Obama Administration Attacks "Rightwingers"

You folks have a good time at the Astroturf Tea Parties. Hope you have nice weather.
When you march, think of those millionaires who paid Freedom Works and Americans for Prosperity and The Rendon Group a LOT of money to get all you out on the street for them. Millionaires who paid to bus in all those out of towners and put them up in really nice hotels and paid to organize and promote the event.
I Hope all the non-millionaires can march and chant to protest the poor millionaires' marginal taxes going up 2011 to the rate it was in 2001.
That's what it's all about. Sean and Glenn and Neil and Rush and all the hedge fund managers
are gonna be paying higher taxes 2 years from now, while you'll be getting tax breaks.
It is Brutally unfair. Nice of you to stand up for them.
astroturfing: n.

1. The use of paid shills to create the impression of a popular movement, through means like letters to newspapers from soi-disant 'concerned citizens', paid opinion pieces, and the formation of grass-roots lobbying groups that are actually funded by a PR group (AstroTurf? is fake grass; hence the term). See also sock puppet, tentacle.

Is that how you folks feel about George Soros and every Hollywood name you can think of as they fund the left-wing marchers and fake protests like those by moveon.org?

Give me a break.
When you consider wingnut militia groups and the likes of Timothy McVeigh et al, this stuff is essential to a democracy. Democracy is a tough formula for many, they want control and when they think they have lost it, they resort to protest and often violence.

Domestic terrorism in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"In the United States, acts of domestic terrorism are generally considered to be uncommon. According to the FBI, however, between the years of 1980 and 2000, 250 of the 335 incidents confirmed as or suspected to be terrorist acts in the United States were carried out by American citizens."

Careful, you might be considered a whack job. Remember we don't care about domestic terrorists anymore, that's out of fashion. We make domestic terrorists university professors now and have them give moralizing speeches across the country and even internationally.

You don't want to be thought of as some kind of paranoid nutcase, do you? You should be giving the domestic terrorist tenure not a jail cell. :eusa_whistle:
wonder how many more times the left is going to drag that old rotted corpse of Tim McVeigh around the block? :eusa_eh::lol::cuckoo:
As a convenience store owner with stores in New York, I'm going to see my sales get hurt because of taxes on food and cigs and gas and containers and beer, and my fees and my personal taxes will go up, and I hate it. Taxes pay for roads, services, education. New York needs to cut its bloated spending and its deficit. The Governor is getting screamed at by both Republicans and Democrats for cutting back.
I'm not going to Tea Parties and mock them because they are an ineffective, useless gesture and are totally fake. They are AstroTurf.
Mint flavored Nitro was tasty.

You are having a hard time dealing with the state level of tax and fee increases, which you will have to pass along to the consumer. But you have no problem at the federal level of this happening. You talk about N.Y. needing to cut bloated spending, and cut the deficit. But it's Ok with this administration to do the same bloated spending, and increase the deficit. I'm just looking at the irony of your post.
If the tea party's are successful, it will be an eye opener to the politcians...who do need to get elected to further their "careers." Just like it did with the illegal immigrant marches a few years ago. That had a great impact on politicians.
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Hey, I want to crash a tea party myself.

No--not to stop it, but to sample the "non-tea" drinks that they will supply.

Libertarians know how to throw a party. Liberals know how to throw a fit!
I think you folks should have a great time. Have fun, don't kley any one get rowdy. Toss teabags into the river and lake.
To protest further, don't use any highways or roads that were created with and maintained by
public funds, and don't use any public transportation to get to the Tea Party.
Don't drink any water or eat any food cooked in a restaurant (or your home) that gets gas or electricity or water from a public supported source.
You should not use the power delivered by the public funds supported electric grid to run your PA systems.
And you should refuse to congregate in any public funded space, and absolutely stay off the sidewalks.
Don't want to be hypocrites, now.
Do that the next four years. Boycott every tax created and tax supported or subsidized infrastructure.
Schools, too.
When you consider wingnut militia groups and the likes of Timothy McVeigh et al, this stuff is essential to a democracy. Democracy is a tough formula for many, they want control and when they think they have lost it, they resort to protest and often violence.

Domestic terrorism in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"In the United States, acts of domestic terrorism are generally considered to be uncommon. According to the FBI, however, between the years of 1980 and 2000, 250 of the 335 incidents confirmed as or suspected to be terrorist acts in the United States were carried out by American citizens."

Careful, you might be considered a whack job. Remember we don't care about domestic terrorists anymore, that's out of fashion. We make domestic terrorists university professors now and have them give moralizing speeches across the country and even internationally.

You don't want to be thought of as some kind of paranoid nutcase, do you? You should be giving the domestic terrorist tenure not a jail cell. :eusa_whistle:
Don't get your panties in a twist.

Some critics have said the DHS is equating conservative views to right-wing terrorism, but a DHS official countered that in January the department issued a mirror intelligence assessment of left-wing extremist groups.
"This is the job of DHS, to assess what is happening in this country, with regard to homegrown terrorism, and determine whether it's an actual threat or not, and that's what these assessments do. This is nothing unusual. These assessments are done all the time. This is about awareness," the official told FOX News on Monday.
Homeland Security Warns of Rise in Right-Wing Extremism - First 100 Days of Presidency - Politics FOXNews.com
As a convenience store owner with stores in New York, I'm going to see my sales get hurt because of taxes on food and cigs and gas and containers and beer, and my fees and my personal taxes will go up, and I hate it. Taxes pay for roads, services, education. New York needs to cut its bloated spending and its deficit. The Governor is getting screamed at by both Republicans and Democrats for cutting back.
I'm not going to Tea Parties and mock them because they are an ineffective, useless gesture and are totally fake. They are AstroTurf.
Mint flavored Nitro was tasty.

The point is the number of people that go. The fact of their existence might be put up "astroturf" as you call it. But, people attending the event is not fake, astroturf. It takes a lot to get most people off their asses and out to an event. Everyone has someplace else they would rather be. So, if people take the time to go to an event like this, it speaks volumes to me.

I look at it as zoyzia grass. There were plugs put in, but then it started to grow. We'll see if it just gets burned up in the summer sun or thrives.
History does not repeat itself, human nature does.

I am begining to see how the Russian people felt when the communist took over.

I see how the holocaust happened.

It was ordinary people, afraid to work for themselves, afraid, so a leader comes along, and the "vehemently cling" to the leader, it does not matter who the leader is, it could be Stalin, Hitler, or even a "Obama".

They project thier hopes on this one man, and believe in thier hearts he is all they need in life, that he will save them, give them eternal life.

The people do not understand that with less government they will have security.

They believe exactly what is told to them if told in the right way, like if the watch Television, the people unconsiously still have a primitive mind and when told something, when they learn something, if it comes from a source that is technologically advanced, they believe it because the technology is real, but they do not understand this.

They do not think, they get feed propaganda but because the source is a dazzling webpage they believe it to be true because subconsiously they still have privitive instincts.

Its scary, real scary, millions of people praying to Obama to save them, they will gvie thier life to Obama, and if you get in the way the people revert to thier primitive mind, look at what they post, sick, vile thoughts, you can see it everywhere, the primitive mind that reverts back to the stone age when challenged.

They do not even realize the complexity of thought and what is happening within themselves. They do not see themselves being manipulated and controled by the government.

Obama is no different than Hitler, Hitler used the culture of the times to his advantage, Hitler had a wedge issue, an issue to divide the people, Obama has an issue, many issues, how many times does Obama bring up his color, again and again, the statists cannot let it go, they must divide and conquer.

They use the remants of the primitive mind so many people still possess.

They put out false stories to divide the people.

Do you see the statement warning about TERRORISTS ON THE HIGH SEAS, nope.

The leftists will not wake up, the statsts will never understand.

Life is short, and they believe they will live longer if they only worship the messiah.

Yes-0-the Obama nuts are like this.

Then, so was the Bush nuts that hung to W until they were swept out of power--screaming and kicking.. Strangely, later humans repeat the mistakes of earlier humans....
Just thought I'd beat our left wing colleagues to posting this:

Federal agency warns of radicals on right - Washington Times

And just last week, we saw this:

ACORN, HuffPo Organizing Efforts to Infiltrate Tax Day Tea Parties

So, here's my take. The administration plays hardball, and smears those who disagree with their policies.

And, the irony is that today is the anniverary of the publication of Steinbeck's "Grapes of Wrath", which has a great scene where 'agent provacateurs' start a fight at a dance given by peaceful immigrant workers.

Life imitates art.

I didn't see anything about the teabaggers in the article you linked about the report. Are you saying the teabaggers fit into this description:
A footnote attached to the report by the Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis defines "rightwing extremism in the United States" as including not just racist or hate groups, but also groups that reject federal authority in favor of state or local authority.
"It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single-issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration," the warning says.

If so, why do you support them?

I'm not sure about your question. Are you saying that the Homeland Security report did not mention the "tea parties," and cited only those mentioned by name or type?

My post aimed to link several themes. The administration takes a shot at "rightwinger." The "Tea Party" idea is generally considered to be populated by those on the right, just as the Obama Administration, and their supporters, are generally considered to be on the left.
Thus one connection.

The Huffington Post article suggests that some believe that ACORN, a leftist group with ties to both the Democrat Party and the current administration, is infiltrating the Tea Party rallies. Why? It seems logical that they would like to disrupt, or give the impression that those on the right behave poorly. These types are known as 'agent provocateurs.' Second connection of the post.

Third, a literary connection. In Steinbeck's novel, published on this date in 1939, provocateurs disrupt a rally.

My support is for those citizens who oppose a concept that has never been shown to be successful, the 'stimulus' concept. It is wasteful financially, and no more than a smokescreen designed to grow government and benefit Democrat cronies.

Typical CON$ervative dishonesty!!
You didn't link to a Huffington Post article, that is simply a bold faced lie.

Here is the H P article linked to by your link, show any mention of ACORN.
Fox News Hosts Join Right-Wing "Tea Party" Movement (VIDEO)

Fox News Hosts Join Right-Wing "Tea Party" Movement (VIDEO)

Rick Santelli and CNBC may be keeping their distance from the tax day tea party movement Santelli inadvertently spawned in an on-air rant, but Fox News seems to be throwing everything it's got behind protests planned for April 15.

Fox anchors Sean Hannity and Neil Cavuto boarded the bandwagon first by signing on with tax day tea parties in Atlanta and Sacramento. Now Glenn Beck will be broadcasting from the Alamo in Texas and Greta Van Susteren will party in Washington, D.C., amounting to hours and hours of rotating live coverage of the anti-tax, anti-spending events.

"This year Americans across the country are holding tea parties to let politicians know that we've had enough," Beck said yesterday. "Celebrate with Fox News."

The Huffington Post wants to have citizen journalists at as many of these events as possible. If you think you'd be interested in attending one of the Tea Parties and reporting back to us with dispatches, photos, or video, click here to sign up. We'll contact you shortly with further instructions.
Tea Parties will have no effect at all. Nobody will pay the events any more attention than they would a homecoming or high school band marching Once they are over, they will be forgotten.
Useless gesture. Accomplishes nothing. Have a good time.
Won't get any decent press, Not unless there is violence, which would be all from the Tea Baggers themselves. There won't be infiltration of any of that crap you've been told to FEAR !!!.
Dems and Indies and sane people see it as a silly adolescent prank.

Federal budget debt and deficits IS awful. Started with the Reagan deficits, then Bush41 added to the deficits, Clinton whittled it down. Bush 43 damn near ruined the USA's fiscal standing, and left Obnama a huge deficit and a huge mess to clean up. Left or Right, that is the situation.
We have an expensive pile of crap to address, and it can't be ignored.
I agree with most of Obama's spending plans. I hate teh TARP bailouts. Badlty designed and executed. Bailing out people who should be in jail.
Obama has to stimulate the economy, he has to help relieve states' deficits, he has to invest in rebuilding America - which may cost almost a much as destroying and rebuilding Iraq.
I say again, the Tea Parties are absurd Astroturf. They are funded by and organized by the same crew of rightwing fatcats who have hired promoters to manipulate (scare) people into voting and acting against their own best interests.
Get the worthless GOP reps. in Congress to find their heads and their cojones and ante up some ideas and get some influence. They should be asked by voters to return their paychecks for being so useless.
The Dems are cleaning up the Bush disasters, and that ain't cheap.

While we're on it - which taxes EXACTLY are being protested ?
So, here's my take. The administration plays hardball, and smears those who disagree with their policies.

Play that Perpetual VICTIM Card, crybaby.

I'm with you here ...

Nobody has to do anything to make you domestic terrorists look bad, you do it all by yourselves.

... and then you fall off into nutterville here.

PC isn't anywhere remotely near being a "domestic terrorist." We got a couple on the board who I would say have the potential to be one but sorry, homey, she ain't one of 'em.
A quote from David Aikman about the "narratives" which form much of the boilerplate repeated by those still enthralled by The Prophet and some of the reflexive attitudes towards those who disagree with them:

"The term, evidently, had materialized from the fever swamps of academic postmodernist jargon, a world where there may never be real facts or real truth, where 'narratives' of reality float around seeking a hospitable brain to settle in."
As a convenience store owner with stores in New York, I'm going to see my sales get hurt because of taxes on food and cigs and gas and containers and beer, and my fees and my personal taxes will go up, and I hate it. Taxes pay for roads, services, education. New York needs to cut its bloated spending and its deficit. The Governor is getting screamed at by both Republicans and Democrats for cutting back.
I'm not going to Tea Parties and mock them because they are an ineffective, useless gesture and are totally fake. They are AstroTurf.
Mint flavored Nitro was tasty.

Glad to have helped save your life.

Based on your post, you should be supporting the concepts, as you believe that taxes are too high, " my fees and my personal taxes will go up, and I hate it," and hurt the people like yourself, the lifes blood of any economy.

According to the Constitution, there are specific jobs that the government should do, and many of the Founding Fathers were opposed to use of federal money in ways that they are used today.
"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents." - James Madison criticizing an attempt to grant public monies for charitable means, 1794

But I suspect that you have "made your bones" as a Democrat, and might feel that support of the Tea Pary idea might cost you some sense of self-respect, even if this support might be in your own self interest. Consider what our great 16th President said in that connection:
"Stand with anybody that stands RIGHT. Stand with him while he is right and PART with him when he goes wrong."
Abraham Lincoln, Speech at Peoria, Illinois (October 16, 1854),
So, here's my take. The administration plays hardball, and smears those who disagree with their policies.

Play that Perpetual VICTIM Card, crybaby.

I'm with you here ...

Nobody has to do anything to make you domestic terrorists look bad, you do it all by yourselves.

... and then you fall off into nutterville here.

PC isn't anywhere remotely near being a "domestic terrorist." We got a couple on the board who I would say have the potential to be one but sorry, homey, she ain't one of 'em.

Or I'm spoofing CON$ervatism and LimpBoy's technique of "illustrating absurdity by being absurd" and laughing at the reactions I get from the CON$ when they get a taste of their own medicine. LOL
Even at my local polling place there were two black guys standing outside the door as you enter the building to vote. They had on TSHRTS reflecting Black Power. Can you imagine the reporting and riots of white people did that with tshirts that said White Power?

You live in Philly? Because that's the only place I heard of that happening.
Play that Perpetual VICTIM Card, crybaby.

I'm with you here ...

Nobody has to do anything to make you domestic terrorists look bad, you do it all by yourselves.

... and then you fall off into nutterville here.

PC isn't anywhere remotely near being a "domestic terrorist." We got a couple on the board who I would say have the potential to be one but sorry, homey, she ain't one of 'em.

Or I'm spoofing CON$ervatism and LimpBoy's technique of "illustrating absurdity by being absurd" and laughing at the reactions I get from the CON$ when they get a taste of their own medicine. LOL

the difference between you and limbaugh being you actually believe the stuff you say. whatever floats your boat
Even at my local polling place there were two black guys standing outside the door as you enter the building to vote. They had on TSHRTS reflecting Black Power. Can you imagine the reporting and riots of white people did that with tshirts that said White Power?

You live in Philly? Because that's the only place I heard of that happening.
nope in the country in Va of all places..I couldn't believe my eyes! They were not holding clubs but stood there with their arms folded across their chest.
Even at my local polling place there were two black guys standing outside the door as you enter the building to vote. They had on TSHRTS reflecting Black Power. Can you imagine the reporting and riots of white people did that with tshirts that said White Power?

You live in Philly? Because that's the only place I heard of that happening.
nope in the country in Va of all places..I couldn't believe my eyes! They were not holding clubs but stood there with their arms folded across their chest.
Wow! That's really bizarre. There were four white guys with David Duke shirts on hanging around my polling place. I don't think they did anything wrong but they sure looked menacing!
I didn't see anything about the teabaggers in the article you linked about the report. Are you saying the teabaggers fit into this description:

If so, why do you support them?

I'm not sure about your question. Are you saying that the Homeland Security report did not mention the "tea parties," and cited only those mentioned by name or type?

My post aimed to link several themes. The administration takes a shot at "rightwinger." The "Tea Party" idea is generally considered to be populated by those on the right, just as the Obama Administration, and their supporters, are generally considered to be on the left.
Thus one connection.

The Huffington Post article suggests that some believe that ACORN, a leftist group with ties to both the Democrat Party and the current administration, is infiltrating the Tea Party rallies. Why? It seems logical that they would like to disrupt, or give the impression that those on the right behave poorly. These types are known as 'agent provocateurs.' Second connection of the post.

Third, a literary connection. In Steinbeck's novel, published on this date in 1939, provocateurs disrupt a rally.

My support is for those citizens who oppose a concept that has never been shown to be successful, the 'stimulus' concept. It is wasteful financially, and no more than a smokescreen designed to grow government and benefit Democrat cronies.

Typical CON$ervative dishonesty!!
You didn't link to a Huffington Post article, that is simply a bold faced lie.

Here is the H P article linked to by your link, show any mention of ACORN.
Fox News Hosts Join Right-Wing "Tea Party" Movement (VIDEO)

Fox News Hosts Join Right-Wing "Tea Party" Movement (VIDEO)

Rick Santelli and CNBC may be keeping their distance from the tax day tea party movement Santelli inadvertently spawned in an on-air rant, but Fox News seems to be throwing everything it's got behind protests planned for April 15.

Fox anchors Sean Hannity and Neil Cavuto boarded the bandwagon first by signing on with tax day tea parties in Atlanta and Sacramento. Now Glenn Beck will be broadcasting from the Alamo in Texas and Greta Van Susteren will party in Washington, D.C., amounting to hours and hours of rotating live coverage of the anti-tax, anti-spending events.

"This year Americans across the country are holding tea parties to let politicians know that we've had enough," Beck said yesterday. "Celebrate with Fox News."

The Huffington Post wants to have citizen journalists at as many of these events as possible. If you think you'd be interested in attending one of the Tea Parties and reporting back to us with dispatches, photos, or video, click here to sign up. We'll contact you shortly with further instructions.

Sorry, Waste-Receptacle (why do I feel the need to throw away a dirty tissue every time I see your avatar?), you are absolutely correct.

I originally read the story:
"Fox News' Neil Cavuto reported Tuesday that the tax day tea party movement is being "infiltrated" by well-organized liberals out to destroy it.

"Only eight days before a nationwide tea party, some over-caffeinated crashers aiming to lay waste to it," Cavuto said. "Reports of very well-organized infiltrators trying to mix in and rain on this parade. Talk about taxing."

Cavuto's infiltrators are none other than 2008 electoral boogeyman ACORN and the Huffington Post, which has repeatedly asked readers to sign up as "citizen journalists" to help us cover the many-hundred tax day events. (Cavuto's characterization is accurate to the extent "infiltrate" is a synonym for "attend"). Fox News will also be "infiltrating" tax day tea parties with live all-day coverage in four cities."
Cavuto: Tea Party Protests To Be "Infiltrated" By Diabolical Liberals (VIDEO)

In my ongoing effort to civilize the discourse from you NeoComs, I would suggest that you reserve the terms 'lie' or 'liar' as in "is simply a bold faced lie" for those cases where it is appropriate, and not simply an oversight.

Please note that the story did appear, also, in the Huffington Post.

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