Oak Island's Oaks?

Quercus Species : Acacia Mangium Acadiakoa https://youtube/EE3CKGGL5N8 BEWARE THIS VIDEO

I've been watching The Curse of Oak Island this season—I've watched sporadically but the drilling is boring to me and all the false hits with the metal detectors in the swamp, etc. I've watched the new season though. I've always had a lot of questions about the whole deal and the theories are fascinating but pretty farfetched.

Considering Oak Island's location, it doesn't at all surprise me that a few colonial era coins/buttons--even a piece of grape shot from a cannon-- have been found there. The British and other Europeans sailing through were there from the days of first exploration. A few things that haven't been covered that seem really important to me, though, are the non-native oak trees that were planted there and the age of coconut fiber found around the drains in Smith Cove. That fiber was carbon dated to between 1200 and 1400. There's no more to be said about the coconut fiber, I guess—that is what it is. But the oak trees fascinated me.

I wrote to the Oak Island folks who now are in charge of searching for the money pit and handling the "interpretative center." I asked if there are still oaks on the island and if so, are any of them really old/is the variety traceable to point of origin in Europe or elsewhere. I got a really short, less than satisfying answer saying there are lots of oaks on the island: Red Oaks, which are native to New England and Nova Scotia. They said the canopy oaks might ? be explained by changes in climate. However, they didn't answer my questions if any were left or where they came from. I googled "canopy oaks" and there is no oak called that. It referred me to bur oaks, whose range is in the Midwest.

I was very excited, then, when today I came across a You Tube video on the mystery of the oaks. BEWARE THIS VIDEO! Besides the fact that this guy's ultimate theory is way out there (Phoenicians) he gave a long supposedly very factual talk about the original oaks that gave the island its name (pictures of them begin at 44 secs and go on for a few minutes). He said there are none left on the island; the photographs of them he has were from the early 1920's, towering above the other trees. At that time there were seven left (he says that's the origin of the legend that "Seven must die before the treasure is found." Once all the trees were cut down and there was still no treasure, they figured it must be people who have to die). I don't doubt the photos are real, but I don't know what kind of oak, if oak at all, they are. The video in the link says it is Quercus Species: Acacia Mangium Acadiakoa, a type of oak from North Africa/the Levant. Well, I googled that, too, and from what I can tell, there is no such tree. Quercus is the species name for oaks, alright, of which there are about 600 varieties, but "Acacia" is apparently a different species, not an oak. There is an "Acacia Mangium Acacia Koa" which is a tree native to Australia, but it has nothing to do with oaks, the Levant, or anything else I'm interested in.

So I don't know about the oaks yet. If the photos from the 1920's are actual non native oaks that the legend refers to, I still don't know if there are any left on the island and if the actual variety might help identify where it came from, or if there are any old ones (oaks can easily live hundreds of years) that could help determine at a minimum how long ago they were planted. Some websites have referred me to the bur oaks, and I did find pictures of some with flat tops like in the video, but NS is way out of its range and the overall shape isn't the same as the photos from Oak Island.

Anyone know anything about oak trees?
repetitive and boring...To replant the oaks from another country or continent would take soil from the original site they dug them up or collected acorns..But if they have shipped the cocoanut fibers then surely they did the dirt also..It's not like they had an Iphone to toy with...
To start oaks from acorns would take effort and patience, but I can't imagine saplings with intact root balls surviving the 6-12 week trip by boat from Europe. I don't know that the soil would have needed to be transported, though. I read that oaks do like acidic soil.
Could have been an attempt to find water, and then build a fort around it. Or a treasure pit. Doesn't seem likely they would go that deep, as they would have come back fairly soon to get it and would want to retrieve it quickly. I think they were just trying to dig a well and came up dry, not uncommon.
I've wondered the same thing.
The show is a hoax

It is a shame what The History Channel has become. Ancient Aliens and Oak Island that "might" contain the Holy Grail and Arc of the Covenant

They have no interest is finding anything, just teasing what they might find
The show itself is as you say. The underlying story and the way it has hooked two centuries worth of treasure hunters that have spent tens of millions of dollars on it is not a made-for-TV hoax, though. The Money Pit itself can't ever be explained, I don't think, since it was completely destroyed by one of the first search companies using power equipment and was excavated into a huge cavern. If any building was around it or there was any archaeological clues as to what its function or purpose might have been has been lost forever.

There are interesting things going on there, though. Nolan's Cross is one. Some of the graffiti like the H-O stone is also puzzling. Why so much medieval religious symbolism there? The drain system at Smith's Cove is probably an old salt works used for salting fish in the 1700's and the Money Pit itself is probably not "booby trapped," just intersecting with natural tunnels of sea water that lace the substrata of the island. As with any island close to shore on this coast, it will have been used for multiple purposes over the years by a lot of different folks, but the Money Pit beats all. I can see why it hooked treasure hunters. They're kind of like compulsive gamblers--just ten more feet and we'll find it.
I know something about Oak trees. I know something about TL; DR for the OP, too.

Break it down for me Barney-style. What is it you want to know?
I'm disappointed you found my OP too long winded, but here you go:
Look at 44 sec into the link and view the trees towering over the pines.
Can you identify the type of tree it is? If it is oak, tell me what kind and where it is native to.
Quercus Species : Acacia Mangium Acadiakoa https://youtube/EE3CKGGL5N8 BEWARE THIS VIDEO

I've been watching The Curse of Oak Island this season—I've watched sporadically but the drilling is boring to me and all the false hits with the metal detectors in the swamp, etc. I've watched the new season though. I've always had a lot of questions about the whole deal and the theories are fascinating but pretty farfetched.

Considering Oak Island's location, it doesn't at all surprise me that a few colonial era coins/buttons--even a piece of grape shot from a cannon-- have been found there. The British and other Europeans sailing through were there from the days of first exploration. A few things that haven't been covered that seem really important to me, though, are the non-native oak trees that were planted there and the age of coconut fiber found around the drains in Smith Cove. That fiber was carbon dated to between 1200 and 1400. There's no more to be said about the coconut fiber, I guess—that is what it is. But the oak trees fascinated me.

I wrote to the Oak Island folks who now are in charge of searching for the money pit and handling the "interpretative center." I asked if there are still oaks on the island and if so, are any of them really old/is the variety traceable to point of origin in Europe or elsewhere. I got a really short, less than satisfying answer saying there are lots of oaks on the island: Red Oaks, which are native to New England and Nova Scotia. They said the canopy oaks might ? be explained by changes in climate. However, they didn't answer my questions if any were left or where they came from. I googled "canopy oaks" and there is no oak called that. It referred me to bur oaks, whose range is in the Midwest.

I was very excited, then, when today I came across a You Tube video on the mystery of the oaks. BEWARE THIS VIDEO! Besides the fact that this guy's ultimate theory is way out there (Phoenicians) he gave a long supposedly very factual talk about the original oaks that gave the island its name (pictures of them begin at 44 secs and go on for a few minutes). He said there are none left on the island; the photographs of them he has were from the early 1920's, towering above the other trees. At that time there were seven left (he says that's the origin of the legend that "Seven must die before the treasure is found." Once all the trees were cut down and there was still no treasure, they figured it must be people who have to die). I don't doubt the photos are real, but I don't know what kind of oak, if oak at all, they are. The video in the link says it is Quercus Species: Acacia Mangium Acadiakoa, a type of oak from North Africa/the Levant. Well, I googled that, too, and from what I can tell, there is no such tree. Quercus is the species name for oaks, alright, of which there are about 600 varieties, but "Acacia" is apparently a different species, not an oak. There is an "Acacia Mangium Acacia Koa" which is a tree native to Australia, but it has nothing to do with oaks, the Levant, or anything else I'm interested in.

So I don't know about the oaks yet. If the photos from the 1920's are actual non native oaks that the legend refers to, I still don't know if there are any left on the island and if the actual variety might help identify where it came from, or if there are any old ones (oaks can easily live hundreds of years) that could help determine at a minimum how long ago they were planted. Some websites have referred me to the bur oaks, and I did find pictures of some with flat tops like in the video, but NS is way out of its range and the overall shape isn't the same as the photos from Oak Island.

Anyone know anything about oak trees?
repetitive and boring...To replant the oaks from another country or continent would take soil from the original site they dug them up or collected acorns..But if they have shipped the cocoanut fibers then surely they did the dirt also..It's not like they had an Iphone to toy with...
To start oaks from acorns would take effort and patience, but I can't imagine saplings with intact root balls surviving the 6-12 week trip by boat from Europe. I don't know that the soil would have needed to be transported, though. I read that oaks do like acidic soil.
The picture has nothing significant.. Without seeing the leaf structure it's hard to tell from a pic.
The sparsity between the trees and the canopy type limb structures could be after a clear cut was executed by lumber processors...
My question is how long can they milk this fable?
What will the deciding factor be to quit?
When the Laginas give up, someone else will try. The show will disappear long before the next treasure hunter who is obsessed with finding the Holy Grail.
gheesh this guy is far fetched..
The guy in my link? Others say the Templars decided to bring all their priceless, irreplaceable, holiest treasure to an unknown land a long and dangerous journey from home to keep it "safe." LOL
But there is unexplained medieval religious symbolism on Oak Island. The monks who came with the explorers, maybe?
gheesh this guy is far fetched..
The guy in my link? Others say the Templars decided to bring all their priceless, irreplaceable, holiest treasure to an unknown land a long and dangerous journey from home to keep it "safe." LOL
But there is unexplained medieval religious symbolism on Oak Island. The monks who came with the explorers, maybe?
There are runes in rocks in SE Oklahoma also..
The show is a hoax

It is a shame what The History Channel has become. Ancient Aliens and Oak Island that "might" contain the Holy Grail and Arc of the Covenant

They have no interest is finding anything, just teasing what they might find
The show itself is as you say. The underlying story and the way it has hooked two centuries worth of treasure hunters that have spent tens of millions of dollars on it is not a made-for-TV hoax, though. The Money Pit itself can't ever be explained, I don't think, since it was completely destroyed by one of the first search companies using power equipment and was excavated into a huge cavern. If any building was around it or there was any archaeological clues as to what its function or purpose might have been has been lost forever.

There are interesting things going on there, though. Nolan's Cross is one. Some of the graffiti like the H-O stone is also puzzling. Why so much medieval religious symbolism there? The drain system at Smith's Cove is probably an old salt works used for salting fish in the 1700's and the Money Pit itself is probably not "booby trapped," just intersecting with natural tunnels of sea water that lace the substrata of the island. As with any island close to shore on this coast, it will have been used for multiple purposes over the years by a lot of different folks, but the Money Pit beats all. I can see why it hooked treasure hunters. They're kind of like compulsive gamblers--just ten more feet and we'll find it.
Seems more myth than anything

The legends of Pirates burying their treasure are largely disproven. Pirates looted and divided the bounty among the crew. Mostly they spent it on rum and whores. Saving it for a later day was not in the Pirate mentality. They did not expect to live that long

The best explanation for the money pit is that it is nothing more than a sink hole. The hole consumed trees and other timber and that was the "layers" they reported.
I think the secret stones with cryptic writing were just created to trick investors.
gheesh this guy is far fetched..
The guy in my link? Others say the Templars decided to bring all their priceless, irreplaceable, holiest treasure to an unknown land a long and dangerous journey from home to keep it "safe." LOL
But there is unexplained medieval religious symbolism on Oak Island. The monks who came with the explorers, maybe?
There are runes in rocks in SE Oklahoma also..
I've never bought the theory that in the whole long history of humans on this planet that the Americas were completely uninhabited until 13,000 years ago. Or even 20,000 years ago. What the scientific theories are based on is what they have discovered so far. More is being discovered everyday.
I think ancient (really ancient, way before we know about yet) peoples had figured out a great deal of the same stuff we have and that somehow that knowledge was lost in calamities and we have step by step "discovered" things the ancients knew thousands of years ago. Could they have traveled here from the Pacific Islands or Europe or Africa? Why not? I don't think alien space ships are necessary.
There are the Nazca Lines, though. Damn.
gheesh this guy is far fetched..
The guy in my link? Others say the Templars decided to bring all their priceless, irreplaceable, holiest treasure to an unknown land a long and dangerous journey from home to keep it "safe." LOL
But there is unexplained medieval religious symbolism on Oak Island. The monks who came with the explorers, maybe?
There are runes in rocks in SE Oklahoma also..
I've never bought the theory that in the whole long history of humans on this planet that the Americas were completely uninhabited until 13,000 years ago. Or even 20,000 years ago. What the scientific theories are based on is what they have discovered so far. More is being discovered everyday.
I think ancient (really ancient, way before we know about yet) peoples had figured out a great deal of the same stuff we have and that somehow that knowledge was lost in calamities and we have step by step "discovered" things the ancients knew thousands of years ago. Could they have traveled here from the Pacific Islands or Europe or Africa? Why not? I don't think alien space ships are necessary.
There are the Nazca Lines, though. Damn.
Too much evidence with simple items like dragons..How did cultures divided by oceans know and display dragons in the same manner.? Pyramids in places on Earth that had no colluding interaction...
The show is a hoax

It is a shame what The History Channel has become. Ancient Aliens and Oak Island that "might" contain the Holy Grail and Arc of the Covenant

They have no interest is finding anything, just teasing what they might find
The show itself is as you say. The underlying story and the way it has hooked two centuries worth of treasure hunters that have spent tens of millions of dollars on it is not a made-for-TV hoax, though. The Money Pit itself can't ever be explained, I don't think, since it was completely destroyed by one of the first search companies using power equipment and was excavated into a huge cavern. If any building was around it or there was any archaeological clues as to what its function or purpose might have been has been lost forever.

There are interesting things going on there, though. Nolan's Cross is one. Some of the graffiti like the H-O stone is also puzzling. Why so much medieval religious symbolism there? The drain system at Smith's Cove is probably an old salt works used for salting fish in the 1700's and the Money Pit itself is probably not "booby trapped," just intersecting with natural tunnels of sea water that lace the substrata of the island. As with any island close to shore on this coast, it will have been used for multiple purposes over the years by a lot of different folks, but the Money Pit beats all. I can see why it hooked treasure hunters. They're kind of like compulsive gamblers--just ten more feet and we'll find it.
Seems more myth than anything

The legends of Pirates burying their treasure are largely disproven. Pirates looted and divided the bounty among the crew. Mostly they spent it on rum and whores. Saving it for a later day was not in the Pirate mentality. They did not expect to live that long

The best explanation for the money pit is that it is nothing more than a sink hole. The hole consumed trees and other timber and that was the "layers" they reported.
I think the secret stones with cryptic writing were just created to trick investors.
Sink holes aren't 7x7 foot square with pick marks in the walls. It wasn't a sink hole, but one theory is as good as another now, since the Money Pit was destroyed long ago. What is left is back fill in a jumble and will probably contain nothing but everyday detritus.
I agree with you about the stone found at 90 feet in the Money Pit saying treasure was below. I don't agree with you about the H-O stone.

The “HO” stone was part of a huge boulder found on the Oak Island shore back in 1921 by treasure hunters, and which was covered in engraved writing. Without any apparent thought for the clues it might hold, they unfortunately blew it up. [Another researcher found it in the rubble in 1936-OL)

...a slab containing the mysterious markings of “H” and “O” and, in between the two letters, a cross surrounded by four dots...

Nichola also shed some light on the possible meanings of the H and the O — saying that the H could stand for the greek letter Eta, while the O was likely actually an Θ — the Greek letter Theta.

She also said that the Theta — which is the first letter of Theos, the Greek word for God, could be a Christogram, commonly used to represent Jesus Christ in Byzantine and medieval eras. One of the oldest Christograms was the Chi Rho cross, which was later adopted by the Knights Templar.


The Curse of Oak Island recap: The one where the Knights Templar carved pictures with their teeth

That's too technical for the average bear to be hoaxing folks with. It is not just those letters on the stone, either--below the H-O are portions of the letter R and another symbol that is too broken off to decipher. So it was clearly a piece of something larger and it sure looks weathered all to hell. I think it's a real something or other, not a hoax.
gheesh this guy is far fetched..
The guy in my link? Others say the Templars decided to bring all their priceless, irreplaceable, holiest treasure to an unknown land a long and dangerous journey from home to keep it "safe." LOL
But there is unexplained medieval religious symbolism on Oak Island. The monks who came with the explorers, maybe?
There are runes in rocks in SE Oklahoma also..
I've never bought the theory that in the whole long history of humans on this planet that the Americas were completely uninhabited until 13,000 years ago. Or even 20,000 years ago. What the scientific theories are based on is what they have discovered so far. More is being discovered everyday.
I think ancient (really ancient, way before we know about yet) peoples had figured out a great deal of the same stuff we have and that somehow that knowledge was lost in calamities and we have step by step "discovered" things the ancients knew thousands of years ago. Could they have traveled here from the Pacific Islands or Europe or Africa? Why not? I don't think alien space ships are necessary.
There are the Nazca Lines, though. Damn.
The archeological evidence is not there
gheesh this guy is far fetched..
The guy in my link? Others say the Templars decided to bring all their priceless, irreplaceable, holiest treasure to an unknown land a long and dangerous journey from home to keep it "safe." LOL
But there is unexplained medieval religious symbolism on Oak Island. The monks who came with the explorers, maybe?
There are runes in rocks in SE Oklahoma also..
I've never bought the theory that in the whole long history of humans on this planet that the Americas were completely uninhabited until 13,000 years ago. Or even 20,000 years ago. What the scientific theories are based on is what they have discovered so far. More is being discovered everyday.
I think ancient (really ancient, way before we know about yet) peoples had figured out a great deal of the same stuff we have and that somehow that knowledge was lost in calamities and we have step by step "discovered" things the ancients knew thousands of years ago. Could they have traveled here from the Pacific Islands or Europe or Africa? Why not? I don't think alien space ships are necessary.
There are the Nazca Lines, though. Damn.
The archeological evidence is not there
I know. I'm waiting. There is no harm in entertaining possibilities, so long as we remember that they ARE just possibilities.
The show is a hoax

It is a shame what The History Channel has become. Ancient Aliens and Oak Island that "might" contain the Holy Grail and Arc of the Covenant

They have no interest is finding anything, just teasing what they might find
The show itself is as you say. The underlying story and the way it has hooked two centuries worth of treasure hunters that have spent tens of millions of dollars on it is not a made-for-TV hoax, though. The Money Pit itself can't ever be explained, I don't think, since it was completely destroyed by one of the first search companies using power equipment and was excavated into a huge cavern. If any building was around it or there was any archaeological clues as to what its function or purpose might have been has been lost forever.

There are interesting things going on there, though. Nolan's Cross is one. Some of the graffiti like the H-O stone is also puzzling. Why so much medieval religious symbolism there? The drain system at Smith's Cove is probably an old salt works used for salting fish in the 1700's and the Money Pit itself is probably not "booby trapped," just intersecting with natural tunnels of sea water that lace the substrata of the island. As with any island close to shore on this coast, it will have been used for multiple purposes over the years by a lot of different folks, but the Money Pit beats all. I can see why it hooked treasure hunters. They're kind of like compulsive gamblers--just ten more feet and we'll find it.
Seems more myth than anything

The legends of Pirates burying their treasure are largely disproven. Pirates looted and divided the bounty among the crew. Mostly they spent it on rum and whores. Saving it for a later day was not in the Pirate mentality. They did not expect to live that long

The best explanation for the money pit is that it is nothing more than a sink hole. The hole consumed trees and other timber and that was the "layers" they reported.
I think the secret stones with cryptic writing were just created to trick investors.
Sink holes aren't 7x7 foot square with pick marks in the walls. It wasn't a sink hole, but one theory is as good as another now, since the Money Pit was destroyed long ago. What is left is back fill in a jumble and will probably contain nothing but everyday detritus.
I agree with you about the stone found at 90 feet in the Money Pit saying treasure was below. I don't agree with you about the H-O stone.

The “HO” stone was part of a huge boulder found on the Oak Island shore back in 1921 by treasure hunters, and which was covered in engraved writing. Without any apparent thought for the clues it might hold, they unfortunately blew it up. [Another researcher found it in the rubble in 1936-OL)

...a slab containing the mysterious markings of “H” and “O” and, in between the two letters, a cross surrounded by four dots...

Nichola also shed some light on the possible meanings of the H and the O — saying that the H could stand for the greek letter Eta, while the O was likely actually an Θ — the Greek letter Theta.

She also said that the Theta — which is the first letter of Theos, the Greek word for God, could be a Christogram, commonly used to represent Jesus Christ in Byzantine and medieval eras. One of the oldest Christograms was the Chi Rho cross, which was later adopted by the Knights Templar.

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The Curse of Oak Island recap: The one where the Knights Templar carved pictures with their teeth

That's too technical for the average bear to be hoaxing folks with. It is not just those letters on the stone, either--below the H-O are portions of the letter R and another symbol that is too broken off to decipher. So it was clearly a piece of something larger and it sure looks weathered all to hell. I think it's a real something or other, not a hoax.

I vacationed in Nova Scotia about 15 years ago. I stayed in the Lunenburg/ Mahone Bay Area and saw Oak Island from the shore. You were not allowed to visit

The island is nothing special for travelers from thousands of miles away would pick it out. I saw many places on Nova Scotia that look like a better place to hide stuff than that crappy little island

Did someone from Europe travel thousands of miles and pick out that crappy little island to hold secret ceremonies or could it have been locals in the 1600s who did the same thing?

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