Obama admin under investigation over Biden involvement with Ukraine energy company


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Obama Admin Under Investigation Over Biden Involvement With Ukraine Energy Company

Several Congressional committees are now investigating “potentially improper action” by the Obama administration regarding its involvement with Ukraine energy firm Burisma Holdings, according to a letter by Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Ron Johnson (R-Wis.).

LOL this bitch is crooked and we all know it other than his ass kisser leftist LMFAO... Told you pathetic douches you are ALL THE SAME!!


Obama directly involved in Ukraine corruption scandal?

Both the Office of the General Prosecutor and Members of Parliament in Ukraine today have named multiple US citizens and political organizations with involvement in the massive corruption scandal surrounding Burisma Holdings money-laundering and racketeering.

Hunter Biden is one of the main individuals named in the newly filed charges against the owner of Burisma Holdings, the Ukraine energy company on whose board Biden sits. The filing which was largely ignored by the mainstream media specifically says that Hunter Biden was one of the conduits through which money was “siphoned” from Ukraine.

Additionally, both the DNC organization and Barack Hussein Obama were named in the documents as having direct and indirect ties to this massive corrupt money-laundering operation.

Do you think things are starting to unravel?

It’s going to be interesting to see how far this goes. And don’t expect the Lame Street Media to pay attention to it.

\More @ Head of Burisma Holdings Indicted! Officials Name Hunter Biden, Obama and DNC in Corruption Charges

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