NYC to spend $1.1 B on housing the homeless ( actually illegals) at $174/night hotels

Couldn't they lease it out so they wouldn't have to lose all their $$ on it?
With the economy improving so much, why are there suddenly so many more tent cities? Something is wrong with this picture.
In some countries in Europe if a building is vacant, you can squat there for free since buildings are part of the city/nations infrastructure and standing there vacant, earning nothing, is a waste while people freeze to death on the streets. Our 'leaders' in America do not care about waste or homelessness in America. It is always about "beating" others by being more successful... screw the 'losers.' We are a sad society in many ways.
Many states have adverse possession laws, actually.
OldLady i forgot about that.
It just seemed like an idea. I'm glad to hear some countries use it, anyway..
We do too.

yes-----squatting in New York City is now THE FUN THING TO DO
Yep. It seems in NYC squatters rights only takes 30 days! Then the only way the owner can kick you out is to go through legal eviction.
In some countries in Europe if a building is vacant, you can squat there for free since buildings are part of the city/nations infrastructure and standing there vacant, earning nothing, is a waste while people freeze to death on the streets. Our 'leaders' in America do not care about waste or homelessness in America. It is always about "beating" others by being more successful... screw the 'losers.' We are a sad society in many ways.
Many states have adverse possession laws, actually.
OldLady i forgot about that.
It just seemed like an idea. I'm glad to hear some countries use it, anyway..
We do too.

yes-----squatting in New York City is now THE FUN THING TO DO
Funny, it seems complaining about and wishing for bad things to happen to your fellow American Citizens is the "fun thing" to do for you.
DUDE you just compared her to a murdering dictator in Asia.
Get your head outta yer ass
I visited NYC on a day tour once in the mid-80's. We drove through Harlem, block after block of vacant buildings bricked up with concrete blocks in the windows and doors, and at Battery Park, homeless folks aggressively snatching all the garbage from the cans and snoozing in the shade; there was a guy taking a bath in the fountain outside Jackie O's condominium.
It occurred to me the homeless could be living in some of those vacant buildings.

big problem back then-------lots of those vacant building were privately
OWNED. Lots were not privately owned but were lost to back taxes.
Lots of those building became slum tenements . Projects to expropriate
the buildings for back taxes created even more SLUMS ----crime ridden and
bottom line crime sewers
I rented from a slumlord once; lousy neighborhood but it was all I could afford. On the outskirts of our neighborhood, a real estate developer bought a big chunk of land to build McMansions and wanted our neighborhood gone. So they started forcing out the slumlords for whatever they could get them on. Sold my building to an obnoxious yuppie couple who doubled my rent in a year and never touched the place as far as any improvements. It was happening to everyone in the neighborhood and all us poor folks got forced out. But karma bit them in the ass: the real estate crash happened and the fancy housing development never got built and the property those young pricks bought was worth less than they paid for it.
Everybody lost, including those of us who couldn't afford to live anywhere else.
I hate the way only money talks.
With all of the people and state governments who seem dedicated to increasing the number of unwanted kids, they must have some great plans in place for housing, food, and other care. After all, they have to deal with infants and kids, which is more difficult. It would be wonderful if they would share their plans with NYC officials.
Which better ways? We could get the mentally ill medical help, the jobless jobs, etc. But immediately it would be the moral thing to get homeless people into housing which is what NYC want's to do.

you may not be aware of just what Mayor DiBlasio is doing and you may not
remember the FIASCO created by one ROBERT MOSES about 50 years
ago. Big housing projects that DESTROYED neighborhoods-----it's happening
again. There was once a really FINE public library in Brooklyn-------it is being
turned into a SLUM LORD's paradise complete with "city funding" in community that will now be wracked with MORE CRIME. -----people are getting rich---depending upon whom they know-------small landowners (ie anyone with a house) is being targeted as a helpless victim. you may not remember the era
circa the 1970s and up to the mid eighties-------the city crumbled-----it is, according
to my crystal ball-------going to happen again

NYC has been in trouble since the Welland canal opened in 1829.

screw you---------may your head collide with foul ball in Yankee stadium
That's the attitude I'm used to seeing from conservatives! Insults coupled with bad wishes for your fellow citizens. Kim Jun Un would see you as an "fellow traveler." lmao
Rosie is a conservative because she made a joke? Wow OK lol
You need to take a breather bro

I am a registered democrat from the DAY I turned 21. Trump is the very first
republican for whom I voted. -------- I am an "anybody but hellcat" girl
With all of the people and state governments who seem dedicated to increasing the number of unwanted kids, they must have some great plans in place for housing, food, and other care. After all, they have to deal with infants and kids, which is more difficult. It would be wonderful if they would share their plans with NYC officials.

Long, long long ago----when I was young-----a forward thinking governor of
reactionary New Jersey-----decided to SMOOTH OUT state funding of
schools so that low income area people could get a fair shake--(school funding
is property tax based over there) He is LUCKY to have survived---he is still
rolling along-------doing good things CONGRATS. mate---fellow Rutgers thing
and fellow navy thing-------but lost on re-run---------in reactionary NJ
With all of the people and state governments who seem dedicated to increasing the number of unwanted kids, they must have some great plans in place for housing, food, and other care. After all, they have to deal with infants and kids, which is more difficult. It would be wonderful if they would share their plans with NYC officials.

Long, long long ago----when I was young-----a forward thinking governor of
reactionary New Jersey-----decided to SMOOTH OUT state funding of
schools so that low income area people could get a fair shake--(school funding
is property tax based over there) He is LUCKY to have survived---he is still
rolling along-------doing good things CONGRATS. mate---fellow Rutgers thing
and fellow navy thing-------but lost on re-run---------in reactionary NJ
I don't know exactly what you are trying to say. I was born and raised in Bergen County. In fact, I first saw the light of day in Holy Name Hospital on Teaneck Road. As of my parents' deaths, I own a corner property in Swanky Township, N.J., for which I am responsible for the property taxes until I can sell the place.
But all in all, I don't understand what you are trying to get at. You're comment did not respond to my post.
With all of the people and state governments who seem dedicated to increasing the number of unwanted kids, they must have some great plans in place for housing, food, and other care. After all, they have to deal with infants and kids, which is more difficult. It would be wonderful if they would share their plans with NYC officials.

Long, long long ago----when I was young-----a forward thinking governor of
reactionary New Jersey-----decided to SMOOTH OUT state funding of
schools so that low income area people could get a fair shake--(school funding
is property tax based over there) He is LUCKY to have survived---he is still
rolling along-------doing good things CONGRATS. mate---fellow Rutgers thing
and fellow navy thing-------but lost on re-run---------in reactionary NJ
I don't know exactly what you are trying to say. I was born and raised in Bergen County. In fact, I first saw the light of day in Holy Name Hospital on Teaneck Road. As of my parents' deaths, I own a corner property in Swanky Township, N.J., for which I am responsible for the property taxes until I can sell the place.
But all in all, I don't understand what you are trying to get at. You're comment did not respond to my post.

depends on your age-----Bergen County used be a hot-shot----upper middle to upper class -------reactionary cesspit. Now-----it harbored "restricted" golf
clubs and swimming pools--------IT CHANGED to a significant degree
With all of the people and state governments who seem dedicated to increasing the number of unwanted kids, they must have some great plans in place for housing, food, and other care. After all, they have to deal with infants and kids, which is more difficult. It would be wonderful if they would share their plans with NYC officials.

Long, long long ago----when I was young-----a forward thinking governor of
reactionary New Jersey-----decided to SMOOTH OUT state funding of
schools so that low income area people could get a fair shake--(school funding
is property tax based over there) He is LUCKY to have survived---he is still
rolling along-------doing good things CONGRATS. mate---fellow Rutgers thing
and fellow navy thing-------but lost on re-run---------in reactionary NJ
I don't know exactly what you are trying to say. I was born and raised in Bergen County. In fact, I first saw the light of day in Holy Name Hospital on Teaneck Road. As of my parents' deaths, I own a corner property in Swanky Township, N.J., for which I am responsible for the property taxes until I can sell the place.
But all in all, I don't understand what you are trying to get at. You're comment did not respond to my post.

Between dropping prices and higher taxes I would say cut your exposure. Then again I just dumped anything I would not be delighted to have put to me. My portfolio is 16% smaller but I won't have trouble no matter what happens.
you may not be aware of just what Mayor DiBlasio is doing and you may not
remember the FIASCO created by one ROBERT MOSES about 50 years
ago. Big housing projects that DESTROYED neighborhoods-----it's happening
again. There was once a really FINE public library in Brooklyn-------it is being
turned into a SLUM LORD's paradise complete with "city funding" in community that will now be wracked with MORE CRIME. -----people are getting rich---depending upon whom they know-------small landowners (ie anyone with a house) is being targeted as a helpless victim. you may not remember the era
circa the 1970s and up to the mid eighties-------the city crumbled-----it is, according
to my crystal ball-------going to happen again

NYC has been in trouble since the Welland canal opened in 1829.

screw you---------may your head collide with foul ball in Yankee stadium
That's the attitude I'm used to seeing from conservatives! Insults coupled with bad wishes for your fellow citizens. Kim Jun Un would see you as an "fellow traveler." lmao
Rosie is a conservative because she made a joke? Wow OK lol
You need to take a breather bro

I am a registered democrat from the DAY I turned 21. Trump is the very first
republican for whom I voted. -------- I am an "anybody but hellcat" girl
Unless you were born before WWII you could legally vote (and register) on the day you turned 18. If you were convinced 'Hillary was a hellcat' but you were a Democrat, so you would vote for a bigoted, hateful Republican, you were one of the many the Russians targeted as dumb enough to fall for hostile foreign propaganda, convincing you as such.
Long, long long ago----when I was young-----a forward thinking governor of
reactionary New Jersey-----decided to SMOOTH OUT state funding of
schools so that low income area people could get a fair shake--(school funding
is property tax based over there)

So he forced white taxpayers to pay for the schools in black areas while the blacks who lived in that area and used the schools did not pay anything!!! You call that a fair shake??? THINK
In some countries in Europe if a building is vacant, you can squat there for free since buildings are part of the city/nations infrastructure and standing there vacant, earning nothing, is a waste while people freeze to death on the streets. Our 'leaders' in America do not care about waste or homelessness in America. It is always about "beating" others by being more successful... screw the 'losers.' We are a sad society in many ways.

Unlike you, most people frown on stealing. If i own a house and choose to let it sit there unused, so be it. You don't have the right to steal it. THINK
Long, long long ago----when I was young-----a forward thinking governor of
reactionary New Jersey-----decided to SMOOTH OUT state funding of
schools so that low income area people could get a fair shake--(school funding
is property tax based over there)

So he forced white taxpayers to pay for the schools in black areas while the blacks who lived in that area and used the schools did not pay anything!!! You call that a fair shake??? THINK

Paying for schools is for the kids and for the future of our society. Public education is a cornerstone of U.S. society. You seem to have no notion of what living in a society is all about. As they say, "no man is an island." Moreover, many of us were raised with religious beliefs regarding the care of those less fortunate than ourselves. And from a pragmatic standpoint, why would it be beneficial to society to have a large population of totally uneducated and illiterate people?
Long, long long ago----when I was young-----a forward thinking governor of
reactionary New Jersey-----decided to SMOOTH OUT state funding of
schools so that low income area people could get a fair shake--(school funding
is property tax based over there)

So he forced white taxpayers to pay for the schools in black areas while the blacks who lived in that area and used the schools did not pay anything!!! You call that a fair shake??? THINK

yes----PUBLIC SCHOOLS like side walks and water are for EVERYONE
In some countries in Europe if a building is vacant, you can squat there for free since buildings are part of the city/nations infrastructure and standing there vacant, earning nothing, is a waste while people freeze to death on the streets. Our 'leaders' in America do not care about waste or homelessness in America. It is always about "beating" others by being more successful... screw the 'losers.' We are a sad society in many ways.

Unlike you, most people frown on stealing. If i own a house and choose to let it sit there unused, so be it. You don't have the right to steal it. THINK
If you choose to let your building rot while your fellow family members are freezing on the streets you are more of a Fascist than you are an American and definitely more of Satans little lap puppy than you are a Christian. Don't claim morality and then preach immorality.

I let yet go and masturbate in front of your shirtless Putin poster now as I know talking to actual American veteran's and citizens makes you cry.
[ And from a pragmatic standpoint, why would it be beneficial to society to have a large population of totally uneducated and illiterate people?

Because it saves money. 90% of pure blacks can never learn how to read no matter how much we try to teach them. Like trying to teach a dog how to read. THINK

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