Obama Administration declared Occupy Wall Street a Terrorist Movement

Tell me if this is the scandal you say it is, why is it that no other government representive has brought it up? Surely republicans would jump all over this.

It's what the mainstream media and alternative media said it is. Did you not see the CNN and Huffingtonpost link?

This isn't about me; this is about Obama, the FBI, the NSA, Occupy Wall Street and the First Amendment.

No, they wouldn't. This is when the two-party charade collapses in plain sight, they both serve the same masters. This event took place without a whimper from either the Despotcrats or the Repugnantcans.

Of course it isn't about you.

You are part of a hive mind that wants one thing..the removal of the President.

Which makes your whole spiel a load of bullshit.

The same mechanisms that allow the NSA, FBI and CIA to operate they way they do would still be in place.

In other words, you're devotion to Obama outweighs your devotion to your own principles.
It's what the mainstream media and alternative media said it is. Did you not see the CNN and Huffingtonpost link?

This isn't about me; this is about Obama, the FBI, the NSA, Occupy Wall Street and the First Amendment.

No, they wouldn't. This is when the two-party charade collapses in plain sight, they both serve the same masters. This event took place without a whimper from either the Despotcrats or the Repugnantcans.

Of course it isn't about you.

You are part of a hive mind that wants one thing..the removal of the President.

Which makes your whole spiel a load of bullshit.

The same mechanisms that allow the NSA, FBI and CIA to operate they way they do would still be in place.

In other words, you're devotion to Obama outweighs your devotion to your own principles.

Obama would be closer to repeal the Patriot Act than any Conservative President.

But he's not going to push of that.

Know why?

It's a cheap way of keeping domestic terrorists in check.

And it also makes the executive offices a lot more powerful.

It was folks like you that passed this abomination.

It won't be folks like you that get rid of it.
Obama supported them when they were useful to him. And, yes, some were definitely useful idiots. The media focused on those who delivered the message that Obama must go after the 1%. I've said all along that the real 1% is Goldman Sachs and the other reserve banks. But they are in control and no politician would dare go after them. Obama's cap and trade policy was likely written by them and he has desperately pushed that. Now it's quietly being enacted by the EPA. GS will clean up with that policy and the playing field will be tilted like never before.

As with the tea party, there are many different groups that popped up all over the country and not all shared the same message. That doesn't stop all of them from being lumped together.

Having a group that identifies itself as an Obama-approved movement suddenly speaking out against the Federal Reserve, parroting the Libertarians by doing so, they became dangerous to his agenda.

The media did their job and stopped covering the OWS protesters. When was the last time you heard about them from the liberal media? Once they became a hindrance, they were thrown away like garbage. Little do the blind sheeple know, they are next to be kicked to the curb.

Anyone supporting Obama now should heed this warning. He will quickly turn on people who no longer serve his purpose and toss them under the bus.
Nelson Mandela was on the terrorist watch list until 2008.
Nelson Mandela Was On The U.S. Terrorist Watch List Until 2008

What about this one?:
USDA classified PETA as a terrorist organization.
USDA Classifies PETA As A Terrorist Threat

Anyone who stands against the rule of the oligarchy is a "terrorist". Thank the USAPATRIOT Act.

And you can thank Obama for extending it. He's had ample opportunity to end the Patriot Act, but instead he's used it to more devastating effect than Bush ever did. Gee, thanks Obama.
Nelson Mandela was on the terrorist watch list until 2008.
Nelson Mandela Was On The U.S. Terrorist Watch List Until 2008

What about this one?:
USDA classified PETA as a terrorist organization.
USDA Classifies PETA As A Terrorist Threat

Anyone who stands against the rule of the oligarchy is a "terrorist". Thank the USAPATRIOT Act.

Yes, I'm also on the watch list since I was one of the primary organizers of the "End the Fed" branch of Occupy Wall Street, I discovered this in early 2013 (March) when I took a flight to Florida. I was brought into a room and searched and interrogated for about twenty minutes.

And on the subject of PETA:
If it was not for the undercover investigations from groups like PETA the public would still be in the dark to the tainted foods that gets approved by the USDA. Food, Inc. was an excellent documentary showing the failures of the USDA. Read the China Study and learn about the food the government provides for you.

If you disagree with the government, you are a terrorist. That is what is coming from the Patriot Act and the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act. People who advocate on behalf of the animals are deemed a threat to the current profit system of agri-business and factory farming and that is why PETA and others are being labeled terrorist. Yet, the Obama Administration, publicly admits that they are aiding and funding and funding AL Qaeda rebels in Syria and the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, but neither is considered an act of treason or terrorism?
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OWS still exists? Who knew?

It's amazing how fast Obama's media dropped them like a hot duece when he declared them a terror organization.

Your signature has become reality, fitting for this thread:

But the rest of you, especially the rest of you under 30, wake up. The day is approaching where the media will redefine what is right or meaningful, redefine you as meaningless...And you'll believe it.
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this is nuts

we have the right to assemble, but obama is a tyrant so he can call anyone he wants now a terror group and shut them down

seriously people, research before you vote for the most important job in America
On one hand occupy wall street are terrorist and the people who toppled the Ukraine government by force are freedom fighters. Stop the world I want to get off
Obama would be closer to repeal the Patriot Act than any Conservative President.

But he's not going to push of that.

Know why?

It's a cheap way of keeping domestic terrorists in check.

And it also makes the executive offices a lot more powerful.

It was folks like you that passed this abomination.

It won't be folks like you that get rid of it.
Obama would never repeal the Patriot Act. Why does every act like Obama and Bush are complete polar opposites? They're almost exactly the same guy when you look at the issues of foreign policy, domestic rights violations, and intelligence gathering.

Remember in 2012, the big thing during the Republican presidential primary was "repeal Obamacare"? Everyone was saying they'd repeal it with an executive order, but Michele Bachmann reminded (or tried to) the voters that the law can't be repealed that way. None of the corporate shills that push for getting rid of Obamacare actually want to do it, hence why no feasible way to repeal it is brought up. The Patriot Act is as much of a "cheap way of keeping domestic terrorists in check" as Obamacare is a cheap way of getting all Americans affordable healthcare, which is to say, that's not the intent behind it at all. Obamacare is exactly what the Patriot Act was, a powergrab by the government, as you noted; the respective originating party of each simply sugarcoated it in a way that would appeal to their base. Neither party wants to get rid of either law.
Tell me if this is the scandal you say it is, why is it that no other government representive has brought it up? Surely republicans would jump all over this.
That is a very good question. I believe the answer is the influence of Wall Street money, plain and simple. With very few exceptions, both sides of the legislative aisle are lavishly lobbied and bribed by the finance industry, which accounts for the bail-outs and the total lack of prosecutions for glaringly obvious criminal activity by individuals like Jamie Dimon, and others.

Our government has been effectively corrupted by money and we are just beginning to see the effects -- which eventually will be devastating to the common citizens. We already are seeing the rise of a financial aristocracy and the decline of the middle class into a peasant class.

The bottom line is this phony sonofabitch, Obama, is owned lock, stock, and barrel by the rich. They installed him and they push his buttons. If we attempt to mount an effective protest, such as the OCCUPY movement, it will be sabotaged and brutally suppressed by local police agencies which are covertly directed, supported, and equipped by the federal government.


Tell me if this is the scandal you say it is, why is it that no other government representive has brought it up? Surely republicans would jump all over this.
That is a very good question. I believe the answer is the influence of Wall Street money, plain and simple. With very few exceptions, both sides of the legislative aisle are lavishly lobbied and bribed by the finance industry, which accounts for the bail-outs and the total lack of prosecutions for glaringly obvious criminal activity by individuals like Jamie Dimon, and others.

Our government has been effectively corrupted by money and we are just beginning to see the effects -- which eventually will be devastating to the common citizens. We already are seeing the rise of a financial aristocracy and the decline of the middle class into a peasant class.

The bottom line is this phony sonofabitch, Obama, is owned lock, stock, and barrel by the rich. They installed him and they push his buttons. If we attempt to mount an effective protest, such as the OCCUPY movement, it will be sabotaged and brutally suppressed by local police agencies which are covertly directed, supported, and equipped by the federal government.

Hence the gun grabbing
First time in USMB history that liberals are actually avoiding an article from Huffingtonpost.

So can you show us exactly where Occupy Wall Street was "declared" a "terrorist movement"?

All I see in your links is that they were investigated. Not actual labeling by the government declaring them a terrorist movement.
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First time in USMB history that liberals are actually avoiding an article from Huffingtonpost.

So can you show us exactly where Occupy Wall Street was "declared" a "terrorist movement"?

All I see in your links is that they were investigated. Not actual labeling by the government declaring them a terrorist movement.

Contemplate what you just said. And it's well known that Occupy Wall Street leaders are on the Terror Watch list.

The Guardian article is perhaps the most informative (surface wise):

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