Obama Administration Attacks "Rightwingers"

Play that Perpetual VICTIM Card, crybaby.
Nobody has to do anything to make you domestic terrorists look bad, you do it all by yourselves.

She criticizes the administration so she's a domestic terrorist?

She did more than just "criticize" and I have just as much right to create an imaginary scenario as she does.
In this thread her fellow travelers use the Stalin, Hitler, holocaust references to work the Right up into a terrorist frenzy, a mob bent on revenge for IMAGINED acts never committed upon them.
I was just counter-imagining how the Patriot Act gives the president broad powers to act against Domestic Terrorist Groups to give you CON$ something else to worry about. It takes nothing more than LABELING to invoke the power of the Patriot Act.
Think about it! LOL

But her post (the one you quoted) didn't mention Hitler, Stalin or the holocaust.

Why not respond to her based on what she wrote, and to others based on what they wrote, rather than grouping anyone whose views you don't like into a single entity with an assumed identical agenda. That's something of a McCarthyist tactic, though of course I certainly respect your right to write what you want.

Yeah, burn them books! And don't pay taxes to the greedy government! Yeah! Back to Medieval Ages! What do we need the filthy infrastructure for!? Nufn'! If we don't have roads, illegals won't come crawlin' here!? Yeah! Clean water? Fuck it! Each is responsible for providing his/her family their own water well! Back to superstition and burning of heretics at the stake! She's a witch!!!! SHE'S A WITCH!



PS: I agree that everyone is entitled to their opinion and everyone should be able to protest/support any governmental measures etc. yady yada blah blah... But this was just too funny to take seriously... Just an 'opinion'... ;)
She criticizes the administration so she's a domestic terrorist?

She did more than just "criticize" and I have just as much right to create an imaginary scenario as she does.
In this thread her fellow travelers use the Stalin, Hitler, holocaust references to work the Right up into a terrorist frenzy, a mob bent on revenge for IMAGINED acts never committed upon them.
I was just counter-imagining how the Patriot Act gives the president broad powers to act against Domestic Terrorist Groups to give you CON$ something else to worry about. It takes nothing more than LABELING to invoke the power of the Patriot Act.
Think about it! LOL

But her post (the one you quoted) didn't mention Hitler, Stalin or the holocaust.

Why not respond to her based on what she wrote, and to others based on what they wrote, rather than grouping anyone whose views you don't like into a single entity with an assumed identical agenda. That's something of a McCarthyist tactic, though of course I certainly respect your right to write what you want.

Well, the OP grouped the administration with ACORN by the quotes chosen and I fight fire with fire. CON$ervative hate radio is constantly grouping Libs with any whacko found anywhere in the world and CON$ claim to be bible believers, so their Golden Rule tells me CON$ want to be grouped together and I choose as Domestic Terrorists.
The Golden Rule is a bitch, isn't it, and rationalizations cut both ways. LOL
She criticizes the administration so she's a domestic terrorist?

She did more than just "criticize" and I have just as much right to create an imaginary scenario as she does.
In this thread her fellow travelers use the Stalin, Hitler, holocaust references to work the Right up into a terrorist frenzy, a mob bent on revenge for IMAGINED acts never committed upon them.
I was just counter-imagining how the Patriot Act gives the president broad powers to act against Domestic Terrorist Groups to give you CON$ something else to worry about. It takes nothing more than LABELING to invoke the power of the Patriot Act.
Think about it! LOL

But her post (the one you quoted) didn't mention Hitler, Stalin or the holocaust.

Why not respond to her based on what she wrote, and to others based on what they wrote, rather than grouping anyone whose views you don't like into a single entity with an assumed identical agenda. That's something of a McCarthyist tactic, though of course I certainly respect your right to write what you want.

Because that would be too fucking honest now wouldn't it?
So, here's my take. The administration plays hardball, and smears those who disagree with their policies.

Play that Perpetual VICTIM Card, crybaby.
Nobody has to do anything to make you domestic terrorists look bad, you do it all by yourselves.

Judas Maude, man. Has PC threatened anyone? What the fuck is wrong with you? This is why you get neg-reps.
You folks have a good time at the Astroturf Tea Parties. Hope you have nice weather.
When you march, think of those millionaires who paid Freedom Works and Americans for Prosperity and The Rendon Group a LOT of money to get all you out on the street for them. Millionaires who paid to bus in all those out of towners and put them up in really nice hotels and paid to organize and promote the event.
I Hope all the non-millionaires can march and chant to protest the poor millionaires' marginal taxes going up 2011 to the rate it was in 2001.
That's what it's all about. Sean and Glenn and Neil and Rush and all the hedge fund managers
are gonna be paying higher taxes 2 years from now, while you'll be getting tax breaks.
It is Brutally unfair. Nice of you to stand up for them.
astroturfing: n.

1. The use of paid shills to create the impression of a popular movement, through means like letters to newspapers from soi-disant 'concerned citizens', paid opinion pieces, and the formation of grass-roots lobbying groups that are actually funded by a PR group (AstroTurf? is fake grass; hence the term). See also sock puppet, tentacle.

Hey, calm down, your perspiration is fogging up the computer screen. And get a tissue for that spittle.

You NeoComs own two of the branches of our government. Why do you get so excited when a few of us like-minded folks get together to celebrate America?

Are you calm now? Then consider this, many of us on this side of the board believe that the ones you love to hate, the "millionaires," the "rich" are us! We are rich because we live in the finest country on the face of the earth, the "shining city on the hill," where we all have the opportunity to be millionaires.

Not get off your whiny, covetous butt and get out and work. Who knows, you might turn out to be one of those folks you hate!

In fact, how do you like this idea: let's reverse reverse the tax code, so the less you earn, the more taxes you pay! The lowest fifth of the population pays the most, and the richest, nothing!!!! That would light a fire under your lazy rear.

(OK- I just said that to make you pop a nitro under your tongue.)
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Play that Perpetual VICTIM Card, crybaby.
Nobody has to do anything to make you domestic terrorists look bad, you do it all by yourselves.

She criticizes the administration so she's a domestic terrorist?

She did more than just "criticize" and I have just as much right to create an imaginary scenario as she does.
In this thread her fellow travelers use the Stalin, Hitler, holocaust references to work the Right up into a terrorist frenzy, a mob bent on revenge for IMAGINED acts never committed upon them.
I was just counter-imagining how the Patriot Act gives the president broad powers to act against Domestic Terrorist Groups to give you CON$ something else to worry about. It takes nothing more than LABELING to invoke the power of the Patriot Act.
Think about it! LOL

Perhaps you're a bit behind in your counter-imagining. What's "worrying" to the "cons" about the Patriot Act is Obama's failure to CHANGE course from that dreaded "Bush third term".... <chuckle>

So, here's my take. The administration plays hardball, and smears those who disagree with their policies.

Play that Perpetual VICTIM Card, crybaby.
Nobody has to do anything to make you domestic terrorists look bad, you do it all by yourselves.

Judas Maude, man. Has PC threatened anyone? What the fuck is wrong with you? This is why you get neg-reps.

And nobody infiltrated your tea parties! I have just as much a right to imagine threats for political purposes as PC. This is why people see CON$ as hypocrites. That's a lot worse than meaningless neg reps!
Just thought I'd beat our left wing colleagues to posting this:

The Department of Homeland Security is warning law enforcement officials about a rise in "rightwing extremist activity," saying the economic recession, the election of America's first black president and the return of a few disgruntled war veterans could swell the ranks of white-power militias.

A footnote attached to the report by the Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis defines "rightwing extremism in the United States" as including not just racist or hate groups, but also groups that reject federal authority in favor of state or local authority.

"It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single-issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration," the warning says.
Federal agency warns of radicals on right - Washington Times

And just last week, we saw this:

On Fox News Channel’s April 7 “Your World,” host Neil Cavuto reported that the Tax Day tea party protests on April 15 will be “infiltrated” by their political opponents and led by left-wing activist organizations. He specifically named Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN).
ACORN, HuffPo Organizing Efforts to Infiltrate Tax Day Tea Parties

So, here's my take. The administration plays hardball, and smears those who disagree with their policies.

And, the irony is that today is the anniverary of the publication of Steinbeck's "Grapes of Wrath", which has a great scene where 'agent provacateurs' start a fight at a dance given by peaceful immigrant workers.

Life imitates art.

I didn't see anything about the teabaggers in the article you linked about the report. Are you saying the teabaggers fit into this description:
A footnote attached to the report by the Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis defines "rightwing extremism in the United States" as including not just racist or hate groups, but also groups that reject federal authority in favor of state or local authority.
"It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single-issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration," the warning says.

If so, why do you support them?
You folks have a good time at the Astroturf Tea Parties. Hope you have nice weather.
When you march, think of those millionaires who paid Freedom Works and Americans for Prosperity and The Rendon Group a LOT of money to get all you out on the street for them. Millionaires who paid to bus in all those out of towners and put them up in really nice hotels and paid to organize and promote the event.
I Hope all the non-millionaires can march and chant to protest the poor millionaires' marginal taxes going up 2011 to the rate it was in 2001.
That's what it's all about. Sean and Glenn and Neil and Rush and all the hedge fund managers
are gonna be paying higher taxes 2 years from now, while you'll be getting tax breaks.
It is Brutally unfair. Nice of you to stand up for them.
astroturfing: n.

1. The use of paid shills to create the impression of a popular movement, through means like letters to newspapers from soi-disant 'concerned citizens', paid opinion pieces, and the formation of grass-roots lobbying groups that are actually funded by a PR group (AstroTurf? is fake grass; hence the term). See also sock puppet, tentacle.

Hey, calm down, your perspiration is fogging up the computer screen. And get a tissue for that spittle.

You NeoComs own two of the branches of our government. Why do you get so excited when a few of us like-minded folks get together to celebrate American?

Are you calm now? Then consider this, many of us on this side of the board believe that the ones you love to hate, the "millionaires," the "rich" are us! We are rich because we live in the finest country on the face of the earth, the "shining city on the hill," where we all have the opportunity to be millionaires.

Not get off your whiny, covetous butt and get out and work. Who knows, you might turn out to be one of those folks you hate!

In fact, how do you like this idea: let's reverse reverse the tax code, so the less you earn, the more taxes you pay! The lowest fifth of the population pays the most, and the richest, nothing!!!! That would light a fire under your lazy rear.

(OK- I just said that to make you pop a nitro under your tongue.)

You folks have a good time at the Astroturf Tea Parties. Hope you have nice weather.
When you march, think of those millionaires who paid Freedom Works and Americans for Prosperity and The Rendon Group a LOT of money to get all you out on the street for them. Millionaires who paid to bus in all those out of towners and put them up in really nice hotels and paid to organize and promote the event.
I Hope all the non-millionaires can march and chant to protest the poor millionaires' marginal taxes going up 2011 to the rate it was in 2001.
That's what it's all about. Sean and Glenn and Neil and Rush and all the hedge fund managers
are gonna be paying higher taxes 2 years from now, while you'll be getting tax breaks.
It is Brutally unfair. Nice of you to stand up for them.
astroturfing: n.

1. The use of paid shills to create the impression of a popular movement, through means like letters to newspapers from soi-disant 'concerned citizens', paid opinion pieces, and the formation of grass-roots lobbying groups that are actually funded by a PR group (AstroTurf? is fake grass; hence the term). See also sock puppet, tentacle.

America is a wonderful country where people can protest what the government is doing.
Having said that, there are a few things you left out in your post. Yes, some might be getting a tax break in a couple of years...but I'm sure this is going to be offset, and then some with the inflation from all of this spending. Not to mention that if Barry does get his Cap and Trade bill passed, the poor are going to be hit very hard by this. So, before you puff up your chest, try looking at the whole picture that being painted by this administration, and not just cherry picking certain points of the picture. just sayin...
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While some of you can dismiss these tea parties to your heart's content, the fact remains they are indicative of a growing frustration throughout the country. And while the gentleman spouting fears of communist infiltrations, and the woman burning books, is frustation to the point of parody, many, many similar examples of similar silliness by paranoid liberals when Bush II was President - and you all know that to be the case.

Such silliness aside, this tea party movement will either continue to grow into a viable focus of energized dissatisfaction, or it will quickly lose momentum and fall away - at this point I am not certain what will be the case.

Just as I saw merit in the concerns of those who shared fears regarding the Patriot Act, so too do I find merit in those who share concerns regarding the alarming growth of our federal government - both under Bush II, and now accelerating under Obama.

And on a somewhat sidenote point - I find PC's posts in here to be among the best and brightest. She shows a more than passing understanding of historical relevance that many more would do well to incorporate.
And on a somewhat sidenote point - I find PC's posts in here to be among the best and brightest. She shows a more than passing understanding of historical relevance that many more would do well to incorporate.
Then why is she trying to link the teabaggers to right wing extremists?
And on a somewhat sidenote point - I find PC's posts in here to be among the best and brightest. She shows a more than passing understanding of historical relevance that many more would do well to incorporate.
Then why is she trying to link the teabaggers to right wing extremists?

I believe you may have missed the ironic nature of her thread title...
As a convenience store owner with stores in New York, I'm going to see my sales get hurt because of taxes on food and cigs and gas and containers and beer, and my fees and my personal taxes will go up, and I hate it. Taxes pay for roads, services, education. New York needs to cut its bloated spending and its deficit. The Governor is getting screamed at by both Republicans and Democrats for cutting back.
I'm not going to Tea Parties and mock them because they are an ineffective, useless gesture and are totally fake. They are AstroTurf.
Mint flavored Nitro was tasty.
Just thought I'd beat our left wing colleagues to posting this:

The Department of Homeland Security is warning law enforcement officials about a rise in "rightwing extremist activity," saying the economic recession, the election of America's first black president and the return of a few disgruntled war veterans could swell the ranks of white-power militias.

A footnote attached to the report by the Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis defines "rightwing extremism in the United States" as including not just racist or hate groups, but also groups that reject federal authority in favor of state or local authority.

"It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single-issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration," the warning says.
Federal agency warns of radicals on right - Washington Times

And just last week, we saw this:

ACORN, HuffPo Organizing Efforts to Infiltrate Tax Day Tea Parties

So, here's my take. The administration plays hardball, and smears those who disagree with their policies.

And, the irony is that today is the anniverary of the publication of Steinbeck's "Grapes of Wrath", which has a great scene where 'agent provacateurs' start a fight at a dance given by peaceful immigrant workers.

Life imitates art.

I didn't see anything about the teabaggers in the article you linked about the report. Are you saying the teabaggers fit into this description:
A footnote attached to the report by the Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis defines "rightwing extremism in the United States" as including not just racist or hate groups, but also groups that reject federal authority in favor of state or local authority.
"It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single-issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration," the warning says.

If so, why do you support them?

I'm not sure about your question. Are you saying that the Homeland Security report did not mention the "tea parties," and cited only those mentioned by name or type?

My post aimed to link several themes. The administration takes a shot at "rightwinger." The "Tea Party" idea is generally considered to be populated by those on the right, just as the Obama Administration, and their supporters, are generally considered to be on the left.
Thus one connection.

The Huffington Post article suggests that some believe that ACORN, a leftist group with ties to both the Democrat Party and the current administration, is infiltrating the Tea Party rallies. Why? It seems logical that they would like to disrupt, or give the impression that those on the right behave poorly. These types are known as 'agent provocateurs.' Second connection of the post.

Third, a literary connection. In Steinbeck's novel, published on this date in 1939, provocateurs disrupt a rally.

My support is for those citizens who oppose a concept that has never been shown to be successful, the 'stimulus' concept. It is wasteful financially, and no more than a smokescreen designed to grow government and benefit Democrat cronies.
While some of you can dismiss these tea parties to your heart's content, the fact remains they are indicative of a growing frustration throughout the country. And while the gentleman spouting fears of communist infiltrations, and the woman burning books, is frustation to the point of parody, many, many similar examples of similar silliness by paranoid liberals when Bush II was President - and you all know that to be the case.

Such silliness aside, this tea party movement will either continue to grow into a viable focus of energized dissatisfaction, or it will quickly lose momentum and fall away - at this point I am not certain what will be the case.

Just as I saw merit in the concerns of those who shared fears regarding the Patriot Act, so too do I find merit in those who share concerns regarding the alarming growth of our federal government - both under Bush II, and now accelerating under Obama.

And on a somewhat sidenote point - I find PC's posts in here to be among the best and brightest. She shows a more than passing understanding of historical relevance that many more would do well to incorporate.

I don't think we can say they are dismissing the tea parties. They are on here daily whining, moaning and bitching a blue streak about them..:lol:
how cool....when the gop spied on americans it was bad but when the dems do it it is good.....

god bless america.....
Just thought I'd beat our left wing colleagues to posting this:

Federal agency warns of radicals on right - Washington Times

And just last week, we saw this:

ACORN, HuffPo Organizing Efforts to Infiltrate Tax Day Tea Parties

So, here's my take. The administration plays hardball, and smears those who disagree with their policies.

And, the irony is that today is the anniverary of the publication of Steinbeck's "Grapes of Wrath", which has a great scene where 'agent provacateurs' start a fight at a dance given by peaceful immigrant workers.

Life imitates art.

I didn't see anything about the teabaggers in the article you linked about the report. Are you saying the teabaggers fit into this description:
A footnote attached to the report by the Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis defines "rightwing extremism in the United States" as including not just racist or hate groups, but also groups that reject federal authority in favor of state or local authority.
"It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single-issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration," the warning says.
If so, why do you support them?

I'm not sure about your question. Are you saying that the Homeland Security report did not mention the "tea parties," and cited only those mentioned by name or type?

My post aimed to link several themes. The administration takes a shot at "rightwinger." The "Tea Party" idea is generally considered to be populated by those on the right, just as the Obama Administration, and their supporters, are generally considered to be on the left.
Thus one connection.

The Huffington Post article suggests that some believe that ACORN, a leftist group with ties to both the Democrat Party and the current administration, is infiltrating the Tea Party rallies. Why? It seems logical that they would like to disrupt, or give the impression that those on the right behave poorly. These types are known as 'agent provocateurs.' Second connection of the post.

Third, a literary connection. In Steinbeck's novel, published on this date in 1939, provocateurs disrupt a rally.

My support is for those citizens who oppose a concept that has never been shown to be successful, the 'stimulus' concept. It is wasteful financially, and no more than a smokescreen designed to grow government and benefit Democrat cronies.
Which of my questions did you not understand?
When you consider wingnut militia groups and the likes of Timothy McVeigh et al, this stuff is essential to a democracy. Democracy is a tough formula for many, they want control and when they think they have lost it, they resort to protest and often violence.

Domestic terrorism in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"In the United States, acts of domestic terrorism are generally considered to be uncommon. According to the FBI, however, between the years of 1980 and 2000, 250 of the 335 incidents confirmed as or suspected to be terrorist acts in the United States were carried out by American citizens."

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