300 Somali Terrorists Who Crossed the Border Still At Large Inside the U.S.


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Yea, yea, Obama claims the borders are safe. Guards who aren't allowed to fight back when attacked and people pouring through constantly when we have no idea who they are. Promises of amnesty for coming through our non-existent southern border. Ads running in Mexico encouraging people to walk right in. Terrorists from around the globe realizing that the easiest way to enter America is by going through Mexico. Could we make it any easier? Seriously, this is crazy. A reporter decided to take a closer look at things and seems that Obama has been lying again. What a shock. The borders are far from secure and illegal aliens have no fear of border guards, if they even encounter any. If they do get confronted, they just throw rocks knowing that the Obama administration has ordered guards to run away and not fight back. Terrorists must be laughing at how damn stupid we are. Liberals laugh at stuff like this. I don't find anything funny about having the most dangerous and evil people on the planet roaming free in our country. And they aren't just here as tourists. I'm sure they are busy plotting and planning their next big attack.

The "better life" these people seek is a world without Americans.

300 Somali Terrorists Who Crossed the Border Still At Large Inside the U.S.
300 Somali Terrorists Who Crossed the Border Still At Large Inside the U.S. (MUST SEE) | Top Right News

Well ain't you just the rocket scientist? What convinced you sweetcheeks?

Is this story a rehash of the 2008 Corsica story that hundreds of Somali's invaded Kenya at Obama ' orders?

Well ain't you just the rocket scientist? What convinced you sweetcheeks?

Is this story a rehash of the 2008 Corsica story that hundreds of Somali's invaded Kenya at Obama ' orders?

Why don' you watch the newscast?

Are you claiming the federal agencies for forging this data to discredit themselves?

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Well all the Clowns in Congress are idiots.

They have no idea who comes across our borders and they don't care because most of them are looking for the hispanic vote. And we all know that getting reelcted is way more important that some jihadist making it across the border.

I'm sure plenty of jihadists have made it into the US via the Mexican border.

Of course the only thing that will get our idiot leaders to stop people from coming across is if something catastrophic happens. If it does they will all be covering their asses and trying to blame anything and everything on somebody else.

If they didn't want folks coming across the borders they would have sealed out Mexican border long ago.
Well all the Clowns in Congress are idiots.

They have no idea who comes across our borders and they don't care because most of them are looking for the hispanic vote. And we all know that getting reelcted is way more important that some jihadist making it across the border.

I'm sure plenty of jihadists have made it into the US via the Mexican border.

Of course the only thing that will get our idiot leaders to stop people from coming across is if something catastrophic happens. If it does they will all be covering their asses and trying to blame anything and everything on somebody else.

If they didn't want folks coming across the borders they would have sealed out Mexican border long ago.

If something happens it will just be a reason to limit more of our God given rights, for own good of course.
Oh, border enforcement is a massive government program.

It's not a program. It's a constitutional duty. Big difference.

Refusing to fulfill their constitutional duty amounts to a program. They are practically inviting anyone and everyone to come here and it costs us billions each year.

I see some idiots claim it's a conspiracy. I guess they think only desperate people seeking a better life sneak into our country. No terrorists would ever take advantage of our open border policy. Nope, that would never happen because Obama says so.

Well ain't you just the rocket scientist? What convinced you sweetcheeks?

Is this story a rehash of the 2008 Corsica story that hundreds of Somali's invaded Kenya at Obama ' orders?

Why don' you watch the newscast?

Are you claiming the federal agencies for forging this data to discredit themselves?

This is rather disconcerting.

Sure...I watched the video, Mr. @2nd Amendment. Which, in case you didn't know, originated in 2010, not this week, so I'm perplexed as to why "Top Right" put it back out. Unless, of course, it was to stoke the islamophobic fires, of course. :)

Incredibly (not!) the only other place I found mention of the video recently was on the Free Republic forum, who took it one step further by saying it was the same group of terrorists from the Kenyan Mall attack last year (hard to do of course, since the report was - again - from 2010) so I'll congratulate you on your sharp investigative skills. (Not again)

The investigation by WGN in 2010 was a highly touted "news" piece during the May sweeps that went nowhere. Why? Because it was shabby news reporting, focusing (again) on stoking the islamophobic fires of the local Georgia audience. Side note: If you look at the video yourself you'll see it doesn't even list Somalia in the graphic provided of countries they thought sent terrorists into our country, including *cough* Egypt. (It does the second time)

A few politicians and (of course) a lot of extremist right wing groups snatched onto it at the time. John Cornyn tried and was slapped down quick.

U.S. Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, came to a committee hearing on homeland security armed with statistics about the nation’s southwestern border.

Confronting Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano on March 9, Cornyn cited information that he said was from the Border Patrol about people from countries other than Mexico who have been detained near the southwestern border for illegally entering the United States. Cornyn said there were about 45,000 arrests of people from 140 different countries, excluding Mexico, in the 19 months between the start of the 2009 fiscal year — Oct. 1, 2008 — and April 30, 2010.

At least four of those nations "have been designated by the U.S. Department of State as state sponsors of terrorism," Cornyn said. "How can you possibly claim that the approach of the administration is working when it comes to border security, in light of these statistics?"


[quoteOn the State Department’s website, we found that the only nations currently designated as state sponsors of terrorism are Cuba, Iran, Sudan and Syria. "State sponsors of terrorism provide critical support to many non-state terrorist groups," says a 2009 department report on terrorism. "Without state sponsors, these groups would have greater difficulty obtaining the funds, weapons, materials, and secure areas they require to plan and conduct operations."

]Next, we looked into Border Patrol apprehensions near the southwestern border. We found that nearly all are of Mexican nationals, according to information the agency publishes on its website. In fiscal 2009, their 495,582 arrests accounted for 92 percent of the total.

The rest of the apprehensions on the Mexican border are of people from countries other than Mexico. The Border Patrol, which is part of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection division of the Homeland Security Department, publishes data on how many of those occur — but not by individual country. According to that information, there were 45,283 arrests of individuals from nations other than Mexico in fiscal 2009 and 50,912 in fiscal 2010. (It appears that Cornyn quoted only the fiscal 2009 number during the hearing.)

In Homeland Security lingo, an "apprehension" is an arrest for being in the United States illegally. However, the number of people actually detained is smaller because some individuals are arrested more than once, according to a June 2009 fact sheet published by the department’s Office of Immigration Statistics.[/quote]


The southwestern border data from Cornyn’s chart show that there were 105 apprehensions of Cubans, 10 of Iranians, six of Sudanese and none of Syrians in fiscal 2009. In the first seven months of 2010, there were 48 apprehensions of Cubans, seven of Iranians, one of Sudanese and two of Syrians.

All together, the apprehensions from those four countries represent 0.25 percent of the total arrests of non-Mexicans on the southwestern border over the 19-month period, according to Cornyn’s chart. (El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras alone accounted for 84 percent.)

Add Mexican nationals to the equation, and the percentage shrinks more: According to the numbers in Cornyn’s chart, apprehensions of people from the "state sponsor of terrorism" nations amounted to 0.02 percent of the 540,865 total arrests on the southwestern border in fiscal 2009.

What about the other U.S. border areas? The Border Patrol also apprehends people for illegal entry at the northern border with Canada and in the coastal areas of Puerto Rico, Florida, Louisiana and other Gulf states. According to 2009 nationwide statistics that we received from the Border Patrol, there were 935 arrests of people from the four "terrorism" nations: 910 of Cubans, 15 of Iranians, six of Sudanese and four of Syrians. Subtract the 121 apprehensions that took place on the southwestern border that year, according to Cornyn’s chart, and that leaves 814 arrests, mostly of Cubans.

So, 87 percent of the apprehensions of citizens from terrorism-sponsoring countries occurred away from the southwestern border.


Eric Olson, a senior associate at the Mexico Institute of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, echoed that thought in a March 17 Texas Tribune news article, saying that the State Department’s most recent report on terrorism gave no indication that Mexico has become a launch pad for terrorists crossing the border illegally.

"I suppose anyone that hates the U.S. would find a way to get in," he told the Tribune. "But so far, most of the cases (of those visitors who have sought to harm the U.S.) have been overstayed visas. They come in through the front door, not the back door."

*Don't even try to bring up the comments by Fred Burton of Stratfor to Politifact, claiming Cornyn was right. He was fired from the job after Anonymous hacked his company's emails and it was found he was virulently Islamphobic, using terms such as towel heads, camel jockies and sleezy arsehole ragheads to refer to Arabs.
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It's old news and it's new news because it not only continues to happen every day, but at a faster pace now that border guards have their hands tied and can't even confront people. If attacked, they must retreat. They can only use force if someone comes directly after them, but two guards in the past got in trouble for that.

So, the message to illegals, drug cartels and terrorists is clear. Come on in, throw some rocks or otherwise threaten the guards and they are ordered to retreat. No one will deport you and you qualify for welfare and Obamacare.

Of course, terrorists are here and many likely came through Mexico. Does the government worry about this? Apparently now, even though they have a sworn duty to protect the country and that means securing borders, among other things.

Whatever terrorists sneaked in through the border are likely still here. Why would they leave when they can leech off of us and probably get amnesty, which will make it easier for them to carry out whatever evil mission they are plotting.

I know Obama claimed the borders are safe, though hours of video footage tells us otherwise. And he claims al Qaeda is down to a few junior varsity members, but they appear to be going strong. He's claimed a lot of things that turned out to be complete bullshit. How can anyone still believe a damn thing he says?

It's not about being an alarmist, just about realizing that of the millions of people that walk right through the border, some are just plain evil and it's stupid to think that terrorists/gangs/drug cartels wouldn't take advantage of us considering we make it so damn easy.

Every time I hear a liberal claim that all the people are just looking for a better life, I want to puke. Why does the left act like it's just too incredible to think that violent people would dare take advantage of us like that? That may be true that some are just desperate and want a better life but there are too many criminals and they mean to do harm. And some of the "innocent", non-violent people steal the identities of citizens. Not a victimless crime.

Can't we just get real about what is going on at the borders, has been for years, and is escalating because of the latest promises of amnesty and increased entitlements?

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