NY Times: Gay Hotel Owners Should Be Harassed, Punished For Speaking With Ted Cruz

Now they are going after homosexuals for SPEAKING to a Republican..Maybe they (gays) will get tired of being harassed and bullied too
Some damn ugly intolerance from the Slimes

The New York Times reported:
Ian Reisner, left, and Mati Weiderpass, co-owners of The Out NYC hotel, cut the ribbon for New York’s new gay resort hotel, March 1, 2012. (Photo by Richard Drew/AP)

Ian Reisner came out of the closet while at Salomon Brothers. He spoke out about his experience in a previous video.

Less than a week after two popular gay New York City hotel owners met with Ted Cruz a gay non-profit group announced its plans to cancel an event at one of Ian Reisner’s hotel.

A boycott of Fire Island Pines Establishments and Out NYC was also organized by angry gay activists after the meeting with Cruz.

On Sunday Ian Reisner apologized to the gay mob.

Of course, the Facebook Boycott page continued its attacks on Reisner and Wilderpass despite their apology.

Today at The New York Times Andrew Rosenthal agreed that gays should be harassed, boycotted and punished for speaking with Republican Ted Cruz.

It’s hard not to feel sympathy for Ian Reisner and Mati Weiderpass, the gay businessmen who invited a dozen people to dine with Senator Ted Cruz, the presidential poser, at their New York home. Mr. Reisner and Mr. Weiderpass had evident good intentions. There is certainly a shortage in this country of sensible political communication.

It is, however, equally hard to understand what on earth they thought they were doing. There is not a Republican on the national scene who supports the right of Americans to marry whomever they choose. Very few of them truly believe in protecting the civil rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Americans at all. And Mr. Cruz dwells on the far side of right-wing crazy on most issues, including this one.

all of it here:
NY Times Gay Hotel Owners Should Be Harassed Punished For Speaking With Ted Cruz The Gateway Pundit

Only, nowhere does it actually say that Andrew Rosenthal agreed "that gays should be harassed, boycotted and punished for speaking with Republican Ted Cruz."

The two small paragraphs after that silly statement don't back the statement up at all.

Why do Righties always make up shit and then wonder why we laugh at them?

Question: when will Righties stop lying?

Answer: never.
She's using the Gateway Pundit aka Jim "Stupidest man on the Internet" Hoft as a source. Can't expect much when you stoop to scraping that low into the barrel.

He included links to sites in the article, one is a FB page calling for a boycott. Lame attempt at deflection.

it's the head clown. His duty on here is to derail EVERY damn thread posted on this board

Meh, I usually ignore him but this one was too easy to make him look like a jagoff
Now they are going after homosexuals for SPEAKING to a Republican..Maybe they (gays) will get tired of being harassed and bullied too
Some damn ugly intolerance from the Slimes

The New York Times reported:
Ian Reisner, left, and Mati Weiderpass, co-owners of The Out NYC hotel, cut the ribbon for New York’s new gay resort hotel, March 1, 2012. (Photo by Richard Drew/AP)

Ian Reisner came out of the closet while at Salomon Brothers. He spoke out about his experience in a previous video.

Less than a week after two popular gay New York City hotel owners met with Ted Cruz a gay non-profit group announced its plans to cancel an event at one of Ian Reisner’s hotel.

A boycott of Fire Island Pines Establishments and Out NYC was also organized by angry gay activists after the meeting with Cruz.

On Sunday Ian Reisner apologized to the gay mob.

Of course, the Facebook Boycott page continued its attacks on Reisner and Wilderpass despite their apology.

Today at The New York Times Andrew Rosenthal agreed that gays should be harassed, boycotted and punished for speaking with Republican Ted Cruz.

It’s hard not to feel sympathy for Ian Reisner and Mati Weiderpass, the gay businessmen who invited a dozen people to dine with Senator Ted Cruz, the presidential poser, at their New York home. Mr. Reisner and Mr. Weiderpass had evident good intentions. There is certainly a shortage in this country of sensible political communication.

It is, however, equally hard to understand what on earth they thought they were doing. There is not a Republican on the national scene who supports the right of Americans to marry whomever they choose. Very few of them truly believe in protecting the civil rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Americans at all. And Mr. Cruz dwells on the far side of right-wing crazy on most issues, including this one.

all of it here:
NY Times Gay Hotel Owners Should Be Harassed Punished For Speaking With Ted Cruz The Gateway Pundit

Only, nowhere does it actually say that Andrew Rosenthal agreed "that gays should be harassed, boycotted and punished for speaking with Republican Ted Cruz."

The two small paragraphs after that silly statement don't back the statement up at all.

Why do Righties always make up shit and then wonder why we laugh at them?

Question: when will Righties stop lying?

Answer: never.
She's using the Gateway Pundit aka Jim "Stupidest man on the Internet" Hoft as a source. Can't expect much when you stoop to scraping that low into the barrel.

He included links to sites in the article, one is a FB page calling for a boycott. Lame attempt at deflection.

it's the head clown. His duty on here is to derail EVERY damn thread posted on this board

Meh, I usually ignore him but this one was too easy to make him look like a jagoff

He makes it easy
Only, nowhere does it actually say that Andrew Rosenthal agreed "that gays should be harassed, boycotted and punished for speaking with Republican Ted Cruz."

The two small paragraphs after that silly statement don't back the statement up at all.

Why do Righties always make up shit and then wonder why we laugh at them?

Question: when will Righties stop lying?

Answer: never.
She's using the Gateway Pundit aka Jim "Stupidest man on the Internet" Hoft as a source. Can't expect much when you stoop to scraping that low into the barrel.

He included links to sites in the article, one is a FB page calling for a boycott. Lame attempt at deflection.

it's the head clown. His duty on here is to derail EVERY damn thread posted on this board

Meh, I usually ignore him but this one was too easy to make him look like a jagoff

He makes it easy
Still waiting for you to explain your blatant lie Stephanie- or the truth no longer an issue for your brand of Conservatives?
Now they are going after homosexuals for SPEAKING to a Republican..Maybe they (gays) will get tired of being harassed and bullied too
Some damn ugly intolerance from the Slimes

The New York Times reported:
Ian Reisner, left, and Mati Weiderpass, co-owners of The Out NYC hotel, cut the ribbon for New York’s new gay resort hotel, March 1, 2012. (Photo by Richard Drew/AP)

Ian Reisner came out of the closet while at Salomon Brothers. He spoke out about his experience in a previous video.

Less than a week after two popular gay New York City hotel owners met with Ted Cruz a gay non-profit group announced its plans to cancel an event at one of Ian Reisner’s hotel.

A boycott of Fire Island Pines Establishments and Out NYC was also organized by angry gay activists after the meeting with Cruz.

On Sunday Ian Reisner apologized to the gay mob.

Of course, the Facebook Boycott page continued its attacks on Reisner and Wilderpass despite their apology.

Today at The New York Times Andrew Rosenthal agreed that gays should be harassed, boycotted and punished for speaking with Republican Ted Cruz.

It’s hard not to feel sympathy for Ian Reisner and Mati Weiderpass, the gay businessmen who invited a dozen people to dine with Senator Ted Cruz, the presidential poser, at their New York home. Mr. Reisner and Mr. Weiderpass had evident good intentions. There is certainly a shortage in this country of sensible political communication.

It is, however, equally hard to understand what on earth they thought they were doing. There is not a Republican on the national scene who supports the right of Americans to marry whomever they choose. Very few of them truly believe in protecting the civil rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Americans at all. And Mr. Cruz dwells on the far side of right-wing crazy on most issues, including this one.

all of it here:
NY Times Gay Hotel Owners Should Be Harassed Punished For Speaking With Ted Cruz The Gateway Pundit

Only, nowhere does it actually say that Andrew Rosenthal agreed "that gays should be harassed, boycotted and punished for speaking with Republican Ted Cruz."

The two small paragraphs after that silly statement don't back the statement up at all.

Why do Righties always make up shit and then wonder why we laugh at them?

Question: when will Righties stop lying?

Answer: never.
She's using the Gateway Pundit aka Jim "Stupidest man on the Internet" Hoft as a source. Can't expect much when you stoop to scraping that low into the barrel.

He included links to sites in the article, one is a FB page calling for a boycott. Lame attempt at deflection.

it's the head clown. His duty on here is to derail EVERY thread posted

Still waiting for you to explain your blatant lie Stephanie- or the truth no longer an issue for your brand of Conservatives?

Stephanie and the truth???

Now they are going after homosexuals for SPEAKING to a Republican..Maybe they (gays) will get tired of being harassed and bullied too
Some damn ugly intolerance from the Slimes

The New York Times reported:
Ian Reisner, left, and Mati Weiderpass, co-owners of The Out NYC hotel, cut the ribbon for New York’s new gay resort hotel, March 1, 2012. (Photo by Richard Drew/AP)

Ian Reisner came out of the closet while at Salomon Brothers. He spoke out about his experience in a previous video.

Less than a week after two popular gay New York City hotel owners met with Ted Cruz a gay non-profit group announced its plans to cancel an event at one of Ian Reisner’s hotel.

A boycott of Fire Island Pines Establishments and Out NYC was also organized by angry gay activists after the meeting with Cruz.

On Sunday Ian Reisner apologized to the gay mob.

Of course, the Facebook Boycott page continued its attacks on Reisner and Wilderpass despite their apology.

Today at The New York Times Andrew Rosenthal agreed that gays should be harassed, boycotted and punished for speaking with Republican Ted Cruz.

It’s hard not to feel sympathy for Ian Reisner and Mati Weiderpass, the gay businessmen who invited a dozen people to dine with Senator Ted Cruz, the presidential poser, at their New York home. Mr. Reisner and Mr. Weiderpass had evident good intentions. There is certainly a shortage in this country of sensible political communication.

It is, however, equally hard to understand what on earth they thought they were doing. There is not a Republican on the national scene who supports the right of Americans to marry whomever they choose. Very few of them truly believe in protecting the civil rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Americans at all. And Mr. Cruz dwells on the far side of right-wing crazy on most issues, including this one.

all of it here:
NY Times Gay Hotel Owners Should Be Harassed Punished For Speaking With Ted Cruz The Gateway Pundit

Only, nowhere does it actually say that Andrew Rosenthal agreed "that gays should be harassed, boycotted and punished for speaking with Republican Ted Cruz."

The two small paragraphs after that silly statement don't back the statement up at all.

Why do Righties always make up shit and then wonder why we laugh at them?

Question: when will Righties stop lying?

Answer: never.
She's using the Gateway Pundit aka Jim "Stupidest man on the Internet" Hoft as a source. Can't expect much when you stoop to scraping that low into the barrel.

He included links to sites in the article, one is a FB page calling for a boycott. Lame attempt at deflection.

it's the head clown. His duty on here is to derail EVERY damn thread posted on this board

OMG frikken frikken head clwon ritzen-fritzen runtle-cuntle EVERY damn thread psotied GAWD!!!
who want to join a board to see six or seven clowns show their ass all over the place.

can't say I'd blame them if they don't
As the article I posted says, one of owners stated that they invited Cruz because he supports Israel, and that he will vote for Hillary.
I think the hotel owners acted foolishly and am glad that they apologized.

They didn't act nearly as foolishly as the gaystapo. The homos need to relax, people are weary of this nonsense.
Now they are going after homosexuals for SPEAKING to a Republican..Maybe they (gays) will get tired of being harassed and bullied too
Some damn ugly intolerance from the Slimes

The New York Times reported:
Ian Reisner, left, and Mati Weiderpass, co-owners of The Out NYC hotel, cut the ribbon for New York’s new gay resort hotel, March 1, 2012. (Photo by Richard Drew/AP)

Ian Reisner came out of the closet while at Salomon Brothers. He spoke out about his experience in a previous video.

Less than a week after two popular gay New York City hotel owners met with Ted Cruz a gay non-profit group announced its plans to cancel an event at one of Ian Reisner’s hotel.

A boycott of Fire Island Pines Establishments and Out NYC was also organized by angry gay activists after the meeting with Cruz.

On Sunday Ian Reisner apologized to the gay mob.

Of course, the Facebook Boycott page continued its attacks on Reisner and Wilderpass despite their apology.

Today at The New York Times Andrew Rosenthal agreed that gays should be harassed, boycotted and punished for speaking with Republican Ted Cruz.

It’s hard not to feel sympathy for Ian Reisner and Mati Weiderpass, the gay businessmen who invited a dozen people to dine with Senator Ted Cruz, the presidential poser, at their New York home. Mr. Reisner and Mr. Weiderpass had evident good intentions. There is certainly a shortage in this country of sensible political communication.

It is, however, equally hard to understand what on earth they thought they were doing. There is not a Republican on the national scene who supports the right of Americans to marry whomever they choose. Very few of them truly believe in protecting the civil rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Americans at all. And Mr. Cruz dwells on the far side of right-wing crazy on most issues, including this one.

all of it here:
NY Times Gay Hotel Owners Should Be Harassed Punished For Speaking With Ted Cruz The Gateway Pundit

Only, nowhere does it actually say that Andrew Rosenthal agreed "that gays should be harassed, boycotted and punished for speaking with Republican Ted Cruz."

The two small paragraphs after that silly statement don't back the statement up at all.

Why do Righties always make up shit and then wonder why we laugh at them?

Question: when will Righties stop lying?

Answer: never.
She's using the Gateway Pundit aka Jim "Stupidest man on the Internet" Hoft as a source. Can't expect much when you stoop to scraping that low into the barrel.

He included links to sites in the article, one is a FB page calling for a boycott. Lame attempt at deflection.

it's the head clown. His duty on here is to derail EVERY thread posted

Still waiting for you to explain your blatant lie Stephanie- or the truth no longer an issue for your brand of Conservatives?
You say that "no longer" as if truth ever were an issue to her brand of Conservatives.
As the article I posted says, one of owners stated that they invited Cruz because he supports Israel, and that he will vote for Hillary.
I think the hotel owners acted foolishly and am glad that they apologized.

They didn't act nearly as foolishly as the gaystapo. The homos need to relax, people are weary of this nonsense.
Who besides you two are getting all bent (chuckle) over this?
As the article I posted says, one of owners stated that they invited Cruz because he supports Israel, and that he will vote for Hillary.
I think the hotel owners acted foolishly and am glad that they apologized.

They didn't act nearly as foolishly as the gaystapo. The homos need to relax, people are weary of this nonsense.
Proverbs 12:19English Standard Version (ESV)
19 Truthful lips endure forever,
but a lying tongue is but for a moment.
As the article I posted says, one of owners stated that they invited Cruz because he supports Israel, and that he will vote for Hillary.
I think the hotel owners acted foolishly and am glad that they apologized.

They didn't act nearly as foolishly as the gaystapo. The homos need to relax, people are weary of this nonsense.
Proverbs 14:5 ESV / 18 helpful votes
A faithful witness does not lie, but a false witness breathes out lies.
How sad to see this GROWN man grovel and beg forgiveness just for having someone who is from a political party over to their place for a sit down

the slimes and the gay mafia is making them and all gay people, look like weak pathetic people and are the BIGOTS in this country

hopefully they will start standing up to them and tell them to go to hell
who want to join a board to see six or seven clowns show their ass all over the place.

can't say I'd blame them if they don't




"six or seven clowns"

Ahah....... I count 12, and that is just the start...
So, Stephanie, when are you going to finally provide evidence that the NTY said that those gay hotel owers should be harassed and punished for speaking with Ted Cruz, as your OP title so erroneously says?

Or do you completely lack the ability to read for content, hmmmm???
So, Stephanie, when are you going to finally provide evidence that the NTY said that those gay hotel owers should be harassed and punished for speaking with Ted Cruz, as your OP title so erroneously says?

Or do you completely lack the ability to read for content, hmmmm???

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