Obama - 10,000 Dead in tornadoes

red states rule

Senior Member
May 30, 2006
RICHMOND, Va. (AP) - Barack Obama, caught up in the fervor of a campaign speech Tuesday, drastically overstated the Kansas tornadoes death toll, saying 10,000 had died.
The death toll was 12.
"In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died—an entire town destroyed," the Democratic presidential candidate said in a speech to 500 people packed into a sweltering Richmond art studio for a fundraiser.

He was tired. Poor Guy :badgrin:
He sure does seem to have a problem with numbers. Here Barack Hussein Obama gets his facts wrong yet again:

Obama this week flew to Detroit to deliver his message that the U.S. auto industry is the villain for "investing in bigger and faster cars while foreign competitors invested in more fuel-efficient technology."

The domestics certainly haven't flooded showrooms with gas/electric hybrids like the Japanese. But in fairness, the newest Japanese assembly plant in the U.S. produces 14-m.p.g. Toyota Tundra pickups, not Prius hybrids rated at 60 m.p.g.

"While our fuel standards haven't moved from 27.5 miles per gallon in two decades, both China and Japan have surpassed us, with Japanese cars now getting an average of 45 miles to the gallon," Obama said.

"I'm not sure where he got that figure," Toyota spokesman Mike Michels said. "No carmaker gets 45 m.p.g. Ours is closer to 30 m.p.g."


Oh, and I blame the Kansas tornadoes on him just to let you know.
Its a campaign speech, what do you expect. Everyone overplays everything and promises the world. Its routine.
Its a campaign speech, what do you expect. Everyone overplays everything and promises the world. Its routine.

But the fact that he said 10,000 had died while only 12 had really died shows he had no idea what had really happened and should never have been talking about it in the first place. Obama was trying to make a political point, but he showed he knows NOTHING about what he tried to pretend was issue he did know about.

It shows he's just as sneaky and lying as much as any other politician out there. He isn't the golden boy.
But the fact that he said 10,000 had died while only 12 had really died shows he had no idea what had really happened and should never have been talking about it in the first place. Obama was trying to make a political point, but he showed he knows NOTHING about what he tried to pretend was issue he did know about.

It shows he's just as sneaky and lying as much as any other politician out there. He isn't the golden boy.

I dunno about that but you can be sure if President Bush had slipped like that, the press and opposition would be having a field day. I am waiting for Bully to post in this thread calling him "Chimpy" Obama and making fun of his IQ and level of education...what do you think the chances are of that happening?
I dunno about that but you can be sure if President Bush had slipped like that, the press and opposition would be having a field day. I am waiting for Bully to post in this thread calling him "Chimpy" Obama and making fun of his IQ and level of education...what do you think the chances are of that happening?

Slim to none, and slim just left.
But the fact that he said 10,000 had died while only 12 had really died shows he had no idea what had really happened and should never have been talking about it in the first place. Obama was trying to make a political point, but he showed he knows NOTHING about what he tried to pretend was issue he did know about.

It shows he's just as sneaky and lying as much as any other politician out there. He isn't the golden boy.

The golden boy does not exist. Its only two party interest in winning the white house, and no politician really cares about anothing more than making programs that funnel money into thier own pockets. Sad really, but maybe someday a GOOD president will come along that is not assasinated.

The warren report was bullshit by the way.
I dunno about that but you can be sure if President Bush had slipped like that, the press and opposition would be having a field day. I am waiting for Bully to post in this thread calling him "Chimpy" Obama and making fun of his IQ and level of education...what do you think the chances are of that happening?

Actually bush recently contradicted himself

"One message I have heard from people of both parties is that benchmarks make sense and I agree," Bush said. He said his chief of staff, Joshua Bolten, would talk with congressional leaders "to find common ground" on benchmarks.

Didnt Bush say less than a month ago, that he would "veto any timetable or artificial benchmarks"? And now he thinks it makes sense? Well at least someone is backing down, these troops need some kind of funding. Period
Where is the contradiction? He said artificial , not no benchmarks.

Well why dont you explain this quote then

"benchmarks couldn’t be forced on Iraq" -Bush

That was last year. He supported fake benchmarks that the iraqis did not meet, and NOW he is willing to force those benchmarks?

That is contradiction because

On one side, he wanted benchmarks that really had no rules and no dates set for any specific progress because he feared that they would not meet these deadlines and he did not want to put any pressure on the Iraqi Government.

And on another side, he is NOW willing to force benchmarks due to the fact that none of the non-binding benchmarks were ever going to be met without political pressure from the US.


Look I dont care, as long as he stops treating the iraqis like little babys' and starts putting REAL political pressure on them.
Well why dont you explain this quote then

"benchmarks couldn’t be forced on Iraq" -Bush

That was last year. He supported fake benchmarks that the iraqis did not meet, and NOW he is willing to force those benchmarks?

That is contradiction because

On one side, he wanted benchmarks that really had no rules and no dates set for any specific progress because he feared that they would not meet these deadlines and he did not want to put any pressure on the Iraqi Government.

And on another side, he is NOW willing to force benchmarks due to the fact that none of the non-binding benchmarks were ever going to be met without political pressure from the US.


Look I dont care, as long as he stops treating the iraqis like little babys' and starts putting REAL political pressure on them.

Horse feathers. The "plan" as I have understood it since 2003 was to build the Iraq government and military up until it could sustain itself. Common sense and logic dictates setting arbitrary "benchmarks" is COMPLETELY unrealistic.

Even IF Bush has a plan, AND his own timeline, he'd be a complete f-ing fool to divulge it to the MSM, the leftwingnuts, and the enemy.

Be all that as it may, it is not an ideological contradiction if the plan this year isn't the same as the plan last year, or even contradicts the original plan since any commander with an ounce of G2 is going to continually evaluate the situation and adjust his forces to adapt to change as often as required and/or practicable.

This is just another one of those lose/lose deals for Bush. Doesn't matter what he does, y'all will find something wrong with it. For 12 years I listened to you lefties making the baseless accusation "Bush didn't finish the job." So, this Bush DOES do EXACTLY that, and suddenly he's a heel for doing exactly what y'all accused his father of not doing. And you want to talk "contradiction?"
I am forced to agree with you gunny.... as Dwight D. Eisenhower once said:

"PLANS are nothing. PLANNING is everything"

One can only hope that Team Bush is still planning.... even if their previous plans have not worked.
Its a campaign speech, what do you expect. Everyone overplays everything and promises the world. Its routine.

Routine for libs like Obama and Hillary

If a Republican would have said this - front page headline and lead story for the network news
Its a campaign speech, what do you expect. Everyone overplays everything and promises the world. Its routine.

Why did ABC, CBS, and NBC completely ignore Sen. Barack Obama’s statement Tuesday wherein he accidentally exaggerated the death toll from the Greensburg tornado by 9,988?

Could it be he has a "D" at the end of his name?
Slim to none, and slim just left.

Another Obama Error: Will Media Report It?
Posted by Matthew Sheffield on May 11, 2007 - 08:16.
After grossly overestimating the number of people killed in the recent tornado in Greensburg, Kansas, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama made another unforced error this week at a speech in Detroit.

As reported by Chicago Tribune columnist Jim Mateja, Obama criticized the U.S. auto industry for not being sufficiently environmentally friendly but made a significant mistake (h/t Paul Mirengoff):

The domestics certainly haven't flooded showrooms with gas/electric hybrids like the Japanese. But in fairness, the newest Japanese assembly plant in the U.S. produces 14-m.p.g. Toyota Tundra pickups, not Prius hybrids rated at 60 m.p.g.

"While our fuel standards haven't moved from 27.5 miles per gallon in two decades, both China and Japan have surpassed us, with Japanese cars now getting an average of 45 miles to the gallon," Obama said.

"I'm not sure where he got that figure," Toyota spokesman Mike Michels said. "No carmaker gets 45 m.p.g. Ours is closer to 30 m.p.g."

If elected president, perhaps Obama's first appointment should be a fact-checker.

Not just for number crunching but also because neither China nor Japan mandate fuel-economy standards. And the 27.5 m.p.g. standard was set by the government, not the automakers.

Unlike Obama's Kansas error, this one does not seem to be the product of a slip of the tongue but a fact-checking error. By the standard the liberal press set for President Bush on Iraq WMD, Barack Obama is a "liar" then.

Don't hold your breath waiting for someone in the media to say that.

Update 05-12. Some blogs have disputed the accuracy of Mateja's reporting, however, if you look at the official EPA figures for fuel economy, Toyota's 2007 cars (not SUVs) get an average of 32.59 miles per gallon if you run the numbers, within 2.6 gallons of the 30-gallon estimate offered by the Toyota spokesman in Mateja's article.


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