Obama Admins scurries to flip script


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Obama regime positions to retain power, stay in office, as shitstorm develops » Intellihub
(INTELLIHUB) — Major coordinated attacks on the President-elect’s character and judgement have been launched as of late Friday night, after the New York Times and Washington Post both released major disinformation pieces, citing how the C.I.A. has ruled with “high confidence” that the Russians helped sway the elections, creating Trump’s win.

There has been rumors that Obama could take a third term. There are multiple ways he could easily do it. Whatever way he takes it if he does, we can be sure it will be a huge bs lie.
It could be done via this voting ordeal and this is why we are seeing ramped up bs stories that Putin did it.
It could be the start of a world war, or a false flag etc.
Gawd help us if that bastard stays in.
Obama regime positions to retain power, stay in office, as shitstorm develops » Intellihub
(INTELLIHUB) — Major coordinated attacks on the President-elect’s character and judgement have been launched as of late Friday night, after the New York Times and Washington Post both released major disinformation pieces, citing how the C.I.A. has ruled with “high confidence” that the Russians helped sway the elections, creating Trump’s win.

There has been rumors that Obama could take a third term. There are multiple ways he could easily do it. Whatever way he takes it if he does, we can be sure it will be a huge bs lie.
It could be done via this voting ordeal and this is why we are seeing ramped up bs stories that Putin did it.
It could be the start of a world war, or a false flag etc.
Gawd help us if that bastard stays in.

So if I follow correctly, the NY Times is outraged the Russians may have contributed to the wikileaks collection, but what crimes, skullduggery, cultish horrors wikileaks uncovered about high level democrats and govt officials is of no concern to them? Wikileaks providing something illegally or deceitfully to uncover a murder (so to speak) is far worse than the murder itself? That has always been the LEFTIST media’s modus operande, cover up any scandal of ours no matter what the cost. It works all the time such as the “horrifying” act of a hidden camera to uncover PP baby parts sale business. The media could only care about the spies not the inhumane baby business.

I wonder if the NY Times or WaPost would ever dare get within a thousand miles of “pizzagate?” LOL They will turn and run faster than a katyusha rocket.
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