Obama administration CAN"T possibly do 7 million immigration petition and requests...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
so how will they be able to handle 20 million illegal immigrants?

Donald Neufeld, the Associate Director of Service Center Operations for USCIS, told the Senators that “USCIS administers the world’s largest immigration system that includes more than 100 immigrant and nonimmigrant classifications and more than 200 different forms and applications.” (also 19,000 employees)...

He said that in fiscal year 2014 alone,”USCIS adjudicated nearly 7 million petitions and requests,” including applications for President Barack Obama’s 2012 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, naturalization and adjustment of status, visas, asylum and refugee requests, and humanitarian protections.
USCIS Officials Reveal Feds Processed 7 Million Immigration-Related Applications in One Year - Breitbart

Now to process one of the 200 different forms...
For example, if the office is processing Form N-400 naturalization applications in five months or less, then the chart will say "5 months." However, if the office is experiencing a processing delay, you will find the filing date of the last case that the office completed before updating the chart.

Screen Shot 2015-03-04 at 12.23.35 PM.png

So let's assume of the 19,000 employees a ratio of supervising 6-10 employees per manager is appropriate. Supervising 11-20 employees per manager came in a close second with approximately 36% of survey responses. Click here for full survey results.
Management Association - Home
That would be 1,266 supervisors for each of 15 employees..
Leaves 17,000 employees to process 7 million petitions/requests...
Working 50 weeks at 5 days a week this is over 1.57 processed each and every day.
How is that possible?
MY whole point on this thread is to prove how dumb it is to believe our government any more!
This is the SAME government that now runs our health care for 300 million Americans!
It is a farce. It is phony!
I knew this when I kept trying to get the simple fact that there were NEVER 46 million uninsured Americans!
If this simple number could NOT be accurately achieved by the Census... how in the hell can ANY administration Obama/GOP etc. possible handle 300 million Americans health care!!!
so where does the 20 million number come from? out of your butt?
so how will they be able to handle 20 million illegal immigrants?

How many more years will the GOP let go by before they finally sit down and enact immigration reform?

How many more Constitutional crises do they want to force, choosing party over country?

80 percent of Americans want legal status or citizenship to be granted to the illegals. How many more years is the GOP going to bitch slap the Will of the People™ around?

Wake up.
"20 million" ???

Funny how the number gets bigger every time some RW whines about it but what's really funny is that they believe we could actually deport every illegal.

Bad enough that they have no clue who that could be accomplished but they also don't know what it would cost.

A 2010 study by the Center for American Progress (CAP) estimated that the United States would need to spend at least $285 billion over five years to deport all 11 million undocumented immigrants currently in the country.

Kind of like how the alleged percent of approval for illegals goes up every time a LW illegal immigrant apologist nutter posts.
Obama had the House and Senate rubberstamping his dictrates for two years. Why didn't the Democrats reform immigration laws then?????????
"20 million" ???

Funny how the number gets bigger every time some RW whines about it but what's really funny is that they believe we could actually deport every illegal.

Bad enough that they have no clue who that could be accomplished but they also don't know what it would cost.

A 2010 study by the Center for American Progress (CAP) estimated that the United States would need to spend at least $285 billion over five years to deport all 11 million undocumented immigrants currently in the country.

The majority of the costs has to do with reduction in spending and tax collections...not the actual cost of deportation.
The study assumes illegals spent billions in GDP and tax withholding Medicare/etc. and that's what amounts to the $285 billion.
The actual cost will be less then the $25,000 per illegal that the above figure works out.

Like most people though you are jumping to conclusions that people like me think deporting is the first objective.
Stop the flow first. We are seeing measles,scabies,etc. coming across the border and who knows what terrorists can come!

The US and Mexico share a common border of about 2,000-miles (3,200-km). As of February 10, 2012, the Department of Homeland Security had completed 651 miles of fencing out of nearly 652 miles mandated by Congress, including 299 miles of vehicle barriers and 352 miles of pedestrian fence.

Under the Secure Fence Act of 2006, Congress required that the entire border should be 100% operationally controlled by the Department of Homeland Security.
This was also the metric the Senate used as a trigger in the 2007 immigration bill. Under current law, operational control meant the prevention of all unlawful entries into the United States, including entries by terrorists, other unlawful aliens, instruments of terrorism, narcotics, and other contraband. S.744 substantially weakened current law by only requiring the southern border to be "90% effectively secured" [in SEC. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE TRIGGERS].

The `effectiveness rate', in the case of a border sector, is the percentage calculated by dividing the number of apprehensions and turn backs in the sector during a fiscal year by the total number of illegal entries in the sector during such fiscal year.

US-Mexico Border Fence Great Wall of Mexico
Obama had the House and Senate rubberstamping his dictrates for two years. Why didn't the Democrats reform immigration laws then?????????

Obstruction and filibustering by the Rs.

BUT hey, now that the Repubs have all that power, I'm sure they'll get right on immigration.

Ya think?

Wrong to assume any "proper" procedures might be followed when the borders have been opened without any form of "proper" procedure.

How in hell long can it take to hand out the voter registration forms?
"20 million" ???

Funny how the number gets bigger every time some RW whines about it but what's really funny is that they believe we could actually deport every illegal.

Bad enough that they have no clue who that could be accomplished but they also don't know what it would cost.

A 2010 study by the Center for American Progress (CAP) estimated that the United States would need to spend at least $285 billion over five years to deport all 11 million undocumented immigrants currently in the country.

The majority of the costs has to do with reduction in spending and tax collections...not the actual cost of deportation.
The study assumes illegals spent billions in GDP and tax withholding Medicare/etc. and that's what amounts to the $285 billion.
The actual cost will be less then the $25,000 per illegal that the above figure works out.

Like most people though you are jumping to conclusions that people like me think deporting is the first objective.
Stop the flow first. We are seeing measles,scabies,etc. coming across the border and who knows what terrorists can come!

The US and Mexico share a common border of about 2,000-miles (3,200-km). As of February 10, 2012, the Department of Homeland Security had completed 651 miles of fencing out of nearly 652 miles mandated by Congress, including 299 miles of vehicle barriers and 352 miles of pedestrian fence.

Under the Secure Fence Act of 2006, Congress required that the entire border should be 100% operationally controlled by the Department of Homeland Security.
This was also the metric the Senate used as a trigger in the 2007 immigration bill. Under current law, operational control meant the prevention of all unlawful entries into the United States, including entries by terrorists, other unlawful aliens, instruments of terrorism, narcotics, and other contraband. S.744 substantially weakened current law by only requiring the southern border to be "90% effectively secured" [in SEC. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE TRIGGERS].

The `effectiveness rate', in the case of a border sector, is the percentage calculated by dividing the number of apprehensions and turn backs in the sector during a fiscal year by the total number of illegal entries in the sector during such fiscal year.

US-Mexico Border Fence Great Wall of Mexico



I thought this was about illegal immigration but you're saying its about Mexico.

"We are seeing measles,scabies,etc. coming across the border and who knows what terrorists can come!"

Oh wait, now you're talking about illegal immigration again?? Or are you one of those RW nutters who believe the Addidas shirt was really a prayer rug?

Never mind. What I really want to know is whether you were able to get President Obama out of your router.

Does no one else see the gross discrepancy in the processing of 7 million forms as the USCIS says they did in 2014 WHEN the same agency says it will take at least 5 months for a simple N-400 Application for Naturalization?

How much confidence should we have with this government's administrative activities when they can't figure out how grossly out of touch these numbers are with reality! 19,000 employees processing 7 million forms is NOT possible.
still crying WOLF ... crap like this and The American Thinker is why nobody gives a damn what RW's throw against the wall. Pathetic.

RW's have given themselves a reputation. Nothing they say ever sticks. Funny.
My point though is in the details.... how can 7 million illegals be processed with the acknowledged process time of 5 months ...yet
the 7 million forms as the USCIS states one in one year?
If 19,000 USCIS process 7 million forms that works out to about less the 1-1/2 per day...so how can that be if it takes 5 months?
This illustrates how totally off base this administration in the little details...i.e. exaggeration of 46 million "uninsured" another gross mistake!
The one major activity our government should be involved in i.e. defense of the country is NOW failing also!
In the past it was the superiority of US military that was the major reason for our security... but with our military having less then 14%
approval of Obama, with Obama's rules of engagement stating:
Patrol only in areas that you are reasonably certain that you will not have to defend yourselves with lethal force,” the laminated card reads.
For a soldier who has traveled halfway around the world to fight, that’s like telling a cop he should only patrol in areas where he knows he won’t have to make arrests. “Does that make any f–king sense
?” Pfc. Jared Pautsch.

And we want more of this gross mismanagement???

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