NYC Mayor De Blimpo doesn't want anyone bringing up his Chinese Virus comments downplaying it.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
This idiot has criticized Trump's response, but when his own words are brought up he says we "don't have time to look back".

Just another Dimsocialist hypocrite.

De Blasio admonishes critics not to 'look back' on his previous efforts to downplay coronavirus

With the Big Apple now the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak in the United States, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said Sunday that critics should not be "focusing" on "anything looking back on any level of government right now" -- including his previous statements urging his constituents to go about their lives and not worry about the virus.

On Jan. 24, de Blasio said New Yorkers should "continue living as you have"; on Feb. 14 he said, "this should not stop you from going about your life ... from going out to Chinatown and going out to eat"; and on Mar. 13, he reiterated "we wanted people to go on about their lives." The Trump administration restricted travel to China on Jan. 31 in response to the mounting coronavirus threat.

Confronted with those soundbites on CNN's "State of the Union," de Blasio initially downplayed the comments before ultimately acknowledging that the questions were "fair."

"This is just about how we save lives going forward. Everyone was working with the information we had, and trying of course to avoid panic," de Blasio began. "The bottom line is none of us have time to look backwards. I'm trying to figure out how we get through next Sunday, and what we do the week after that."

When anchor Jake Tapper reminded the mayor that he has harshly criticized President Trump's response to the crisis, de Blasio insisted that he had argued in real-time that coronavirus testing was insufficient.

At the same time, de Blasio continued: "There's no time to go back over that; there's only time to focus on getting through the next week and the week after that. You can ask all the questions you want. They're fair. But I think the time to deal with these questions is after this war is over. Because literally here in New York City, it feels like a wartime environment."

cuomo and deblasio are exactly where I want them.... killing off their own yankee fucks with their awesome Wuhan Flu leadership. They want to thin that shithole out a bit. Give Darwin a nod.
Hard to believe Dimsocialists are trying to blame the cesspool NYC is now on Trump when the city and state leaders were such idiots and ignored Trump's lead on this.
Let’s call it what it is


Its the DemVirus, its the Dem states and Dem cities where the virus has got out of control. Then the idiot Dem's stupidly traveled and spread their filthy virus to other areas. Even liberal Rhode Island want's NY Dems to stay away.
Moron. Everyone travels. It is everyone’s virus.
Let’s call it what it is


Its the DemVirus, its the Dem states and Dem cities where the virus has got out of control. Then the idiot Dem's stupidly traveled and spread their filthy virus to other areas. Even liberal Rhode Island want's NY Dems to stay away.
Moron. Everyone travels. It is everyone’s virus.

Sorry if the truth hurts, the vast majority of infections and deaths are concentrated in Democrat run states and Democrat run cities. The vast majority of holiday destinations were infected by Dems traveling south from these hot spots and spreading the virus.
Let’s call it what it is


Its the DemVirus, its the Dem states and Dem cities where the virus has got out of control. Then the idiot Dem's stupidly traveled and spread their filthy virus to other areas. Even liberal Rhode Island want's NY Dems to stay away.
Moron. Everyone travels. It is everyone’s virus.

Sorry if the truth hurts, the vast majority of infections and deaths are concentrated in Democrat run states and Democrat run cities. The vast majority of holiday destinations were infected by Dems traveling south from these hot spots and spreading the virus.
Not quite simply simple. They occurred in densely populated cities, where there is a lot of travel. Major American centers. politics has nothing to do with it other than idiot politicians like deBlasio and Nunes encouraging people to mingle, or the idiot governor of Florida not closing the beaches for Spring Break.

Let’s call it what it is


Its the DemVirus, its the Dem states and Dem cities where the virus has got out of control. Then the idiot Dem's stupidly traveled and spread their filthy virus to other areas. Even liberal Rhode Island want's NY Dems to stay away.
Moron. Everyone travels. It is everyone’s virus.

Sorry if the truth hurts, the vast majority of infections and deaths are concentrated in Democrat run states and Democrat run cities. The vast majority of holiday destinations were infected by Dems traveling south from these hot spots and spreading the virus.
Not quite simply simple. They occurred in densely populated cities, where there is a lot of travel. Major American centers. politics has nothing to do with it other than idiot politicians like deBlasio and Nunes encouraging people to mingle, or the idiot governor of Florida not closing the beaches for Spring Break.


Or...because Dem health officials in Dem NY City as late as Feb, 2nd were telling NY City Dems not to worry about the virus, keep riding the subways and go to work.

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