health insurance! Can't you cut your prices for meeeeeeeeeeeeeee?" :eusa_boohoo:
:rofl::rofl::rofl: You're doing it again!!
Freeloaders: people who go into the doctor, say "I can't pay that, I don't bother to buy health insurance! Can't you cut your prices for meeeeeeeeeeeeeee?" :eusa_boohoo:

Freeloaders: People who are fat and lazy and want healthy people forced to buy something to subsidize their rates.

Sometimes young people think that their youth is a virtue, instead of a temporary state. Same with healthy people.
Once again, a leftist thinks he knows what's best for people he doesn't even know.
I have yet to come across a doctor that did NOT cut prices for cash patients. It isn't a discount price, it's that so many people do not feel they have to pay at all. My gynocologist has a flat $50.00 fee for office visits. If pressed, I can split that into two payments.
It is my responsibility to pay higher rates than I need to because you've smoked for 30 years? Really? Is that your final answer?

Insurers can still rate on tobacco use under the ACA. Smokers will pay more for a given insurance policy.

Actually they can price discriminate for every pre-existing condition, up to a limit.
So what? If companies could manage the risk by pricing it, they would be doing that already. The extra premium allowed does not cover the risk, it only off sets it somewhat.
It is my responsibility to pay higher rates than I need to because you've smoked for 30 years? Really? Is that your final answer?

Insurers can still rate on tobacco use under the ACA. Smokers will pay more for a given insurance policy.

Actually they can price discriminate for every pre-existing condition, up to a limit.
So what? If companies could manage the risk by pricing it, they would be doing that already. The extra premium allowed does not cover the risk, it only off sets it somewhat.

Yes, they are in business, so their goal is a profit. That's why this is a societal issue.
Insurers can still rate on tobacco use under the ACA. Smokers will pay more for a given insurance policy.

Actually they can price discriminate for every pre-existing condition, up to a limit.
So what? If companies could manage the risk by pricing it, they would be doing that already. The extra premium allowed does not cover the risk, it only off sets it somewhat.

Yes, they are in business, so their goal is a profit. That's why this is a societal issue.

A private company's business policies are a societal issue? Really? In socialist societies, maybe.
You are looking for free shit. Period. You people are convinced that Obamacare gives you that.

Your comment is crazy. "We people" are not asking for a freebie.

My insurance is not free now, and it will not ever be free.

You are setting up a straw man.

Your comments about preexisting conditions are misinformed, but I can't correct every bit of your crazy at once.

Let's just deal with this first.
To many people Obama care will be free!
A family of 4 with an income under $62k per year or 400% of poverty will receive free insurance from the exchange on a sliding scale. Look it up.
All the commentary from the Left regarding " I just want to see health insurance available for everyone" is a cover. Because when it boils down to one's expenses, the cheaper the better. In effect those who support and cheer lead for Obama care are thinking of themselves FIRST.
Look, the point is moot. Obama care will not survive intact. Especially in light of the fact that it will cost far more than we were told. The CBO confirms this.
When Seniors discover Medicare is going to be slashed to the tune of $500 billion to pay for Obama care, they will be marching on Washington with pitchforks in hand. The dems do not want to piss off a very important voting bloc. Seniors vote their pocketbook more readily than any other demographic group. Take their stuff away and it's WAR.
On pre existing conditions, you CAN'T correct my statements.
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A family of 4 with an income under $62k per year or 400% of poverty will receive free insurance from the exchange on a sliding scale.

Health insurance in the exchanges is not free. If that family is at three or four hundred percent FPL, it needs to spend at least 9.5% of household income on premiums before any premium assistance tax credit kicks in. The sliding scale you refer to is the threshold (percentage of household income) that the household has to spend before getting any assistance. Everyone in the exchange will be paying something.

When Seniors discover Medicare is going to be slashed to the tune of $500 billion to pay for Obama care, they will be marching on Washington with pitchforks in hand.

HealthBeatBlog reiterates this week: Health Beat: You Heard It Here First: Medicare Spending Slows

And all without slashing benefits (I hope Paul Ryan is taking notes).
Sometimes young people think that their youth is a virtue, instead of a temporary state. Same with healthy people.

The temporary state lasts for 15 years. That's a lot of premiums you are imposing on people jsut so old fat people like you can pay lower rates. Wait til the OWS movement figures out they will be paying medical premiums instead of their student loans.

Your attacks are based on misconceptions. Except that I am old. 56 for only a few more days. :)
56 is not old....Shit I play ice hockey , softball and golf with guys older than 56..I just hit 50!...
Lace 'em up!
Why have any legislation at all. :cuckoo:

Take pre-existing conditions. Pre existing conditions mean the person is a higher risk. A higher risk for claims translates into requiring more policy payments, or exclusions to the policy. That risk cannot be legislated away,because it is real. Either the insurance company protects itself, in the form of exclusions, or they pass the cost to the customer. Or, the gov't way, they make it illegal to deny pre-existings and the cost is socialized so everyone has to pay for it. Which one is fairer?

Yes, which is why this is more society's business than company business.
Society has ZERO to do with it.
The rub of the green is this: The democrats have turned the debate over health insurance into a debate on whether the government should create another social program.
I have yet to come across a doctor that did NOT cut prices for cash patients. It isn't a discount price, it's that so many people do not feel they have to pay at all. My gynocologist has a flat $50.00 fee for office visits. If pressed, I can split that into two payments.
Perfect example..
I sued to live in the South Carolina Low Country..
Our local paper ran a story on medical care and price.
Here's the short version.
An elderly couple arrives at the hospital. One spouse has chest pains. The patient is admitted immediately as the attending saw a potential emergency.
Meanwhile, the admitting nurse took the required info. The non patient forgot to mention what type of insurance. The Hospital handed them a bill for about $190....The spouse went back and told the admitting nurse that they were insured. A new bill was made.....For THREE TIMES the original bill!
It is my responsibility to pay higher rates than I need to because you've smoked for 30 years? Really? Is that your final answer?

Insurers can still rate on tobacco use under the ACA. Smokers will pay more for a given insurance policy.

What about fat people. Shouldn't they pay more for being fat. They could control their eating habits, but they choose not to.

Why punish smokers and not everybody else???

Could it be because Democrats love to screw over the Tobacco industry????:eusa_whistle:
LOL.....The most likely people to get free government care from PPACA are also most likely to have the poorest eating habits, be out of shape, use tobacco, drugs or abuse alcohol.
These are also the people who expect everyone else to cover their bills and are most likely to look to government to solve their ills.
They will all be in for a big shock when they enroll for Obamacare find all the restrictions on their once irresponsible lifestyle.
Insurers can still rate on tobacco use under the ACA. Smokers will pay more for a given insurance policy.

Actually they can price discriminate for every pre-existing condition, up to a limit.
So what? If companies could manage the risk by pricing it, they would be doing that already. The extra premium allowed does not cover the risk, it only off sets it somewhat.

Yes, they are in business, so their goal is a profit. That's why this is a societal issue.

Only a flaming lefty would label business as a societal issue. Please....

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